8-29-14 Seeds of Peace

Seeing love inside you that is meditation.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Ra:  The Seeds of Peace

Ra:  (Father God)

We want to give you a bit of information so that you will be in tune with what is going on in the world behind the scenes, so that you can understand what real changes have occurred and what you can expect because of them.  First, let us start with the revaluation of currencies and what forces are at work, so that you can better understand the timing of the revaluation and why it has not been permitted to unfold earlier.

Let me just say that if you were in our place, seeing what we see, I truly believe you would have made the same decisions we have made so far.  Of course, it was our hope to encourage the passage of laws and regulations as early as possible to protect the funds you will be receiving, to prevent fraud and trickery on the part of the banks.  I assure you this was a serious concern in recent years, as the computer systems of the financial institutions became more sophisticated, and the ability to "disappear" enormous amount of money became easier and more common.  A secondary complication involved the bribery and ownership of lawmakers and judges who assured that no slight-of-hand, no matter how egregious, would be punished, providing the criminal behavior was protected by enormous "gifts" to those in charge of oversight.

So you see, dishonesty and graft were not just rampant.  It would have been a guaranteed fiasco if the funds had been released even 3 months ago.  It was a fluid situation, characterized by an ebb and flow - one minute the White Hats would develop a new ability to detect fraud in the computer systems, and the next it would be disguised by ever more complex systems of undetectable shenanigans.  Now, understand that we were fully aware of who the culprits are and what they were trying to do.  It was not a problem of detection for us.  The real problems were with putting a stop to the cabal by using legal means, so that those on the ground would be able to identify and prosecute the criminals.

We wished to prevent a situation in which large amounts of money (and we are talking about trillions and trillions here) would be confiscated and would have to be recovered.  It would have been a heart-breaking experience for those who were so ready to create a new world to be dragged back into the frustration of having to fight off the cabal to just keep what you were given.  It would have created a terrible pall over the whole process. We wanted to avoid that, but still declare the release of the funds as early as possible.

The second difficulty of which you are now more aware is the problem of establishing stability and a reliable form of representative government in the countries which will benefit most from the revaluation (as opposed to the stability the U.S. has supported in the past - that which is achieved through the suppression of the people by a strong dictator).  This is one of the primary objectives of having this RV in the first place - the rebuilding and restoration of a viable way of life in the war-torn places where conflict caused such misery to the people.  This is the main reason why the currencies we have told you about (Vietnam, Iraq, Indonesia, Zimbabwe) will be the focus of efforts to lift the economies of each of those countries that have been so ruthlessly suppressed in the recent past.

You, Dear Ones, will be the center of the vortex of energy which will lift all boats, restoring confidence and encouraging the planned shift toward democratic governance.  As you may be aware of, it is easier to create major change when a country has been pushed to the brink of dissolution in its financial, educational and social structures.  A successful result will set an example for the whole world to celebrate and follow.

Iraq will become a world leader, as it rises to reclaim its place as part of the cradle of civilization which goes back 13,000 years.  The ancestral memories remain in that part of the world, the deep spiritual connection which once guided the development of art, music, literature and science, the beacon which was intended to lead the human race out of darkness.  That promise will be fulfilled at last, as the power of the cabal is defeated.  

You have been warned of the "false flag" operations which are intended to distract and mislead you into thinking the Middle East is a dark, hopeless pit of violence, immutable to change.  I must warn you, my friends, that, like 9/11, those gruesome, contrived made-for-TV episodes of violence and unspeakable brutality are frequently simply staged with paid actors, mixed with recycled clips of former wars and civil conflicts.  

Like the famous "We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud," they are cabal-generated scare tactics to inspire fear, paranoia, and the willingness to wage war in far-flung parts of the world.  Most of these false-flag operations are instigated by secret governments in the West and exported to the Middle East.  The purpose, of course, is political control, economic supremacy and the massive profits which war generates.

Is the recent rash of fakery working?  If you watch the for-profit media, you might think so, but there is a tell-tale indicator which reveals otherwise.  There are now so many private investigative journalists on the internet that every time footage of violence is presented on TV, there is an immediate counter-force of investigators who begin with the presumption that there is likely subterfuge behind it.  Their cool heads and knowledge of both history and video sources pay off in providing a true picture of the scams which will no longer simply be blindly accepted by the people who are being asked to give of their treasure and their lives.

This tendency alone - to be alert to deceit - is a new phenomenon in the West.  It is a sign of the great awakening which is just now spreading to all the prosperous nations where staying asleep was more acceptable than objecting to one's condition.  Of course, that attitude was reinforced by the concerted efforts to dumb down humankind with vaccinations, fluoride-treated water, poison-laced clouds and toxic foods and medicines.  

The evidence that this era is in its last days is that I am writing these messages to you, you are reading them with recognition, and we no longer fear being shut down or our sources being assassinated for discussing these things.  The cabal is far too busy just trying to survive and avoid prison to bother with all the awakened Lightworkers who now hold the key to the growing march toward peace and justice in the world.  The scales have tipped, Dear Ones, and the end of darkness is in sight.  Our tricky balancing act of trying to release the funds to our Lightworkers while still arresting and investigating the cabal ringleaders has finally wound down to the last clean-up details.

Iraq is well on its way, under the steady hand of the new Prime Minister, al-Abadi, a decent and honest man, and the banksters have been convinced that theft and greed are no longer the path of least resistance.  Our White Hats have prevailed, Beloved Ones, and will continue their good work until the last criminal has been held responsible for their selfish and destructive deeds.  A new form of Justice and economic freedom will be yours, as we quietly shift into the new currency systems and the NESARA and GESARA reforms which will establish transparency and equal treatment under the law.

I am here to assure you, my dear friends and fellow Lightworkers, that it is your new day dawning.  The efforts to clean up the mess left by the cabal have been successful because you have done your own work to clear away the dark shadows which controlled your own thinking.  You are creating the critical mass needed to shift into the New Golden Age.  We could not have done it without your meditations, your conscious efforts to awaken and take part in the new group consciousness, and your generosity to one another in this difficult interim period.  This has raised the vibration on the planet enough to jump one timeline after another, in the direction of our Dream.

Do not flag in the last moments of the marathon.  You are approaching the finish line, and we are cheering you on with endless Love in our hearts.  I am Ra, your mentor and guide, the one who looks forward for you until you are able to be in our eyes, seeing yourselves as we do, loving yourselves as we do, from the perspective of your Higher Self.  I love you without end, as I have through all eternity.  

Until tomorrow, I wish you Joy, Happiness, Friendship, Abundance, and much much Love,
Your Ra (the one you have known as Father God).

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, August 28, 2014, New York

Permission is given to copy and share these message, providing they are presented in their entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel and to the website, www.whoneedslight.org.  Translations must be approved by the author and the scribe.


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5026 Oneness Isn’t a Thought , August 29, 2014 

God said: 

Beloveds, I take care of everything. I love your very humanness. I deed everything to you. I bequeath you the very Human Beingness of you. I tell you how to live as a human being in a world you sublet for a time. I give everything to you, and you begin to grasp the outpouring of My heart. I will give you everything. I do give to you, the very human you, everything. I give you very human pointers on how to live. I lay My ideas before you. I am the gift I give you. And that’s it.
What more can I give you? I am love. I am givingness. And these are qualities you, your individual self, want to use single-mindedly, yet these are not qualities that can be kept in the mind, for they are not attributes. They are not add-on’s. Givingness is inherent. It is inborn within you.
Yes, thinking is a transition for you. You can think of Oneness, yet thoughts are not Oneness.
Sometimes you really begin to think you have grasped Oneness. Oneness may be grasped now and then, like a light bulb working one day and flickering the next, yet Oneness is not something that the mind can really grasp and stay with. Oneness is ungraspable. Oneness, which is Silence Itself and not at all the motion and commotion of the world, cannot be held. It can only be.
And Being, from which all comes, contains everything. It does not stay still. It does not move. It is immoveable, yet you cannot knowingly reach it and keep it in mind. When you have conscious awareness of Being, you have already stepped out of it, for the reality is that you are Oneness, and Oneness cannot be separated from Itself. At present, when you have that glimpse which is so precious to you, your mind has relegated you outside of Oneness, even as you cannot be outside Oneness.
It is like you have to be away from the Ocean to see it. Immersed in the Ocean, you are immersed. You have to go a distance in order to see the Greatness of the Ocean.
The world had to look at itself from a further place in order to get beyond seeing the world as flat. From where you sit, you are not far enough away to notice the curve of Planet Earth. It is a wonderful place to be in where you can see the Earth curving, yet this puts you at a distance, even as you are to come near and nearer and closer and closer. On Earth, you dip deeply into the Ocean, and you come out to dry off. And you dip again, and you come out again, even as you are ever immersed in the Ocean and are nowhere else but in the Ocean Deep.
Immersed in God, you will no longer notice any distance. No longer will there be a glimpse of otherness. In Oneness, you cannot see from anywhere but Oneness.
Oneness and Wholeness are the same. All and nothing are the same. Fullness and emptiness are the same. Emptiness is not barrenness. Emptiness is Fullness. Nothingness is Fullness.
You may feel that you live in Topsy-Turvyville. This is true. In Oneness, there are no boundaries. There is no up and down, upside down or right side up, far and wide, any direction to take in order to jump up or jump down or make any motion at all in plain daylight or darkness.  
In this state of consciousness, you are spinning, even as you don’t notice it. What is there to notice? Oneness is. Wholeness is. It can be said that you are out of this world. The world does not really exist. What can exist when Oneness is All? What can I give you but Myself and, therefore, your Self?


Alabama, US of A. 
Thought Adjuster. 
Subject: “Your Decisions and Your Reality.” 

Received by Oscar. 

Thought Adjuster: “In truth, you are the architect of your destiny. They are your decisions that have brought you to the reality in which you now live, and in the future, your decisions will move you to other realities, which will simply be your collective creations. 

“Many among you are not willing to accept that they are where they decided to be. Perhaps you may be at a moment in your life you would rather not be experiencing. Facing the reality that this moment has been of your very own making may allow some feelings of incredulity and rejection to surface. Maybe at present you are in a job you don’t enjoy. Maybe you are in a relationship that doesn’t make you happy. Maybe you are going through a divorce or a separation. 

“Ruling out accidents, everything you are experiencing today has been your choice. Maybe the results you are facing today were not what you had in mind when you made the decisions that brought you here. Maybe you didn’t invest in a lot of thinking and made your decisions lightly. If you examine everything you live today in the light of your past choices, you will know that it has always been you who decided your destiny and created your reality. 

“Even when it may be hard to accept that you are suffering by your own hands, this realization is necessary for you to take responsibility and control over your destiny. Your decisions of the present should be taken more carefully from now on, and by letting your Inner Light illuminate the path to take. Thus your reality will change to something more in line with your dreams and your true desires – those wishes coming from the soul. 

“Do not expect miraculous changes. What you are experiencing today did not happen magically, or immediately. In the same way, the future situations you are creating today will not happen all at once. They will take some time, but you can be sure that as long as you learn to trust the Divine Presence of the Father in you, and to follow His advice, you will start to create a more fulfilling life, more conducive to your spiritual growth and to the expression of your true self.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.

http://www.1111angels.net  11:11 Store


Sivananda Daily Reading

30 August

Posted: 28 Aug 2014 10:00 PM PDT

Develop Your Perception 
Organs deteriorate if you do not use them properly - just as hands and legs are atrophied by disuse and are developed by muscular exercise, etc. There is intimate connection between sight and memory, and between hearing and memory.
He who has acute sight, keen perception, good powers of observation and hearing - he will have a good memory. In the internal astral body there are counterparts of these. They are called astral senses. A yogi hears through astral ears and sees through astral eyes. Thus he can hear sounds from distant lands, he can see objects in distant localities. This is called clairvoyance and clairaudience.
Generally people are very careless. They have no wish to learn higher things and have a fund of knowledge. Keep a watch very close to the ear; hear the sound attentively. On the second day put the watch a little further away. Listen to the tick-tick sound. Every day increase the distance, training yourself to hear the sound. Then plug one ear with the index finger of your hand. Train the ears alternately.
Here is another exercise. Close both ears through yonimudra; try to hear the anahata sounds that emanate from the heart lotus. You will hear ten varieties of sounds, such as: flute, mridanga, veena, conch, bells, thunder, humming of a bee, drum, etc. Allow the organ of hearing (ear) to shift from one sound to another and carefully differentiate the various sounds.  Eventually fix the ear on one sound. Try the gross sounds first and then go to the subtle sounds.
There is another exercise. Fix the ears on the pranava dhvani (Om sound) that emanates from a river, ocean or wind. It will be heard like 'bhum' or a long 'Om'. Train your ears to hear this sound. Do this exercise at 4 a.m. or at 9 p.m. when the noise of the town has died down.
Keep your ears keen. Differentiate the sounds of various kinds of birds, beasts, children, factories, motor cars, aeroplanes, cycles, shrieks, yells, snores, sobbing, crying, laughing, mocking, joking, etc.
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The mind may be there, the instrument may be perfect, but if the mind is not functioning perfectly, you cannot see or hear properly. Perception is possible only when the mind is linked with the external instrument (ear, eye, etc.).
