9-29-14 Blossom {Channeled}


The entire universe is one whole; and when you drop holding on to limited boundaries, you gain the entire universe.

- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Blossom Goodchild - September 28, 2014

Hello my friends. I put my Trust in you, in the KNOWING that you know best, as to what would benefit most regarding that which you choose to speak of today.

Greetings to ALL. We can only anticipate that the wording we bring forth shall bring One to a Higher place. We have greatly expanded our data base of late.

Meaning what exactly?

Meaning, that there are more and more souls remembering who they are, awakening from their slumbers and allowing THE LOVE THAT THEY ARE … THE LOVE FROM WHICH THEY ARE … to BE with them in ALL that they do.

That certainly is good news.

There is more. Due to the overriding fact that so many are ‘coming into their own’, it NOW seems a possibility for Great CHANGES to occur SOONER, rather than later. For ALL that takes place is down to those of Earth who willingly offer their LOVE to the ALL. Considering that many are ‘Getting it’ now … it allows us, in turn, to offer a Higher frequency of message … That is simply the way it is. And this IS most joyous.

Yes, it sounds it.

CHANGE in the self, can only bring about Change for the ALL.

As days progress in this Higher Vibration that is offered … there shall be little time for self-pity and doubt. For the deep KNOWING within … TELLS the soulself that indeed there is ‘plenty more where that came from’ and the growing continues to grow.

A lady wrote in, saying she could not understand why a soul would choose to come down to Earth to be killed, tortured, raped etc. and she finds it hard to send LOVE to those souls who commit such atrocities, let alone accept that these souls are part of us … BEING ONE. How would you assist her, and probably many, with this?

The more One LOVES the self … as we have said, the more LOVE goes out to EVERYONE.

If One finds it difficult, where they are placed on their journey … to consciously send LOVE to those who are not in line with their way of thinking … then we suggest focusing fully on the self-Love. In this way, LOVE is still received. Yet, alternatively … these ‘lost souls’ are in great need of LOVE …

For it is LOVE and LOVE alone that can change their hearts. To send thoughts of great hatred to them … will only feed their hatred. Therefore, as with any BEING that CHOOSES a different path from One’s own … whether you like to hear this or not … whether you are able to understand this or not … they have the right to do as they please!

You may need to expand on that statement I FEEL.

Each soul who has been given the wondrous gift to come many times to your planet … is also given the human right of free choice. This is essential for One’s individual soul expansion. How long One chooses to take, how many pathways and twists and turns One chooses to walk down, is entirely the choice of that individual … without judgment … from anyone. Certainly not … shall we say … ‘from the Highest’.

Life is infinite.

Endless opportunities that simply will never stop presenting themselves.

ALL SOULS have the right to take their own time as they walk their path. It is not for another to lay down the law … even though behaviours may leave another’s heart cold. Each soul has the choice to live their opportunities and play them out in any way they CHOOSE.

This judgment thing is a hard one … in the sense of sometimes, it is an automatic response.

This is only due to the non-understanding of ALL THAT IS.

So, from where you are positioned within your souls ... what do you ‘think’ about … for instance … public beheadings?

We think that the souls who are CHOOSING to behave this way are doing so, because in their indoctrination … this is what they consider the ‘way through’. One only has to look back a few hundred of your Earth years and very much the same took place.

Yet, doesn’t that show that we haven’t progressed much at all?

In some areas. Yet, may we add, that the suggestions we have imparted of late … align with the KNOWLEDGE of SELF SOUL LOVE. The responsibility of EACH ONE to BE OF IT.

Yet, if we are all ONE … how can this behaviour not affect another? For, when one is ALL LOVING, then you say … that goes out to the ALL. I am presuming it is the same if one is NOT All LOVING … surely, that negative energy goes out to the all, also?

Indeed, it does. Yet … with respect ... you are missing the point here. It is not for you to be of concern of the choices of another. It is for you to concern yourself with self.

YOUR self.

May we here perhaps, remind you of a darkened room … with just one small candle … the darkness is no more!

What about the souls who are killed and tortured? Did they agree to allow this to happen … before they came?

They agreed to a contract … to be part of a situation. Although it may be difficult for you to comprehend from where you stand … One is in the knowledge that THERE IS NO END.

For a soul to sacrifice its life for a better understanding to come to THE WHOLE … when they agree to these ‘endings’ of Earth life …. this time… in this way … they understand the BIGGER PICTURE.

When in the Earth density, much of this agreement does not make sense. Yet, once released from Earthly bondage they are able to ‘FEEL’ the difference they have made … by doing so.

Often, we speak of the BIGGER Picture. There are those who have experienced ‘Out of body, pure LOVE.


When they return to their Earthly bodies … they remember only LOVE … and that, from that Bigger Picture … the FEELING they experienced … allowed them to understand THAT THERE IS ONLY LOVE … No matter what form it is taking … in order to present opportunities for growth for EVERYONE and EVERYTHING.

On that note … why is it that some are given that amazing experience … to BE in the LIGHT of ALL KNOWING … to step outside the Earthly confinement and BE FREE? Why is it some get this privilege and some don’t?

That is a very interesting question.

Can you answer it?


Nothing’s coming through.


All ears.  I am intrigued, because these experiences are clearly LIFE/LOVE transforming … wouldn’t it be a good idea for all of us to have this opportunity? … Wouldn’t that CHANGE the world?

It would. Yet, not in the way that your world was designed to CHANGE.

Each soul on Earth is part of the DIVINE PLAN … Each soul has been around FOREVER!

Yet, there can never be a ‘time’ when there is not room for growth. Growth of LOVE … never can stop. 

LOVE … like yourselves … shall continue to expand OF ITSELF.

For those who have and will experience this ONENESS FEELING that we and they speak of … would depend very much on ‘their status’ … for want of a better description. It is not that random souls get chosen for this … it is more so, that WHO THEY ARE … is ready to BECOME more of WHO THEY ARE by this experience.

Yet, aren’t we all ready for that?

Not necessarily.

This feels quite tricky to get across for you.

Only in that … a very large book would not cover all angles of this query.

So, it can’t be that one is more deserving than another.

No … it is not like that at all. For there is not ONE that does not ‘deserve’ the ALLNESS OF EVERYTHING … THROUGH LOVE.

However … how would we put it … where One CHOOSES TO BE within that ALLNESS OF EVERYTHING … is not decided by a creator , designer  … or indeed a Judge.  It is decided by the self.

How ‘deserving’ of these wonders are you? Each one? Ask yourself now …

Well for me, I would say that I AM … as I am sure everyone is. Not from any ego, yet, in the KNOWING that WE ARE ALL EQUAL and were created to discover LOVE as individual forms. I am not sure I am putting this very well … yet, I am now in a place of KNOWING that WE ALL DESERVE EVERYTHING. I know there is more you need to add to put this in perspective.

The more you KNOW YOURSELF IN /AS /THROUGH LOVE ... the more the understanding of ‘deserving’ comes. For the description of this word is not quite as we would like it.

To ‘deserve’ something … One of Earth, puts the connotation upon this word as having earned it. Yet, we do not desire it to come across quite in this fashion.
All souls are born with the right to BE themselves. It simply is karmic law that the soul brings to itself that which it CHOOSES for the benefit of itself … Taking on many different guises of challenges and experiences for One to encounter.

As ONE moves up the ladder they recognise for themselves that which no longer serves … for all things served in some way ONCE … They make choices to discard that which now should be obsolete in their lives … and in doing so … they consider themselves to BE ‘deserving’ of Higher things.

There is no GOD ‘up there’ that would ever JUDGE and condemn One to a life of darkness for not ‘conforming’ … not in our books anyway!!!

There is no GOD that decides which one deserves more than another for good behaviour.

There is ONLY THE HIGHEST PUREST LOVE ENERGY that gives YOU the gift to decide this ALL BY YOURSELVES and ONE’S life will unfold accordingly.

I KNOW we are near the end of the hour and maybe it’s too late to bring this up today … yet, I wonder what thoughts you have on the word ‘GOD.’

Well put! … For the thoughts we have on the ‘word’ GOD … are very different from our thoughts of TRUTH IN/OF LIGHT  …OF /FROM /THROUGH the HIGHEST Energy there is.

Much emphasis of this word GOD … in its different understandings … has battered and bruised the original concept.

In your world everything must be named. In ours … everything must be felt.

Therefore … we ‘prefer’ to USE the word LOVE … so as not to make one feel uncomfortable … due to that which they consider ‘GOD ‘ to be or not to be.

That is the question. I FEEL sure Shakespeare has been around these last few channellings! Do you have a problem with the word God … personally?

It is a word … we have problems with words. We however, have NO PROBLEM with the TRUTH of this word.

Which is? I know of course what you are about to say.


Yep … It may be a good idea to talk about this in depth next time. That could be very interesting.

For many. Hold on to your hats!

Great work guys. Thank you, so very much. I look forward to ‘taking up’ with you again soon.

Always … we FEEL the same.

In Love and thanks. Bloss xxx

* The Federation Of Light speak of LOVE. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmsCqVjqSss.

Website: Blossom Goodchild
An audio version of Blossom's channelings can be found


Illawarra District, Australia. 
Thought Adjuster. 
Subject: “The Source and the Fragment.” 

Received by George Barnard. 

Thought Adjuster: “It is said, it is written and it is oft repeated that communication with one’s indwelling Adjuster is a rarity. It truly is. In a world with more than seven billion souls, not even one million are attuned to their Pilot within, not even one hundred thousand will listen to the advice of their Captains. Thank you, and the workers of the 11:11 Progress Group, for boldly posting our messages, for being undeterred about criticism from all around, and for bringing the seekers of spirituality to accept our, and their, reality. 

“I wish to converse with you about names for both; the Father of all that is, and His offspring, the Thought Adjusters. There are many acceptable names for God the Father, because in your languages you are restricted by the extreme poverty of evolutionary tongues. The masculine ‘Father’ is good, leaving the feminine ‘Mother Spirit’ for the Third Source and Center. Already on Mansonia One you will be made familiar with terms for the Father that are neither masculine nor feminine. For now, the term First Source and Center suits. 

“The Father requires from you many things; appreciation for the life you are given, gratefulness for the personality and the soul that is the real you, if not yet, in time. As well, He requires for you to grow and do your best to gain in character by living truth, beauty and goodness as a means to progress toward perfection. For the Father it is acceptable, as the Instigator of all that is, that He be venerated. For the Thought Adjusters, each and every one of us, it is important that we are respected, trusted, loved, and seen by you all as your partners. 

“In the process of indwelling and guiding you, we make available all your experiences to the One who must be venerated, worshiped, yes, revered – the Father of all of space and eternity. By having you mortals as our hosts, we ask you to respect your physical temples, our dutiful presence, and the most dedicated of commitment we will afford you on behalf of your spiritual welfare and growth. Although mere ‘fragments’ of the Father, our love for you is a pure reflection of His enduring love without conditions, or fine print.

“I am this writer’s Guidance and Inspiration in the tasks of his choice. I am the Thought Adjuster intending to, in time, fuse with this mortal, and so I prefer to be spoken of in the masculine sense. Let many of you move closer to your Spirit within. Take care and be well.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.

http://www.1111angels.net  11:11 Store


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5057 Rise and Serve, Rise and Shine, September 29, 2014 

God said: 

You are a natural in fulfilling My dreams. You are star of fulfilling My dreams. No one has to know that you are a star and that you fulfill My Will. You have to know. Let others think whatever they think.
When I say that you have an assignment to do on My behalf – and everyone does -- I am speaking of the work and play you do for Me which is inevitably for the good of the world and humankind. Whatever service I ask of you is on My behalf. It is Our One Unified Will that you lift the world high.
Only as you rise can you do this.
It is your destiny to rise and to serve. You can't have one without the other. Rise and serve. Rise and shine.
The rising I speak of may not be the rising that the world may think of. I am not speaking of world acclaim or riches. Please understand that I am in favor of your success in the world, yet this is not what I speak of now.
All you ever have to have, you already have, and this is Our inviolable connection you already have. Whether acknowledged or not, We are more than connected. We are entwined. We are so entwined that there is no We, only I, only Oneness Supreme.
And so I serve, and so you also serve. You serve in My Name. You speak for Me. You do for Me. And, as you do, you speak for all. You herald Me to the world. You open doors for Me and more and more.
It is understood that you do not always know the good you do and how you fulfill My Will. Often you mosey along without a clue as to how you are furthering My Will. You do understand now that through the constraints of language, I speak as if We are two when only I exist and We are joined as One. Yes, beloveds, We are One. You are My Oneness. All of life is the story of Our Oneness, My Oneness which I share with the seeming All.
You appear as My Self in many forms. Whatever your guise in the world, beggarman, merchant, chief, you are My unlimited Self. Seen or unseen, you are a Knight in Shining Armor.
All that I can do, you can do. You have done. You are a considerable force in the world. You sweep the world up in your arms and carry it to Me. The world has been wounded, and you carry it to Me to heal. And now I tell you that you are a healer in the world. The Light of the World is a healer. By your very presence, you heal the world. Stay in peace, for it is in silence that you heal.
First, heal all the slights you hold within you. Let them go. This is the past that you are letting go of. You have had enough of the past. The past has to be left behind. Bygones must be bygones. You are here and now. You are present in My heart. Stay with Me. Just be with Me. Be the heart of Me. Let Us be together in Eternity, for this is the Truth.
There is no past, no present, no future, only the Infinite and Eternal. There is no time. We exist, yet time does not. There are no clocks ticking. There is timelessness, and We are located in spacelessness. Our hearts beat as One. We are One. I am One with you, and you are One with Me. And so the world turns, and so We love. We are love and naught but love.
You are here on Earth to grow in love, and so you grow. You can only grow. Never mind how you may feel today or tomorrow. You are growing in love. You are My representative of love, and so you represent, and so you are.


Expect and Accept – The Living is Easy

by lifetapestrycreations

cart_headerLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Dear Ones,

Perhaps new earth appears to be a magical tale with little or no reality. Such would be logical given the eons of earth fear you have lived through. You were trained to think the worst - even in the best of times.

Many of you are berating yourselves for not creating more rapidly or other negative self talk - as if you wish to remain in fear. Do not fret so. Do not stress yourself so. Allow yourself to be.

As you berate yourself for being less than, you are judging yourself in 3D fashion. How do you stop the phrases within your being that you are not good enough, wise enough or strong enough to move into new earth?

You are of new earth. Your quandary, your fears are a bit like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz - searching for the wizard to help her return home, only to discover she had that ability all along.

Perhaps that thought makes you angry. Have you not channeled, meditated, requested, begged for whatever your dream is to no avail? All 3D techniques.

You have done all you need to do to create your dream. You thought of it - in fact, think of it almost daily - now just expect it when it is right for you.

Once you exit your cocoon, you push the 'easy' button. You need not do anything more than what you already have. Live your life knowing that all is well and your dream is on its way.

Please understand though that this first physical dream will be the most challenging for you to create. Not because it is difficult, but because you have yet to set the belief pattern within your being that all is well in your life and it will become even better.

Most of you who exited your cocoon believe that creation is possible - just not for you now. It is a major hurdle for you to jump over before you fully accept that creation is almost an elementary part of your new skill set. "Prove it to me and for me" continues to be your mantra even though you wish to create with all your heart. So let it go. Let it be. Do not push. Do not berate yourself. Just be.

Such is almost impossible for most of you. Not because you do not wish to let it be, but that you cannot yet imagine life can be that easy - and yes, joyful.

Is not your first instinct when thinking of your physical dream, to imagine that somehow you are not qualified, competent or capable of creating? All personal judgments based on your eons of 3D lives, instead of your current reality.

You believe you can 'push' your creation through somehow. And if such does not occur, you are doing something wrong. You are in the wrong place, with the wrong person, using the wrong technique. All thoughts that tell you that you are a bad person. And all thoughts directed by fear.

Your only piece now is to expect and accept - which is extremely difficult for most. Not because you have attempted such before, but because you have never attempted such before on earth in this lifetime or any other.

This is a new lesson with a new learning curve. Instead of cramming for an exam out of fear of failure, it is time to let go and play in the sunshine knowing full well that your physical reality is on its way in the time right for you. You have dreamed it - and therefore created it. No work or fear is required - or productive.

Fear of failure is counterproductive.

For this is new earth, with new guidelines. Foremost of which is easy and fun. Exactly opposite of your 3D world.

Relax into joy and creation and all will occur as you wish - when you wish. Push yourself to create that which you have dreamed in whatever fashion and you will delay your dream.

Just as you once learned that you must be prepared for tests in your 3D schools, you must now learn that preparation and the resulting fear are counterproductive.

Let it be. And it will happen. Push and create fear around that element from berating yourself to blaming the Universes - and you will wait a very long time for your creation for you have reverted to the slow, old-fashioned 3D creation.

Now you are thinking you are merely delaying the inevitable - you will dream and create nothing. Another fear piece that has little to do with your new world and life. You have exited your cocoon. You are no longer surrounded by 3D limitations. But first, you must acknowledge that to yourself - and live as such.

You are no longer hiding your skills or joy. A big piece for most of you. Not because you are limited in skills, but in self-vision.

Come out from under your 3D fear rock and enjoy the laziness of a beautiful sunny afternoon. You are fully capable of doing so. You just need to convince yourself that no 'boogeyman' of fear exits. Enjoy the sunshine with your new earth family. The living is easy. So be it. Amen.


Sivananda Daily Reading

30 September

Posted: 29 Sep 2014 02:30 AM PDT

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare.
Radhe Shyama Radhe Shyama Shyama Shyama Radhe Radhe
Radhe Krishna Radhe Krishna Krishna Krishna Radhe Radhe
Gouri Sankar Gouri Sankar Sankar Sankar Gouri Gouri
Uma Sankar Uma Sankar Sankar Sankar Uma Uma.

O my Jesus                      O Lord Jesus
Hail Hail Jesus                  O Father Father      
O my Mary                        O Virgin Mary
Hail Hail Mary                   O Mother Mother
O my Buddha                    O Lord Buddha
Hail Hail Buddha               O Saviour Saviour
O my Allah                        O Lord Allah
Hail Hail Allah                    O Father Father
O my Shakti                       O Adi Shakti
Hail Hail Shakti                  O Mother Mother

Is there not a nobler mission 
   than eating, drinking and sleeping?
It is difficult to get a human birth, 
   therefore try your best to realise in this birth.
Fie on that wretch, 
   woe to that man
Who wastes all his life 
   in sensual pleasures.
Time sweeps away, 
   kings and barons,

Where is Yudhishthira?      Where is Ashoka
Where is Shakespeare?     Where is Valmiki?
Where is Napoleon?          Where is Shivaji?

Be up and doing (in) yogic sadhan, 
   you will enjoy Supreme Bliss.
Be up and doing (in) brahma vichar, 
   you will attain Immortality (kaivalya moksha)
(Hare Rama Hare Rama…)

Can you expect real shanti 
   if you waste your time in idle gossiping?
Can you enjoy Supreme Peace 
   if you waste your time
In novels (and) newspapers?
In fights and quarrels?
In scandal, backbiting?
(Hare Rama Hare Rama…)
Am I not Thou? Art Thou not I? 
   One alone is, therefore true.
When the mind melts in the silence, 
   you will have Self-realisation.
What have you learnt, tell me frankly 
   from the Bihar and Quetta earthquakes?
Have you got now real vairag? 
   Do you practise japa and kirtan?
Here is a challenge to non-believers 
   of the Hindu theory of transmigration:
Have you not heard the thrilling narratives 
   of Shanti Devi, of her past life?
Can you expect real shanti if you waste your time 
  in cards and cinemas (cards and smoking)?
When your throat is choked at the time of death, 
   who will help you for your salvation?
(Hare Rama Hare Rama…)


The Call of the First Quarter Moon
Posted on September 28, 2014 in Configurations | [P]
By Henry Seltzer for Astrograph Astrology

Wednesday's First Quarter Moon is quite an interesting one, coming as does upon the heels of last week's Libra New Moonas its first, or testing, phase. The energy of that lunation highlighted Chiron and Neptune in Pisces, otherworld voices from beyond, which can be crucial in signaling the call of our own higher selves, urging us onward. This is in the context of the fall of this crucial year, when we are getting our act together heading into the last two hits of Uranus-Pluto, in December and in the spring of 2015. It is true that, in some sense, we already know what it is that we need to do to transform ourselves, along the lines of our spiritual fruition, and we only need to step up to the plate and do it.

This phase represents a testing time, when the rubber meets the road, so to speak, and we must act on the courage of our convictions. As this phase comes to its moment of exactitude, on Wednesday, October 1st, theMoon in Capricorn comes to conjunction with Pluto, in an early triggering of the next installment of this storied square between Uranus and Pluto that comes to exact just before the end of the year. The separation to Uranushas narrowed by October to less than four degrees. 

Uranus in mid-Aries is also highlighted in this quarter Moon configuration, because its configuration is accompanied by a grand trine in Fire signs between Jupiter, Mars and Uranus. This is an exciting development that lasts for the week leading up to the lunar eclipse and Full Moon one week from now, on Wednesday the 8th, when Mercury will be retrograde in Scorpio, and when the Moon will conjunct Uranus. This entire month therefore constitutes a preliminary timing that leads up to further transformation by the time of year's end. The grand trine in Fire supports the visionary energy of Uranus in a Fire sign, and represents the cosmic principle of soul growth.

The Sabian Symbols for this quarter Moon are instructive. They are, for the Sun, in the ninth degree of Libra: "Three'Old Masters' hanging on the wall of a special room in an art gallery" This reminds us of the past and of making use of it in the present moment by memorializing the best of what it has to offer. For the Moon in the ninth degree of Capricorn, we have: "An angel carrying a harp." This symbol seems to speak to something that calls upon us from out of the cosmic energies floating around and through us, to inhabit our higher selves. We can only do what we can do. We are however being enjoined or perhaps gently nudged, by the agency of a loving cosmos to move further along the arc of our necessary evolutionary development. 




