8-30-14 SaLuSa et al |
The more you learn about the Illuminati, the more frightening they
will appear as they advance in leaps and bounds, whilst keeping your civilisation in the Dark Ages. The progress you should
have made has been denied you, but you will go forward quite quickly when the Illuminati have been disempowered. However,
you should avoid any overreaction to such news, as they are following a path that will lead to their demise. Before that happens,
you who have devoted yourselves to the Light will move ahead from them. You are destined to ascend and will in fact leave
them well behind as you move into the higher vibrations to continue your evolution. You will go forward at an immense speed
by which time we will have joined you. With us you will become Galactic Beings and receive immense help and assistance. We
have a future together although you are not bound to any particular path, and you will choose where and when as it serves
your best interests. In essence you really are great Beings in the making, but surrounded by the
lower vibrations you find it hard to break loose and follow a higher path. However, you are winning this battle whilst at
the same time lifting others with you. The changes in the vibrations are being felt all around and awakening those souls who
have been slumbering for a long period of time. It means that with a further upliftment in them, there will be a great awakening
that will increase the levels of consciousness. It is part of the preparations that will ensure that you are well prepared
for the new vibrations that are rising. We will not allow interference with your progress and you may confidently go forward
knowing that you will lift up in the near future. In this part of the cycle it is our destiny to fulfil the promises made
to you when it commenced eons of time ago, to guide you to fulfilment. You also have the support
of the denizens of Earth, but for the time being they remain in their own levels of existence. They will join you at the appropriate
time as their destiny is also tied in with yours. They have everything to offer having moved further along the path of evolution,
and have given you much help most of which you are unaware. You are beginning to understand that many souls not only accompany
you on your journey, but also play an active part in ensuring you safely complete it. The Universe is teeming with life and
but for the protective barrier that encases your Earth, you would by now have openly met with many other civilisations. We
also police your Solar System to keep out intruders and other Beings who are curious about your existence. In fact many still
monitor your activities as your presence is attracting a lot of attention. As far as possible we have kept other Beings away
from Earth, so as not to allow interference with your evolution. Those that are allowed to contact you are karmically involved
with you and are largely responsible for assisting you through different stages of your experience.
Your progress over the last 400 years has been remarkable, and even more so in the last century. You have responded well to
the incoming vibrations that are lifting you up, and in reality all is proceeding very much to expectations. There has always
been a plan to ensure you ascend as you leave the old cycle. You have earnt such an opportunity, and when you are given the
truth relating to your lives in this dimension you will be enlivened and uplifted. You have an expression about having ”been
to hell and back” and it describes the many experiences that you have had. However, such sacrifices are not without
their rewards, as you will have grown immensely in stature. Your experiences will serve you extremely well as you help those
who follow on in your footsteps. Whatever your feelings at this stage, we can assure you that you will be very pleased with
your achievements. Your media is still unable to report the real news, and confusion is deliberately
brought about to stop you learning the truth. Indeed, what we might call “the average person” is still detached
from the truth about events on your Earth. There is so much going on in secret and black operations are commonplace. They
are largely happening out of your sight, and the Illuminati have developed enormous underground facilities where thousands
of people carry out their work. They are the prisoners of their decision to carry out such work, and few return to the surface
of the Earth. There are in fact cities that house the workers so that everything they might need is on hand. They may be well
rewarded and well looked after but it comes at the price of their freedom. If there are people you know that have literally
vanished off the face of the Earth, it is likely that they were well qualified in skills that the Illuminati needed to continue
with their programs. Dear Ones, do not fear the outcome of the attempts by the dark Ones to control
you. They will never acquire sufficient control to achieve their plans for a total takeover of Earth. Already their power
is waning and will continue to do so until they have little authority left to follow their plans. It is something that was
foreseen long ago and allowed to develop only so far for the experience of those involved. As we have often stated, no experience
is without some gain for those involved. On Earth most situations are the result of karma, and to a greater or lesser degree
everyone is involved. Never forget however that karma is not always “payback time” and it is also rewarding for
those who deserve it. It would be wrong to think that you do not get a pat on the back for good work in the name of the Light.
All of the time you are evolving through your experiences, so please accept them as being in your interests. We are ever at your side and in reality we are a team set upon bringing more Light to Earth. Each one of you play
an important part in what is taking place, even if you are unaware as to what it is. Before you incarnated you were given
an outline of what to expect in your lifetime, and the Human Race as a collective unit progresses as One. Experience is paramount
which is why all lifetimes are so important to you, regardless as to how they may otherwise appear. I
am SaLuSa from Sirius, and wish you every success in your travels, and determination to succeed in reaching Ascension. Hello. I’m back home at last! Looking forward to
catching up with you now, on a regular basis. So, let’s get straight to it. How should we begin today? We shall start by stating the fact that ALL IS WELL. ALL IS VERY WELL
INDEED. That which we have spoken of many times … is now to be moved
onto a Higher level for the soul self to understand. For indeed, many of you have ‘changed’ your ways of thinking
… and we suggest that in order to continue in this fashion … that WE offer to you more knowledge on a different
level. Ok. Sounds good, yet, I have no idea exactly what you mean? In the knowledge that WHO YOU ARE now expands into a Higher consciousness from that which you have been resonating
upon … until now. So, how do we go about doing this? I am more than keen. It must come from the heart. For that is the ONLY place in which your TRUE self resides. That which your mind chooses
to expand upon ... can only take place … when one allows the heart level to expand primarily. So ... We … er … do what to make that happen? You concentrate on
your heart FEELINGS throughout. That which you think … they say, you are. Yet, we say ... that which you FEEL …
YOU ARE. FEElINGS … as we have stressed many times ... are a measure of
‘yourself’. You can change your attitude through thought … You can also change your FEELINGS. Through thought? Isn’t that, therefore, coming from the mind? Your thoughts
come from you … Yet, when you remove all thought and simply BREATHE THROUGH LOVE … then shall the heart grow
into its rightful place. The more emphasis you place ON LOVE … THROUGH YOUR HEART … and concentrate on your heart's
residence … and place ONLY that LOVE into that place … the greater one shall become aware of the TRUTH of LOVE.
Many of you KNOW of LOVE … to a degree that can astound at times. Yet,
we have noticed that surroundings can bring the ‘level of LOVE’ down into a different frequency … if/when
one allows. Our ‘challenge’ to you … is for you to encompass
LOVE … to KNOW that you are bringing it to you from a Higher level of yourself. Giving permission of the Higher soul
… to the aspect of the soul on Earth … to do so. We ask that
you let go of restrictive behaviours. All that has conditioned you to BE WHO YOU ARE NOT … must now be recognised
and let go of. When you are FEELING out of sorts … ask yourselves … is this who I TRULY AM? FEELING out of sorts
is not who you TRULY are. For who you TRULY are is PURE LOVE … and PURE LOVE CANNOT FEEL out of sorts. Ask your Higher self to merge with the aspect of ‘you’ upon Earth and ‘make that connection’.
You cannot not have access to you … YOUR TRUTH. You just think you cannot. Yet,
when YOU KNOW … YOU CAN … then a different understanding gets underway and ‘in fragments’ more and
more shall enter in. You have been accustomed to a belief system that does
not serve your KNOWING. Brain conditioning has led you to be LESS THAN YOU ARE. START
AFRESH! Tell yourselves these things … I AM THE HIGHEST PUREST BEING IN/OF LOVE. I am capable of the HIGHEST
INTERPRETATION OF MYSELF in physical form. That which I CHOOSE to BE …
is instantaneously manifested in each moment. I CHOOSE to BE LOVE in its TRUTH
of Itself. I CHOOSE to serve my soul for its Highest purpose … Therefore,
NOTHING that is not of service can manifest through me … for ALL THAT I AM … comes from MY HIGHEST CHOICE OF
LOVE. Who you are … LOVE … must BE your choice of BEING. It does not have to be … YOU CHOOSE. Yet … if it is LOVE
that you desire to BE in every aspect of your soulself … then ONLY FEELINGS Of LOVE will enter in. The more this becomes
an every moment occurrence … the more the FEELING that it offers ... brings the desire for more of the same. It just
gets better and better. I see what you are saying … I KNOW what you are saying
… and I think many of us are ‘getting this’ … more and more. You
speak to us often of the state of your Planet and the sadness within it. We speak to you often of ways to change this. Which
can only come from within. Many of you FEEL so helpless towards assisting situations that do not serve the whole. Yet …
ALL IT REQUIRES is for each one to change/upgrade their vibration. One does not have to wait around for everyone else to
THAT CHOICE … NOW! The more souls that do so, automatically raise the
vibration of The Whole … and by doing so … others who have not yet understood the need to do so … will
FEEL the response from YOUR HIGHER VIBRATION … and therefore, change ‘another’s … significantly enough
for them to FEEL the change within themselves. Naturally … those unaware
… are not aware of what is taking place! Compared, for instance … to those who have consciously made a decision
to do so. Yet, little by little … the change in ALL shall filter through. Concentrate
on the self. Whole heartedly. Send Love to souls everywhere … whether you think they are in need or not. You may feel
that some who are in a very precarious living situation are in more need of your LOVE than perhaps, those who are having
a wonderful holiday on a magical Island. We say to you … that this is
not how we would CHOOSE to operate. You are beginning to grasp the concept
that YOU ARE ALL ONE. Therefore, one would not CHOOSE to send more LOVE to one individual than another. LOVE is LOVE is LOVE … It would not make sense to send a certain LOVE energy level … to those whose
cities have been blown apart … and send less LOVE to one who’s sea shores resonate with the wording of ‘Paradise.’
you BECOME LOVE FULL TIME … you simply emit that ENERGY OF THE HIGHEST VIBRATION TO ALL. Yet, we ask you to accept that first and foremost … this LOVE must be accepted BY YOU ... THROUGH you … AS you … TO you … For you are no less deserving than another … and only when YOU have accepted that HIGHEST PUREST LOVE and
allowed it to fill YOU … are you then capable of sending that same vibration OF IT … out to the WHOLE. When many of you sit and indulge in the horrors of some footage on your TV screen … your sympathetic energy
ENERGY … that of LOVE, HAPPINESS and JOY … being sent out from your inner core to that situation and those people. Send JOY OF HEART to those images … not sadness and despair. We
say to you … DO NOT BUY INTO THE ILLUSION. THIS DOES NOT SERVE! What DOES serve … is each individual taking on the RESPONSIBILITY … IF THEY SO CHOOSE … TO BE
LOVE AT ALL TIMES. In this way, you cannot remain in the trap … some
would say ‘prison’ … that has been created to control. We
have said before … NO-ONE can control another’s heart. How one CHOOSES to ‘think’ about that …
ARE IN CONTROL OF THE SOULSELF. A lot of discipline required though? That is an interesting choice of word. Why would one need to discipline themselves to become a Higher version of
themselves. What discipline is required? Surely, there is only the desire to BECOME it? Yes
… yet due to conditionings … much mind matter can come from a lower level of understanding … and therefore,
to let go of old thought patterns, particularly about ‘self’ … to me … requires discipline. Yet … to US … when a desire is strong enough … there is no discipline required. Just the actual
desire. And the drive that comes from this desire … allows JOY TO BECOME THE WAY to achieve these Higher aspects of
self. Then, discipline ... perhaps of choice of thought is needed. It is so easy to
repeat old thought forms that do not serve. Yet, I do think more and more are ‘seeing through the illusion’,
even just a little bit and ‘working our way’ through the release of old patterns and ‘sticking’ more
to the new. Indeed you are. We merely desire to help you ‘move up the ladder’
in this very way. So, as I understand it ... of late, you have been saying that ALL
WE NEED TO DO … is concentrate on ourselves BEING THE HIGHEST PUUREST LOVE we can BE and THAT”S IT? That’s
all we need do? For in doing so ‘we change the vibration of EVERYTHING.’? This
is correct. SIMPLE and correct. There is still the desire in me though … or would
I call it perhaps, a frustration in me … to quicken the pace in waking others up. For as we know, the more that wake
up, the quicker the change in EVERYTHING. Yet, what you have said today …is basically the way to this, right? Yes … Because … to reiterate … BY YOU RAISING YOUR VIBRATION THROUGH CHOICE … you AUTOMATICALLY
raise THE VIBRATION of The Whole … for you are ALL ONE. By raising the
vibration OF THE SELF … You raise the vibration OF THE WHOLE … EVERYTHING … EVERYONE. T Therefore … you are accomplishing your mission. You are letting go of this frustration … because YOU
still asleep … will begin to stir from their slumber … because YOU as an INDIVIDUAL are serving THE WHOLE …
want of a better way of description … ‘seep’ into their BEINGS as they sleep. There is nowhere for it to
go and nothing else for it to do other than OPEN ONE'S EYES TO THE FEELING WITHIN … that this vibration causes. The
only way up from there is their AWAKENING! JOB DONE! It is
not difficult to see then, the pattern forming. The more that awaken ... the more that awaken! Till it is done! SO SIMPLE … SO JOYOUS … SO LOVE! Ponder on these suggestions,
dearest friends. Ponder and discover their SIMPLE TRUTHS. Oh I will … and I DO!
Thank you so much. Till next time ... IN LOVE AND THANKS. Till next time … we
continue to offer our LOVE and Feelings OF IT … TO EACH ONE. * Due to today's channelling ... I offer again, this link to my YouTube ... THE FEDERATION OF LIGHT'S WISDOM ON
LOVE. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmsCqVjqSss
Heavenletters™, bringing
Earth closer to Heaven. There
are lingering thoughts, much like fingertips that trill over the piano keys lightly, and you hear them. These lingering thoughts
could be like reverie that you hear in the background. Gentle Practices for Self Love and Empowerment by Mother
Mary Gentle
Practices for Self Love and Empowerment by Mother Mary Channelled through Natalie Glasson 27th August 2014- www.omna.org A very soft and gentle love excludes from the Angelic Kingdom guided by the Cosmic Goddess Beings. This love
is so seemingly mild and delicate that it could be completely ignored and dismissed for being weak or not holding the presence
of power expected from the Creator's vibration of love. It is this love vibration which holds power in its gentleness and
delicate vibrations which require your focus and openness to accept and recognise the love. Guided by the Cosmic Goddess Beings
the Angelic Kingdom are emanating a love vibration as healing and further awakening for those ready to embrace a greater presence
of love in their realities. As if the Angelic Kingdom is singing a beautiful cherished lullaby whispering it only into the
universe of the Creator to souls who are ready to receive, this is the love vibration being transmitted now. It is so sacred,
holy, cherished and treasured holding such profound wisdom, energetic codes and enlightening insights seeping so gently as
if not wishing to disturb anything simply finding its way to where it needs to be. This love is youthful, innocent, pure and
subtle so it requires and asks those ready to acknowledge a purer aspect of love within them to call it forth to be enveloped.
While this love wave is intended for every soul and will reach every soul with divine timing, in this instant it is
being called forth by souls upon the Earth who are awake, aware and mastering their being, loving themselves and others unconditionally
and yet still experiencing stagnation or resistance to fully embracing themselves, life and the Creator in order to experience
freedom from issues of pain or seemingly immovable energy. Do not discriminate or doubt your worthiness to receive this love
vibration for it is flowing to support your needs, bringing a greater sense of freedom and a release to your being and reality. Imagine,
acknowledge or sense yourself receiving this wave or mist of love from the Angelic Kingdom akin to a lullaby whispered so
gently, the love embraces you. You may hardly feel, sense or acknowledge it but as its presence grows around you and you connect
with and open your heart chakra to the energy you may be touched by its innocence and purity, as if witnessing the most sacred
blessing of your being and the Creator. It is akin to the first breath of love from the Creator, so nurturing and nourishing
even though it may seem weak and faint, it is deeply precious and valued by you and your soul. You may wish to say: 'I am worthy
of receiving the gentle subtle lullaby whisper of love guided by the Cosmic Goddess Beings from the Angelic Kingdom. I recognise
the purity and preciousness of this vibration of love. As I open my heart through simply breathes moving in and out through
my heart I acknowledge that this love vibration reminds me of how precious, sacred, holy and treasured I am on all levels
of my being, especially the level of truth of the Creator within my being. In receiving this love vibration I am ready to
value, cherish and treasure myself for the truth and pure love of my being eternally present. Thank you.' The energy of the Angelic Kingdom
guided by the Cosmic Goddess Beings who are representatives of the holy feminine vibrations in existence within all send this
message upon a gentle wind that may be ignored or unvalued by some because it doesn't hold a powerful impact. On the contrary
its impact is immensely powerful as you are asked by your own being as you call for this energy to gently and humbly remind
yourself of the immense value of your soul and your sacred presence upon the Earth. It is a time of encouragement to recognise
the divine within you, how subtle and powerful you are and how treasured and pure your being is. The Angelic Kingdom and Cosmic
Goddess Beings come forth with a very powerful reminder to trigger and ask you to cherish and humbly appreciate yourself and
divine essence. They ask that you call upon their energy using the above invocation allowing their lullaby like whisper love
wave to surround you entering into your heart chakra activating, achieving and healing all that is needed thus creating an
experience of freedom within your being. Remember this energy is subtle so you may not even recognise the shifts and healing
taking place and might be asked to simply hold faith and trust in the process and influence of the energy. Understanding this
love vibration is almost impossible it can simply be described as purity so let yourself be free from the experience of understanding
as you embark on this unification and activation. It is my wish to share with you gentle subtle practices and inspiration
to aid the same subtle activations, shifts and realisations within your being. It is the subtle shifts of energy, consciousness
and beliefs which have the greatest impact upon your spiritual ascension, this is why I, Mother Mary come forth with such
gentleness to support and assist you now. Often within our beings there is a resistance to noticing and accepting the gentleness,
subtleness and quietness of our energies, thoughts, actions and healing or retuning processes. In many ways an unwillingness
to recognise the power of such subtleties symbolises a resistance to accept ones true spiritual power and magnificent divinity.
By honouring and cherishing the subtle shifts of awareness, consciousness, healing, love and self-acceptance within you, you
awaken the greater power of your truth. Your heart chakra, in fact all of your chakras and your entire being
are a synthesis of divine energy vibrations and aspects of the Creator, there is a synthesis of diversity and oneness within
your being which can be challenging to recognise especially when faced with the impact of separation which inhabitancy of
a physical body can portray. I bring into the clarity of your mind and thought patterns the image of a tree trunk when it
has been cut down and you are able to view within the trunk, you notice ring after ring extending from the core of the trunk,
creating ever flowing and expanding circle upon circle, each one valuable and yet creating a whole. Now I invite you to imagine
your heart chakra in this way. In the centre of your heart chakra would be the core which represents the Creator, then
the next ring of light surrounding the core may be your soul group energy. The following ring could be the energy of your
soul, then your personality. Imagine how many rings there may be for there may be a ring for your Angelic body and connection
to the Angelic Kingdom, for your emotional body, the universal energies, cosmic energies, Ascended Master body, Fairy body
and so forth. The list of possibilities is endless because you are recognising all aspects and parts of your being and energy.
You are the Creator so that includes everything, all energies upon the inner planes, and all vibrations of light. Through
this practice you can simultaneously acknowledge the many aspects of your being, for example your vibration of abundance or
perfect health, while recognising yourself as a whole and unified being of light. You do not need to know the exact
order of the rings of light simply be inspired by whatever comes forth to be acknowledged. Begin by saying: 'I acknowledge,
activate and accept the Creator.' Imagine the core within your heart chakra as a source of the Creator. Then a new ring of
light appears around the core. Acknowledge this ring with the same words and the energy it emanates. Please do not think of
this as an exercise of discovery where you must give to yourself correct answers, be inspired by what comes forth and enjoy
the freedom of not needing to gain accuracy and understanding. Continue with this process for as long as you wish and notice
how your entire being becomes filled with such supreme light which is simultaneously you and the Creator. As souls on the Earth or the
inner planes our greatest gift and ability is to give and receive, we are always in the divine flow of the Creator and therefore
we have a natural ability to give and receive the Creator in abundance and plenty. This is a very powerful ability to recognise
within your being as a natural talent you possess. With this recognition there is the understanding of needing to practice
your ability. I wish to invite you to practice your ability in a sanctuary of safety guided and supported by your guides and
inner plane light beings, in this way there is no fear but only the experience. Allow yourself to think of or feel a guide,
your community of guides or an energy you wish to connect with. It can be an individual angel, master or guide or a collective
energy. Simply invite your chosen energy to be present with you. 'I invite................. to be present with me, to support,
nurture and nourish me, sharing your love, light and wisdom with me. Thank you.' Imagine, sense or acknowledge the energy embracing
you, reach your hands out in a cupped shape as a gesture of receiving. Let your hands be filled with light. Then place your
hands flat on your heart chakra in a gesture of giving the energy to yourself and heart. The important key
is your breathing as this will intensify the process. As you receive with your hands cupped inhale. Place your hands upon
your heart chakra, only when you feel your hands touching and in contact with your chest and heart chakra do you exhale imagining
the light flowing into your heart and entire being. Then inhale as you reach your hands out in front of you as you receive
the light, then exhale only when your hands have returned to your heart chakra, then continue in this motion for as
long as you wish. You may feel your heart expanding but you are practicing the ability of receiving and giving. To give to
yourself is a very powerful process. It is also important to remember that receiving and giving can be an instant process
there is no need for you to wait for your cupped hands to be filled with light; it is instant as soon as you set the intention.
This is also appropriate for your reality and experiences as well. Please know I am here supporting you eternally, I am Mother
Mary, In divine blessings and love. Posted: 29 Aug 2014 10:00 PM PDT Satsang Bhavan Lectures, Message 5 Posted: 29 Aug 2014 10:00 PM PDT |