9-2-14 Destiny {Channeled} et al

The highest blossoming of consciousness is that consciousness which is neither in the past nor future, nor in the present but a witness to all three.

- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Destiny:  Freedom for all Earth's Children


I am Destiny.  I am the Higher Self of the one who is named Noeve.  She is 5 years old, and she/we live with her mother Gabriella and her adopted grandmother, Kathryn.  I come today to bring a message for all the children of the world.  I hope that the adults reading this will copy it and read it to the children they know.  It doesn't matter the age of the "child;" each one of you on Planet Earth are one of God's Children, and you all need to hear the words I speak on your behalf.  I appreciate the opportunity to send this message to you through Kathryn.

Beloved Children, I come to you directly from God, the Great Source of the Central Sun.  Each one of you were chosen especially to come to Planet Earth at this time to act as God's special messengers, to bring Love and Light to the Earth in this important time in history.

There has never been such a wondrous time in the history of the Planet you live on, whom we know as Terra.  Many things are changing in these days; some you can see and some you can only feel in your hearts and in your intuition.  You can sense it if you pay close attention to the feelings and sensations inside your body.  Your bodies are changing day by day.  I don't just mean the usual growing and changing, healing and aging.  It is much deeper than that.

Let me remind you of the things you may have been feeling lately which are the emotional response to your body's changes.  Perhaps you have been a bit cranky, restless and out of sorts.  You have probably found yourself thinking about things like injustice, unfairness, and incidents in which you saw someone being mistreated.  Perhaps you were the one being mistreated, and it felt intolerable to you.  Perhaps it was an example of children being abused, or hunger around the world that made you want to cry out in pain, to stamp your foot and demand better for the ones you saw suffering.

These are normal reactions, Beloved Humankind.  You are just now awakening to feel the powerful feelings of empathy that have been suppressed so long.  You probably do not remember being an infant in the hospital nursery, but if you did, you would remember how terrible it felt to you to hear another baby crying.  It pained you so much that you would begin crying in sympathy with the one who called out in distress.  Many of you still possess that quality of empathy, but it is a difficult emotion to manage when you are living in a world that dishes out cruelty as its normal fare.

You probably find yourself thinking you are weak, or too sensitive, if you have been ridiculed for your empathic ways.  Do not permit yourself to fall into that kind of self-criticism or disapproval.  Sananda told you yesterday in his "Fireside Chat" that you must cease and desist from all acts of self-hatred, no matter how mild or innocuous they might seem. (

I am here to remind you of this one: Belittling your capacity for empathy, which is a kind of deep psychic connection to others, is a travesty.  It sneers at one of the greatest gifts God has given humankind - the ability to feel what others feel with great accuracy. It is a talent of the heart, and it works to guide you in all your interactions with others.  I gives you the ability to feel others feelings, and by extension, to know their thoughts in a general way. What could be a better basis for making your choices in life about who you want to choose as your partner, your friend or your business associate?

You have become afraid of this great ability because you were not able to remain anchored in your own Self while also experiencing the intense emotions around you.  It is a skill which must be practiced and encouraged throughout childhood and reaffirmed in adulthood if you are to comfortably ride out the waves of feeling you experience in the company of others.  This has been difficult for those of you who were taught to hide your feelings, or dismiss your intuition in favor of "figuring out" the best way to conduct yourself in life.  Instead of following your most elegant and powerful skill, you have traded it for "thinking" - the isolated use of your brain, which was meant for lesser tasks, like adding columns of figures and memorizing large amounts of handy information.

Your human brains were never intended to be the organ of decision-making.  Only a heart can know Truth, because only a heart can feel empathy, and can detect the true nature of another being.  

This is one of the reasons you have become so detached from other Earth creatures.  You are able to put your animal friends into small boxes in zoos and aquariums and look at them with curiosity, but feel nothing of what they feel there in captivity, suffering right under your supposedly appreciative gaze.  Even worse, you allow your "domesticated" animals like chickens, cows and lambs to be crowded "like cattle" into tiny boxes, fed fat-producing "feed" (rather than food), and hormones while they are fattened up to be cruelly slaughtered for you to eat.  Their conditions are so filthy and unhealthy that they must be fed a steady supply of antibiotics to fend off infection long enough for them to finish their short and miserable lives in captivity.

The misery of all these animals has created a dark cloud of pain-energy which hovers over the Earth, weighing on the hearts of all who inhabit the planet.  Their fellow creatures feel the agony and are driven to aggression, attacking each other as you attack yourselves and them.  It has become a feed-back loop of misery and violence which affects all beings in its atmosphere.  Even the weather, as you have been told, is infused with the energy of violence, producing far greater turbulence in the form of hurricanes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis than you would experience otherwise.

You see, all creatures, all consciousness, human and otherwise, longs for peace, and the release from suffering.  It is God's way, and humanity  will not be permitted to continue indefinitely to misuse your beloved planet and all her creatures.  You are seeing the results of this behavior in the illnesses that plague humankind.  All are a result of being exposed to suffering, either their own or those around them. You see, your empathy works this way, whether you understand it or not.

You cannot live in a "nursery" - your whole Planet - where millions of being are crying, and not feel the effects of their tears in your own bodies.  Your heart registers the pain around you, even when you attempt to ignore it and turn away, in the belief that you have no power to change what is not under your direct control.  Of course, this was an idea that was implanted by the dark ones, and it has spawned the epidemic of "heart disease" so many suffer from now.  It is not true. You, one individual human being, have great power to manifest the change you focus upon with firm intention and feeling.

You do not have to break down the doors of all the zoos and factory farms in order to stop these cruel practices.  You do need to stop supporting them and encourage everyone you know, gently and with patience, to join you in daily meditation to bring Love and Light to all God's babies and children, human or otherwise.  Animals were not placed on this Earth plane so that you would enjoy how "cute" they are.  They are here to help you learn God's ways.  You will see how they change, how they too are able to turn away from violence and predatory behavior to become the vegetarian companions they will be as their DNA is also changed by the incoming energies from the Central Sun and their nervous systems are able to evolve into a calm and loving state to match your own.

You are the ones who were created in God's image to have Dominion over the Earth, but "dominion" does not mean license to do whatever you choose, regardless of the destructive impact it might have.  It does mean you are the stewards who have been appointed to administer to Earth's needs and care for the well-being of all creatures, including yourselves.  So you see, my plea here is for all the children of Planet Earth, no matter how small and helpless that little one might be.  

A crying child engenders a heart-wrenching pull for those who are present and "in their right mind."  Why do you not hear the cry of the small calf when it is taken from its mother, or the peeping of the chicks when they emerge from an incubator-heated shell, without the nurturance of the mother's warm presence?  Why should any baby be born without its mother, or taken away to be orphaned, depressed and anxious while its mother sighs in despair and loneliness?

I bring to you the message of our greatly loved little Noeve, the champion of all children, who is here to create the world anew under her Loving gaze.  All children deserve a happy childhood!  Every one!  When Noeve looks at the world, she sees all Life as equal, deserving, worthy.  There is no difference whether it is animal, human, insect, bird or fish.  All beings are loved by Noeve and by God, and therefore must be loved by humankind if you are to reach the glorious Ascension you have aspired to for yourselves.

Did you really believe you could raise your vibration to ascend to Higher Dimensions while filling your plates high with broiled cow?  (Let us desist from naming cow meat with names like "steak" and "hamburger."  It is the flesh of the cow.)  "Veal" is the body of the baby cow.  "Lamb" is the flesh of the baby sheep, and so forth.  Let us be honest about the barbaric practices which were established by the dark ones so long ago.

Milk and other dairy products should be taken only after the baby is weaned, and with the permission of the mother animal, who may generously choose to offer her raw milk to her human friends for a time, out of her natural ability to feel love and friendship with other species. Should humankind be asked to show less respect to their animal friends than the cow or goat shows to them? 

Awaken to your true natures, Dear Humankind.  Take your place as the leader of the Free World - all the natural world.  It is your birthright to become the gloriously empathic, sensitive and deeply intelligent beings who will be entrusted with the well-being of all.  Raise yourselves above the old traditions which were forced upon the world before you were born.  It is time to experience your group consciousness, which carries with it the ability to feel empathy toward all living beings.  When you truly raise your vibrations to see your kinship with all things, you will be horrified at the idea of imprisoning eating your friends.

Join with us to envision the New Golden Age in which all are truly equal, and none are in servitude to any other.  That is true Freedom, peace of mind and unconditional Love.

Thank you for communicating with me through this message.  I am here to serve you all.  I am Destiny, of the family of your Earth's Sun, and I Love you without end.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, September 1, 2014, 5 pm., New York

Permission is given to copy and share these message, providing they are presented in their entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel and to the website, www.whoneedslight.org.  Translations must be approved by the author and the scribe.


Illawarra District, Australia. 
Samuel of Panoptia. 
Subject: “Your World is Not Unique” – “Kali or Kalika.” 
(a much shortened transmission). 

Received by George Barnard. 

George: “Welcome to this proud planet of false flags, black swans, political expediency, war crimes, genocide, market manipulation and wash trades. Like the puppets we’re all meant to be, we continue to believe the bold-faced lies that roll on, and on, and on. You must one day tell us why you were nervously biting your fingernails for the long awaited good news that you were to teach Urantians. Such honor! Don’t mind me, Teach.” 

Samuel: “Greetings my dear students, both. I so appreciate your sense of humor even in the dire and inflammable circumstances that have you so dismayed. My planet was calm. It was peaceful, and yet it was progressive. Should you have landed there in my time you would have found it exceedingly boring, because this, as you so clearly indicated, is a wild place. This environment selects, instructs and hardens the already tough ones, needed in the universes of the future, for you will be the go-getters, the problem solvers. 

“It is so that evolutionary planets can and do go through hard times. Your world is not unique regarding the all-around barbarism presently displayed. I guess, however, that it is also very necessary to bring us those treasures of evolutionary progress that are true in serving two masters – their fellow man and families, and their Creator. These of good will, will one day rule in their bestowed places far off in outer space, making the hard decisions that will in turn bring up the tough creatures the Creators require for their ever expanding universes. 

“To the point I wish to make: I take you now to the time when the long-lived Adamson and Ratta had their many children. I want you to see it now just as I was shown, how some so very much resembled their father – the blond haired ones, yellow, white, the red haired ones, and the pale brunette. As well, those who typically resembled their mother, her dark eyes, her black hair, her tall, slender stature. It would be obvious to some, but it was a surprise to many that, in essence, those were two different sets of children. 

“Some of these Andites would on occasions feel themselves to be ‘much above others’. And so when their ancestors were long departed, when their numbers had grown, those who resembled Adamson more so than Ratta traveled to the west, the north and the north-west, yes, those were the directions in which they went, in great waves. Those who resembled Ratta in many ways, tended to dwell in the area below Lake Van for the longest time, then traveled to the south-east. They were long famed as the Tribes of Ratta. 

“Despite the many thousands of years gone by, those Andites of the north did so relate to Adam and Eve, the Garden and the failure of the Adamic pair, although much of the story was lost. Those Andites of the south, being more Nodite in appearance, did see themselves as the offspring of their Ratta, and even one of their gods, Kali or Kalika, was named after, and basically once represented, Caligastia. 

“This is where I leave it with you. You only need to transcribe it now, and entrust it to others to draw further conclusions, if any. This is Samuel. I thank you both for your attendance. Au revoir.” 

George: “Thank you, Samuel.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.


Where is the New You?

by lifetapestrycreations

cart_headerLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Dear Ones,

You have completed an extremely long journey to become your new being - whether doing so in months or decades. This journey consisted - as you well know - of reviewing the pain of this and other earth lives.

Some of you manifested that pain into physical illnesses, others of you retained those feelings in your emotional or spiritual beings. But you all reviewed what and why until you felt you could not possibly endure. And yet you did and have.

Your new you remembers those pains vaguely, but is no longer that concerned about what happened in 3D earth.

You are so ready to fly into your new life. Yet you do not believe you are doing so. You feel as if you have been in this stationary mode forever - much as you felt about your pain review period. Even though not true, such does not alter your feelings of boredom or disinterest in activities that once were exciting.

You continue to move rapidly into your full new being. It is just that the measurements of yesterday no longer apply. You cannot note this shift physically or perhaps even emotionally - but you are growing as surely as you did in adolescence. Do you remember wishing you could achieve a certain height or full capabilities in this or that area as an adolescent - and then you did? Such is happening now.

Your inner-being - including your physical being - is shifting rapidly in ways you cannot envision or even fully understand.

The only indicator you perhaps are experiencing at this time is that you are shifting perspectives about personal and world events.

Maybe you were once concerned that world events would harbor pain for you or those you love. Then, one day, you no longer wanted to support global fears. Or your physical issues no longer push you into fear as they once did. Or someone you wished to maintain close ties with no longer holds the same power over you. All indicators you are moving from pain to joy - much more rapidly than you realize.

Those of you who contend nothing has or is happening within your being, please know you would not be interested in this material or any new earth materials if that were true.

Or maybe you believe you are destined for pain - whether physical or emotional. Even though you receive a spark of hope from various new earth readings or teachings,  those materials do not seem to shift your life in any way.

Allow yourself to expect a life of joy. You would not be interested in any new earth materials if you were part of the 25% wishing to continue a life of pain. There is no longer a call to demonstrate your fear, ego pride or riches - all 3D personas. Only the call to sparkle in your joyful radiance for all to sense and see.

Perhaps that last thought seems opposite of what you learned about displaying your joy - including the riches of, on or within earth. There is a great deal of difference between wishing to be wealthier than others or allowing yourself to be financially comfortable so you can focus on your inner-being.

If you wish to have financial abundance to outdo someone, your wish is of 3D. If you wish to have financial abundance to allow more energy for discovering yourself, your dream is of new earth.

Part of new earth joy is allowing yourself the freedom to be - not worrying about bills or enough food to eat. Those outer-directed fears merely reproduce yesterday's fear.

Your complete joy is not possible until your basic needs are comfortably available. And so it is that such is part of the new earth joy of life.

Many of you remain concerned about starving or ill entities throughout earth.

Allow all earth entities, including you, to evolve as you wish to evolve. Not everyone is interested in feeding earth entities, just as not everyone dreams of becoming a dietitian or creating computer programs. Such will happen as you allow your dreams and all dreams to unfold - including the joy of knowing you nor anyone else needs to worry about shelter, food or finances. That is the joy of new earth.

All of you of new earth have the freedom to follow your dreams including the abundance of life that allows you to do so.

Could you live in joy if you continually noted your new earth brothers and sisters were dying for lack of food or shelter? Perhaps that was possible in your 3D world, but most certainly not in new earth. But then, does the thought of moving to some place in the world to ensure that all are healthy excite you or feel dull and heavy?

That is the difference between 3D and new earth. You are shifting according to your inner-being directives of  joy. So it is. Amen


The Heart Chakra’s of the Earth and of light workers are rising to new levels as the Goddess vibration ignites its power bringing love into greater physical manifestation.

Our world is evolving, moving into a space of unconditional love born from the Creator through each soul upon the Earth. There is no question that the Era of Love has arrived but manifestation and encouraging the experience of these magnificent loving vibration is integral. In order for the Earth to begin its physical manifestation of the Era of Love, the Heart Chakra of the Earth is required to move through four essential shifts of transformation, release, surrendering and detachment in order to give birth to the new Heart Chakra of the Earth being reincarnated from the rising of the divine goddess vibrations. These four stages of transformation are required to first take place within the hearts of souls upon the Earth who have contracted to be instigators and foundations of support for Mother Earth. Thus if you feel the calling to be present for the rising of the Hear t Chakra you may have already contracted to be an instigator of this divine shift which will aid the manifestation of the Era of Love at a physical vibration.

Not only will you be guided to instigate four major shifts within your own Heart Chakra and the Heart Chakra of the Earth you will also be guided to:

Access the wealth and wisdom of your Heart Chakra, understand the cycles of evolution of your Heart Chakra, access and assist the growth and higher embodiment of your Heart Chakra, let your Heart Chakra speak its truth, learn how to strengthen your Heart Chakra, access your higher Heart Chakra and explore your Heart Chakra chambers, access the power of your Heart Chakra and explore that which is beyond your Heart Chakra while entering into a space of deep healing and unconditional love for yourself and all. For many light workers their heart chakra can be a vulnerable space as they choose to ignore that the abundance of their love is their power, now it is time to encourage the heart chakra to be in its power.


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5030 Ego Lacks Big Vision, September 2, 2014 

God said: 

One thing you can be absolutely sure of is that I do not have an ego to consult. It is laughable that I would have an ego. To have an ego, there would have to be something I feel I have to justify. I would have to think I have something to defend. The very idea has Me rolling in the aisles.
Human beings have egos, for they listen to a false prophet. Ego at your side perks up its ears when he feels threatened and, therefore, feels he must stand up for himself parading as you. Ego is ever-ready on the alert, just in case. Ego has nothing to do but look out for offense. From smallness of vision, ego finds offense lurking around every corner. Ego’s attention is on smallness. Ego lacks a grand vision.
Hmm, is ego the opposite of God? Is ego the Mighty Mouse oppressor taking the role of defender? Is this ego? Ego, the fault-finder. Ego, the hair-splitter. Ego, the raging ox. Ego, the pincher of hearts. Ego, the thin-skinned. Ego, on the look-out. Ego, the censor. Ego, the critic. Ego who cannot be pleased because never enough deference is given to him. Ego, the inflamed. Ego, the heartache and belly-acher. Ego, the robot, who stands with sword in hand, ready to swipe at anyone who doesn’t give due deference. Ego, the warrior. Ego, the thick-headed. Ego, who constantly jockeys for position. Ego, the nit-picker.
What, on Earth or in Heaven, would I ever be doing with ego? Then I would not be God. I would be more like a crybaby. I would not reign. I would bounce off of everyone, and I would avoid darts. I would become a keeper of scores. I would be the farthest thing from a God. If I reduced Myself to ego, I would resign.
Ego has some dominion in the world. None in Heaven. Ego has no entrance to Heaven. Ego would fear to enter. He knows he would dissolve here in Heaven. He knows there is no place for him. In Heaven, he couldn’t lift his head. Ego is so small, he wouldn’t even be seen in Heaven. Ego would wither on the vine if he were not seen. Ego depends for his livelihood on being noticed. Ego would perish if he were not a star. Ego is so puffed up with his own importance. If ego had any importance, he wouldn’t need to be puffed up.
As it is on Earth, ego says to you with great aplomb: “See me. See me. I am your savior. Never mind God. He’s off somewhere smoking a peace pipe while I stand up for you. I fight off all the darts and arrows that are thrown at you. I cover for you. I protect your honor. I don’t let anyone get away with anything. I am quick to act on your behalf.”
Ego is such a con-artist. He sure has you fooled. You think ego is necessary. All the while, ego is a fraud. He incites. He starts fires. He starts conflagrations. He sets off bombs.
Now, you might say: “God, if ego is so nothing, why are You belaboring his non-existence? Why are You alerting us to the shabbiness of ego? Why do You talk about ego as if he were an arch-enemy? Why don’t You just ignore him? That’s what You want us to do, isn’t it? Why don’t You just huff and puff and blow him away?”
Beloved wrangler, ego does not exist! He is a false-front. I would, however, stand on My head to get you beyond ego. Ego is yours. He is your made-up cartoon character. Yes, I rail against ego. I try to open your eyes to ego so he can disappear from the face of Earth. Ant-bites hurt. They are so tiny, and yet they hurt. Ego is small, yet ego gets in your way in a big way.
Ego that doesn’t exist gets in your way, beloveds. And you are the ones who must leave ego behind. So long as you feel ego exists and exists rightfully, he is quick to incite you to battle. When you step over ego and beyond the strife he exercises in you, then you will know what freedom and peace are, and then you will live them instead of the pin-pricks of little non-existent ego.
Ego, be gone.


Sivananda Daily Reading

3 September

Posted: 01 Sep 2014 10:00 PM PDT

Self-Effort and Grace in Meditation 
You need a calm, clear, pure, subtle, steady, sharp one-pointed buddhi (intellect) to understand the reality of Brahman. Only then is realisation possible. Only a trained mind which utterly controls the body can enquire and meditate as long as life remains, never losing sight of the object of its search and never letting it be obscured by any terrestrial temptations.
Energy is wasted in useless idle talk and gossiping, planning and unnecessary worrying. Conserve energy by getting rid of these three defects and utilise it in meditation. Then you can do wonderful meditation. He who says and imagines that he practises deep meditation daily, when he has not removed the evil traits of the mind, deceives himself first and then others. He is a first class hypocrite.
If you strain yourself in meditation and go beyond your capacity, then laziness and inactive nature will supervene. Meditation should come naturally on account of serenity of mind, induced by practice of sama, dama, uparati and pratyahara (control of mind and senses, non-pursuit of pleasure and introversion of attention). Atman (Self) is the fountain of energy. Thinking on Atman or the source of energy, also is a dynamic method of augmenting energy, strength and power. Divine energy flows freely from the feet of the Lord to the different systems of the aspirant, and new nerve currents, new grooves, new cells are formed. The mind and nervous system are remodeled and you will develop a new heart.
Conserve energy by talking little, observing mouna (silence), controlling anger, observing brahmacharya (celibacy), practising pranayama (yoga breathing) and controlling irrelevant and non-essential thoughts. Meditate and behold the imperishable Atman. Rest yourself firmly in the self. Nothing can hurt you now. You can become invincible.
In contemplation, you are in spiritual contact with unchanging light; you are cleansed of all impurities. If you have an open heart, devotedly lifted up to God, the light of his purity and love will consume all your shortcomings. This purifying process leads to a deeper insight into truth. This is the action of the grace of the Lord upon the soul in meditation. In this inflowing grace there arises that light of the mind into which God is sending the ray of his unclouded splendour.




