A lesson in accepting - Channeled

Meditation is seeing God in yourself. Love is seeing God in the person next to you. Knowledge is seeing God everywhere.
       - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Urantia, July 23, 2012. (date of transcription).
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “A Lesson in Accepting.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “The difference between Accepting and Acceptance is willingness – your willingness to carry whatever responsibility is placed upon your shoulders. This is one of the greatest lessons you can learn. There are many occasions in life when one acts without thinking and has to learn to live with the consequences. Acceptance of such consequences is not always an easy matter. Sometimes the rest of one’s life is involved, because for a moment in time one did not consider the consequences. This is often the case when one innocently and unthinkingly allows matters to unfold. Mistakes can be made which can turn out to be the greatest lessons in character building, and which could not have been learned in another way.
“In the end, it truly does not matter how you live a progressive life. All roads lead to the ultimate goal of perfection as you become like the Supreme Ruler of all the universes of space, formed and not yet completed by the method of evolution. This is the grandest and unique form of creation. You are the microcosm of time-space while the universes are the macrocosm. Like the cosmos, you also evolve according to your divine blueprint. Each thinking person can become an active co-creator with the eternal God, by honoring that infinite Gift, the Spark of God within. Initially named your Thought Adjuster, this Gift, with your permission and by your desire for greater progress can become your Thought Controller.
“However, this Gift will never coerce you. This control of thoughts is willingly given on your part. This is the Accepting which seals your destiny as an inducted perfecting being, which will in time and space culminate into a growing and perfecting spirit. There is vast time and space involved in this culmination of the divine plan. There is, however, also the span of eternity in which to accomplish this. It may burst some bubbles here in your thinking of the next life as eternal bliss, which in a way it is. Nevertheless, it will be required of you that you work on the unfoldment of your own perfection. In accepting the leadings of your Spirit Guide within, you will make life for yourself a great deal more joyful, because you will have come to the realization that you are a much beloved child of the eternal God – this despite your perhaps having had to face acceptance of ill-considered past choices and wilfully impatient decisions.
“Accepting the leadings of your Spirit Guide within will not transform your life into a bed of roses. Indeed it will not, but you will now know that you will never again be bereft of help. You will have in some mysterious way become willing to be lead through the hills and vales of life. You will learn what will be the best direction in which to live up to your precious blueprint. It is with a deep satisfying joy that you will start walking your path into eternity, no matter the hurdles on the road. Hardship has a way of bringing the best out of people. You are all potential Finaliters in the race towards perfection.
“There is not a single human being, who will not be welcomed at the banquet of the Master Designer of everything. It is His will that all should survive, but it shall depend on your personal willingness to accept this. Think about how you can cooperate in this eternal adventure set out before you, with this material life becoming the foundation for the next stage of your eternal existence.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.

Try coming out of the shadows, a little at the time—TA.