8-22-14 SaLuSa

You walk until you come to the ocean. You don't walk or run in the ocean, you float and swim. Like this once you come to the Master, seeking stops, blossoming begins.

- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


SaLuSa, August 22, 2014

Many of you have accepted that time is passing by quicker than ever, and it will continue to do so as it takes you into the higher vibrations. It is all part of the unavoidable changes that are taking place, that are necessary to bring the New Age into being. With it comes a welcome change for the population of Earth, who are being affected in such a way that they are moving into a new level where there is less negativity. This will continue until the lower vibrations can no longer exist, and peace will have settled upon Earth. There is no way that the onward progress can be halted by the dark Ones, as it has been decreed by the higher forces that control your destiny. Whilst you have freewill there are also dictates that shape your future in accordance with the Plan for Man.

Whatever impression you get as to what is taking place, bear in mind that your future has already been mapped out. Absolutely nothing can change your destiny to move out of the lower vibrations and enjoy the levels of Light that are free from them. A glorious future awaits you when you will meet your true family, and return to your Higher Self. This will take time but your perception of it is already changing as you experience the speeding up of time. It is not in fact constant which is already known by you and eventually you will enter the future where everything exists in the Now. Even now when you return to the higher levels following your transition after the “death” of your physical body, you will experience many such changes. It is a step nearer to the true reality that you have existed in between lives for millennia of time, and serves to remind you of your higher state of being.

Your earthly existence is a harsh test of your ability to overcome the lower vibrations, whilst at the same time continuing to evolve. It is a level where souls can incarnate to make spiritual progress much faster than in the higher ones. The lessons can be played out so as to fit in with your level of vibration, and the higher it is the quicker you can progress. No one is pushing you to experience other than at the speed you feel comfortable with. It is why so many souls are at quite different stages of evolution. It may sound extremely hard to progress in such circumstances, yet it is the ideal situation where so many opportunities can be taken. We would reiterate once again, that every soul has Guides and Teachers accompanying them. They help you along with their guidance whilst ensuring that they do not interfere with your freewill.

Dear Ones, you can feel safe and cared for as you play out the last days of your time in the lower dimension. Your Guides and Mentors wish you success, and will do everything that is permissible to help you providing it does not impose upon your freewill. Whenever you have doubts and worry about the negative energies, you attract them to you which increases your vulnerability. You can cause the very thing to happen that you do not want so think positive at all times, and keep your focus upon your goal. Be assured that this period in your lives is extremely important, as if you fail to achieve the higher vibrations you are destined to remain in the lower dimensions. You will of course have an opportunity to achieve your aims in another cycle, but having come so far it is wise to put the effort in to succeed this time round.

We continue to protect you from outside interference as other civilisations are interested in your progress. The experience you are undertaking attracts the interest of many of them, because of the multitude of different beings that are taking part in it. Souls have come from all over the Universe to observe or participate in the end times, and indeed it is worth pointing out that in reality you are all Space Beings. Your home is not on Earth and many of you have volunteered to help others to rise up out of the lower vibrations. With your experience and higher vibrations you have the confidence that you can avoid being pulled down by them. We of course closely monitor your progress and are always on hand to guide you. We admire your tenacity and determination to fulfil your mission, and the souls you are helping will be forever grateful. Indeed, everyone gains in such a situation as no experience is without its value.

Every soul associated with the Earth gains knowledge through their experiences, and it is as you might say a fast track experience that many others desire. However, the lower vibrations are such that they can pull you down, and you can forget your true mission. That is where your Guides are working closely with you to try and get you back on your agreed path. Much of the contact with them happens when you are in your sleep and out of the body. Much good work is done at such times, and when you have sorted out your problems you will find that you wake up feeling at ease and refreshed. That is good reason to follow your intuition when you are seeking answers to them. You are never abandoned or left alone, although there are times when you feel unwanted or ill at ease. As we have often stated, you can call upon us at any time and we will respond as best we can without affecting your life plan.

You have a saying about “the calm before the storm” and we can tell you that the “storm” has peaked and very soon a period of calmness will commence. You can contribute to it by living as a good example of one who is aware and spreading the Love and Light far and wide. Peace is coming and great times lay ahead and already many Lightworkers are laying down the foundations of a New Age. We assure you yet again and again, that nothing will stop progress into the New Age, and you already have both feet on the path to it.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased to be able to contact you with news of the progress that is being made. In some ways it is slow by your way of measuring time, yet from our vantage point matters are quickly being sorted out. We are members of the Galactic Federation of Light and committed to your wellbeing and successful future. We are One and when you ascend we shall come together as we continue our work for the Light.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey
Tree of the Golden Light


Dearest Family of the Heart,

A new Message from God is now available as an audio download. Entitled "Releasing Ideas about Love", it is a powerful and beautiful attunement to the pure energies of Real Love. I particularly love this Message because the words are simple but the energies that come with them are astounding. When I listen, or read, this Message, within the ?rst few words, my heart is soaring. I'm so happy to be able to share it with you.

I'm sure that you have noticed that the Messages from God generally aren't focused on world events but rather are given to us to attune our hearts to the highest vibration of Real Love. The Messages are shown to me as vibrational "gifts" (or "remedies") that contain speci?c energies of Love that are meant to assist us in our awakening to our truth in/as God. Because the Messages are received frequently, we have a wonderful storehouse of these vibrational gifts that I'm directed to send out according to the needs of our hearts. Consequently, it isn't about the date that something is received but rather about when I am asked to send it forth.

I'm mentioning this because, as I'm sure you've noticed if you have listened to the audio downloads, there is a date at the beginning of each Message from God, which is the day it was received. A few of you have sent me emails asking why you are not receiving the latest Messages, meaning Messages that are dated close to the time that we send them out. The answer is that these Messages come from the realms of Spirit which are not aligned with time as we experience it and therefore are not meant to go out in a sequential manner but rather when a particular vibrational expression of Love is needed. So please don't be concerned if you hear a date at the beginning of the recording that might seem to be "older". Just know that the Messages are sent out as I am guided to send them and that each Message that is released is for the alignment of hearts at that moment.

Here is the information posted on our website about this newly available Message from God. and a link to the audio download page on our website:

Duration: 37:40

Title: Releasing Ideas About Love

Summary: God shares that we are now ready to release our old egoic identities and step into our true nature as Love in a world of pure joy.

Excerpt: "Ideas of separation, of healing, of ?nding something that ful?lls the ego are meant to now be superseded by the pure ecstatic experience of only Love. Beloved ones, let it live you. Let it in and don;t resist as it dissolves many cherished notions, many things you;ve thought. Ideas of who you are that are rooted in the past. Hopes that are grounded in the future that doesn;t really exist. Until you are pure Love being born whole and perfect right now expanding, acknowledging that the many are one and that each sweet expression of My Love is perfect in itself and completely blended into the magni?cent tapestry of the whole."

Please know that we have many wonderful Messages from God in our "storehouse of Love" here at Circle of Light, to be sent out as we are guided, including some that we are especially excited about that will be coming soon. Though we can't always respond to your individual emails, please know that we love hearing from you, whether it is in response to a Message from God or a request for prayers or Heart Activation. Please know that all of your correspondence is received as a gift and each one is cherished and brought to God if that is needed.

We are so blessed by your hearts. Thank you for your dedication to Love.

Yael (and Doug)


Alabama, US of A. 
Thought Adjuster. 
Subject: “Giving Without Expectations.” 

Received by Oscar. 

Thought Adjuster: “To give without expecting anything in return is a very important and necessary attitude to have in this world. However, we should clarify some of the ideas that your society has formulated in this respect. 

“Human beings must work to earn their sustenance. It is not expected of mortals to work without obtaining a benefit. If a person works solely for the benefit of another, this is slavery. If a person decides to forfeit their fair earnings, due for his or her efforts, this person is endangering his or her material survival. Clearly, work should be adequately remunerated, and all mortals have the right to enjoy the results of their material labors. 

“When we talk about giving without expectations, we talk about those things you can offer your siblings to improve their lives or to enlighten their ways. These things may be separated from your profession or be a part of it. Problems arise when people determine that the potential effort involved to help others doesn’t make sense, because it will not result in personal benefits. 

“Such is the prevailing attitude in the world today. So often the answers are known, but they are not implemented by an individual, group, corporation, or government, because they haven’t found a way to profit from them. You may notice how much food is wasted by the biggest retailers of industrialized nations. Tons of food are never sold, and this surplus is simply discarded, wasted. One might think that this surplus could be used to feed the poorer nations on earth. However, these big corporations have not found a method in which to do this and generate earnings at the same time, when in fact they could just send that food to where it is most needed, using barely a fraction of their huge profits. This bottom-line way of thinking prevents a lot of good from being done in the world. 

“Even those in the ‘self-help’ and spirituality circles are subjected to this way of thinking. So often do they approach those who really need their help and instead of offering the advice, guidance, and counseling that would help them, they just provide them with a sales offer. ‘I can make your dreams a reality, if you pay’ seems to be their basic pitch. 

“My beloved children, everything that has been placed in this world is for the enjoyment of all. You already have all the resources you need on this planet, so each human being can have everything needed to live a normal life and much more. If you have an idea about solving a problem, give it to the world. Don’t hold back until you first figure out a way for it to benefit you. If you can help your brother, do it without thinking that you are wasting your time because you are not making a profit. Don’t take advantage of the suffering and the confusion of your siblings in order to enrich yourself. Instead take this as an opportunity to represent your Father in this world, so those who receive your goodness can at the soul level feel that they have seen a glimpse of God through your service.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5019 Stars Shine in God’s Light, August 22, 2014 

God said: 

On the surface of life, you are no longer what you once were or thought you were. In the world, you grow. Yet there is far more to you than meets the eye. This is the indelible you. This is the Eternal You, the far more to you that seems to have been hidden, hidden from view, hidden from you, and everyone else.
When you are seen for Who You Are, the whole world will change before everyone’s eyes. The world is in your thrall. All it takes to ensure a new world is for you to see yourself differently, to see yourself more deeply, more in the Light of God.
You are not this rapscallion you seem to think you are. You are not this scoundrel, this mistake-maker, this fictional character who makes a fool of himself now and then. A fool, you are not. Yet you play a part, and you and the whole world believe you are less than you are.
Will the Real You stand up? Will you be counted? Will you count yourself in on the mysteries of the Universe? For Heaven’s sakes, of course, you are one of the Wonders of the World.
You know yourself so little. You see only a one-sided portion of yourself. You dismiss yourself. You think you are run of the mill, or even less than that. You are a non-believer when it comes to yourself. Maybe everyone else on Earth is more worthy than he looks, yet you may see yourself only as the dregs. You are the beautiful Light of the World, and you lie fallow in the shadows.
Come out from where you have hidden your True Self. Get into the sunshine of your life. You are a palpable sentient human being in whom I have placed My faith. It is not really faith that I have placed. I have more than faith. I have full knowledge. I know Who You Are, and I declare it. I do not refrain.
You have been mistaken about your identity. You are a diamond that you value as glass and broken glass at that. If you could but begin to see the diamond that you are. You have been mistaken in many things on Earth. Can you consider that you have also been mistaken about the value you are, the intrinsic value that you are? If you were only half of what I say you are, would you not stand tall? Would your shoulders not go back? Would you not walk differently? Would you not hold your head high?
Who do you think you are to slump in this temporary body when, all the while, you are a Divine Child of God? What boldness you have to shirk responsibility for yourself. Are you coy? Do you play the shrinking violet so you can fool everyone that you are modest? It is not modest to deny yourself your rightful heritage and to deny others your light. Are you saving your Light? If so, what are you saving it for? Do you want Me to come down and reveal you to the world, and then you would walk in splendor? Do you want Me to place a crown on your head?
By dint of your birth, you are already crowned. I sent Light to Earth. I sent you. Come out of the shadows now. At the very least, reveal yourself to you. Then you will not be able to keep your Light hidden.
Introduce yourself to yourself. Say:
“Hello, I am the Son or Daughter of God. I am all that I long to be. God has placed me on Earth in order to shine His Light. What have I been thinking of? I have not been thinking. I have been idling around. Now I take my true place in the firmament of the world. Now I shine God’s Light wherever I look. I signal to all: »Here I am. Here you are. We are Shining Stars in God’s Light.«”


Sivananda Daily Reading

23 August

Posted: 21 Aug 2014 10:00 PM PDT

Develop Will-power 
Attention, power of endurance, overcoming aversion, dislikes and irritations, fortitude in suffering, tapas, fasting, patience, command of temper, forbearance, clemency, mental power of endurance, firmness in meeting danger, power of resistance in attack, keeping up daily diary - all pave a long way towards developing the will. You should patiently hear the words of others even though they are not interesting and charming. You should not fret and fume. Patient hearing develops will and wins the hearts of others. Do actions or tasks that are uninteresting - this also develops will power. The actions that are uninteresting will become interesting after some time.
Never complain against bad environments. Create your own mental world wherever you remain, wherever you go. The mind deludes you, at every moment, at every step. Try to overcome the obstacles and difficulties by suitable means. Do not try to run from bad, unfavourable environments. God has placed you there to make you grow quickly.
Man must learn to separate himself from the vehicles in which he thinks, feels, acts, desires. He must know them to be part of the not-Self - as material, external to life. Thus the energy that went out to objects of lower desires becomes a higher desire, guided by the mind, and is then prepared to be transmuted into will.
As the lower mind merges into the higher will and into that which is wisdom, the aspect of pure will emerges as the power of the spirit, self-determined, self-ruled, in perfect harmony with the supreme will and therefore free. Then only, all the bonds are broken and the spirit is unconstrained by anything outside itself. Then and then alone can the will be said to be free.
If a calamity occurs, your mind should not be upset. Keep the mind cool and calm. Have presence of mind. Do not cry over spilt milk - it has come to pass, so face it with a cheerful countenance. Make the best of things. "What cannot be cured must be endured." Keep an unruffled mind. Do not be carried away by undue sentiments and bubbling emotions. Control the mind. Reflect how the calamity has come about.
There is always scope for suitable, effective, easy methods to tide over the crisis. Allow the turban to pass off when your head is on the point of being knocked down. This is sagacity. This is prudence. This is wisdom. Develop foresight, wisdom - many obstacles and calamities will be obviated. Do not brood over failures, defects, mistakes. This will weaken your will power. Let the defects remain there. They will be removed quickly when the will grows and when the will becomes purer and purer, stronger and stronger. 


I had been feeling the urge for a couple of weeks to write an article on suicide. When I sat down to compose, this message from God on suicide came through:

Dear Ones:

It is never my intention to cause pain. The pain and suffering endured by man is brought up by many things within the human experience.

I give life and I give an opportunity for those who wish to come here to experience that which is for their highest good for the growth and development of their soul – nothing more. There are lessons to be learned and those lessons are presented in numerous ways if someone is resistant to learning that which they came here to learn.

The sooner they learn the lesson, the sooner they can leave. Or, the sooner they can enjoy the remainder of their days here on earth. It is their choice. There is a contract of sorts determined before entering the earth plane which is agreed upon by all parties, the individual soul, their guardians and I. We all have a say as to the outcome of possibilities of the life before one comes here. Those that choose certain lessons are not doing it much differently than a student does in exploring their college curriculum. They are weighing the pros and cons of fully understanding and embracing a new teaching. There are reasons they wish to understand certain areas of life.

Some take on vocations to build knowledge over lifetimes to prepare for an ultimate responsibility. Others take on lessons due to a karmic debt created in a previous life. Some want a fuller understanding of a dynamic experienced only on earth. There are a variety of reasons a particular life is chosen. What isn’t always determined is how the life will unfold. The life is presented with a variety of possibilities and along the way each person has free will. They have the free will to learn the lesson or to rebuke it. In each and every case, they always have me to consult with as to best action. They are never alone and never without access to my guidance.

I exist within all. I am the essence of all and there is no part of me that can be destroyed. Altered maybe but not destroyed. I exist within every molecule of existence. There is no separating from me other than in the act of looking elsewhere or looking outside of oneself. It is more conscious awareness than a physical act as you cannot truly separate from me in the physical.

The more, however, someone looks outside of themselves, looks away from me and feels that separation from me, the more they can feel desperate. They end up requiring some form of fulfillment to replenish that which they lost in the separation.

When connected to me, you lack for nothing. It is when you separate from me, that things become muddied and you feel lack.

Those of you who mourn the loss of Robin Williams this week are actually mourning a part of the self that has become lost. You are resonating with the desperation and lack within someone’s soul that you are experiencing within your own.

Robin’s demons, as some of you refer to them, are reflections of countless others who are lost to me in those moments of insanity when separate from me. Why insane, you ask? If you were given the choice between two rooms, which would you choose?

Room One – a room filled with love and abundance and access to all knowing
Room Two – a room alone where you need figure it all out on your own

Because of numerous misconceptions, many have opted for room number two and are going it alone. In their aloneness and separation from me, they find themselves in a place where they need figure it out for themselves. They sometimes also turn to someone else who has also chosen that second room to enlist help. No one has more answers than I do and yet most seek the feedback of others rather than me for their solutions.  What is usually the case is the person they reach out to has also chosen room number two who has also been alone trying to figure things out for themselves. It is the blind leading the blind so to speak.

No matter what problem, and no matter how large or small, I am here waiting for you in room number one. I will always be standing here waiting for your arrival. When you try to do things alone, they can sometimes seem insurmountable. If the feeling becomes so great that you feel you can’t handle it on your own and there’s no possible solution, many think ending it all will, at least, stop the pain going it alone can sometimes exacerbate.

The process of ending one’s life however, just seizes the lesson for the moment. It is like taking a time out from the situation rather than ending the situation.

The more insurmountable the pain, the more someone is in need of my assistance. That is often the least time they are able to connect to me to receive it. Not because I am not there willing but because they don’t know how to connect. Praying is not always connecting. It is not that the prayer doesn’t come to me. I hear them all. The difference is they are speaking from their head and not their heart. I don’t come in and reach people through their intellect. I reach them through their hearts.

spiritual coachJoy S. Pedersen
