Almost Uncontrollable Urges

Make your smile cheaper and your anger expensive.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


The Next Step – Almost Uncontrollable Urges

by lifetapestrycreations

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Dear Ones,
Much happened the past few days. Those of you at the forefront have advanced, if you will, to new places. And those of you newly awakened have reviewed many pieces wthin your being you wish to adjust or shift. But there is much yet to be discovered by all.

For those at the forefront, what does your new path look and feel like? You will feel joy when you discover your path. But such is just a portion of your detection processes.

The process we wish to discuss lies deep within you. It is a direction you cannot resist. Perhaps those of you who crave sugar or smoke cigarettes understand. You are drawn to the item, subject or area with almost an uncontrollable urge. You think and dream about it whatever it is - if you do not allow yourself to explore it. You may even feel guilty (3D memories) when you do indulge.

So it is that your path is not only fed by joy, but also an almost uncontrollable urge.

The last comment may make some of you nervous. For it indicates you cannot help yourself, that you will do something harmful to your being or society. Such is not the case. Your soon-to-be uncontrollable urge is merely a direct path to your inner-being - and the role you selected beforet entering earth in this life time.

Perhaps you do not understand for you remain in your joy arena. Such is completely appropriate. We are merely indicating what your next path step is.

For even though joy is a wonderful indicator, an urge almost beyond your outer-directed control is much easier to discover and claim. An urge that cannot be addressed until you reach a certain point within your new being.

For indeed, many of you reading this message are fearful you will do or create something 'wrong'.

Even though such is not the case, you are so familiar with outer-directed rules and policies you remain fearful of trusting your being.

You have cleared almost all your fears and many of your 3D beliefs, but the belief you are not powerful or wise enough to direct yourself remains hidden in the recesses of your being.

The next few days will release those beliefs and fears.

You will discover the need to follow your inner-being/heart is stronger than your fear of dong something incorrectly.

A 3D example is resigning from a job that makes you miserable even though friends and family are horrified you left a good paying job without another job in your immediate future.

Such will be your urges - only stronger and deeper. Allow yourself to follow those urges. You will not harm yourself or others by doing so. And as you do, you will feel lighter - and yes, a great deal of joy. So be it. Amen


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
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* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
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Heavenletter #4918 Heartbreak Is a Conclusion You Come to, May 13, 2014 

God said: 

For those whose lives seem like a string of heartbreaks, one after the other, so unkind, so heartbreaking, you know by now, darlings, that heartbreak is something you conclude. You’ve heard about heartache. You’ve read poems about it, and you’ve experienced this reputed heartbreak time after time. It is your experience. I don’t doubt that for one minute. I’ve wiped your tears. I’ve held My hand over your heart.
Your heart was hurt. It seemed to break in two. You expressed your disappointment as heartbreak. Does not all heartbreak come down to disappointment, and you call your own disappointment as a foul play made against you? Whatever the heartbreak, it seems to you that someone did it, or nature did it, or God did it, and it was wrong. You conclude it was wrong, even when it may well have been inevitable. You lost a bet, beloveds. The bet you made you were certain was a sure thing. You convinced yourself that life would stay frozen in place because you wanted it to. You, disappointed as you have been, time after time, called the shots.
You are the one who names an occurrence or lack of occurrence as uncalled for, unfair, outrageous, cruel, demeaning, impossible to have occurred and you decided that you have been left in the lurch, in some kind of lurch.  
No physical heart breaks until, perhaps, at what you call the moment of death. If your heart is beating now, it was never broken in two or anything at all like that. Of course, your heart may have paused at all the information you sent to it. Your interpretation of tragedy and sorrow become so great that you metaphorically conclude that your heart is broken, and you take the metaphor as true, as fact -- and there is an element of truth within metaphors that you can always find to make. It is you who breaks your own heart in two. No one else does. No one else can. You are the decider of the condition of your heart. You tell a tale to your heart, and your heart is always true to you, do you understand? Your heart repeats after you.
Your eyes may be swollen. You may make an ocean of tears. With each streaming tear, you carry the image of your heart cut in two. It is you who holds the image. Therefore, you are the imager. You define your heart. The tell-tale heart, obedient to you, aches. Your thoughts pinch your heart. It is as if you tell your heart:
“My loved one died. Bow down, Heart, and show your deference, your respect, your honor of my loss. And if my loved one loved someone else and left of her own accord, bow down some more. In any case, when life does not go the way I say it must, Heart, you and I have been betrayed. We are the downtrodden, and we must play the part of downtrodden well.”
You are the one who tells your heart how to beat and what performance to give. It is you who tells your heart to be downtrodden. Without your insistence on heartbreak, your heart would know only elation. What could a heart connected to Mine be but elated unless instructed otherwise by your insistence? You may say you have no jurisdiction over your heart yet, it would seem, you are telling it what to make of what has occurred. It might be possible to say that you beat up your heart, actually, that you beat it down. It may even be that you don’t love your heart as much as you have believed you do. Beloveds, have a heart when it comes to your own heart. Send it encouraging messages.
It is you who makes a decision that your place in life right now is a heartbreak or a blessing. Anyway, get up. Shake your curls. Stop pursing your lips in objection. Lose that hangdog expression. Get some life into your step, and let go of the past and look up at the stars that wink at you.


Urantia, April 25, 2014. 
Teacher: Mentori Spokesperson. 
Subject: “Human Spirit Joined to God Spirit.” 

Received by Lytske. 

Mentor: “We are following your collective thoughts this fine early morning of another day on Urantia. Many worries and unhappy thoughts have gathered anew in people’s minds, their being so very uncertain of what this day will bring on strife-torn Urantia. Some humans dare to entertain nefarious thoughts of dismantling the rights of an unwitting and sleepy populace. I desire, therefore, to give the message that whatever happens in the physical domains, the human spirit is forever joined to the Spirit from God, it cannot be otherwise. No one has ever fallen out of God’s hands. 

“The number one question in the minds of the Celestial Planetary Government is: When will the majority of inhabitants on this planet come to their God-given senses, and wake up to the fact that all are children of God, never mind what deity they are praying to in their supplications? The Creator truly does not care about this name calling as God knows the intent and devotion in each human heart. 

“Many of you will be surprised to learn that there is a celestial government on this planet. Well, for your information, there have always been celestial overseers, however, they stand back as they are not to interfere with the free will of the people. Instead, they let them muddle along until the mortals grow up and begin to show a semblance of maturity. Human free will is sacrosanct in God’s Kingdom; the Creator desires that all his mortal offspring would choose His Gift of immortality which is the reason for evolutionary creation in time-space. 

“This Gift of immortality is free for each human to take on one condition: That they place their faith and trust in the Creator and live according to the Golden Rule of doing unto others as they would like to be treated, and in this there are no exceptions. Even back-room schemers and planners are accepted as long as they repent of their wrong-doing and change their ways to the progress of the planet and its citizens, and accord equal rights to all. 

“At this present time some of the more sensitive ones among you are affected by intuitively sensing dark clouds gathering overhead, whilst some brave ones are endeavoring to investigate, trying to bring out into the open that which is being deliberated in these backrooms as to how their nefarious plans are best brought into motion without giving a thought to God-given human rights. 

“Our sacred duty as Teachers from the universes on High is to give hope to all who might chance to read these words and broadcast them further; do not give in to fear, come what may, as your souls are forever free in the Spirit of God, who lives within you all. Please start nourishing your spirit-souls by opening your end of the communication lines with your Spark from God within to join with God’s Spirit. Do not become shackled to fear, instead rejoice that your spirits are forever free in God. Meanwhile attempt to live by the Golden Rule of doing unto others, as you would like to be treated.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
Toujours au Service de Michael.



