9-1-14 Arcturian Group Message {Channeled} et al



Let time celebrate your presence, you keep smiling as ever.

- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


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AUGUST 31, 2014

We of the Arcturian Group once again come to greet you during these times of seeming confusion and change. You are powerful beings of Light but when in the physical, do not remember this. The human experience causes many to think of themselves simply as flesh that will die and that is nothing after death. Because of this, these dear ones often relentlessly seek lives that encompass everything they believe to be good and important regardless of consequences. You often hear the phrase; "You only have one life so live it to the fullest." Well yes, do live to the fullest, which means living in a consciousness of truth and not human concepts. You do have only one life on earth--one at a time.

You have all lived hundreds of lifetimes. You who read and resonate with these messages are old souls. Know that you are able to resonate with the energy of higher truths because they are your attained state of consciousness--otherwise messages of truth would make no sense. Energy flows and resonates with like energy which is why you are now discovering that certain people, foods, entertainments etc. no longer seem important--your resonance has changed while these things have not--you no longer resonate with them.

We come once again to speak of love, but this time with regard to love of self. 
Most human beings carry some sense of self-loathing or low self esteem which often manifests outwardly through acts of violence, suicide, abuse, and actions of a negative nature or in a lesser degree in the refusal to accept help, gifts, compliments, or love.

In order to love in the highest sense, one's own self must be included which often proves to be more difficult than the act of loving others. As an individual begins to awaken, he becomes aware of past experiences where he failed to meet the mark--memories of saying or doing things that now shock and shame him. He becomes very aware of human failings and begins to compare himself to what he believes he "should be". Each time he reads or hears how a person must love self, he hears a little voice that says; "Oh, but remember you did or said this or that...you are not worthy of love. You are a bad person".

Forgiveness is the first step in loving self. The basis for forgiveness is the understanding that a person can only live and act from their attained state of consciousness. Issues creating shame result from actions that were taken in a different state of consciousness --you are no longer that same place which is why you may react with shame regarding some past action--you are seeing from a whole new level.

Human beings learn from trial and error in the earlier phases of evolution which is what karma is all about. Karma is simply the balancing of energies, a way to learn and experience all facets of whatever particular energy an individual has set in motion. At some point in the evolutionary process, karma is no longer needed because one begins to live out from a higher level and be taught from within.

As serious students of truth you have been meditating, sending Light to Gaia and her kingdoms, and doing what you are guided to do and study. However, many of you have never forgiven yourselves for real or perceived faults and actions, or seriously and consciously considered what it means to love yourselves. Instead, the idea of loving self is pushed aside and ignored while your personal sense of self (ego) continues to carry around the belief of being "unworthy" or "less than" like a heavy ball and chain, lifetime after lifetime.

Even for long time spiritual students, the idea of loving self may feel inappropriate and like ego action-- which it is not. These feelings simply represent a third dimensional concept of what it means to love self. In order to move more deeply into living, moving, and having your being in the higher frequencies of truth and love, you must include yourself for ALL are in and of the One--you as much as anyone else no matter how "holy" another may seem.

In your times of quiet and meditation, make a practice of going through all of your chakras, bringing the golden/white light down through each from above the crown with the intention that each chakra be opened, cleared, balanced, and aligned as the Light enters it. When you reach the solar plexus which is the seat of personal identity, pay special attention to the honoring of Self, stating your intention to clear and release any and all old energies still being held and acting as blockages within this chakra. The memory of some person or experience may pop into your awareness indicating something needing to be cleared. You may remember some experience or person who activates feelings of inadequacy or self loathing. Whether or not anything comes to mind at that time, state your intention to release with love, any and all negative energetic cords that may still be attached to you from people or situations in this life or past lives. Visualize Light flooding your whole being and especially the solar plexus chakra and then let it all go.

Loving self does not refer loving the ego self although you must also learn to accept and not resist that part. The ego self is not the real you, but is a perceived, false sense of self that has built up over lifetimes lived within the beliefs of being separate from Source and all others. Loving self means acknowledging your Divine nature and forgiving any missteps taken while in ignorance of this. Loving self means having the courage to admit when you are wrong while not berating yourself regarding some issue of the past. Loving self means to live out from who and what you really are in spite of appearances. It is a taking back of the innate power you unconsciously allowed to be taken from you.

During the process of learning to love self, try to avoid going into resistance with regard to the thoughts that may come into to your awareness . When a spiritual student begins to recognize and acknowledge his Divine nature, he often finds that there also comes that determined ego voice whispering of how short he falls of the truths he is learning and reminding him of the many ways in which he has shown that his nature is not Divine. There will come the temptation to resist these thoughts, telling oneself; " I must not allow this voice to govern me. Go away, I will not accept these thoughts.", etc. etc.

Resistance simply gives a power to these impersonal ego suggestions. A better inner response would be; "Yes, I have believed myself unworthy, and yes, I still carry guilt and feelings about certain things I have done in the past, but I now choose to release these old energies and move ever more deeply into an awareness of who and what I really am...to accept that I AM THAT I AM."

Learning to recognize and ignore the ego blather will begin to shift your belief system. It won't be long before you have reprogrammed habitual thinking and begun to trust in the truth because you now realize that you not only have, but are the power and presence to be what you are and do what you came to do.

For most, change does not happen overnight, the programs of separation and duality have been long in place--programs that led you to accept that you were less than others and that only those with money, looks, and power, education, or "holiness" were important or worthy of love. ALL are in and of the ONE. The appearances and circumstances of daily living for each and every person has to do with their pre-incarnation choices.

You are ready dear ones, ready to embrace and begin to actually love your selves through acknowledging that you are Beings of Light learning and evolving through third dimensional experiences.

Once you unlock the door of loving self as SELF, you will discover that this is the long hidden key, the Holy Grail, hidden where none find it until ready and thus you open the way for Divine Love and all its qualities to flow infinitely within and without.

We are the Arcturian Group 8/31/14

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5029 The Music of the Heart, September 1, 2014 

God said: 

When you wake up in the morning, say to Me from within yourself:
“O, my beautiful God, thank You for Being and creating the Universe and giving Your heart to us all, giving us You as our constant Companion and keeping us in Your Heart, and touring with us on a fabulous journey that winds up right where we started with You. I am speaking of us here as Your many beloveds, and not as You and I as One.”
And I say to you, My One Beloved:
I thank you for accompanying Me in this Palace of Being, for being with Me through thickness and thin. Of course, there is nowhere else for you to go or be, and, yet, at the same time, you are not hemmed in. You are free to fly anywhere, and you can only bump into yourself, seemingly your little self, ultimately your Holy Self. Ultimately, We (and I speak of thou and I as One) simply are tripping the Light Fantastic through this Wonderland called Life in the World. We dance, don’t We? We sing, don’t We? We cavort. We engage. Wedo-si-do. The We becomes One. Whee! How happy We are.
We are having a conversation, even as there is nothing to say. How can We begin to say Our Engagement. We are engaged in a rollicking adventure. We disperse Our One Self. We run up hill and dale. We fall down the hill with Jack and Jill. We climb the heights like Jack in the Beanstalk. Only, We don’t find a giant. Hand in hand, We find Our One Self, and We laugh, and We laugh, and We laugh some more.
Just think of it, We travel together. We swim the Seas, and We ride up and down and go around on a Merry-Go-Round. We don’t get dizzy, yet, if We did, We would get dizzy with love, one swirl of love after another, one amazing embrace as two seeming hearts meet as One. It is like We are at a symphony, and We are One with the Music of the Heart. We are not glued together, yet We are unpartable and happy to be together as One, embarking on a Journey of Love, continually greeting Our One Self. We are uproarious with this amazing Oneness and the love that dwell in Our One Heart. Thrump, thrump, goes Our One Heart. Love, love, beats Our One Heart. Listen to Our Speechlessness now. Listen not carefully. Just listen between the beats of Our One Heart. Listen to the Soundlessness of Joy that equals the Lilies of the Field and jumps ahead in a heartbeat.
There is nothing to say. We are smiling so wide and laughing so heartedly that We cannot stop laughing. We catch Our breath, and then there is another sally forth of laughter on top of laughter, so happy are We, so breathlessly happy engaging in love like no other, a symphony of joy that fills the Universe and Heaven to the brim.
Love is close at hand. It is as close as Our One Heartbeat. Our love is not around the corner. Our love is exploding in the world right now. Hail to the world. Hail to life. Hail to the Brightness of Heaven which rides lightly in Our One Heart.
All is miracle. There is nothing that is not a miracle. What is there that is not a wonder? A bird’s song. A baby bird’s cheep. A lion’s roar. Rubber hitting the road. A burst of light. The sun coming around the corner. The suspense. The suspension of action for a moment. The pause in between. The cessation of thought. The predominance of love, of love ever soaring, ever staying, ever reclining on wave after wave of itself, never once leaving the Heart of Heaven, the esplanade of Heaven, the unfurling of Heaven right in the palm of Our hand. We convene in Heaven.


Mentori Spokesperson. 
Subject: “All Are Children of God.” 

Received by Lytske. 

Mentor: “Do place your ready fingers to the keyboard and listen carefully to the words that will flow into your mind. It is so very important to develop a focused attention when a request comes from on high to find a willing soul to take dictation. Once found, it becomes important that such a soul should develop a closer relationship with the Spirit from God within him or her. The Eternal Son has placed in all embryonic mortal souls a responsive chord with the capacity to listen, so there can be instant communication with the God-head of all creation. The Infinite Spirit, through every Spirit Daughter of every evolving local universe is providing all evolving mortals with a workable mind, upon which humans can expand if so desired. The Universal God has provided all mortals with free will so they can choose for themselves to enter Paradise after completing the One Mandate of becoming perfect during their ascension journey. This is the Grand Design of Life, laid out for all who answer the call of Spirit. 

“The important question we celestials entertain in our minds, and speak of among each other, is: ‘When will the humans on this beautiful orb in space wake up to their true calling and purpose of living, and start answering to the said mandate of becoming perfect?’ 

“It is vital for you to start realizing that your planet received the signal honor of hosting the Creator Son of a mighty universe in which your evolving planet is located. Has anyone ever stopped to consider what great an honor this was, and still is, as Michael, whom you all know as Jesus, chose this planet – out of a potential ten million in the process of evolving – to show and teach you about a loving God in heaven. Instead some greedy unthinking rulers steeped in the olden laws of ages ago, had Him nailed to a cross, even though they were the ones teaching the common people about the coming of the Messiah. Blinded by greed and their power over the people, they would not accept the mild mannered Messiah when He came onto the scene as a gentle carpenter. They insisted in imagining a Messiah who would ‘sit on the throne of David’, and free them from the Roman oppressors of those times. 

“They could have known that this Messiah was to come for the whole world as they were the chosen race, among whom He would be born due to being the first race having accepted the One God concept, rather than all the multiple minor gods among the other peoples. Instead, by nailing the Son of God and Son of Man to a cross, they forever forfeited being the chosen race that was designated to proclaim the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man abroad, and into all the world. 

“Do think of what travesty has befallen this planet. This enlightening story can be found in The Urantia Book, including the documentation of how Jesus until the last minute offered them a chance to redeem their souls and accept His good news that all of humanity are children of God, never mind what gender, race, creed, or color. Indeed, that all are worthy of being called the children of God.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.


A Strange and Enlightening Month of September By Henry Seltzer for Astrograph Astrology
The astrology of September features Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, and Chiron. The powerful Saturn and Neptunearchetypes are entirely antithetical to each other, and yet were each highlighted at the time of the recent VirgoNew Moon — from the beginning of the last full week of August — that began the current cycle. This is because this New Moon opposed Neptune in its own sign of Pisces, which also receives various aspects from personal planets as the month unfolds, while Saturn and Mars were closely conjunct one another, at the 17+ degree mark of Scorpio. Saturn implies restrictions and limitations, and is somewhat stifling to the forward-going energy ofMars, representing action. Neptune is symbolic of otherworldly dimensions intuitively sensed; a reality that is orthogonal to our everyday affairs, and which underlies everything that we say and do.

Then we might look to 
Venus, Uranus and also Chiron, the Wounded Healer, at 16+ degrees of their respective signs, all forming powerful aspects to Saturn and Mars at the time of this potent New Moon. We therefore can expect themes over the course of this month represented by both the practical and grounded experience indicated by strong Saturn and as well the flights of fancy as symbolized the otherworldly energies of Uranus andNeptune. We have one foot in and one foot out of the physical plane as we head into fall and the prospect of further transformation and self-revelation.

The fact that 
Chiron was also aspected by all the personal planets in their line-up in the 17th or the 18th degree of their respective signs implies the underlying angst that change, and especially sudden change, brings. Plenty of partner activity is coming up, and along with that comes recognition of the wounding that prevents our fullest participation in relationship. The Full Moon that comes along on Monday, September 8th, aligns with Chiron as well, so that there is a steady stream of inner work from each of us that is called upon during the timing of these key moments in September entire monthly cycle.

Virgo New Moon from August 25th was another in a series of powerful lunations, bringing the archetypal combinations of Saturn-Neptune, Saturn-Uranus and Uranus-Pluto into sharp focus over the course another rather intense monthly cycle. The Sun and Moon that opposed Neptune also made a forming quintile aspect toSaturn, while the other three personal planets, Mercury, Venus and Mars, all made closely aspecting to Saturn as well. Mars being conjunct Saturn in the eighteenth degree of Scorpio; Venus, lodged at 16+ degrees of Leo, was thus closely trine Uranus, square Saturn and bi-quintile Pluto.

In another chime with these emergent outer planet energies, a yod formed from 
Neptune and Pluto to Jupiter, which at the New Moon timing exactly opposed the Neptune-Pluto mid-point. With Uranus and Pluto nearing their next exact square, coming up in mid-December, the changeful beat of this climactic year continues. This involvement with Jupiter and also Neptune implies that spiritual components play an important role now in integrating the transformational effects that have been underway, and in preparing for the changes yet to come as we head into the ending of the year. 


Sivananda Daily Reading

2 September

Posted: 01 Sep 2014 02:07 AM PDT

The Secret of Meditation 
Meditation is the road to the attainment of salvation (moksha). Meditation kills all pains, suffering the three kinds of tapas (fevers), and the five kleshas (sorrows). Meditation gives the vision of unity. Meditation produces a sense of oneness. Meditation is the aeroplane that helps the aspirant to soar high in the realms of eternal bliss and everlasting peace.
Meditation is the mysterious ladder that connects heaven and earth and takes the aspirant to the immortal abode of Brahman. Meditation is the continuous flow of one thought of God or Atman, like the continuous flow of oil from one vessel to another.
When you sit for meditation, all sorts of worldly thoughts will crop up in your mind; this will disturb the meditation. You will be astonished. Old thoughts, old memories of past enjoyments will bubble up and force the mind to wander in all directions. The trapdoor of the vast magazine of thoughts and memories, within the subconscious mind, is opened up and these thoughts gush out in a continuous stream. The more you attempt to still them, the more they will bubble up.
Do not be discouraged. Never despair. Through regular and constant meditation you will purify the subconscious mind and thus control the thoughts and memories. The fire of meditation will burn all thoughts. Be sure of this.
- - - - -
Meditation on the immortal Self will act like dynamite. It will blow up all thoughts and memories in the subconscious mind. If the thoughts trouble you much, do not suppress them by force. Be a silent witness, as in a bioscope. They will subside gradually. Then you must root them out by regular silent meditation.
The practice of meditation must be constant. Then only will one attain Self-realisation, quickly and surely. He who practises meditation, by fits and starts, for a few minutes daily, will not be able to achieve any tangible success in yoga.
In the beginning, beginners fall down from meditation into their old grooves. They must lift up their minds again and again. They will have to fix the mind on the lakshya (target). When the meditation becomes deep and steady, they eventually get established in God. Then meditation becomes sahaja - it becomes habitual.
