A Message of Love {Channeled}

A Message of Love from Equasax, an Enlightened Human of the Reptilian Race
As received by Konstantinos
[ Hello dear friends. Since, the previous week I was feeling the urge to try to communicate with some or at least one of the benevolent beings of the Reptilian Race, but I wasn't sure if that would be appropriate for me. I was asking for a sign. This sign came yesterday, when dear Laura Tyco made a question to the readers about this matter http://2012indyinfo.com/2012/10/10/reply-to-reptilians-question-from-laura-please-give-your-input/#comment-32106. Thank you dear Laura. By asking the protection of Archangel Michael, as I always do, and using the pendulum and crystals, I received the picture of a male reptilian being who looked very gentle and was waiting patiently for me  till I was completely ready to finish his portrait and to receive his  following message.]
I am greeting with Love and Respect the Earth and her residents. My name is not easy for you to pronounce but the most close to your language version of it, is Equasax. Me and my people are currently on and originate from the world which, among the many names you use, you call Bellatrix in the constellation that is known to you as Orion.
I am a Being of an energy frequency between the fourth and fifth Dimension. Same goes for my people. I am this which you would call a scientist and my job is the construction of energy accumulators. Through these devices, we receive small, but sufficient, amounts of energy from the closer stars and also, from the  core of our world.
The reception of these amounts of energy is done after the permission that we are given from  the Spiritual Hierarchy of each star and source and each amount of energy is specific, in order for us to not cause any damage to those worlds which offer us a part of themselves. Nothing is without Life.
The ancestors of  the Reptilian Race were influenced from the teachings of their creators. This happened billions of years ago at the same time with the creation of the first human from the people of the Feline Race. The bird formed creators of the Reptilian Race were teaching as ‘truth,’ that our species has as a birth right, the expansion and conquest of every residential world they would meet.
The first contact of their scientists with the first people of the Human Race in the constellation of Lyra, signified a wonderful union between the two species,  which caused the wrath of the draconian archons and as it was expected, the first galactic conflicts were triggered, after the destruction of many locations in Lyra. These have been transmitted to you with many other information through different sources. Intentionally, I am repeating some of these.
And that is because I wish to point out that part of these beings of our race, who united with people of your race very long ago, were separated  from the conquerors. They expanded to other locations of the Universe, setting as their task their personal evolution and secession from those who weren’t used to show Mercy or Love even to their own children. To them, the only relationship is this between the highest and the lowest, the strong and the weak.
Part of the races of the Reptilian species who wanted  to make a new start, is the people of my world too. Many members of our species that wished for a harmonic co-existence with other worlds, were integrated to the new formed forces of that period which consisted the new-born force that you know as the Galactic Federation. All of us were reluctant for the Galactic Peace and since then, we do whatever we can to post-pone the plans of the aspiring conquerors.
Their battle has been lost and they experience sentimental and psychological confusion, regarding their defeat and also, the fate that awaits each one of them. Like attracts like and so, the things these souls created through their actions are now coming back to them. Very few of them seemed reluctant to make a new start. The main ‘problem’ for you, in your world, are the human representators of these souls. But as the first ones, so these individuals can feel in their bones the collapse of their empire.
We, along with the rest of our partners from the other worlds, have gotten away those of our species and also, those from the species that you call Zeta Reticuli or Grays. But these Grays, have no relationship or any similarities with their ancient members who are beings of great Wisdom and Compassion. All of these matters will be specified in due time.
We hope for our appearance to not stand as an obstacle for the union that we wish between us and you. Do not let yourselves to get influenced from propagandas of any kind, the purpose of which, is the brain washing and the transmission of fear. You are protected. After the first formal announcements for the existence of your Galactic Brothers and Sisters, to who we hope that you will include us, you will know formally too that the nightmare has come to an end. The Galactic Forces consider us part of them and perceive us as family. We hope for you to do the same thing.
We have to learn many things from each other. We admire you as we also admire our Galactic Brothers and Sisters and partners, because many of you have shown the miracles that arise from the use of your Right Hemisphere. Mind and Heart in Ballance and Harmony are the things that have highlighted the importance of civilizations, like the Sirians, the Pleiadians, the Arcturians, the Andromedans and many more. We will be very glad to interact with you, when it will be appropriate, and make visitations to the world of each other.
I leave you for now and in the name of the Universal Love and the Intergalactic Harmony between Everyone/thing, I and my people wish to you a wonderful and full of miracles Transition, for you and your beloved planet We anticipate with great Happiness your integration to the Federation Of The Worlds.
With Appreciation and Respect,
Equasax from Bellatrix.
As received by Konstantinos. * http://awakeningtothedivine.wordpress.com *
PS: If anyone wishes to read the previous messages, here is a link:
Awakening ‘Dreamwalkers’ Illuminate a Future Based in Love and Compassion
by DL Zeta - October 2012
As we move further into the new time, many souls incarnated into this timeframe are receiving guidance in dream states designed to help them remember their purpose for being here.
Their future self knows their abilities and wisdom are needed to help transition the earth and begins whispering to them in dream states that it’s time for them to awaken to their mission.
These souls have encoded into their consciousness knowledge that can shine a light on misunderstandings that exist as barriers to a sustainable, healthy, and peaceful future based on principles of love and respect for all life. In dreams these souls walk through cities of the future where the prevailing atmosphere is steeped in compassion and cooperation.
Their purpose here is to anchor energies in the present moment that will create the causes of such a future.
‘Dreamwalkers’ Begin the Process of Remembering
These “dreamwalkers” incarnated in the forties, fifties, sixties, seventies, eighties and early nineties and are now being called to action. Many are waking from dreams where they have seen themselves taking on new roles, identities, and shifting to new timelines. This is part of the process of remembering who they are at the soul level.
Each person upon being born forgets the role they came here to undertake, but slowly remembers their purpose through a number of awakenings, including “nighttime conversations” with wise aspects of their consciousness. These aspects prepare them to serve the role they signed on for this time around.
Dreamwalkers Carry Cellular Memory of a Future Built on Love and Compassion
For many of these souls, awakening to their purpose is the answer they have been looking for. Many have held within them the knowing they came here for a purpose and once that purpose was understood, the rest of their lives would come into focus.
Often these souls look at the world around them with dismay for the images they see don’t match the future earth that resides in their cellular memory. Some of these volunteers have existed in future timeframes where love and compassion, intuitive knowing and world peace is the basis for human existence.
Souls choose to incarnate into past timeframes for various reasons, usually a combination of reasons. Most often it is the desire to complete a needed understanding combined with the desire to assist and transition humanity to a new paradigm.
Other souls who incarnated to assist the earth during this transition time are from other dimensions and locations in the universe. Some have not previously incarnated into physical form and as a result, struggle with the energies they encounter here.
Wayshowers Shine a Light on the Path Ahead
Some of these wayshowers serve by pointing to realities that exist beyond the physical; they send out messages in many forms to serve as a beacon for those newly awakened to their purpose. Other beings serve as teachers, mentors and guides for those seeking answers. Healers also fit this category.
A number of souls are here to create new paradigms that will help shift humanity as a whole to new realms. Innovators in past timeframes helped usher in new times and new ways of seeing and now new innovators among the dreamwalker volunteers will teach humanity how to feed itself, how to heal the planet and how to heal the heart of suffering and struggle perpetuated through misunderstandings on earth.
Inner Technologies are the Wellspring of Physical Technologies
New technologies are sometimes seeded decades in advance and then pulled forward when enough beings are ready to embrace them.
Inner, spiritual technologies are the wellspring of physical technologies. The masters who incarnated to earth throughout time have brought forth new technologies they perceived and translated them through the lens of human consciousness.

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Published Worldwide 365 days a year since 2-22-02 * by Isis "Lady Of the Light"  * ***  And will be coming to an end before December 21, 2012.
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