8-8-14 SaLuSa HL/et al

The food of spirituality is love, joy, compassion and beauty.

- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5005 Your Body Serves , August 8, 2014 

God said: 

Your heart is a pump of love. What is blood that runs through you but a form of love? What is all of your body but a form of My love? And, so, you always want to nurture your body and think well of it. Let Us hear no more of illness. Love everything about you. Love your bones, love your shape, love your height, love your skin, love your nose, love your toes. Just love that body of yours that takes you everywhere. Love the accoutrements that your body supports for you so willingly.
Never again say you don’t like your neck, that it is too long and too thin or too short and fat, and don’t say again you wish your body had this and had that. Part of taking care of your body is to speak well to it and of it. Thank your body for all it does to house your spirit on Earth. Your body is your friend for one lifetime. It is your friend.
The physical is not all of you by any means. You already know that. While you are on Earth, your body serves you while your soul is forever. Your body is not, and yet your body caters to you.
How do you talk to those who are your servants? You don’t look at servants and say, “You’re ugly.” You don’t constantly point out to servants how you wish they were different. If you want good service from servants, you treat them well.
If you think you have no first hand experience with servants, think about how you treat waiters in a restaurant. I believe you thank them. You talk to them as to a human being. You don’t put them down all the time. You know better.
Please know better how to look at and speak to your body. A little appreciation goes a long way.
Love your body. If you can’t find it within you to love your body wholeheartedly, then love it for the service it gives you. Your body is unique and special. It does for you all it can do for you. Speak well of your body. You are always talking about your body in front of it. There is no speaking of it behind your back. Have consideration of how you view your body and how you talk to it.
If you are anemic, be encouraging to your blood. Cheer it on. There are more ways than exercise to strengthen your body, do you understand Me?
Cheer on your muscles. Cheer on your eyes. Praise them. Tell your ears all the good things it does for you, how happy you are to have ears that help you listen to all the sounds of the world. Let your ears know how important they are to you. Your eyes, absolutely. Your nose, what your nose does for you. Be glad. Be glad for your hands that touch and your skin that can tell the difference between silk and burlap. You may say what a great meal you had, yet what about recognition of your taste buds that serve you day in and day out without complaint? And what about your tongue and lips that help you make sounds?
Bless your feet for where they take you and all the miles they travel to do your bidding.
Engage with your physical heart. Give it a great mental massage.
Your thoughts can enable or disable. Your mind, your speech, your thoughts can work wonders.


SaLuSa, August 8, 2014

Matters are progressing as intended, and we can assure you that you will not have to wait much longer before it will be readily apparent that major changes are approaching. The word has been given that there will be no further interference allowed to the plan for your release from the dark Ones. Their path has been ordained and soon their power will be so diminished that their destiny will be quite different to their plans. Certainly some individuals still wield sufficient power to be obstructive but they act under certain limitations. They will not be allowed to alter the course of mankind’s march towards the New Age and the freedom that accompanies it.

We continue to monitor all events upon Earth, and it is as well to remember that there is no hiding place from our technology that can see through solids. We can therefore tell you that we have the power and authority, to ensure that your future is according to the Divine Plan. Of course it will be affected by your freewill, but it will not alter the course of your destiny. You are already moving into the higher vibrations, and you should take time to ensure that you are fully prepared for them. It is time for you to concentrate on your evolution, to be sure that you are not side tracked from your goal.

Many eyes focus upon your tiny blue orb, and you are revered for your courage and dedication to the Light. Your experiences will assist others in their evolution, and some of you will take your knowledge and experience far into the Universe. Your next step in your evolution will be when you acquire full consciousness, and it is not as far away as you might assume. Once you have reached this stage you are a totally free spirit and your creative powers will be limitless. It is however your choice as to which path you follow, and there will be no lack of guidance and opportunities. Your present life is far removed from what you can expect in time to come. You are in fact about to conclude your experiences in the lower dimension, and will leave them with a greatly expanded level of consciousness.

You can set your sights as high as you wish, and in time you will get the opportunity to realise them. Some souls are trapped in the lower vibrations of Earth, but are given every help once they express the desire to uplift themselves. No one is left entirely on their own, but we are bound by Universal Law to only give help when it is requested. This may sound harsh but an individual soul’s freewill must be acknowledged and accepted. In this way their evolution can proceed in a way that is best suited to their needs, and in reality give them all the time they might need. Time such as you understand it is not the true reality in the higher dimensions. However, you have recognised that it is not constant throughout your Universe.

You have a lot to learn about the truth of things outside your own planet, yet even the Earth has many secrets to share with you. It is known for example that it is hollow and that Beings live inside it, and after Ascension you will meet them. They are in fact more advanced than you are and will be pleased to share their knowledge with you, and help you advance more quickly than you would have otherwise done. They have followed your progress for eons of time, and conversant with your needs. They will be of great help in advancing the future of mankind and the Earth, and you are assured that any sacrifice you make now will be well worth it, as peace will come very soon. When people learn of what is planned for your future, there will be a great coming together as at last you truly realise that you are All One. That should be easily understood when you accept that over many lives, you have all lived in many different cultures and religions. How else Dear Ones do you imagine that you would evolve and reach out to the higher dimensions.

We know that some of you are tiring of the seemingly continuous battle with the dark Ones, but rest assured that you are already in the end times and entering the New Age. We do not mind repeating that we are overseeing all events upon Earth, and that is your assurance that there will be no return to the old ways of life. Indeed the old ways are already receding into the background, and many new advances are waiting to be introduced that will propel you into the New Age. As always it depends on the timing, and we will not jeopardise your future by moving too quickly. After the long period of darkness we choose our moment to bring you into the New Age, when the dark Ones are unable to influence or interfere with our plans. They will eventually be removed as the new Earth will be no place for such low vibrations. Be cheerful and joyous as your journey is almost over, and the gifts of God await you, and peace and prosperity are to be yours.

As you acquire knowledge there is a temptation to want to spread it around, but we suggest that unless you are giving a talk try not to impose your views upon others. You will find that other souls will be directed to you when the time is right for them. There is no pressure applied to anyone, as you have an eternity in which to evolve, but we will however endeavour to nudge you occasionally to keep you seeking the greater truth. Often this can happen when a source is put your way, so it is wise to recognise such opportunities and take due note. We hear some asking how would they know when to respond and our answer is to trust your intuition.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased to be able to keep you updated on events that are determining the rate of your progress. The world continues to be in a turmoil as longstanding matters are being sorted out. They are karmic in nature and have to follow their path to completion. As is often the case where the end times are concerned, there is a lot of pressure placed upon the people. However, each of you are where you should be so that any remaining karma can be cleared. So please do your best to deal with it so that it is completely finished. This will ensure that you can enjoy the transition period and be fully prepared for the future. The Galactic Federation sends its love and assures you of its every interest in your well being.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey
Tree of the Golden Light


Alabama, US of A. 
Thought Adjuster. 
Subject: “Your Place in This World.” 

Received by Oscar. 

Thought Adjuster: “It is easy for many among you to feel irrelevant or even redundant in this world. Do not determine your value by comparing yourself to others. You do not need to achieve anything special no one else has achieved in order to claim your individuality. You don’t have to accomplish the goals society considers important in order for you to declare your value. The fact is that you are already unique, and there is no one else like you. Our Father has created you to be who you are and thus achieve the highest expression of your personality by becoming increasingly more like God. 

“A better way to assert your value, and feel useful, is to first look where you are and what you can do in your particular situation. Focus your attention on where you are most needed. If you have children, consider that nobody else can be their father or mother, and prepare them for a life rich in spiritual growth. You are the chosen one for that particular task, and even when others could take your place, you can do a great job in this area of your life. Your task could probably be performed by a million other people, but right now you are the one who is there, the only one who can do it the best way possible. Be sure that your Father will always place you right where you are needed, an even when any other human being could take care of the same situation, it will be up to you to take advantage of the opportunity to act wherever you find yourself. 

“It is the same for all of you. Problems arise when everybody desires to achieve the same goals, guided by material impulses, the desires of their own ego, and what the majority considers to be a success. A world filled with only poets and singers would collapse. A civilization exclusively peopled by scientists would perish by their use of knowledge without true wisdom. A nation where everybody’s goal is the procurement of money is destined for failure. 

“Great men and women in the eyes of our Father are those who face the circumstances in which they find themselves, decide to take responsibility, and take action. The problems in this world are solved by those who encounter them in their path and decide to do something about them. Many times this simple truth goes unnoticed, because those who solve problems and offer solutions for a more spiritual life in their families or communities are seldom recognized by the media. 

“You are here because the Father has placed you here. Your decisions of the past have also contributed to your situation of the present, and as you learn to make decisions that are more in harmony with your Father’s will, you will find yourself in situations that are closer to what the Father desires for you. The work for the Kingdom has to be done here and now. Do not wait for the ideal situation to arrive. Do not impose conditions, or force pre-requisites, on yourself for doing what you feel inspired to do. Let yourself be guided and you will find your true purpose, the one not subject to the lies of the world, or the false expectations of society.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.


Sivananda Daily Reading

9 August

Posted: 07 Aug 2014 10:00 PM PDT

Regular Japa 
Never do japa (repetition of God's name) in a hurried manner. Do it slowly with one-pointedness of mind and single-minded devotion. Pronounce the mantra distinctly and without mistakes. Do not repeat it too quickly or too slowly.
Do not use the index finger while telling the beads. Use the thumb, the middle and the ring fingers. When the counting of one mill is over, revert the mill and come back again. Cross not the meru (the "top" bead in the rosary). Whilst doing japa, cover your hand with a towel.
Be vigilant. Keep an alert attention during japa. When sleep tries to overpower you, stand up and do japa. Resolve to finish a certain minimum number of malas before leaving your seat.
The mala (rosary) is a whip to goad the mind towards God. Sometimes do japa without a mala; just go by the clock. Along with the japa, practise meditation. Gradually japa will drop and meditation alone will continue.
Have four sittings for japa each day. These should be in the early morning, at noon, in the evening and at night. Regularity in japa sadhana (practice) is most essential. Sit in the same place, at the same time, always.
Japa must become a habit. Even in dream you must be doing japa. Japa yoga is the easiest, quickest, safest, surest and cheapest way for attaining God-realisation. Glory to the Lord! Glory, glory to his name.
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Hold fast to the Lord. Love Him. Embrace Him. Do not worry over trifles. Do japa constantly. Recite the name constantly. The name of the Lord alone is bound to achieve what nothing else can achieve in the kali yuga (iron age). Wash the mind with the water of the Lord's name. 
Cleanse it of desire, jealousy, pride, hatred, etc. Sing the name again and again. You will reach the other shore of fearlessness and immortality.
