Chicago, US of A, April 29, 2013. Teacher
Prolotheos. Subject: “Power – A Means to Love.”
Received by Valdir Soares.
Prolotheos: “There are many ways in which you can define power; as a position, a force,
an endowment, an ability. However, the aspect about power which should not be overlooked is that all power reflects a will.
And if you will contemplate the idea, power leads back to the will of God, who created everything that exists. Every being
is in possession of some kind of power, but only personal beings – human beings – can use it creatively. In God,
power is an attribute, part of His nature; in humans power is an endowment; in God it is infinite, in humans it is finite.
To humans, power is a challenge – dangerous and addictive.
“In nature, power is a vehicle, there to fulfill
animal urges. Personality adds to it a conscious purposefulness. Human beings, once food and security are acquired, use their
power to accomplish their desires, and as a rule at their base is a need to control. Civilization is the result of this control
in human relations, and your crude means of socialization still reflect this animal rule – dominion by the powerful
and subservience by the weakest. In God’s view, power is a means of sustaining and ministering. His control is not self-oriented,
but rather it is, ministry-oriented to spread goodness to all.
“Will is the source of any power. Any power you
have will be as strong as your will. Once your will is broken, so is your power. Personal beings are capable not only of wanting
something, but also of knowing why they want it. What is behind any desire is the enjoyment of a particular experience. Experience
is what adds to life. The value of an experience is not its private sensation, but the benefit it causes, especially to others.
Power gives you the opportunity to share experiences of goodness, truth and beauty with others – the more often, the
“Power is everywhere in the universe by the gracious distribution of God’s power to his associate
deities and creatures. Power can only bring real and enduring satisfaction when it is in harmony with the cosmic energies
of the Universe which always work their ways in love and justice. If self-service and aggrandizement are part of the equation
in what power works for, the product certainly will be violence, debasement and oppression since its exercise is in disharmony
with the universe energies of love and justice. Power represents not only what you can do, but also what you should not do.
my dear pupil, your personal power starts with your will, which you project into reality to produce experiences causing positive
or negative repercussions upon your soul – depending on their universe value. No power is magical; it must negotiate
its way along with other powers. To some such negotiation must always be conflictive; but there is a better way: the power
of love – which results might not be immediately visible, but certainly real, most beneficial and enduring. Whatever
is the power you have – great or little – make it a means for love. I am Prolotheos. Peace to all.” © The 11:11 Progress Group. We are each other at our spiritual
Root Source – ABC-22.
SERVICESECTOR12@Yahoogroups.com (SUPERHUMAN MINISTRY Service Sector)
----- Original Message ----- From: 11:11 Progress
Group Sent: Friday, May 17, 2013 7:54
US of A, March 1, 2011. Thought Adjuster. Subject: “Progress is Made Day by Day.”
Received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “Progress is made day by day, and with each step you take to get closer to the Father, you will
discover what talents He has stored-up within your being. Originality is the main feature in the universe. Truly, there is
nothing new for the Father, and nothing takes Him by surprise. However, there is still abundant opportunity for originality.
The way in which you discover the universes, and the way in which your personality progresses by adapting to the universal
flow, is something that has not had previous manifestation in creation. It is always unique and original.
“All understanding and ideas to explain
their surroundings will always be original in those who make an effort to think freely. All of you at some point will have
to free your selves from the chains of the traditions imposed by your forebears, to rise toward the knowledge of spirit. Spiritual
knowledge is never complete on any planet. There are always opportunities to improve, to go deeper and to learn.
“In this world
there are even more opportunities. It is very hard for a creature of Urantia to abandon the establishment and to learn to
think independently. The fear of being wrong and of rejection by your peers is very intense in some of you. In truth it is
better to continue being tied to the old religions and the old beliefs than not having any religious or spiritual inclinations
at all. However, when the fruits are ripe, they should be taken from the tree to be eaten, or they will spoil.
“Once a certain level of spiritual
maturity has been reached – thanks to a traditional religious education or other means – human beings must take
responsibility for their own progress. This is not so much inventing your own path but instead learning to listen within so
the Celestial Father Himself is able to reveal the path and guide you in the next stage of your existence.
“Life is a journey of exploration.
In this world nobody reaches maximum potential. When someone manages to align their personal will completely, and without
reservations, to the will of the Father, the fusion with the Divine Spark will take place, and instantly that human being
will be elevated to a new life far from this world. If you are still here it means there are still adjustments that need to
be made, there are still things to be discovered and lessons to be learned. Never stop progressing since this is the commandment
of the ages – be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group. We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22.
| Heavenletters™, bringing
Earth closer to Heaven. HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken: * Our connection to God * * Our
belief in ourselves * * Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God * * Peace on Earth * God is always bringing
us closer to Him. | Heavenletter
#4562 Am I My Brother’s Keeper?, May 22, 2013 God
said: The usual advice is: “Hands off.” You don’t
bother someone who sees differently from you. What is his business is his business. The fact that he may cut his grass too
short, water his garden too much or not enough, all this is not your concern. According to your frame of mind, he may eat
the wrong foods and stay up too late or sleep too late. You are not here on Earth to improve another. Did you think you were? Many
parents may raise their children in ways you would not. They may let their children stay up late at night, eat candy for breakfast,
and play in the mud. What parents do is their business. When horse and buggy was the fashionable mode of service, there
was a moral question: If you see a man beating his horse, do you intervene? It is hard to know how to intervene. In theory,
you would stay the hand of the man who mistreated his horse. In actuality, you are not so sure. Yet what is it that would
keep you back from preventing or stopping cruelty? If you pass it by, are you, if not an abettor, a supporter? And so
is it with mothers and fathers and their children. Where is the line that you do not pass, and where is the line that you
cross when you see mistreatment or what simply may be just a different way of bringing up a child? When must you let your
voice be heard? You don’t want to be a busy-body. You don’t want to falsely accuse, and, yet, there are certain
situations where in all good conscience, you do not know how to keep silent and yet are not certain that you are to object
either. You have also heard stories of children being seriously injured physically, and, yet, the emotional damage is
serious enough to put you in a quandary. In theory, you may strongly feel that it is not for anyone to interfere in
another family’s life. Or it is not for you to. Perhaps someone else can. Perhaps someone else will. You tell
yourself that the long and the short of it is that under difficult or even cruel circumstances, children overcome their upbringing,
and, yet, you are not sure that this is cause for your keeping still. On the other hand, what if you are mistaken? You would
never want to falsely accuse anyone. Yet, there are times when you must speak up, when you must defend those who cannot
defend themselves. Maybe once in a lifetime. Maybe more. Maybe it will also be a kindness for the one who is so troubled that
he or she is unkind when the parent’s role is to love and uphold. You are not looking for such opportunities,
yet, when they thrust themselves before you, you cannot say that you are not your brother’s keeper. Never do you
want to get anyone in trouble. Never do you want to be an over-concerned citizen. Nevertheless, life may give you an opportunity
to bless another’s life and, perhaps, to save it. Yes, I, Who allow only bodies to die, value the saving of a
life and upliftment of lives. It is a little service to give, to raise another’s spirits and to give someone a chance
that it is yours to give. This may seem like a predicament to you, yet a predicament is when you don’t know what
to do. Perhaps we are talking now about a situation when you may know something is yours to do whether you want to do it or
not. |