8-3-14 Blossom/Channeled |
Hello! I am not sure if this will work, not sure if the
Energies around me are conducive (big word Blossom) to connect with those on High. Yet, I sure am going to give it a try!
I could do with some Enlightenment from you chaps, as it seems, could many others that are missing our conversations. So,
from me here in England … are you there … wherever ‘there’ is? We
are indeed. We have long been awaiting the correct time for YOU, under your present existence to connect with you once more.
It is also for you to understand, that although at this time you feel more disconnected than usual … this is not so.
All change that occurs in one’s circumstances is simply part of an evolving system that leads … if one chooses
… to a stronger disposition and allows therefore, the soul self to move more deeply into the Truth of itself. Yes, although conditions are very trying at the moment, I am well aware of the changes going on within me …
or should I say … that I will be more aware of, when this particular time has passed. For me, it feels so out of order
for so many elderly, to have to end their days in the way they do. Whether they have served their soul’s well or not
so … to have nothing to look forward to, other than their impending passing (for some … they believe there is
nothing after) … it is just so sad that one’s days are filled with such depression, amongst a huge void of nothingness.
Can you talk about this a bit? We would say that ‘life’ was not designed
originally for those who have lived out many years upon the Earth plane, to finish their twilight years in such sorrow.
It seems that development of many things are presumed to be ‘progress’ in so many areas. Yet, perhaps those who
have developed ‘in years’ … are now … in your times … left to get on with it … or even
considered a burden. Yet, is this not just one of many, many scenarios upon
your planet that is not fitting for the human condition? Everywhere you look, you can see circumstances and situations that
you call wrong. We would not use of this word … we would perhaps say ‘veered of the pathway of that which serves’.
Dearest lady … THIS IS WHY WE COME … To assist in putting your planet back on track. To offer our wisdom, from a place that does not reside in
the Energies that many endure whilst on Earth. I am aware that we must focus on all that
is of Light … if that is what we wish to attract to our lives, in order for it to make sense. Yet … with all
that our world is going through … under siege from that which is of a lesser Light … a world of which you
speak to us about … i.e. The Golden Age … does not seem likely in any near future. Yet we hang on …
living in that KNOWING within our hearts, that it shall come. Because you KNOW it is
already present and correct. It is there in its place … this Golden Age … waiting to move into its rightful orientation
when conditions allow. It is up to you … each one … to KNOW of this and ‘lower’ it into place. Lower it? I thought we are lifting up into it? To use the word ‘compromise’
would not be fitting … yet we felt the need to pop that word in. In
what context? In that … rather than it BE that ALL THAT IS OF EARTH must raise itself
up to the Higher level of the New World … perhaps a compromise shall be given … in that Earth and its inhabitants
shall be met half way. To shift things along a bit … To assist … To make it more foreseeable. When was this decided? It has not been … yet, it has been discussed. We
so often ‘pick up’ on those of profoundly LIGHT heart … finding themselves consumed by that which pains
the soul. Always in attendance of these matters and our Loving consideration for you … do we consider possibilities.
That sounds good. Really good. I always find myself saying the same about the Energies
of Love that are flowing in at the moment … ‘We’ are lifting up … and ‘They’ are pouring
down/into … and we merge together at some congenial ( Another big word Blossom ) point. Yet, basically … we are not speaking of separate subjects. For ALL THAT IS … ALL THAT EVER WILL BE …
IS ENERGY. The ENERGY of the NEW WORLD that awaits you … is HIGHER than
the one that you reside in now. Let us make a suggestion for thought. When
you yourself Blossom, are living in Australia and life is wonderful and you FEEL at ONE with ALL THAT IS … your Energy
is residing on a completely different level from that which it is residing within now, whilst you are experiencing this time
in England with those around who are struggling. Therefore, no matter what
you attune to in order to ‘lift your spirits’ … the level of thought … therefore … YOUR
level of vibration, is not anywhere near that which you are able to experience whilst in sunnier climates and life is swimming
along nicely. I am aware of this. Very much so. Yet, how does that relate to the
New World? For, I thought the New World, when we are in it, will have no sadness, or war, or starvation etc. … so
I am a little confused. It is the KNOWING that the time shall come when ALL THINGS shall
have moved into a brighter place, such as we speak of … that keeps your hearts in hope. Each soul … as they
progress through the lower energy into the Higher … does so because of this KNOWING. IT IS WHAT YOU CAME HERE TO DO. The pace at which each individual does
so … is a personal choice. So, maybe we are going over old ground now … does
that mean that each individual ‘arrives’ in the New World in their own time, rather than at a collective time? It does indeed. Oh poop! My brain is now scrambled, because I thought ‘it
would fall into place’ … for all of us. I mean, if the Energies are rising here and coming down to us from above
… are we not all going to experience that together? Ah, wait a minute ... the penny has just dropped …
I think! I’ll let you take over; you have a clearer way of putting things. 'The
penny dropping was this thought ... and we shall try ‘OUR’ best to transcribe that thought. Yes, that which
you stated IS taking ‘hold’ and strongly. Vibrations are rising on Earth and stronger ones pouring down to
meet it. Yet, there are ‘places’ upon your Earth that are held in different levels of vibration. For instance,
one, on holiday in Hawaii, would not be residing in the same frequency as that, where much bloodshed and bombing are having
to be endured. Therefore, … it would be probable to say that Hawaii would
be most likely to be on a Higher level of the general vibration of Earth and therefore, reach the ‘New Destination’
before that of a war-torn country. Yet, as each ‘thing’ reaches ‘Their Destination’ … they
are automatically assisting that which is of a lower level … simply by having made it to the Higher one. Your world is privileged to have free choice. Many still do not understand that no matter WHAT is going on for them
… or WHERE they find themselves upon the planet … in WHATEVER situation … THERE IS STILL FREE CHOICE. Therefore … it is up to each one and
their choices of WHO THEY CHOOSE TO BE that shall determine at which stage … for them … they move into this
Higher place of Being. I think on some level, I get what you are saying. One day at a
time and all that. Basically, as you have taught … the more that an individual lives each moment through/as/ in Love
… the quicker they get there … if that makes sense? It makes perfect sense.
You are taking an individual journey AS ONE … yet what you are missing out on understanding … which leads you
to confusion … is that ONE /EVERYTHING IS ENORMOUS. There is not a word in life’s vocabulary that gives TRUE
meaning into the ENORMITY OF IT ALL. We would like to say this. YOU, each one
of you … are not responsible for the journey that another chooses to take. However, you ARE fully responsible for
your thoughts and attitude towards another’s journey. For those thoughts are part of ‘your’ journey. As each Divine soul understands its reasons for Being … then thoughts towards another’s journey …
assist YOUR journey … as it is realised that another’s journey is really none of your business. The importance of SELF is very undervalued!! As White Cloud speaks of
regularly … to FEEL great sadness for another and what they are experiencing … does not assist their situation.
To send LOVE to that soul as they make choices along their pathway … is a million times more beneficial. Easier said than done. All very well, if those individuals are ‘unknown’ to you, far away … then
yes … I can do that. Yet, when personally involved in another’s journey … it is certainly not so easy to
be detached, for when those nearest and dearest to you are suffering … it hurts! Having said that … it hurts
if I allow it. In the same way, I could or could not choose to feel about the whole world that seems to be on a sinking ship
most of the time. I know I sound like Mrs Gloom and Doom … yet, I am also aware that there is so much good and so
much joy on the other end of the scale. Unfortunately, our souls are starved of this kind of news for fear of us ‘finding
out who we TRULY are’. When …. WHEN … WHEN you find out WHO YOU TRULY
ARE … the sorrow shall be removed. For WHO YOU TRULY are is LOVE … IN ALL ITS GLORY OF ITSELF. Yet, is not LOVE in EVERYTHING? For there is nothing else? Therefore, sorrow is just a different vibration
of WHO we really are. If you CHOOSE sorrow. EVERYTHING
THAT YOU CHOOSE TO BE IS WHO YOU REALLY ARE. Hold on … let me go and pop some of
my mother’s 90,000 pills for the day … maybe I’ll get on your wave length! I thought … that we perhaps
choose sorrow (at times), because we don’t yet recognise WHO WE TRULY ARE. When we do … we will BE … ONLY
LOVE can be accessed. Yet, is it not so, that say … residing on the Earth plane
as we have chosen to do … does not allow us to understand certain Knowing’s? And, that here is much of our TRUE
self that we cannot access right now, due to the lower level of our vibration? Exactly!
Yet you have chosen to be here … and to what point of yourself you CHOOSE to attain upon the vibration … is up
to you. Correctly you state … that you cannot access your TRUE SELF …
THIS … We feel we may have confused. No worries. ‘Confused’ seems to
be my middle name at the moment. Access to WHO YOU TRULY ARE is never out of reach. One
only believes it is ... And what one believes … IS! A condition of the
experiment of Earth humans was that one must be able to access HOME … THE TRUTH … THE SOUL SELF in FULLNESS. Meditational practise or ‘flash moments’ are offered to many. There is not one soul that does not have
this right … TO GO HOME …within their BEING … at any point they desire … In order to recoup and recharge
and sit in the Light and Love of the Highest Form. Yet … during this period
of ‘Enlightenment’ that you Earthlings are walking though … in your human form … on your Earthly
level … you cannot seem to ‘get there’ … IF you understood
ALL in your present form … the change that is taking place for the benefit of all … could not happen …
and it needs to happen. Again, we state … You chose to be here …
at this time … to CHANGE THINGS. If you were to be here in your fullness
… there would be no need of change. I think I’ve lost the plot! I can’t
remember our point … is there one? I mean, how come we are asked to find out /feel WHO WE TRULY ARE … if we can
only access it in meditation etc. … due to vibrational conditions down here? Because
… as YOU, each as individuals …. change your vibration to a Higher frequency … the more you ‘recognise’
WHO YOU TRULY ARE’ … The more you recognise it … the more
your vibration rises … and the more you are able to FEEL of YOUR TRUE SELF. The
vibration many reside in … is too low to hold down this access … yet, the Higher the level one vibrates with
in … the easier access (For the closer you are to it ) and the acceptance … that as one continues ‘on
up’ … the possibilities OF … BECOMING WHO YOU REALLY ARE . Though,
wouldn’t you say that who I am choosing to be NOW in my human form … today … is obviously part of / an
aspect of … my Higher self? ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING is an aspect of ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING. Every thought that ever was / is / shall be … is an aspect of LOVE … For … Yep … There is nothing other than Love. Precisely … It simply depends
on what level of that Love … what frequency of that Divinity … you choose to ‘home in on’. We KNOW many of you are getting this … for although much around you seems bleak … in the class of ‘remembering’s’
… many distinctions are to be found. Have heart Dearest Ones. KNOW that
the FEELINGS that you experience are steps up the ladder towards brighter days for all. WE KNOW YOU ARE GETTING IT … NOW … YOU NEED TO KNOW THIS FOR YOURSELVES. For when you ‘get’ that you are ‘getting it’ … YOU’VE GOT IT! My queue to end the session … I had thought to ask if you could talk to us about Universal laws. That shall
have to wait for another time … and not sure due to circumstances when that shall be. Yet, ‘Divine timing’
works its magic always. It’s been SO good to shut myself off and chat … Thank you so much … I feel replenished!
Cheers chaps! In much gratitude … Me xxx We acknowledge your gratitude and we receive
it in the same vein. Our gratitude to all who choose to read our words offered
here … WE ARE ONE. Note from Blossom . These conversation with The Federation
of Light, are simply that ... conversations ... in which I feel privaledged to have. How each one transpires as we 'chat'
... simply IS. Many thanks for your understanding of this. I have been using my time productivelly
and pleased to say that this video I have created seems very fitting with today's channelling. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmsCqVjqSss&feature=youtu.be
Question: My past relationships with men have not been where I would like them to be. I want
to be in a space where I attract the kind of man to me that I really want to have a relationship with. What might I do to
call in that space, find that partner, and truly enjoy the fullness of a healthy relationship together? Mary Magdalene: What
are the areas that have been your challenges and which you feel you are moving beyond into a new form of relating? Questioner: I
would like to meet someone who has moved beyond financial struggles or pretty much has that settled, so it’s not a major
issue. I also want a man who has handled his “baggage” with his mother and other women. And I want somebody who’s
spiritually in alignment with me, who is a conscious male, who doesn’t look at my beliefs and what I do as strange or
a hobby, or as something not significant and important in my life. Mary Magdalene: These are different
arenas and different issues that you have brought up—all very valid ones. The one relative to finance and money may
be related to receiving and your ability to open to receiving. Is receiving an area that you have challenges with? Questioner: In
the past, yes. I come from a family of women who give more than they ever allow anything in. I’m not quite like them,
but there’s still that imprint or genetic belief that I show my worth by giving. A part of me believes that giving to
men shows why I’m important to them and why they would want to be with me. Mary Magdalene: It would most
likely be very valuable for you to take on a practice of receiving from men. If you have men in your life that you interact
with in some way or other, through work or friendship or whatever, you can allow yourself to start to practice consciously
receiving from them. Know that what
the Feminine gives to men is different than what the Masculine gives to you. You give them the Feminine essence. This is your
life-force, your joy, your love, your nurturing—not nurturing in the sense of doing, like making food or cleaning the
house or something like that. It’s energetic nurturing. The Feminine is basically about energy. You’re giving
the energy of life and love to
your partner. You’re enriching them through your energy. It also takes the form of intuition, insight, and emotion.
It takes the form of pleasure. All of those are the domain of the Feminine. This is what you give to men through your Feminine. What men give to women through their Masculine is much
more about taking care of women, in very practical, pragmatic ways. They may support you in physical ways, financial ways,
or helping figure things out in mental ways, through solving problems and those kinds of things. This is the fundamental play
of the Masculine and the Feminine. Of course, when
you’re alone you’re drawing on your own Masculine and Feminine to be whole. Every individual needs to have their
own wholeness, preferably before coming into a relationship. Then you’re whole in and of yourself. But the play between
the Masculine and Feminine still exists. This has been lost to a certain extent in the Earth’s cultures of today, especially
western culture, because so many things have changed, where women are very much living in their Masculine. They are schooled
in their Masculine, they work in their Masculine, they care for themselves and oftentimes for others and they’re very
much in their Masculine—oftentimes to the point of being cut off from their own Feminine and not knowing their own Feminine. Men tend to also be in the Masculine and the Masculine
orientation is what’s generally supported in your world today. When men see women coming from their Masculine, they
see no need to take care of them, any more than they would take care of another man. The relationship ends up being very much
about two Masculine beings relating to each other, which has not worked very well for many people. If you’re calling in a relationship where you want a man who’s
strong financially, who’s competent and self-sufficient in that way, then you need to be more in the Feminine role and
have the man be more in the Masculine role. You may need to strengthen your Feminine, in relation to men in general, as part
of calling in the man you desire to be in relationship with—strengthening your Feminine of receiving and responding
energetically. So that is the first thing I would recommend. How does that sound to you? Questioner: Good. It makes sense. Mary Magdalene: Wonderful. Relative
to the second thing your were pointing to—that men had issues with women and their mothers—the main thing you
can do is to make sure you’re clear relative to your issues with men. The degree to which you are clear in that arena
determines the degree to which you will be calling in a partner who’s equally clear in their issues and relationships
with women. Does that make sense? Questioner: Yes. Mary
Magdalene: Are you aware of what your work is in that area? Questioner: Yes.
I’ve had other men come in and they have the same issues. So I know that I still have some things to work out to call
in something different. Mary Magdalene: Yes. Sometimes they’re mirroring your issues and sometimes they’re
complementing your issues, which means they’re bringing the other side. One way or the other, they’re potentially
pointing to what you’re doing to create the dynamic. So you must work on your issues and come to a place of healing
from wounds that you have with men, whether it be your father or past relationships that you’ve had. You must come to
the point of understanding and compassion for them and the wounding from which they’re coming. But you can’t do
that until you’ve done the first. For your compassion and understanding of the other to be authentic and not just suppression,
you always have to heal yourself first. This
will eventually lead you to the place of treasuring men, loving them, seeing them
as so valuable, so wonderful and beautiful, and such a gift to you. This is the place you want to be in. Then you will draw
men who are that for you, absolutely. The
third arena is relative to your partner’s spiritual development or consciousness. The primary thing for that is that
you start to have the lens of seeing everyone as spiritual, as doing their spiritual work, rather than being different from
you. Their circumstance might be different, they may have very different areas that they’re working on, which is their
work to do at this time. But you start to see the similarities and you break down your lens of seeing the differences between
you and the way you’re doing your spiritual work. That will very strongly affect the dynamic of any separation between
your approach to spirituality and the approach of your partner. If you do this, then even if your partner has a different path than yours, they will not see a fundamental difference.
They’ll see that you’re on your path and that it is all important, valuable work. Is that helpful? Questioner: Yes, that makes sense. Mary Magdalene: I
am glad. This has been a joy and a delight to
speak with you, to interact, and to help you as best I’m able. My heart overflows with joy and love for you. Many blessings,
my dear. I AM Mary Magdalene
AUGUST 1, 2014 Arcturian Group once again wishes to speak of love because understanding the true essence of love is of the utmost
importance as the people of earth move forward. The third dimensional belief system holds an infinity of concepts regarding
love--none of which are real. Love
is the glue that holds together all of creation--IT is the energy of interconnectedness between all living things within One
Divine Consciousness. It is the one energy, substance, and activity flowing in and through seemingly separate life forms,
yet is always the ONE because that is all there is-Omnipresence. The sacred connection between all life is experienced by everyone and has been named love
by the world. Because of spiritual ignorance within the third dimensional belief system, this sense of connection or "love",
has over time become personally and universally categorized, limited, and regulated into beliefs far removed from what love
really is. LOVE IS and can
not be categorized or put into "appropriate" or "inappropriate"slots from which it is judged. All life is in and of the one
and only life and all are connected by virtue of this. As with all issues of life, the state of an individual's consciousness
interprets the energy of interconnectedness (love) according to his particular belief system and then manifests it positively
(actions reflecting oneness) or negatively (war, rape, abuse)--judging who is worthy of love and who is not. For the serious spiritual student, it is
long past time to move beyond third dimensional views of love and move into an awareness, acceptance, and practice that reflects
Oneness. Love is not sexual
attraction, nor is it an emotional reaction (positive or negative) you may feel for another although that is often a facet
of it, especially with those you have known well in other lifetimes. Love is not something that can be withheld or given according
to a whim of the ego. LOVE IS--period. Over time an un-awakened world consciousness attached rules and limitations on love--categories of emotion, attraction,
acceptance, religious dogma, worthiness etc etc.--declaring only certain categories of love as acceptable. Some of these rules
were necessary for the times in which they were created. However, it is a new time. a time to move out of these concepts and
beliefs. LOVE IS, always has been and always will be, and can never be limited or changed regardless of how many false interpretations
about it third dimensional minds may think up. Many still struggle with the idea of love as Oneness because of ingrained beliefs about love being an emotion of
attraction or acceptance. Because of this, they find they are unable to love either themselves or any who appear to be causing
trouble to others. This is understandable, do not judge yourselves for this, but instead understand that you were taught and
lived these concepts lifetime after lifetime causing them to remain in cellular memory which is what you are are now able
to recognize and clear. Most were not ready for the deeper truths until now. Concepts of love are continually presented to the world by those believing themselves
to be intellectual and spiritual authorities. That is fine at some level, but as spiritual students you have gone beyond needing
others to tell you what is truth and what is not, you have achieved that state of consciousness where you can be taught from
within. Old beliefs are often held long after they no longer serve, simply because an individual has never felt it important
to take a good look at himself or question his belief system. This is when a "wake up call" may manifest. LOVE IS the energy of Oneness, a realization
of the innate Divine nature of all life. Even when events require you to speak firmly, or discipline another, you need only
silently and secretly hold a recognition of their divinity to be loving them. When you become aware of atrocities in the world
or even within your own families, you are not expected to feel warmly and lovingly about it. It is perfectly acceptable to
sign a petition or speak out if guided, but always doing it from the stand point of knowing that all are one within the One
regardless of outer appearances. Living out from LOVE never means being another's door mat, but means recognizing yourself
and others for who you and they really are as you do or say what is needed. It is the practice of giving no power to illusory
outer appearances. The Divinity of
individuals who cause trouble and pain for others may be very hard to recognize, and they may never acknowledge it in this
lifetime, but your job is to know it is there. This is love, this is how you love, and this is how you add light to world
consciousness and help dissipate the density of separation consciousness. Until mankind learns to love in the truest sense,
love will remain locked in outdated concepts and beliefs. Go within and ask yourselves "What is love? What do I believe about love? What do I need to let go of in order
to move into the truer sense of love?" Be very very honest as you examine your own particular beliefs about love and be aware
that letting go of long held limiting beliefs will probably affect your interactions with those around you who only know the
"old" you. In the third dimension,
loving others frequently flows from the belief that there is someone who is less than and must be "fixed". This attitude toward
assisting others reflects duality--the belief that the giver is blessed but the receiver is not and often serves to feed the
ego of the giver, who considers himself to be more spiritual or "holy" because of his "sacrifice". Life is filled with opportunities to physically, emotionally,
or mentally help others and this is right activity. However for the spiritually aware, loving action must flow from a higher
sense, one in which the receiver is recognized as being just as spiritual as the giver --equal but experiencing different
life lessons and perhaps living out from a different state of consciousness at the time. Never be afraid to offer assistance
IF IT IS WANTED, but always be alert to ego suggestions prompting you to believe that you know what is best for another. Always
be guided by your intuition, going within and asking if you are not sure. There are some who simply must fall flat before
they can experience the higher or better ways of learning, and however difficult, it is loving to simply let them. LOVING YOU in the highest sense, we are the
Arcturian Group 8/3/14 Posted: 02 Aug 2014 10:00 PM PDT