Silence is the totality of mind in it,
the other disappears. Be quite for a while. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Blossom Goodchild - September 6, 2014 Good morning to you. So, many enjoyed your last channelling.
They found it very helpful in ways of doing something practical. Thank you for that. Warmest
greetings of Love to each and every one. It is our full intention to surprize the soul which in turn allows for the sun
to shine through it at all times. For this is WHO YOU ARE and WHAT YOU CAME
TO EXPERIENCE. We FEEL it necessary to explore circumstances that diminish the
soul’s Light and to then in turn … encourage ways for one to emerge from that ‘gloom’ … and
bring the soul into alignment with its TRUTH. So, continuing on from last week …
how else? Is there anything else … that enables us to do this? I think most people find that they are able to hold
the Highest Vibration possible of themselves, when they can, yet, then may find themselves plummeting from time to time,
back into the lower one, the one from which we are trying to move on from! THE WILL OF
THE SOUL IS TO BE ONLY LOVE. THAT IS WHAT THE SOUL IS ... LOVE. The thought forms which transpire from conditioning and indoctrination
and general social ‘graces’ … which we FEEL have fallen from grace … is the predicament in
which one finds the self, often. THEREFORE, MAY WE SUGGEST THAT AT ALL TIMES
ONE CHOOSES TO BE THAT WHICH YOU ARE. It is not at all difficult to be aware
of one’s FEELINGS. For one FEELS them continuously. Yet, to be aware and then act upon them is that which we are asking. If
one finds themselves in the doldrums … if there is a situation which appears to be ongoing and not letting up …
and it is a situation that does not please and enthral the soul … we suggest that one concentrate fully on the ‘BEING
OUT OF THAT SITUTAION’. For BEING fully immersed within the vibration
of it, only continues to exacerbate it … and therefore, bring more of the same … adding to it … and the
cycle continues. However … if one CHOOSES to allow the thought pattern
to FEEL the FREEDOM of that particular situation being over and done with, then … THAT FEELING … automatically
raises one out of the lower frequency into the HIGHER. So many ponder and ponder
until one’s mind is in a fuzzy whirl. They search their mind and soul for the way to correct a circumstance …
and often this leads only to more despair as one finds themselves travelling deeper and deeper into the maze … and
FEELING more and more lost. We say to you … TRUST THE PROCESS. TRUST that when you are in alignment with yourself and the Universe … NOTHING shall take place that is not
for your Highest Good. KNOW within … ASK within … for that situation
to work through the process it must … and KNOW that the outcome shall be for the Highest Good of all. When you TRUST … TRUST FULLY in that KNOWING … then the problem is automatically solved … just
like that. It may not appear to have gone away immediately … yet, the answer has been achieved and all that is left
to be done … is to allow the UNIVERSE to weave its magic. How often does
an outcome arise that was the least expected? Yet, when reviewing the situation and all it entailed … one cannot cease
to be amazed at how it has all worked out for the best of all. It simply is
a matter of moving into the space that serves the whole … fully. You may
mark this as ‘time’ … Yet, we KNOW that the energy is simply moving into the Higher Vibration of any given
situation. I guess, for many … they would ‘get this’. Yet, STILL feel
swamped by the situation and therefore, STILL find it tricky to BE of a joyful disposition due to that circumstance. Then we would say that they ‘get it’ … yet, CHOOSE to block the flow … through not
having acquired the correct understanding of that which we say. When one is FEELING happy … when
all seems well within one’s world … it is so very easy to KNOW that the Universe is on your side. The plain fact is … THE UNIVERSE CANNOT … DOES NOT … WILL NOT … TAKE SIDES. It simply
answers your call. FROM the Vibration that you are asking. Is it not so, that when one is in tune with
Vibrational harmony of a HIGH level, then more and more flows into one’s life that … one can only assume …
is of the Greatest Joy? When one CHOOSES to Vibrate on a Higher ‘resolution’
(?) … then, even when some misdemeanour of a lower one occurs … it cannot interfere … It cannot bring one
down … If one CHOOSES to remain on the Higher level when ‘dealing’ with it. We speak to you many times of FEELINGS and Vibrations. Your FEELINGS
resonate on a Vibration. Your body resonates on/within a Vibration … Your thoughts do the same. Everything exists because
of its Vibration. Nothing could exist if it did not have a Vibrational frequency
… because it could not ‘appear in its form’ without it. YOU
ARE ENERGY. A DIVINE PURE ENERGY OF LOVE. ENERGY is a matter of that which it CHOOSES to experience. Sorry, can you just
go into detail regarding that last sentence? You are aware that ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING
IS ENERGY. IT IS AN ENERGY OF LOVE … no matter what form it is taking
of itself at any one given time. Even to look at a plant … it can resonate
on a certain Energy level when displaying itself in all its glory in the sunshine. Yet, having to weather the storms can
leave it dishevelled and depleted. IT STILL IS THE ENERGY THAT IT ALWAYS WAS
/IS … Yet, during / after the storm … that same level of Energy is Vibrating on a different frequency …
due to that which it has had to undertake. It is experiencing itself on different levels of Energy … of itself. So, I think you are saying … actually … why don’t I leave it to you to say it … you
have a way with words. Imagine say … this particular plant …. BEING OF a
certain Vibration … let us call it a ball of Energy that IS and surrounds itself … therefore, BEING WHAT IT IS
… a plant. However … within that ball of LOVE Energy that the plant is … there are many levels in which
it can reside … OF ITSELF. It cannot BECOME a Higher level than that
which a plant Energy is designed to BE … It cannot become a lower level than that which it is designed to BE …
Yet, its level of Energy can alter greatly within that ball in which a plant was created. It’s
making sense to me … and I am FEELING you are about to begin to explain that it is the same for all things …
including us. Precisely. Yet, the human form has obviously a different Vibrational ball
of Energy from that of the plant. We speak of BRINGING DOWN INTO your physical
form that which is from your Higher self. ‘Bringing down’ seems incorrect,
if you don’t mind me saying. For are we not our HIGHER SELVES within our soul and it is just a matter of accessing
that Higher part? We understand your thought form … yet again, words … words
… words. They lack the best way to EXPRESS. I KNOW … I feel my head is going
to blow off in the overall picture of that which we are talking about, and we now need to pick out the format to explain
that picture! Little by little … Fragment by fragment … Take the thought that your FULL SELF … the WHO YOU ARE … the PUREST ENERGY OF LOVE is of the GREATEST
that the aspect of your soul that has chosen to be within human form at this time, for all its various reasons and proposals
… has its own Vibrational ball on which it resides within … in order to function and express within that human
form. This human functional Energy ball, like the plant … has many levels
/ layers in which /to which … one can resonate and respond. Yet, it is a more expansive Vibrational ball …
than the one in which the plant experiences. That is not to say that the human form does not already have
within it the same frequency of the WHOLE of the plants Energy ball. For the human Energy frequency contains /encompasses
all that the plant is. It’s still making sense in my head, but that’s maybe
because you are offering to me in my head … I am hoping others are able to follow this track. Yet, if we come from
that Highest Purest Energy ball … the very Highest there is … are you saying we cannot access the fullness of
THAT ball, because we are in human form, even though we come from it? I thought we could access are Higher selves? Struth
… I feel like I’ve just had a fizz bath bomb implanted in my brain! It’s so active … and we are trying
so hard to put this entire concept of which you speak into words. I really get how tricky it is for you … it isn’t
that simple for me to translate/transcribe just quietly! THAT WHICH YOU ARE … YOU
ARE. Yet, the Vibration of yourself, coupled with the Vibration of your surroundings
… and with this we do not mean just your immediate surroundings. We add to that … your region … expanding
to your country … expanding to your Earth Planet … THAT PART OF YOU that you are experiencing is a vast Energy
ball. The level you CHOOSE to BE in … OF that … can vary at different stages and yet, after a certain awareness
occurs … it is as if the lower Vibration of it ‘slithers away’. It disperses … because it has run
its course ... served its purpose and is no longer needed. When this takes place
… the ball that is YOU brings in a Higher Vibration at the top end of the scale. So, in this way … one is able
to continue to access Higher and Higher levels of the soul self as their awareness allows them to do so. It is like climbing
a ladder and as one gets further up the scale … the bottom rungs are removed and more are added to the top. For want
indeed, of a descriptional visual of that which we are trying to explain. Does this
happen with plants and other forms? In a different way. Let us move on to a Tree. It has
its own Vibrational resonance. Yet, IT does not have the trials and tribulations of a mindset … IT SIMPLY IS. It resonates
within its own Vibration and yet … through mankind’s raising of the entire Planet through Vibrational upliftment
… the tree’s Energy ball … through natural progression … automatically lifts with the entirety of
EVERYTHING. One cannot raise one’s own Vibration alone … for all
that is done for the self … is done … and affects the WHOLE. That
which we discussed last week regarding giving of /being of/ acting through LOVE at all times … is the key to raising
your Vibration. Therefore, the Vibration of the whole. The system that we spoke
of within the ladder explanation … is one that serves throughout. Even though everything resonates within its own frequency
… it still has the opportunity to lift ‘THE WHOLE’ of itself … its Energy ball …into a Higher
level … that just continues onwards and upwards. Do you see? Can you
begin to comprehend the DIVINE design? The opportunities for growth are undeniable. The opportunity for expansion of soul
self, which in turn benefits EVERYTHING … serves as a miraculous vision that can be achieved … simply though
the desire to benefit self … because there is NOW the KNOWING that improving the self … into that Highest vision
it can be … SERVES ALL. Thank you. Thank you so much for that … It all makes
sense and is so simple. Why on Earth, we have chosen to make it so complex, beats me. SIMPLE
… PURE AND SIMPLE. That is the design through which the Divine Plan
flows as its Highest Good … within the Highest Vibration one chooses to FEEL it … in any one given breath …
in any one given moment. We take our leave for today … We have greatly
enjoyed this discourse with you. Oh me too. I can’t believe the hour has gone by
so quickly. In Love and in Great Thanks to ALL. * The Federation Of Light speak of LOVE. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmsCqVjqSss . Website: Blossom Goodchild An audio version of Blossom's channelings can be found here.
| Heavenletters™, bringing
Earth closer to Heaven. HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken: * Our connection to God * * Our
belief in ourselves * * Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God * * Peace on Earth * God is always bringing
us closer to Him. | Heavenletter
#5034 The Cure for Sadness, September 6, 2014 God said: It
is not for you to look for life to be an equal-opportunity employer. It is not for you to put your attention on everything
being justified in life. You do not keep score, beloved. It is not for you to conjure up what you think is fair or what you
think is unfair. Life isn’t like that. Fair is not a question that life asks. Life does not play a game of Even Steven.
Life is more like a mountain range. It has peaks, and it has valleys. Someone who is on the uppermost peak of the mountain
range and someone who, from the world’s viewpoint, is at the lowest valley can have equal happiness. That is their call.
You grasp this. A wealthy man may or may not be as happy as a poor man. Happiness depends on more than the external picture
of life. Of course, it does. In whatever ways life serves you, you can be happy or unhappy. Here
is where coveting and envy come in. If you think you cannot be happy without a dishwasher, you are sadly mistaken. If you
think you can’t be happy without a husband or wife, you are sadly mistaken. If you think happiness demands that you
have all your desires fulfilled, you are sadly mistaken. This is not to say that having a dishwasher or a mate or anything
else cannot give you happiness, yet happiness is not truly dependent upon the fulfillment of your desires. Desire
to give yourself happiness, and you will fulfill your own desires. Upon you depends your happiness. Upon you. No one else
can give you all the happiness you desire. Your happiness is not dependent upon someone or something else. Surely, you have
discovered this for yourself by now. Even as a child, the happiness your toy truck gave to you did not last forever. Much
of what is called happiness in the world is whimsy, no more. Another error you may make is to see fulfillment
and lack in the same pot, so to speak. In life, dishes break. A friend moves. A parent dies. Your beloved dog who gives you
great happiness, gets lost. Now you mourn your happiness. Your heart aches. Keep your love, for love, your love, the love
you give is your happiness. Keep on loving. Unequivocally, I tell you that love is not lost. Once tendered, love still exists.
You don’t have to put the love away or place it in a grave. You can love with or without your once-loved loved one no
longer objectively present in your life. As much as you possibly can, welcome what life gives you. And when life
seems to take something away from you, keep up the love. There is nothing in the world that you own anyway except the love
you give. The cure for sadness, remorse, despair and all these ragged emotions is to give love. That’s it. You don’t
have to hold love in place like a finger on the page of a book. You can just love with all your heart. Wherever your eye falls,
that’s where you are to give your love. Tell Me now, do you require more instruction in life than this? Love
is boundless, and you are too. Nothing is to cut you off from the love in your own heart. No one can take love away from you,
only you. Well, perhaps, ego can snitch your love away from you. As soon as you think that someone cannot do this to you,
ego has risen its head. And if you think that life cannot do what already seems to have befallen, ego has lifted his head.
And if you think that I, God, cannot allow what has befallen you, ego has lifted his head. Beloveds, naught but
ego can grab your love and take it away. What befalls isn’t the whole story. What you make of what befalls is a revised
story. When you scrape your knee in life, that is not the end of your life nor your knee. You get up, scraped
knee or not, you keep going. When your heart is scraped by one thing or another, kiss your heart, restore it,
and get up and keep on giving out the love within you, for this is the process that heals the human heart. |
Advanced Soul Alignment and Oneness By Universal Logos Lord Melchizedek | | Advanced
Soul Alignment and Oneness By Universal Logos Lord Melchizedek Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 2nd September
2014- www.omna.org It is in the consciousness and truth of oneness I come forth to
greet you today, sending forth the vibration of consciousness to greet you like a warm breeze of light embracing you lovingly.
Oneness is a word and a concept that describes a natural part of my being, your being and every soul upon the Earth and the
inner planes. When we try to contemplate the word oneness and how it would materialise into our realities it can be challenging
to grasp especially when upon the Earth. On the inner planes we are accustomed to energy or seemingly matter merging and integrating
as if dancing together in unison. Upon the Earth such unison and integration of energies can be experienced but the perceptive
of separation remains evident, this is because the belief of separation is ingrained within your consciousness and programming.
While it may seem appropriate to dissolve beliefs of separation it also acts as a support in grasping the physical and material
reality upon the Earth. The key is to cultivate the already present belief in oneness and unity or integration and merging
thus letting go of attachment to and focus upon separation of all forms. Oneness upon the Earth is the exchange and communication
of all forms of energy, it is the exchange of energy that creates and cultivates the existence of oneness. Your being and
every soul upon the Earth and the inner planes has a natural ability of cultivating, creating, existing in and experiencing
oneness because of your natural ability to exchange and communicate in energetic form thus creating bountiful of energy within
and around your being. Energy of all forms is the Creator whatever label you choose to place upon this ever present source
of life, light and love. Every person upon the Earth is constantly expressing, communicating and exchanging energy without
even realising, while positive sacred divine energy is always exchanged whether you are spiritual aware or not, the manifestation
of the exchange depends upon the focus of your mind, your beliefs and the consciousness held within your emotional body. While
sacred energies are always exchanged as this is the natural nature and ability of your being, the way in which they appear
within your reality upon the Earth depends on the focus of your personality. One of your soul's greatest purposes is to continue
to create and evolve the vibration of unity within its own reality and between all sources and expressions of the Creator.
If the personality is existing holding onto vibrations of fear, sadness or anger then the soul and the personality are not
necessary aligned harmoniously. One of the roles of the soul is to divinely influence, support and magnify the personality,
meaning the thoughts, beliefs, actions, choices at a physical level. If there is a miss alignment the soul can actually begin
to magnify the focus of the personality because the soul is an expression of the Creator and differentiating between good
and bad, positive and negativity is not the role of the soul. While the soul acts as a magnifier it is also holding within
its consciousness the divine plan for your existence upon the Earth. The divine plan held by your soul is an assortment of
endless beautiful opportunities which will serve you in fulfilment upon the Earth and at a greater soul journey level. The
vibration of your soul's divine plan is akin to a very powerful magnet drawing every aspect of your being into alignment with
it. With this in mind you can be sure you will always achieve and experience all that is needed because of the strong magnet
like pull of your soul. We can share great appreciation with all souls inhabiting physical bodies as their learning and exploration
is immense, serving the entire universe. Your soul is incarnate upon the Earth as your physical self but much of
your physical self can run on automatic, even though it is being fuelled by and is your soul. The key is to align the soul
with your physical body and expression more fully thus automated actions, thoughts and beliefs are dissolved to be replaced
with divine expressions of your soul. When everything is aligned with the soul we can experience oneness, the communication
and exchange of energy within our full form, meaning your entire being on all physical and energetic levels. Dissolving
fear, negative thought habits and beliefs is a way of aligning with your soul creating harmonious oneness. All your spiritual
practices are working towards this existence. Oneness is naturally who you are on all levels of your being but at a physical
level awareness is often needed to access that which is within you, bringing it into manifestation. Awareness is simply recognition
and acceptance of all that you are. One of the experiences of the Earth is acceptance, because acceptance can bring all that
you are into manifestation and experience upon the Earth. Imagine what it would be like to be aligned with
the Creator so completely that every moment of your reality would be influenced by the Creator. What would you experience?
What thoughts would you have? How would you act and go about your daily life? What would you say to others? What would your
life be like? These are powerful questions to ask yourself, the answers may to some extent be influenced by limitations
of the mind but you would allow yourself to experience a true exchange and communication of energy between yourself and the
Creator and yourself as the Creator. Just the feeling of the exchange, of freedom may be all you need to inspire you. While
you may become involved in the experience of the alignment recognising it as a fantasy or an experiment, it is actually your
truth. You are already aligned with the Creator being influenced and guided in every moment, this is your reality. Maybe you
imagined it as a heavenly experience but it is now, it is your truth it is your natural ability of oneness, to be connected
with all things and everyone. You may wish to take time to contemplate the difference between your experience of alignment
with the Creator in your current reality and that which you imagined when you contemplated being aligned with the Creator
in this moment. Then asking yourself what needs to alter or shift for me to accept this ultimate experience of oneness and
alignment with all you are. Often the soul needs to be given the opportunities to program your physical being, actions and
thoughts, this can only take place when you are ready to accept your soul's oneness and shift your actions etc, into a greater
vibration of alignment. Archangel Metatron often spoke of the vibration of oneness and unity especially around the period
of 2012. Archangel Metatron is now bringing forth a support system for souls on the Earth to encourage the expressions of
souls at a physical body level with greater intensity. Archangel Metatron is encouraging many guides, Ascended Masters, Angels,
Archangels, Light Beings and even the Rays of Light to step forth into roles of promoting, magnifying and mentoring oneness.
This means that these beings are stepping into roles to aid the enhanced communication and exchange of energy between your
soul and your physical manifestation. These beings have put themselves forth to be of service. Your soul is aware of everything
that occurs on the inner planes and so is actually calling forth three mentors or beings to be of service. These three supporters
act as examples and magnifiers of your own souls qualities. Your soul understands the qualities it needs to magnify within
its energy source and transmit into your physical manifestation on the Earth. Your soul has called forth three supporters
who represent and hold the same energies your soul wishes to magnify and transmit. It is as if the supporters are being called
forth to act as mirrors so your soul can acknowledge its chosen qualities more fully transmitting them into your entire being.
This is the only role of the supporters to act as an example of the energies your soul wishes to experience at a physical
level and to support your soul in doing so. Your soul is aligning to these three supporters on the inner planes so there is
a communication and exchange of energy occurring which is fuelling your soul. For example, you may discover your soul has
called forth three supporters such as Quan Yin, Saint Germain and Mary Magdalene. It could be that Quan Yin holds the identical
vibration of peace as your soul which your soul wishes to magnify. Saint Germain holds the identical self-belief which your
soul wishes to magnify within its physical reality and Mary Magdalene holds the identical vibration of healing harmony your
soul wishes to enthuse throughout its physical being. Your soul will then focus upon these three supporters and the three
energies it wishes to enhance, a constant alignment and oneness will be formed until it is no longer needed. These three energies
will build within your soul and you will notice their manifestation and creation more fully within your being and physical
reality, thus your soul is in greater expression, alignment and oneness. You can support this period of growth of your soul
with your awareness. You may wish to sit in meditation asking your soul to call forth its three chosen supporters, bringing
their presence and the quality that attracts your soul into your awareness. Your soul may answer you instantly or over a period
of time but allow yourself to exude patience and contentment with anything your soul wishes to share with you. Know
that the qualities may seem mundane or insignificant to you but they are like medicine and support for your soul. With your
information you may wish to then practice this affirmation filling in the gaps accordingly. 'To support my soul's expression
within my entire being I align in oneness with, (1st Supporter) and their quality of .........................., I align in
oneness with, (2nd Supporter) and their quality of .......................... and I align in oneness with, (3rd Supporter)
and their quality of .......................... Thank you.' This is all that is needed; practicing this simple invocation
will allow you to be aware of the same energies integrating into your physical reality thus offering you evidence and confidence
in the presence and expression of your soul. With loving guidance eternally, Lord Melchizedek
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Lady Portia: The Heart of Giving
Lady Portia:
Friends, after some debate here in the
Higher Realms, I have been chosen as the lucky one to bring through your message today. We all enjoy doing these messages
so much that we look forward to the times we can come to speak with you. Of course, as we have told you before, we are
in agreement in all we send to you through this channel, at the time it is posted. Things change, and our messages evolve
accordingly, but you can be sure that whether the message comes from Ra, Sananda, St. Germain, me, or any of the Masters,
we have consulted about what information we wish to bring to you at any given moment.
Let me suggest a way for
you to read these messages. The earlier information is very informative, and was timely when it was given, so you can
consider all the earlier messages to be historically interesting and informative, but not to be used as currently accurate.
This is true for all the messages that come from Higher Realms, including the Bible. As Sananda has worked so hard in
the past year to make clear, there were many distortions and inaccuracies in the Bible, since it was written 300 years after
his life on Earth by a committee whose vested interest was in shoring up the power of the church and eroding the power of
In a way that was similar to what you have witnessed in recent decades, the cabal was in full force during
those years, and it was their fondest wish to create conflict among the religions and to undercut the true power of Jesus'
message of Love. Some of what he taught remains, but the message has been watered down to present a picture that makes
Jesus sound like a 3-Dimensional man with mostly conservative and narrow ideals. This could not be further from the
truth. Those of you who have been listening to Sananda and the rest of us are learning that our view of life is joyful,
liberal in every way, tolerant, loving and nonjudgmental. This does not mean we do not make judgments. It means
our judgments are always based in the Greater Good.
I would like to add a piece to the discussion about leaving behind
even the New Age teachings that no longer serve you well. We have already talked about Judgment vs being Judgmental,
and the idea that you should forgive everybody (even when you should be protecting yourself instead of welcoming a destructive
person into your life). Now I will address the concept of giving, which we have covered more fully in the book, Who
Needs Light?
Giving is a complicated concept in the 3rd dimension. Because of the background feelings
you have become used to, there is a constant niggling feeling that you will never have enough of what you need, and there
is competition for the resources that remain. This is a cabal (dark) idea, based on the strategies which were developed
for this very purpose, coming out of the creation of money and the ability of the few to hoard and monopolize the resources
of the planet which were intended for all. Private ownership started the grab for more, more, more, while those with
less power (money) were availed of less, less, less. This was simply a case of winner take-all, and the winners were
the people who were willing to be guided by their own greed and indifference to the needs of others. So, there you were,
in the midst of great abundance, feeling lack.
There was no room in this dark program for generosity or kindness.
It was simply a philosophy of life which justifies and excuses selfishness. I am not referring here to people who genuinely
work hard and bring something useful to the world, and who are paid a reasonable salary or bonus for what they create.
There is nothing wrong with having enough - plenty, even. It is the mine-versus-yours attitude that has brought such
painful separation and need to those who end up at the bottom of the competition.
In recent years, beginning around
the 80's, there was a great movement toward making money for oneself as an honorable, desirable pursuit. So many were
convinced of the worthiness money can bestow that attendance in programs training professionals in social service fields plummeted,
losing funding as well as respect in the academic community. Twenty years later, those who gave up their dreams of being
of service to others began expressing their regrets and leaving the marketplace in favor of more fulfilling work, even if
it meant lower pay. Today, the pendulum is swinging again, and training programs of all kinds will be turning out social
planners, artists, writers, dancers, musicians, actors, entrepreneurs, and engineers and architects to build the technologies
and buildings of the future.
Now, let us talk about how giving in the 3D world was affected by the obsession with money.
Of course, the only people who had massive amounts of money were the bankers, large investors, corporate executives and members
of the 13 families. They could make themselves famous and revered by giving 1% of their net worth to charitable causes.
For a worker making $40,000 a year, that would be the equivalent of $400. How many people in lower income brackets "lend,"
give away, buy food for a friend or think nothing of putting a $10 contribution in the church plate, and do it every week
of their lives? Should they not be celebrated more gloriously than the millionaire who creates a great show of giving,
for the notoriety it provides?
An even more important dynamic occurs between family members or friends when a person
who wants to be known and loved for their personal favors and generosity to others makes it their life's work to give to others,
while creating a private PR campaign to let everyone know how much they love giving, and what a "big heart" they have.
This sort of person gives relentlessly, whether the person they are gifting wants them to or not. He/she makes a point
of talking about how much they give, how much it cost them, and how the receiver responded, whether they were appreciative
or not, and whether the gift was reciprocated in any way.
Dear Ones, this is not giving; it is extortion.
The Giver has a reciprocal partner in this scheme of give and take - that is the Taker who is so adept at making people feel
guilty about their plight that they play on the heart-strings of every one around them, extracting sympathy and favors of
the Givers. What a dynamic! Push, pull, complain, give, take, whine. This is a recipe for misery for everyone,
including those who are forced to witness the destructive waltz of self-absorbed egos.
brings us to the point of the discussion, doesn't it? What kind of philanthropist or generous friend will you be once
you have your blessings? First let's define what giving really is, and how you know it's the real thing (and not extortion).
giving is the same as being of service to others. It is a gesture that comes straight from the heart. There is
no contract, no IOU, no ego involved. It is simply an impulse to help, followed by an offer of meaningful assistance.
Preferably, that assistance is anonymous, or at least without any expectation of thanks or praise. Otherwise, you are
buying popularity or fame, like the billionaires who give out grants with their own name emblazoned in gold, from the back
seat of a limousine.
It takes more than money to be of service to others. It takes using your own talents and
abilities to create something that will truly make a difference for others because it is something they need, not something
you want to give them. A truckload of pork for a Jewish community will not feed anyone. A pallet of Bibles to
Mecca will only repeat the insults that missionaries around the world have brought to indigenous people for the past 150 years.
Need I say more?
It truly matters how you proceed to be of service once you are wealthy. The wealth you are being
given will serve one really important purpose: it will free you from the drudgery of a 40-hour-or-more a week job so that
you can use your creativity, your energy and your inspiration to be one of the Lightworkers who joins in, hands on, to create
real change, first in your own community, and then around the world.
You are all experts in some way.
Look first to the ways you can use your own gifts and talents to make the world a better place. In this way you will touch
hearts along the way. This is the path to real change in the world. Together we must overcome despair, and especially
the belief that want is an inevitable way of life. Those dark ideas which were connected with beliefs about money and
the "modern" economic systems have left a trail of misery in their wake. These are the ills we know you will address,
whether you had planned it that way or not. Your spirit of kindness and generosity, Dear Ones, will be the salve that
will change the world.
You will carry the Light of Faith, trust in
God and in each other everywhere you go. Your inspiration and deep Love for all living beings, human or otherwise, will
light up the planet in a brand new way. Mother Terra herself will be the great benefactor of your work to stop the degradation
of your environment. She is already smiling.
We are with you in joyful celebration, that you will at last be
able to have the time and the resources to share yourselves, make new friendships, and dance. We will be playing your
tune for you, as you go forth with Love in your hearts.
I am your Lady Portia, together with the Company of Heaven,
sending you Love, Joy, and endless Abundance, that you may give without fear or hesitation, from the deepest part
of your Loving heart.
Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, September 5, 2014, 11 pm, New York
Permission is
given to copy and share these message, providing they are presented in their entirety without additions or deletions, and
credit is given to the channel and to the website, www.whoneedslight.org. Translations must be approved by the author and the scribe.
7 September Posted: 06 Sep 2014 01:54 AM PDT Importance
of Om Brahman is the highest of all. Om is his name. Om is also your real name. It covers the threefold
experiences of man. From Om this sense world has been projected. The world exists in Om and dissolves in Om. Om is the greatest of all mantras (mystic formula).
Om bestows direct liberation. All mantras begin with Om. Om is the life, the soul, of all mantras. Every Upanishad begins
with Om. Oblations that are offered to the various gods are all preceded by Om. All languages, all sounds, come out of Om. The essence of the four vedas is Om.
A-U-M covers the whole range of sound vibrations. 'A' starts from the root of the tongue, 'U' proceeds from the middle and
'M' comes from the end, by closing the lips. Om is the source of all religions and scriptures. This sacred monosyllable is the means of liberation from the bonds
of matter. It leads one, stage by stage, to the highest bliss. It is fit for the lowest as well as for the highest and most
advanced intellect. It is fit for the brahmachari (celibate student) as well as the sanyasin (monk). It is fit for any
condition. Om is your birthright.
It is the common heritage of all. It is the word of power. It fills the devotee with spiritual strength, vigour and energy
when chanted with harmony and rhythm. It brings inspiration and intuition. It elevates the mind. It is a spiritual food and tonic. It is full of divine potency.
Live in Om. Meditate on Om. Inhale Om. Exhale Om. Rest peacefully in Om. Take shelter in Om. May that Om guide you. Om stands for all phenomenal worlds. From Om
this sense universe has been projected. Om has been formed by adding the letters AUM; 'A' represents the physical
world; 'U' represents the mental and the astral planes, the world of spirits, all heavens; and 'M' represents the deep sleep
state and, even in the waking state, all that is unknown, beyond reach of the intellect. Om therefore represents all. It is
the basis of your life, thought and intelligence. All words that denote objects are centred in Om hence the whole world
has come from Om, rests in Om and dissolves in Om. | Satsang Bhavan Lectures, Message 6 Posted: 05 Sep 2014 10:00 PM PDT Satsang Bhavan Lectures of Swami Sivananda CHAPTER II: THE PATH TO LIBERATION 11. Strive to Realize Brahman / 12. Essence of All Religions / 13. The Essence of Yoga 11. STRIVE TO REALISE BRAHMAN A talk given by Swamiji on 30th March
1956, in connection with the demise of Sri Brijlal Marwah, Barrister. Let us do kirtan for the departed soul
of Sri Brijlalji. Brijlalji has passed away and every one of us will pass away one day or the other. Yudhishtira said, "Every
one sees other people dying, but every one feels that he will live for ever." Thinking that we will live for ever has got
its basis, because we are in essence, existence, knowledge, bliss. We must carry with us such good samskaras,
vasanas and charge ourselves with sattwic vibrations, so that we may be able to reach the goal. What have we done in this
life so that we may reach the goal? What is the sum totality of the good actions we have done? Every one must question. So
let us fortify ourselves against the onslaught of Lord Yama and go with cheerfulness and reach the param dhama. Let us charge
our hearts with good vibrations, by hearing Srutis and meditating on the self. Prajnanam Brahma.
tat satyam sa atma. tatwamasi. santam sivam. adwaitam. Tatra ko maha ka sakah, ekatwamanupasyatah—'He
who sees unity, to him there is no sorrow, no delusion'. Atatho brahma jijnasa—then an enquiry into Brahman. Brahman
is the source for the Vedas. So let us again and again meditate on these formulas. Let us destroy tamas and rajas and fill
our heart with divine vibrations. Brahmavit brahmaiva bhavati—'Knower of Brahman becomes Brahman'. Tarati sokam atmavit—'The
knower of Brahman crosses all sorrow'. These are the revelations of great seers. So let us equip ourselves with these. Let
us transform our mind into Brahman by constant meditation on Brahman following the brahmara-kita nyaya, the analogy of the
wasp and the caterpillar. A Brahma nishta becomes Brahman. So Let us all keep spiritual diaries and prepare ourselves to enter
into the deep stupendous silence, satchidananda swaroopa. This is our real nature. Maya is very powerful.
Despite vigilance, we are carried away. Raga-dwesha is so strong, egoism is so strong, ignorance is so profound and deep,
that we cling to this body and worldly pleasures without any reason, without any understanding, on account of the force of
samskara. He who is not attempting to realise Brahman, not doing any virtuous deeds, not doing any charity, not generous,
not practising enquiry into the nature of the self, not doing japa and recitation of the Lord's names, he simply lives in
vain. He is only a vermin revelling in filth. Our essential nature is infinity, immortality, nirakar, nirvikar. This is the
glory of Atma. This is our real nature. Lord Yama will run away from us if we charge ourselves with spiritual samskaras, cultivate
all divine virtues and become one with Brahman. Ekameva adwitiyam brahma. Let us become Brahman, not in the near future, but
now and here. Let us do kirtan for the peace of the world. In praying for the peace of the world, we pray
for our own peace, because there is only one vastu, one chaitanya, which includes everything. 12. ESSENCE OF ALL RELIGIONS Swamiji's
speech on 1st December, 1956 on the occasion of the reception given to H.H. Sir Edwin Wijeyeratne, High Commissioner for
Ceylon in India. We welcome cordially with affection, reverence and love our venerable Bikshu Naradji Maharaj
and His Excellency Sir Edwin Wijeyeratne, High Commissioner for Ceylon in India. We are all joyful to receive these two great
personalities of Ceylon. Ceylon and India are one. Lanka is the sacred land trodden by the feet
of Lord Rama, Hanuman and his party. Sita, the Parasakti, remains there in Asokavan. It is only some time ago a canal came
and separated Lanka from India. We, Indians and Ceylonese, are one in spirit. We are one in culture and education. Rev.
Naradji is a bikshu or swami of much practical experience. He is a great friend of our Commissioner. The Commissioner had
great admiration and reverence for him. He had been to England. He opened a Buddhistic vihar and did a lot of good work there.
He has not only theoretical knowledge, but he is also a practical dhyana yogi. The four noble truths
of Buddhism correspond to our philosophy. According to our philosophy, first there is avidya or ignorance. From ignorance is born aviveka or non-discrimination. From
aviveka came raga-dwesh (likes and dislikes). On account of raga-dwesh, we favour some and disfavour some. We do actions prompted
by raga-dwesha and get ourselves caught in the mayaic wheel of birth and death. Body is the cause of pain. If you want to
avoid pain, become bodiless. Do not do karma. Do not have likes and dislikes. Have discrimination between the real and the
unreal, and get knowledge of the self. The nature of the self is pure consciousness, pure awareness. They have
got seelam. There is not much use in mere study. So seelam—be pure. We have got ahimsa, satyam, brahmacharya. We have
to purify ourselves. The doshas (impurities) in the mind in the form of lust, greed, hatred and malice have to be removed
by selfless service, recitation of the Lord's name, japa. Then the oscillation of the mind is removed by practise of pranayama
and concentration exercises. There are many exercises given in Buddhistic literature. Lord Buddha gave a great deal of practical
instructions on dhyana—dhyana on virtues like cheerfulness, serenity. Take a skull and meditate on the skull. You will
get vairagya. Ministers and governors are reduced to dust. You should develop discrimination. We do not have many people having
dispassion and renunciation. Go to Bangkok. Lakhs of bikshus are there. They have entered the spiritual path. They are eager
to attain the supreme bliss. They are not satisfied with the little things of the world which are perishable. For a man of
aviveka, satisfaction comes from little things, just as a child, while crying, is satisfied with a little doll and a pat on
its back. He who has understood the magnitude of human suffering is a real viveki. He does not live in vain. He has got a
purpose, a goal. It is eternal happiness, supreme peace, highest wisdom. That man who has got viveka is the richest man. Kaupeenavantah
khalu bhagyavantah. Everybody should try to attain this supreme, inexhaustible wealth. You may be a beginner. If
you want to practise truthfulness, you may fail a hundred times. But if you have the ideal before you, you have become a yogi.
A yogi is not only one who has attained perfection in yoga, but he who is attempting to reach perfection, who has understood
the nature of the world is also a yogi. What is this world—the Himalayas, Switzerland and hotels? What will it give
you? If you have discrimination, you will see that the world can give you nothing more than a little sensation and excitement.
Man wants eternal happiness, unalloyed felicity. Everybody wants to live for ever. Nobody wants to die. Everybody wants absolute
knowledge and supreme bliss, a bliss which is not mixed with pain and sorrow. This is the goal which Lord Buddha preached
in a variety of ways. Buddha taught that there is suffering. It is trishna or craving or vasana. There is a way of escape
from suffering. You have to practise the noble eightfold path, the right thinking, right concentration, right living, etc.
These are the four noble truths of Buddhism. You have to annihilate the mind. Behind the mind, as
its adhishtan is the ever shining Atman, seated in the chamber of your heart. He is jyotishamapi, tat jyotih, Light of lights.
The Atman is beyond satwa, rajas and tamas. The essence of all religions is the same: Do not utter
falsehood. Do not be greedy. Serve all. Love all. Be kind. Be generous. Cooperate, coordinate, collaborate. This is the pattern
for perfect living. Lead a life of meditation and worshipfulness. Buddha taught this. Zoroaster taught this. This is the method
to destroy the devil which resides in our heart and destroys our peace. Covetousness, greed, anger, envy—these are the
enemies of peace and devotion. There is one self-luminous Atman, without birth, without death, without
sorrow, not tainted by karmas, which has no thirst or hunger. You may call it by any name: spirit, Atman, the thing-in-itself. The High Commissioner's visit is an honour to us. In olden days kings used to send ministers and commissioners
to rishis' houses and supply them with plenty of fruits and milk. There was reciprocal help between the ministers or high
commissioners and the rishis, the spiritual kings. They gave cows and fruits to the rishis and in return they got spiritual
wealth—serenity, balance of mind, etc. You may possess the wealth of the whole world, you may roll in Rolls Royce. But
you will not have balance of mind, you will be upset by ups and downs. If you lose your money in the bank, you are upset.
Sitoshna sukhadukhesu samah sanga vivarjitah—'In heat and cold, in happiness and sorrow, you should be balanced'. It
is not easy to get balance of mind. A man may be a M.A., Ph.D., but he has no balance of mind. Balance of mind, serenity,
equanimity—that is the teaching which the ministers get by visiting the ashrams. Samata—that is the goal of life.
That is the highest culture. A man abuses you, he cuts your throat. You remain joyful. That is samata. Sadasiva Brahmendra's
both hands were cut off by a Mohammedan, but he remained cheerful. You are upset if a little harsh word is uttered, or first
seat is not given. The modern university education does not help one to get balance of mind. It is meant for bread winning
purposes only. The eighteen virtues, such as serenity, regularity, absence of vanity, sincerity, simplicity, veracity, are
given by the Forest University in order to make man a perfect man, a super-man, so that he will rest in his own swaroopa.
This is the wealth we should have. Introspect and find out whether you have got this wealth, equanimity, fixity, non-irritability,
integrity, nobility, magnanimity, charity, generosity, purity, adaptability, humility, tenacity. Welcome
to Rev. Bikshu Naradji and H. H., the High Commissioner. May Lord bless them with health, long life, peace, bliss and prosperity. 13. THE ESSENCE OF YOGA Some
Yogic students think that only he who can fly in the air, walk on the water and do such other miracles can be called a yogi.
It is a sad mistake. To be peaceful, to be calm, to radiate joy, to have an intense aspiration and devotion, to have the spirit
of service, to be self-controlled—this is yoga. Flying in the air is not yoga. Why should one aspire to fly in the air
like a bird after attaining human birth? You must have a willing heart to serve everybody and a desire to possess all divine
virtues. This is yoga. Your ideal should be to be good and to do good. Be ever willing to share what you have with
others. You should have knowledge of the scriptures, devotion to your Preceptor, saints and founders of religion. Even nirvikalpa
samadhi is not necessary. Why do you want to get yourself merged in the Absolute? Have a small veil of individuality and serve
here as nityasiddhas. Possess divine qualities and move as a divine Being on this earth. Aspire not for powers. Powers will
come by themselves. Possess all the divine virtues that are enumerated in the Gita—amanitwam, adambitwam, ahimsa, kshanti,
arjavam. Be free from hatred and malice. Share what you have with others. Elevate thousands of people by your example. Spread
the message of the rishis, Satyam vada. Dharmam chara. Matre devo bhava. Pitre devo bhava, Acharya devo bhava. Atithi devo
bhava.—'Speak the truth. Lead a righteous life. Worship mother as God, father as God, teacher as God, guest as God'.
Give, but give with modesty. Give with goodwill. Give with humility. There is one eternal Atman. One universal
consciousness dwells in the hearts of all. Realise this through concentration, purification, aspiration, renunciation. Give.
Love. Control anger. Do not get irritated through misunderstanding. Understand everybody. Understand the feelings of others.
Bear insult. Bear injury. Even if a man tries to take away your life with a dagger, be kind to him, like Lord Jesus. Love
that man who persecutes you. Be ever intent on the welfare of all—sarvabhutehiteeatah. If you practise these, you will
become a magnet. All will be attracted towards you. You should practise these and not merely study the Brahma Sutras and the
Upanishads. The Upanishads should come from your heart through purification, through service. Service
is the highest thing on this earth. Service will make you divine. Service is divine life. Service is eternal life in God.
Service will give you cosmic consciousness. But nobody wants to serve! Everybody wants to be served by others, wants to have
many servants, wants that others should stand up before him. You will have to kill your egoism. You will have to pulverise
your egoism, make it a powder. You will have to extract oil from your bones and burn it for six months. Then only you can
attain self-realisation. If you have humility, all other virtues will come to you by themselves. 'Be good. Do good'. This
is the essence of the teachings of all the scriptures and prophets of the world. Those who want inner
life are very few. All are thirsting for happiness, but they do not know wherefrom they can get happiness. They search for
it in wealth and material possessions. Maya is very clever. She never allows people to taste the bliss of an inner life in
the self or Atman. Deluded by her, man thinks that there is no transcendental realm, that there is nothing beyond the senses.
'Eat, drink and be merry. Have good tea and coffee'. This becomes his motto in life. The path to the realm of God is open
only to those who have got the divine grace. Many people take to spiritual practice, but after five
or six years they leave it, because they have no real aspiration, they have only some curiosity. They want to get psychic
power in order to earn fame as a yogi and start ashrams. Only those who possess burning aspiration and practise japa and deep
meditation for a protracted period can attain perfection in yoga. May you all know the true import of
yoga and base your life on selfless service to humanity with Atma bhav or narayan bhav and on the development of all divine
virtues. May you all have sustained aspiration, practise deep meditation and attain self-realisation. May you all shine as nityasiddhas radiating joy and peace all round! |
Virgo Pre-Full Moon
Monday, September 8th, 9:00 pm GMT
Monday, September 8th, 9:00 pm GMT
Virgo is one of the oldest signs of our zodiac—powerful in the latter
part of the previous major solar system, so the Tibetan tells us, and instrumental in this solar system in bringing through
the second ray soul of the Solar Logos. On a tiny scale, each of us human beings must cultivate the emergence of the Christ
Consciousness—the quality of our soul, reflecting the great Second Ray of Love-Wisdom. Humanity is presently the victim
of a materialistic consciousness; even the ‘heaven’ of some superficial thinkers (and, unfortunately there are
many) is materialistic. We need to learn the true nature of Love and understand how to express it through matter/form. The
time for this learning is rapidly approaching and we, as mediators, can be instrumental in helping it arrive on schedule—time
is short.