A New Era - Channeled |
Creating Space for the New Era by Archangel Metatron Channelled through Natalie Glasson-
20th June 2013- www.omna.org 'I am aligned as one
with the Creator; I choose conscious awareness of the Creator as my eternal existence and experience. With peace within my being flows the eternal welcoming of conscious attentiveness to
the Creator within and around me. I am the truth
that I seek, I allow myself to dissolve the pattern of seeking, I allow it to be replaced with a connected knowingness that
flows throughout every cell of my entire being. I
recognise inner unconditional love born from the breath and life of my being as a manifestation and form of communion with
the Creator. The gift of knowingness of the
Creator I readily and happily bestow upon myself as an eternal gift that has always been mine to activate, receive,
experience and express with ease, and will continue to be an aspect of my being whichever form I take, whether on the
Earth or the inner planes. I
am that I seek, I allow myself to exist as and experience all that is my sacred self and essence.' The above words create powerful affirmations that denote a pathway of focus for those
wishing to experience a deeper ascension path in this new era of creation and experience. As you familiarise yourself with
the words, the intentions, meaning and form that they take within your being, you become as one with the affirmations creating
a powerful surge of manifestation, connection, awakening and activation within your being. This is your truth erupting with
great bliss, pleasure and power, restoring to you the power that has been taken away from you and which you have many times
given away freely; this is the remembrance of your essence within all that you perceive consciously and unconsciously as your
sacred self. Your essence is your power, it can be interpreted through many expressions of power but it can never be diminished.
Your essence which can hold many labels such as truth, soul or spirit can be limited, hindered, restricted and constrained
by you and others sometimes intentionally other times involuntarily. Whether your remembrance of your essence and its flow
which emerges as a power both strong and gentle is limited or not, it will always choose expansion. Sometimes frustrations
and pains can emerge as a result of the essence or soul wishing to expand more fully therefore existing as a greater aspect
of the Creator. You have the ability and the space within your current reality to expand your essence and truly see, sense
and acknowledge its presence within everything that you are and experience, there is simply a need to familiarise yourself
with the essence within your being, this will instantly allow for expansion and development of your truth. Imagine a seed held within your hand, it is the essence of something
large, beautiful and magnificent but until it acquires and allows the expansion of its essence it is so tiny and could be
seen as powerless. When the seed grows its power is still the same but the power is expressed, experienced and present in
an expansive way that allows for greater realisation of the essence that is held within the seed. The seed is also able to
recognise all that it is and holds through its expression and expansion. Familiarising yourself with your essence allows for expansion,
continued expansion of your energy allows for greater realisation of your essence, with the ability to positively weald your
power within the divine flow, stream and will of the Creator. Becoming familiar with words and concepts that allow for the divine knowingness and the powerful essence
within your being to emerge allows for this truth which is your truth to form with greater grounding, power and expansion
within your being. One could recognise this grounding as confidence but it is identification within your being that allows
for a current of divine and sacred energy to flow eternally. Expansion is the eternal flow of the Creator; it can be so easily
described as the increase of energy or light with each exhaled breath, but expansion can only truly be ignited when there
is a familiarity and recognition of the essence as a powerful source or form within the being. In this new era of creation, manifestation and experience, expansion
of your essence, truth and power (which are all the same) becomes an essential focus. Through the willingness and readiness
of each aspects of your being, physical and energetic, to expand, to breath, to become free and flowing, you offer to yourself
a beautiful space for creation, manifestation and sacred experiences, a foundation which is born from your essence and so
remains aligned with your essence; the Creator. Dissolving barriers, boundaries, restrictions and limitations that you and others
place upon you clears your consciousness to offer greater conscious focus to the beautiful awakening that is occurring within
your being, wishing to expand, create, manifest and experience. Barriers, boundaries, restrictions and limitations that you
create in your physical life can manifest as deeply as restricting your soul while past experiences of limitations upon the
soul can manifest physically as energetic patterns of hindrance. There is a need to focus upon freedom, bring freedom
to your mind, emotions, spiritual practices, physical actions and all that you are and do. You can provide yourself with freedom
by observing when you and others limit the creative flow that is your sacred essence within your being. The creative flow
of the divine exists within everything that you are and do; it is therefore appropriate to observe how you limit yourself
in all areas of your reality and spiritual practices. From doubts and judgments to dreams that seem impossible and beliefs
that run unnoticed through your mind, allow yourself to observe with and through and unconditionally loving heart chakra.
It is also important to realise the restrictions that you may place upon others, remembering that each restriction and limitation
you place upon another is placed upon you as we are all one with and as the Creator. 'I am the freedom and expansion of my soul and essence; I dissolve
all limitations that distract me from my recognition of the Creator within' This is a powerful affirmation to use when you realise a limitations that you or others have
created for yourself. You may then call upon my energies, Archangel Metatron, to free and help you from the limitation, allow
it to be resolved and released from its attachment to you and your attachment to the limitation. This is also a beautiful practice of developing, recognising and expanding
your essence; your inner power. In order for the essence of your being to be truly experienced in and as the physical form
that you are upon the Earth there is a need to create space, expansion and freedom for the energy of creation to be present
and a greater experience of the Creator to unfold. With the conscious expansion of your entire being through familiarising
yourself with the Creator, feeling, sensing, trusting in your inner essence or Creator presence, as well as clearing
your energies of limitations you create a canvas into which the creation energy of the Creator can seep becoming truly visual
and experienced within your reality. Begin to allow yourself in the coming week to acknowledge, contemplate and register the
vibration of freedom, expansion of your energy through observing and being with the sacred energies within your being as well
as recognising that you can always experience a greater freedom in all aspects of your reality. Freedom doesn't mean that you relieve yourself
of responsibilities but it means that you create around you and within you more space for the divine to merge and be present,
almost as if you are creating more space for you to breathe freely and easily. I ask that you use, repeat and familiarise yourself with the words I shared at the beginning
of my communication, experience them wholly within your being, energy and consciousness, experience the energy and meaning
of the words and the journey that they may lead you upon. Repeat them with the understanding and consciousness I have reminded
you of as I have proceeded with my communication and allow yourself to know and sense, the freedom, expansion and limitless
existence that I speak of and that is your natural existence and form. I am with you in this most sacred process of awakening, Archangel Metatron Heavenletters™, bringing
Earth closer to Heaven. I do not hold the reins on your heart. You understand
that, don’t you? Even as your beating heart is Mine, I give it to you fully. Here is where free will resides –
in your heart. You have all the ingredients of My heart given to you freely. I do not give you restrictions. Any restrictions
imposed, you impose. You are the imposer. I could even call you imposter. When you represent anything less than My heart
in yours, you are an imposter. You donned a costume. You threw it on. Your costume is only a cover up. It’s like an
apron. The True You is still there, but costumed, rearranged, turned around perhaps. Nevertheless, your True Heart cannot
be uprooted. It waits patiently for your consent. Your heart wants to blossom. Your heart wants to sing. It doesn’t
want to sing dirges. It wants to sing sprightly. It wants to hit the high notes. Your heart wants to sing and sing. In
the relative world, you look outside yourself. Well, of course, in the relative world, you have to look where you are going,
but this does not mean to tether your heart. Your heart is free. It is as free as Mine. It is Mine, yet I gave it to you to
do as you will. You say you want your heart to be happy. You say that is one of your greatest wishes if not the greatest
wish and most common of all. Why, then, aren’t you happy? You have excuses for unhappiness. You attribute your
happiness to this and to that. If your heart is free to live as you like, why isn’t your heart happy? Have you not attributed
everything to outside you? The weather? Your upbringing? Your neighbor? Your boss? You take responsibility from your shoulders
and attach it to anything and his brother. Beloveds, you blame crime on criminals. They may well be expressing the lack
of expansion in your heart. What do you think it means when I say your thoughts reach everywhere? Who is doing
your thinking, beloved? You have the tendency to absolve yourself of responsibility. You foist it onto something else. You
say that outside you comes first, and you come second. It is really such a simple thing to admit: “I am
responsible. I am responsible for myself. I am responsible for the condition of my heart. I am also responsible for everyone
else’s heart. I am responsible. I am responsible for myself and for everyone’s heart. God gave me this freedom.
I am responsible for everyone’s well-being. I am responsible for my wealth. I am responsible for everyone’s wealth.
I am responsible for the birds that sing and the dogs that bark. I am responsible for my life. The government is not. The
world is not. The law is not. I, I am responsible.” This is a whole new way of thinking for you. If you feel this
now, amazingly to you, you feel unburdened, not burdened. Look, you are free! You are not held back. This is where you
begin. By being responsible, you set yourself free. Until you set yourself free, you are in bondage. In bondage, in letting
others be responsible for your happiness, you have tied yourself to that which is outside you. Take responsibility, and a
fount of strength rises from within you. I understand that there are circumstances that are difficult for you. You do
not have to give outer circumstances such power over you. You are your own determiner. Even if you are in shackles, you are
your own determiner. Do not extend to anyone or anything so much power over your heart. What stops a bird from singing? Even
in a cage, a bird sings. Sing. Sing now.
Alabama, US of A. © The 11:11 Progress
Group. Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www. Dear Ones, We wish to address your new earth applications
(apps) for you now have thousands upon thousands to select or ponder. Perhaps you are interested in health issues, dimension
travel or relationships. It does not matter for you can access or create any app you wish. You are no longer in the exploration stages that held you captive for so many months. You have transitioned into
your creation stage. What does that mean for you as a unique entity? You have no app boundaries. Perhaps you wish to see what others do or are interested in. That is always your decision. But such a decision smacks
more of the Old Age than the New Age/new earth. You are explorers.
Explorers create their own path. Granted some explorers might rediscover a path created by another, but they do so because
it is advantageous for their exploration. Explorers are not by nature followers. We are urging you to do the same. You are not like anyone else - even though you might find some similarities. Create a new path for whatever interests you. You have the knowledge, the interest and the skills. Perhaps you feel you are not clever enough to create something or find a path others will use. To the contrary, you
are an advance Lightworker / an explorer. You have prepared for eons for this time on earth and you are itching to discover
new paths / new apps. What creates joy in your being? What intrigues
you? What fascinates you? That is your path. Your path may shift
as you explore a field or arena. Today's joy might be boring tomorrow. That is how it should be. As you advance in your exploration techniques, you will wish to add
apps to your New Age/new earth software. You are the trailblazer
- as much for your daring do as your creations. Your role is to create new apps by discovering trails that others can follow.
Let us explain. The first automobiles inventors did not envision
the computer capabilities of today's cars. They merely wanted to create a vehicle that moved faster than a horse. Those who
followed created the automatic transmission, power steering and the other conveniences you now expect as part of your
driving experience. Your role is to create a new path. Others will
refine that path - perhaps even create more and better paths. But they are not explorers so they do not have the daring do
that is a natural part of your being. Those who follow are the pioneers / the settlers. You are the explorers who create the
first paths / first apps for your new earth software. You
are no longer in a self-exploration state. As of the recent eclipses and solstice, you transitioned into your creation arena. Some of you do not feel any differently than you did in April of this year - or you have not discovered a particular
interest or joy field. Please know that you will within a few days or weeks. It does not matter. We are merely introducing
you to your new creation being. Some of you are concerned that you are interested
in too many areas. Do not fret. You will find yourself exploring one path or thousands of paths. Maybe your role is to find
the trail head which others will more fully explore before turning it over to the pioneers. Or perhaps you wish to follow
that trail head until you are no longer intrigued with that issue. It does not matter. You explorers have more interests than
will be true for the pioneers who follow. The persona of pioneers
include stability and settling down. You advance Lightworkers / explorers are about adventure. As soon as an adventures loses
it magic, you will wish to explore another trail / joy. And to do so, you will create the appropriate app. Allow yourself to create in joy and paths will display themselves as if by magic. Force yourself on a path that
is boring and you will feel heavy and depleted. You are joy creators.
Allow yourself to fly. You have transitioned from exploring yourself to the creation of a new earth. You are beacons. Allow
yourself to shine in all your joyful glory as you create one app after another in minutes, days, weeks or years. It does not
matter. As long as you are moving in joy, your creation app will follow. So be it. Amen.