9-16-14 Blossom et al

The knowledge that unites love and wisdom, that uplifts the spirit is spirituality.

- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar



Blossom Goodchild - September 15, 2014

Hello. Well, it seems the last two conversations have enabled the vibration of many, to move a few rungs up that ladder. Including myself. I can’t quite put my finger on it, yet, I just FEEL different and it FEELS so Good. Like I am really beginning to ‘Get it’. I would LOVE for you to continue on in the same vein if that suits you?

Greetings to ALL on your astounding Planet Earth.

I just got a visual of mountains and lakes and FELT the Glory of it. Thank you.

It is our delight to move Higher with you in preparation for the wonders that are to benefit you …  and it gives us the Greatest of Pleasure to do so.

So, may we continue on the same theme?

We would care to point out that this that you are experiencing is only taking place due to the individual’s willingness to do so. For many, many years now … we have almost ‘drummed into you’ that which we KNOW to be of benefit. Little by little, you have allowed your Beings to soak up this information … which of course you already knew … and it is that NOW … the pieces are finally fitting together.

Much we could have told you in earlier days would not have been accepted in its Truth at that time, as the soul was not in the correct place to accept it for what it is.

How simple.

You shall find that as we continue to converse with you … your Vibration shall automatically resonate with that which we offer … for those who are ready to receive it. You are understanding more and more that it is YOU … and only You … that has the power to change that which is no longer acceptable to you. You are realising that the things you no longer require in the physical, emotional and soul self are easily discarded these days … and inspirational moments of the self and where it is CHOOSING to go … are readily accepted with Joy and much Enthusiasm.

This is wonderful news for The Whole. You are accepting your worthiness of everything that is of Goodness to come to you. You are remembering not to wallow in that of a lower Vibrational Energy, and respecting the pure and simple fact that YOU are doing incredibly well on your pathways. Yet, most of all … you are moving into a space that allows you to understand the workings of a magnetical force that can bring to you all that you desire.

Feeling very blessed as I went to bed the other night, with many of my family visiting, I was very much in Gratitude mode and a heart full of Love … and then my thoughts turned to those far less fortunate … who may be sleeping on a street corner for instance … yet, automatically …. I sent the FEELING of cosiness that I had … out to them. So that they may receive the same FEELING. In days gone by I would not have understood the power of that.

Many do not understand the power that lies within. Yet, you are discovering that there is so much you are capable of. You are no longer whingeing and whining … with all respect … yet, getting on with the job of BEING LOVE.

What a spectacular form of experience … should you so CHOOSE … you have at your very fingertips.

It is for many … that finding themselves slipping into a lower Vibrational thought pattern … they rectify immediately … and bring that Vibration back up to the Higher.

We wish you to understand the POWER of this. For by remaining in the HIGHER … you are serving your Planet in the very best way you can.

There are those upon your Earth plane who FEEL they have nothing of any substance to offer. They are neither channellers, speakers, healers, or indeed anything in which they FEEL many are giving of.

Yet, Dearest Ones … it matters not WHAT YOU DO … as long as it is done IN/AS/THROUGH LOVE. It has exactly the same effect, no matter what your position, when one is living within that Higher aspect of themselves. For by doing so … one’s Vibration radiates to the ALL.

Do not consider the self any more or less than another because of the ‘service’ one has found themselves offering.


There can be not one that is greater or smaller …

Yet, what DOES make a difference … is the attitude one has whilst going about taking every breath … within every moment.

Do you see of that which we are saying?

You have asked us to speak of The New World and what it will be like …


Each one taking full responsibility for their Happiness. Each one sending their FEELINGS of JOY out to Everything. For when you do so … you cannot possibly sink into the realms of despair and frustration. You cannot give the things that are not conducive to your way of Being, any Energy ... because you are not focusing on that which you do not want. You are only magnifying the FEELINGS of that which you do want. Of that which you want Everybody to have.

When YOU ARE BEING LOVE in its finest array of colour, you are doing what you came to do. You are lifting the Vibration and serving The Whole.

There is not one soul that cannot benefit from YOUR LOVE OF YOURSELF and the experiences you are choosing to undertake.

Inside each one is a key to this Happiness and so many of you now, are able to access this key and open the door to a much deeper understanding of ‘How this all works’.

You are finding that thoughts you once had about a certain matter no longer please ... and that ONLY thoughts of a Higher degree FEEL correct within your BEING.

You are doing exceedingly well. We of other Vibrations are extremely excited in which the pace has picked up regarding each individual remembering their TRUTH.

Years ago … there was talk of ‘The Quickening’. Everything seemed to be racing ahead from a spiritual soul self-point of view. We say … that there is another ‘spurt’ of this Energy that is taking place NOW. Yet, it is far stronger and far more implementative (?) than has taken place before. The reasoning, of course, is because so much since then, has lifted. Therefore, EVERYTHING is now on a Higher Vibration than it was when one spoke of it before.

This is the joyous workings of the plan, playing itself out  ... THROUGH YOU.

I really am understanding it more, yet, again … the FEELINGS are so hard to put into words. I do find it all very exciting!

Excitement shows that one is on track. When one gets excited at the prospect of becoming more and more of their TRUE self ... then we can safely say, that we FEEL we are accomplishing our mission.

This FEELING that is with inside these days, is what we have been working towards. The more, more of you are ‘Getting it’ … the more we are able to advice on tactics to rise to another rung of the ladder.

There is so much more that we are able to expand upon, NOW that you are allowing yourselves to expand! It is very much akin to a veil having been lifted and therefore, Energy and communication can take on a much HIGHER LEVEL than previously acclaimed.


When we speak of your Joy becoming the Joy of ALL … we are not just speaking of souls and Energy upon YOUR planet. That which you give out in FEELINGS of Happiness and LOVE … does not suddenly come to a halt as it reaches the outer corners of your globe.

No, dearest friends … it continues on … throughout ALL and EVERYTHING.

How wonderful a thought … that by YOU FEELING FULL OF LOVE and Joy … that you are assisting a BEING on another planet in another galaxy FEEL Joy and Happiness also. The expansion of these FEELINGS that are yours … can extend to ALL THAT IS.


Therefore, it would not be possible for any action you think or take … to not affect the WHOLE.

How delicious to sit and breathe deeply and smile … and FEEL full to the brim in LOVE … KNOWING that by taking the time to do so, you are offering that which you are giving yourself … to be given to another. And not just another … EVERYONE.

Every living thing is affected by your choice to be Happy … in all that you do.

I have to say that this plan sure is a DIVINE ONE. By taking soul/sole responsibility for the self … in the KNOWING that each choice affects THE ALL … it really makes one want to pull their socks up and make sure that one keeps ‘above’ it all … rather than ‘below’. To KNOW that I am having a good time … maybe a good laugh … maybe FEELING deep Gratitude from watching a sunset … to KNOW that I am assisting a lonely soul or a troubled soul of any degree by doing so … is just so awesome.

You are surely getting it now Blossom. We are FEELING of late … that we are really getting through … and we are honoured to be part of it ALL.

There are times, naturally … when one’s thoughts and FEELINGS may be in opposition to that of Joy and pleasure to the heart … yet, it takes but a few deep breathes in LOVE … and a few thoughts of that which one KNOWS to be uplifting … to bring one’s heart back into alignment.

One should never feel guilt for not always BEING the best one can Be. Life is an up and down ride … as you KNOW. If you did not have the downs … how could you recognise the ups? The difference these days … in these Glorious days … being … that the ‘low's’ are no longer as low as they used to be.

THE BEST NEWS OF ALL IS … that the ‘HIGHS’ are HIGHER than they ever were … and shall continue to move on up.

So, do you see Dear Ones? Are you ‘Getting it’ now?

The world which you are so looking forward to living in … is right on your door step. See how far you have travelled? See how much more your levels of understanding have lifted you into a place that you ‘think' you are looking forward to.



All you need do … is continue on the way you are … and all around you shall appear to be that which you keep dreaming your world to BE.

That which you live by … surround yourself with … FEEL your soul’s excitement through … IS THE NEW WORLD that you long for.


The more LOVE you allow to flow through you … AS YOU … the quicker the pace in which your dream world shows up before your very eyes.

Everyone has dreams. Everyone has fantasies of WHO/HOW they want to be. It is ALL THERE for each one.

Bring it to you. Each one … bring to themselves their perfect existence and watch … Dearest souls … watch … as if by magic … how THIS NEW WORLD expresses itself THROUGH EACH ONE.

Oh, how our BEINGS are full of delight, that we are now breaking through … on to a Higher level.

There is so much more to come.

So much more to share ...

So much more … so very much more available to you … as you continue to climb the ladder.  The never ending ladder.


We wish not to appear condescending for we are not of that Vibration … yet, we FEEL so very proud of YOU UPON EARTH who are performing the most magnificent play ever performed.

For today … we close the curtains … until next time.

Shine your Lights out ... it matters not in which direction … for anywhere it radiates, shall surely be received Gratefully … aware or unaware.

May our LOVE penetrate deeply within your BEINGS ... allowing your hearts to smile … which in turn allows other hearts to smile … because, heart smiles … face smiles … all smiles … assist The Whole.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. How blessed we are!

I shall continue to post this under the channellings, for the sake of new readers. The more I listen to it, the more it sinks in!

* The Federation Of Light speak of LOVE. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmsCqVjqSss .

Website: Blossom Goodchild
An audio version of Blossom's channelings can be found


The Company of Heaven:  To Love You More

The Company of Heaven:

Yesterday, Creator gave you a wonderful message.  It was filled with wisdom and Love.  You all read it, didn't you?  And yet today your conversations are still filled with the language of fear - the fear of darkness, conflict and want.  We do not wish for our children to be in a state of worry, anxiety and frustration, no matter how difficult your day might be. 

We had high hopes that the series of messages we have constructed for you and the radio shows which weave everything together would help you turn the corner into a higher dimensional way of life, completely without fear.

Creator told you, did he not, that you are made for Light, because you were born in Love and Light.  We know that what he speaks is true. But it is a difficult transition for you to move from the adrenaline-laced state you are so accustomed to, into a state of peace and Divine resignation.

Now, by resignation we do not mean you turn yourself over.  You see how limiting the words are.  We mean that there is a a state of being that is so resolute, so serene, that you reach complete acceptance.  The first level of acceptance upon which the serenity builds is the deep knowledge of your own power - the absolute confidence that you are competent, strong in body mind and spirit - such that you are completely at peace with your own ability to manage whatever comes your way.

The second element of acceptance is based in knowing, without a doubt, that your life has meaning, and that this life is not the only one you have experienced, and you will not end regardless of when this life is done.  In addition to comfort with the knowledge of your incarnations and your eternal life as a soul, it is necessary to see the wheel of life and your part in it as profoundly unique, necessary and an important part of the greater whole.  You also are beginning to see how deeply the lessons of this lifetime have affected you, and how these perfect lessons were of your own choosing, for your own growth and expansion.

The third and most crucial element is your Faith.  We are not a "sometime thing."  We are present, adoring, and delighted to see you stretching to grasp the difficult challenges life brings.  We only want for you to join us fully in a two-way conversation that allows you to perceive our loving presence every moment of the day and night.  When you have experienced our presence in your lives in this constant and intimate way, you will have found the ascension key, for you will be operating in a state of 5th dimensional consciousness.

Once you have totally embraced your own uniqueness and absolute competence, you have the necessary foundation to proceed down your spiritual path to deeper understandings. Without the profound acceptance of yourself, you cannot experience the great love of others you are capable of, and you cannot ever be at peace.  Let us explain why.

After a lifetime of criticism, competition, derision and having been ignored, disrespected and denied, the belief that you are not worthy, not good enough seeps into your pores and insinuates itself into your nervous system, your feelings and every thought.  Few people have not experienced this, even in what pass for "good families." Humankind has come through a particularly rude and cruel phase in recent years. It requires determination and persistence to root out these toxic references to yourself, which become so embedded in your self-referential thoughts that you assume it is normal, because everyone else feels the same way.

How can we convince you to accept our alternative view, which we know to be an accurate picture of you?  We see your brilliance, and we see your mistakes and stumbles.  We are happy to work with those of you who are able to hear our encouraging words, and we do not hesitate to point out to you where you may be going off the path of what is in your greatest good, but we never look down upon your wayward actions.  We accept that it is a normal part of your learning process, and we send you love to help you balance yourselves.  For us, there is never the option to be disapproving, impatient or belittling.

You see, we are not blind to the problems in your lives, or to the difficulties you have 'keeping your eye on the ball."  We know how distracting the fast pace of your lives can be, and we see your insecurities.  Those insecurities are all based in the "not enough" feelings left over from childhood.  No adult who has embraced his/her completeness would ever feel bad about themselves for being who they are.  It is impossible if you embrace your whole self, "Body and Soul," as the old song goes.  Perhaps you should sing those love songs to yourself, just to get used to the wonderful feeling of being in love with yourself.

Each morning as you awaken and look into the mirror, look deeply into your own eyes and send a concentrated blast of Love right into the eyes of the person looking back at you.  Notice the interesting color of your eyes.  Run your hands over your faithful body, which has brought you to this day, in spite of the rough and tumble life you have led.  Send Love and Light through your hands as well.  Feel the tingling sensation in all your cells.  This is the heart of the cell, which has been activated by the great Ruby Crystal, responding to the energy of Love.

You are also being sent the continuing powerful energies from the Central Sun to gradually activate your crystalline body, which is now responding to the Ruby Crystal, which you could not have felt in the same way just a few months ago.  This will make it easier to feel our great Love for you, and to accept that We are right about you, and everyone else was wrong, even you.  Yes, it is possible is it not, that we are more objective, more accurate in our assessment of you than you are yourself?  After all, your opinions are tainted by the fact that you look at yourself with the eyes of your parents (siblings, teachers, etc).

For instance, your cultures have a terribly distorted view of what beauty is.  Heaven help (and we are happy to) the one who has a sibling that is more beautiful, by cultural standards, than you were, or who was judged to be so by the parents, regardless of actual appearances.  Parents are notoriously inaccurate in their assessments of their children, are they not?  Why would you take their word over ours anyway?

We see you as you are, and we love you immeasurably, because we remember being with you when you chose to come here in this body, and we can assure you, there were very good reasons for it, warts and all, as you would say.  We admired your courage then, as we do now.

When the choices are given to choose the body you will come with, most do not willingly choose the astonishingly "beautiful" bodies, unless it is part of the contract to play a specific role which requires it, because they do not want the lessons and responsibilities that come with it.  No, most people prefer a moderate road when it comes to appearances, because they prefer to concentrate on the inner development of their being rather than be a center of attention because of their physical beauty.

Then, you arrive here in the body of your choice, and as soon as you are approaching puberty, what do you do?  You spend hours every day fussing and arranging, primping and exercising with the specific intention of changing your face and body to be more like the ones you refused before you came here. Your goal then is to be loved and admired for the way you look, not for who you are within yourself.  Many of you even forget that there is such a place as "within yourself."

Enough! Dear Ones, we have tried to cajole you into being friendly with yourself, then we tried to humor you, instruct you and guide you in the ways of self-appreciation.  Now we must simply insist.  It is not right, not the way of the Higher Dimensions to be cruel or negligent or insulting to your poor overwhelmed Self.  No more.  We Love you, and we do not want to see any more cruelty in the world, so you must now begin with yourself.  Remember - you cannot claim to be a good person if you are mean to yourself.  You are a person too!

Now, follow along with us as we form a conga line to celebrate your beautiful self, and the vow we are asking you to join us in pledging. 

-  No more criticizing yourself.  Not even one "That was stupid." when you lock your keys in the car, or drop the dishes.
-  No more looking at your reflection in store windows and thinking, "If only I could lose 10 (or 30) pounds I would look better." 
-  No more thinking about "bad hair days."
-  No more doubting your ability to enter a room, smile and make friends with everyone you meet.
-  No more comparing yourself to others with an eye for ferreting out your failings and faults.
-  No more gloomy feelings about how bleak your future looks because you are not smart enough to be the glorious success you thought you would be by now.
 -  No more anxiety because you are sure you will not be able to impress the boss, pass the test, jump through the hoop or win the prize.
-  No more anxiety because you believe you cannot manage your feelings, because you are too anxious, or confused, or damaged.
-  No more comparing your house, your job, your car or your children to others, and feeling inferior when theirs seems nicer.
You add one here.

Let us now join in grateful praise of you, your uniqueness, and Creator's wonderful choice in wanting you to be a part of our human team, for this exciting time and place.  You see, once you accept - with profound resignation - that you are a beautiful being, talented and capable of fulfilling the journey you have claimed for yourself for this lifetime, you will see how easy life becomes!  You are good!  You are perfectly designed for this fascinating and very special and unique challenge!

Now you are ready to accept our Love, are you not?  For who could be more deserving, more receptive and joyful with our close relationship than you and we, now that we are in agreement that this warmth and acceptance is inevitable, destined to be, unavoidable, absolute, and utterly deserved.

Do not forget us when you lie down to sleep, Dearest Ones.  Accept our kisses and our blessings for a peaceful rest.  Do not forget us when you awaken.  We will be there with your angel partners to beam our smiles of pleasure and welcome to you as you begin your new day.  You see, all this was divinely destined - this great Love we have for you, the difficult lifetime you are bringing to fruition, and now, our invitation to dance with you, to sing in the new and glorious life you so richly deserve.

We are your Company of Heaven, in service to our Great One.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, Sept 15, 2014, New York


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5044 The Only Way to Effect Change in Others, September 16, 2014 

God said: 

It may well be that consciously you did not get yourself into an ungainly situation, yet it is definitely you who has to get yourself out of it. Of course, in some situations, you just have to let them ride. If you have a teacher that irritates you, odds are you just have to stick it out. The semester will be over. It doesn’t have to be a big deal. Meanwhile, you don’t have to be so opposed.
Much of the time in life, something will solve or resolve itself without help from you. Yet, sometimes, there is something you can do and have to do. In one way or another, you have to let go of a situation that is not producing happiness. By let go, I mean to let go of its hold on you. You can still be in it, yet something has relaxed. You perhaps.  
You may stay or have to stay in an uncomfortable situation. By now you know that other people will change themselves or not. Seldom is it within your jurisdiction to create a change in someone else. How you may wish for someone else to be different. It’s quite certain that you won’t affect a change in another unless there is a change in you. It is hard enough to change yourself especially when you don’t want to.
What is this will of yours? It helps you to persist, and this is a good thing, but not always. How do you know the difference between hanging on to stubbornness or whether it is determination to accomplish that which is within My Will and your capability?
Many great endeavors were dismissed out of hand by critics, and yet those very endeavors have been blessings to mankind. Maybe you would have liked to live in the horse and buggy days, yet now people drive their own cars and fly all over the world. Before telephones, people visited people in their homes and were more engaged. There is no stopping change in the world. Whatever your view of modern life, there will always be more and more new, and, it seems, faster and faster. Sometimes change seems to go like the speed of light!
Sometimes, before you turn around, someone has taken your seat, and someone has hurt your heart, and you don’t know how to get out of the dither you are in. There is the possibility of getting out of situations, and yet, sometimes, you have to work it through. You have to change within to effect an outer change. Oh, if only, people would talk it out with you. If only people didn’t think they know better than you. If only other people were not so peremptory and pushed your value aside. If only other people weren’t as they are.
So long as people find fault, there will be opposition. No one wants to be faulted, even when they are at fault -- especially when they are at fault!
As best you can, do not take other people’s mistakes about you so much to your heart. You’ve heard it before that how someone else may think is their problem, not yours. You don’t have to make it yours. Remember your worth to Me, and what fools these mortals be.
Somehow it is your portion to not let your heart be hardened because of another’s error. I tell you frankly that if someone does not favor you, it is the other person’s error. And when you disfavor another, it is also your error. Even if you are absolutely definitely in the right, you made an error of taking another’s error to heart.
Never is it meant to give your heart over to error. When you compound another’s error, you have taken another’s error too much to heart. Let go of others’ errors, and you will be free of your own.


Chicago, US of A. 
Midwayer Thomas. 
Subject: “Wars are Obsolete.” 

Received by Valdir Soares. 

Midwayer Thomas: “On the worlds of time and space, the Gods are working on a new kind of perfection, different to God’s fiat perfection, as revealed in the celestial Sons and Daughters of the Central Universe. In their vast realms of time and space, the Gods are playing the evolutionary game, starting from imperfection in the lowest of animal life, and evolving it through experience into becoming the perfected beings now enlarging the Corps of Finality on Paradise. Indeed, evolution is highly effective, but at times very difficult to understand. Among these obscure aspects of evolution, wars are perhaps the paramount puzzle for human beings. 

“The genesis of wars are conflicts through which the fittest survives by overcoming an adverse environment and other competitive beings. On Urantia, the primates were the species to finally reach a stage in evolution that prompted the Universal Father to bestow upon them their human personality. Conflicts, which made possible the ascent of the human race, were also to become a factor in its very enhancement. Wars among primitive humans became ingrained in human nature, and were even expected. The appearance of the six colors of races on all evolutionary worlds was designed to make natural belligerence in human instinct work for their very progress. 

“Evolution alone does not produce God’s intent for the evolutionary worlds. Without divine participation, evolutionary beings could at best be superior animals, but still animals without free will – slaves to ancestral causation. Evolution is a divine method to bring life into the domains of the Michaels – the Creator Sons of God. The spiritual government and racial upsteppers provided by universes’ local systems intervene, and conduct evolution beyond the animal level, to produce the spiritual offspring of God. The local universe Sons advance human beings in this direction, for during each dispensation humankind is taught to love each other by doing the will of the Father. 

“Your past experiences show that local conflicts become potential worldwide wars. Siding with nations supporting opposing sides of local conflicts, increases the risk of worldwide escalation. Humanitarian reasons are noble, but ineffective in stopping wars. Replace them with ethical reasons showing that wars now are, besides being unnecessary, cruel, immoral, and quite suicidal to your civilization. Have you totally lost your confidence in the power of dialogue, which has worked for you in the past, and is much more effective than bombs? 

“I am Thomas, happy to sponsor this lesson. Remember the words that welcomed our Master to this world: ‘Peace and goodwill to all mankind on earth’”.

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.


Greetings to my beloved Morning Message familySept 15, 2014

 ___________ My Personal Message___________
I am up before the sun, my mind too active to sleep; thank goodness for sweet naps in the afternoon. I am usually up early and spend the time working on all the various projects for the 'team'.  I have been working on the two Morning Message apps and adding to the third book that is nearing completion. I am also excited about the webinar Allowing Prosperity and am having such creative fun creating the Power Points and translating a deep personal knowing into tools that will serve all those who join me.

I am also being invited to use these tools because I just received some unsettling news that I need a new septic tank and leach field, cost is over $10,000. It is the same cost for the two apps I have been working on with great excitement. So it seems the game of life has offered me the opportunity to stay in trust and the frequency of gratitude which will allow this all to be resolved. As one of my daughters reminded me, these are first world problems. 

This awareness certainly shifts my attitude to one of deep gratitude for all the blessings I experience. I took a walk in the beautiful redwoods yesterday after the news. With each step I expressed my gratitude for the wonder and magic of my life and this planet.

After I wrote this part of the newsletter I witnessed several thousand dollars being generated from various and unexpected sources, all before noon. I am so incredibly grateful that I am supported in my life and this work. I will keep you posted of other financial miracles that occur. 

The skills and tools offered in the Allowing Prosperity webinar work. Join me in this adventure.
I know that you and your loved ones are also experiencing these intense times and many tremendous challenges in life. It is so important that we each remember that we are magnificent and capable of shifting and transforming all that is before us.

Each of my daughters is dealing with challenges. One daughter was in emergency twice; I was with her for a week. I hold each daughter in the place of her most magnificent self. I see them thriving, healthy and happy.

Oh my, I just glanced up from this computer and the sky is an incredible pink with the promise of a new day. I am grateful to be alive.

I am always available for personal readings with the 'team'. Remember, when you call to book your private appointment with the 'team' please mention code gratitude for the $88.00 financial exchange.  

I am touched by your generous Bluesky donations; they are so appreciated.  May you be blessed a thousand fold. I love you and am so grateful for your support. You are such a precious community to me. Thank you for sharing this site. You truly enrich my life beyond measure. I acknowledge your magnificence as together we anchor a new reality. Blessings of grace and joy, Peggy

_________ Message from the 'team' _________  
Dedicated and Practiced Skill
Peggy Black and the 'team'
We are here encouraging you to take a deep breath and acknowledge yourself for the transforming service you have been doing. We realize that you do not always see the results of the continuous work that you offer the collective. In fact there are times in which you think what you are doing is not making any difference.  
The events that are broadcast, the conflicts that are fueled by patterns long held in the collective seem to be accelerating. When the media is focused on these events and you observe these occurrences, it is easy for your vibration and state of mind to drop into a state of despair and you can begin to believe that nothing is changing. 

When these thoughts of discouragement arise shake them off as quickly as possible.  We would like to invite you to practice feeling good for no reason. Look for ways to uplift your own personal energy field. This is one of the most important self-mastery skills that you can call forth. So no matter what is occurring in your personal life or the global arenas, find areas in which you can practice your gratitude. 

The simplest vibration of gratitude will shift the frequency. Being thankful is your only full time job.  It does not matter what you are doing or whom you are doing it with, continue to hold a foundation of gratefulness. It truly is your power, your power to transform a situation, your power to transform any limitation.

It is from this vibration generated by a feeling and emotion of gratitude that all things can and do transform. We are speaking of a genuine, sincere expression of acknowledgment and praise for being alive.

Even in the darkest of experiences seek to witness and express the smallest ray and reason for gratitude. The vibration and frequency of gratitude is truly a game changer. Your entire field of energy shifts even if it is just a microscopic shift and a fleeting sense of thankfulness.

Gratitude is soothing to your troubled mind as well as to your body and its functions. You cannot feel stress when you are expressing gratitude. The chemicals in the body change, the chemicals in the brain change with each of these vibrations and emotions.

This is truly a dedicated and practiced skill we are inviting you to remember and master. The tiniest expression and feeling of gratefulness is a seed that will begin to grow and flourish. Your life experiences will begin to shift. You will become a magnet for more and more experiences that you call blessings.

When you are in the grace of feeling grateful you are a strong and calming presence wherever you are.  Those around you can and do feel this radiating in your field; you are blessing your loved ones, your co-workers, your community and the entire matrix. You are also blessing yourself.

If we could offer you a magic wand of transformation it would be gratitude and appreciation. When you consider that you are a being of pure energy, a divine multidimensional being of light, your natural, most centered and balanced state is a coherent frequency of gratitude. 

Unfortunately this is an ability that is not skillfully used by most individuals. Rather than using their personal creative power to attract and welcome life-sustaining energy, they misuse their creative power and generate a frequency of worry. And that, only attracts the very thing about which they are worried.   It is a dysfunctional cycle that is prevalent on your planet.

Do your best to shift your state of mind from worry, doom and gloom to some aspect of appreciation. Even in the most challenging experience or crisis, grab your fear, your distress, your anxiety before it multiplies in thought and feelings. It is these feelings and thoughts of dread and dismay that literally close the energetic doors to the very solutions you are seeking.

These low frequency vibrations instantly connect you to the collective consciousness generated by others who have forgotten who they are, those who are expressing and radiating their fear, anxiety and distress.  Your planet has taken this way of expressing its power to an art form of dysfunction.  As you can see, worry, judgment, and anxiety have not produced a world of love and peace. We think you will agree with us in this observation.

When you feel yourself drop into this collective pool of despair and negativity, shake it off! Return to your practice of gratitude, appreciation and joy. It is these emotions, generated and held firmly, that will attract the results you desire to manifest. In this manner you are adding this conscious light to your global family. Remember to see the end results, envision the most supportive outcome for yourself, your loved ones and the events occurring on your planet. You are the one to anchor this. 

We know this is a theme we continue to offer you. It is one of the most important practices that you can learn, use and express while in your physical form. The vibrations of love, gratitude, joy, compassion, forgiveness are all forces and influences that truly transform.

We acknowledge you for being here at this critical time of evolution. You, your actions and the offered high frequencies of light are making a significant difference. Do not doubt this for a minute; continue to hold, offer and sustain your divine conscious presence. We embrace you with our deepest gratitude for who you are and the energy of light and service you continue to bring forth. 

We are available to support and assist as is the entire company of divine conscious beings. Remember to invite and include us in all that you do. We assist in amplifying your good work in this reality and dimension. the 'team'

©2014 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may  share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address.  www.morningmessages.com FREE 88 messages available 


Sivananda Daily Reading

17 September

Posted: 15 Sep 2014 10:00 PM PDT

Yoga of Meditation 
O beloved Ram! You are within a strong fortress now. A spiritual fortress where no temptation can influence you. You are absolutely safe. Now you can do vigorous sadhana (spiritual practice) without fear. Kill the foe ­ the mind. Wear the spiritual laurels of peace, equal­-vision and contentment.
You are already shining with Brahmic bliss. The all-merciful Lord has given you all sorts of comforts, good health and a guru to guide you. What more do you want? Grow. Evolve. Realise the truth and proclaim it everywhere.
Be silent. Know thyself. Know that. Melt the mind in that. Truth is quite clear and simple. Solitude and intense meditation are two important requisites for self-­realisation. If sadhana is interrupted, make up the deficiency later. 
Practise self­-restraint at all times because, all of a sudden, the senses may suddenly become turbulent. This is why Krishna says: "O son of Kunti, the excited senses of even a wise man, though he be striving, impetuously carry away his mind."
The wandering habit of the mind must be controlled by making it stick to one place, by one method of sadhana, by one guru and by one form of yoga. A rolling stone gathers no moss. When you take up a book for study, you must finish it before you take up another one. When you take up any work, you must devote your whole­hearted attention towards it and finish it before you take up any other work.
Do not cause pain or suffering to any living being, whether through greed, selfishness, irritability or annoyance. Give up anger and ill­-will. Give up the spirit of fighting and heated debates. Do not argue. If you quarrel with somebody you cannot meditate for three or four days, because your balance of mind is upset. Thus much energy is wasted in useless channels. Also the blood becomes hot; the nerves are shattered. Keep a serene mind always. Meditation proceeds from a serene mind.
An aspirant must be sensitive and yet possess a body and nerves completely under control. The greater the sensitivity becomes, the more difficult the task. Noises which pass unnoticed by an ordinary person are torture to one who is very sensitive. Develop the inner power of the self. Centralisation of ideas will stop the out­going habit of the mind.
