8-12-14 Divine Love / Matthew / HL / et.al.

At different stages, different things appear beautiful, but beauty is not in that object or thing. It is a sensation, a wave that rises in you which is your very nature. When that stars happening, you will experience unceasing waves of beauty, continuous as waves in the ocean. And that is enlightenment.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Council of Twelve of Prema Swarupa (The Embodiment of Divine Love)

Council of Twelve of Prema Swarupa (The Embodiment of Divine Love)

Dear Ones, I am here as the Voice of the newly established Council of Twelve, which was created during the past week as a result of the group consciousness which arose during the workshop at Kathryn May's retreat.  The group hiked up the Stone Mountain above New Paltz, NY,  to meditate on the crystal rocks on top of the mountain.  They were consciously working to raise their vibration to be in tune with the vibration of the mountain and in doing so, they created a complete consciousness grid between and amongst the members.

We are telling you of this group adventure in order to encourage each of you to understand that this kind of mindful communication is a normal skill for human beings, left dormant for many centuries.  You are now all developing the ability to raise yourselves to 5th dimensional consciousness.  In doing this, you become able to reach out to others around you who are equally aware and dedicated to raising their consciousness, to establish a "pod," a group of individuals who have agreed to ascend to higher dimensional vibration.  When you do this, you are able to relinquish the 3-dimensional belief system which required "free will," to enter into a state in which you are able to find the state of ecstatic connection which is Unity Consciousness. 

Some of you may be feeling horror at the idea of giving up your precious, hard-won "independence."  It has been the popular belief in recent centuries that "every man for himself" is really an honorable and important part of the integrity of an individual.  In a way that has been true; it has given humankind on Earth the opportunity to experience independence and self-reliance, two admirable qualities in an evolved soul.  

However, now it is time to take that independence and self-reliance to the next step.  You see, in the 5th dimension and above, there is no free will.  Let us explain.  When Love becomes the strongest, over-riding feeling in your being, the ego which required things like privacy, ownership, status, acceptance, approval and recognition begins to melt away. 

The ego you established in order to protect yourself against attack finds it reasonable to make the argument that you must defend yourself at all times against any hint of interference from another person, if that person might seem to stand in the way of your ability to express yourself.  This concept then becomes confused with your "freedom" to do whatever you wish or say whatever you wish, regardless of its impact on others.  There have been whole treatises, philosophical arguments and political movements to shore up this convoluted reasoning, because it was very useful for the dark ones to convince the populace that it was their right to pollute, claim ownership of the planet's lands and resources, and profit from their destructive ways.

The cabal was even successful in convincing most of the populace that the profit which results from an activity is more important than the Earth herself, more important than the quality of the air you breathe or the water you drink.  Those days are over, but the dark ideas remain, swirling around in the consciousness of the humans who are now incarnated on the planet.  Now, you see why we are discussing these things, do you not?  We are creating a picture for you of the difference between 3D thinking and 5D experience.

Group consciousness does not mean you all think alike, or that you give up any part of your own independence or integrity.  It is just the opposite.  It is more.  When you join in heart and spirit with others, your heart is the foundation for the experience of Love, sharing, belonging, participating in a communion of souls which is greater than the sum of its parts.  There is a great and thrilling feeling that goes with being completely in connection with the bright energy of a group of highly evolved, loving souls.

There is no individual triumph, no marathon or medal won that can match the richness and fulfillment of becoming One with the others around you.  Now, here is where the triumphs and battles won come in.  Those individual accomplishments, stored in memory, are what make it possible to raise the bar higher, to realize with confidence that you do not have to prove yourself worthy any longer, nor fight to maintain your fragile integrity.  You have lived many lives "in the trenches" Dear Ones.  You have proven your valor, your courage and your dedication to the causes you espoused.

When you look back on your life, look with fresh eyes, the eyes of God, who loves you unconditionally and knows how difficult life on Earth can be.  Those failures and faults you focus on in yourself and others are merely a blip on the screen in Creator's eyes and ours.  You have accomplished much just by living through this life, feeling Love, shedding tears, experiencing the anger that rises up in response to the injustice and pain you see around you.  This was the training for the next phase - the higher plane on which you will be able to take loving action to cure the ills you have so disliked on 3-dimensional Planet Earth.

In order to accomplish the move into a higher realm, it is necessary for you to learn the pleasures and satisfactions of being One with others around you, with all living Beings, within and on your planet and beyond.  This great leap requires a massive shift in consciousness to the ability to form and enjoy deep psychic connections with others without feeling any fear that you might be compromised by the voluntary resignation from your career as an independent ego.  

This means, of course, that you must be able to be fearless.  All ideas about avoiding relationships in order not to "get hurt" must be re-evaluated in the light of higher realms, where feeling hurt or deceived or misused are not a worry, or even a consideration.  Where there is no ego to be bruised, there is no disappointment; there is only acceptance, awareness, and Truth.

This is how it is possible for Creator to love every one of us without any hint of being judgmental or punitive.  Knowing we have disregarded our connection to Him/Her, we are still accepted and Loved.  Even though we have ignored the Love pouring down on us and have sometimes cursed the Higher Powers for putting us here (against our will, we thought), there is not a hint of disapproval or disappointment from those who love you from their place in higher dimensions.  

We, the Higher Selves of our incarnated representatives, are not capable of being hurt, jealous or vindictive.  It would be unthinkable for us to be angry at you who are behind the Veil of Forgetfulness and who are suffering the effects of having been immersed in a world of illusion.  Now, make no mistake, Dear Friends, your life, your body, your feelings are real.  The illusion of which we speak is the belief that you are alone, that you have been abandoned there on a lonely planet - the only place in the Universe where intelligent life exists.  The illusion is that this life is the only one you will experience, and that at the end of it you will turn to dust and it will all be over.  

That is certainly a depressing scenario, is it not?  No wonder so many among you are so depressed that they welcome the possibility of taking drugs to numb their senses and  suppress their despair.  Is it any wonder that people feel frustrated, angry and depressed?  If this is the only chance to achieve what you want in life, and you have not yet done so, and your culture defines success as fame and fortune, then most people on the planet are abject failures.  This system of Catch-22 beliefs and the feelings that result are what you are leaving behind, Beloveds.

Yes, it will be an enormous change from the life of striving to climb the ladder, and worrying about mortgages, insurance and loan payments.  The way the system was set up, even the wealthy were so immersed in The Program - or the Matrix as some call it - that regardless of the millions they might have accrued, it never felt like enough.

You have been longing to overcome the feelings of alienation and loneliness.  You have yearned for Love in your lives.  This is the symptom of being disconnected from your Creator, your Guides, and your Group Consciousness.  You have experienced the glory and exhilaration of being One, in your life between lives in the higher dimensions.  It has echoed in your consciousness as a tantalizing promise, coming ever closer as the powerful energies of the Central Sun wash over you, carrying you a bit higher each day, a bit closer to the Promised Land.

Now is the time for real change.  Look to your hopes and dreams.  Be clear about what you really want in the coming Shift.  Peace on Earth means no more competition for resources, and therefore no more feelings of entitlement when you consider what you will do with your blessings.  Will a new Jaguar really bring you closer to group consciousness?  Will a huge new house really be justified, if it means using tremendous amounts of resources which cannot be replaced, even if you could afford to buy three such houses?  It is really not about the money, Dear Ones.  It is about being One with those you set out to help.

This is not a time for missionary work. Giving what you would want to others is not giving.  Teaching your cultural or religious belief system while you help a poor village dig their well is not generosity, it is 3D ego.  Are you beginning to see the whole-life change we are introducing you to?  Group consciousness means you are willing to embrace every other one as you embrace yourself, as we embrace you.  You will find others who are raising their consciousness, just as the Council of Twelve incarnations have done.  You too will form Councils based on the feelings of overwhelming Love and Respect for each person's unique contribution, and for their ability to connect with you as One, and you will find happiness the likes of which you have never before experienced in this lifetime.

We wish you Love, and we encourage you to be the Seekers you set out to be in this lifetime.  Find your soul mates - those who can meet you in higher dimensions and who encourage you to reach higher.  We love you without end,

The Council of Twelve of Prema Swarupa, the etheric retreat over Stone Mountain, NY.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, Aug. 11, 2014, 10 PM, New York


Matthew Ward - August 12, 2014

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Several of the numerous readers who are asking about the Ebola outbreak referred to it as the “Ebola scare”—and rightly so, as scare is one of the reasons the virus was recently released again. When it was developed in a laboratory by Illuminati scientists almost 40 years ago, the intentions were twofold: to create a pandemic and to instill in peoples the fear that accompanies a virulent, contagious disease.

We are not minimizing Ebola’s severity today by saying that it was indeed then a sickness to dread. It spread rapidly and claimed many lives before it was brought under control; and the outbreak resulted in rampant negativity due to the large death toll, grief, chaos and fear. Now, healthy persons who contract the disease and receive appropriate treatment can recover, and, just as happens with any serious illness, persons who die had weak immune systems before exposure to Ebola or their systems became severely stressed by the fatigue of caring for patients. This time around the Illuminati will not achieve anywhere near the measure of negativity intended, nor did their other relatively recent attempts to devastate Earth’s population produce it.

You may recall that only a few years ago SARS, avian flu, swine flu and its reissue as N1H1 happened in turn, with global publicity about “a feared pandemic” after the first diagnosis of each disease; and, ever so handily, vaccines were at the ready. The intense publicity and clamoring for vaccinations lasted only briefly because it became obvious that since only a few deaths occurred, no pandemic had befallen your world. Scientists in the light-worker ranks neutralized the viruses in the vaccines that were designed to spread, not prevent those diseases, and all were total failures insofar as achieving their purpose: eliminating billions of humankind whom Henry Kissinger, the peak of the Illuminati, referred to as “useless eaters.”

AIDS, which was developed in laboratories about five years after the Ebola virus, has been much more successful in the eyes of the Illuminati. Whereas symptoms are nearly immediate in Ebola and the more recent four diseases we mentioned, AIDS, which is spread partly by contact and partly by the so-called “treatment” for HIV, develops very slowly and is transmitted by apparently healthy individuals. Thus, ever since it was introduced into the population, it has been running its natural course throughout the years. In so doing, it has enabled the millions who succumbed to it and everyone who loved and cared for them to experience choices in their soul contracts.

Still, it is logical to wonder why that disease and the deadly Ebola siege mushroomed out of control and viruses developed much later for the same purpose didn’t. There are two reasons. The AIDs and Ebola viruses were fabricated and released before Gaia’s free will choice that her human population would not be eliminated en masse by any means whatsoever; in God’s granting her request, inspiration was given to lighted souls to doom the Illuminati’s plans. And, because there was much less light on the planet and within the populace 30-some years ago, bodies were more vulnerable to disease.

Possibly media focus on Ebola is behind the number of emails about other health issues, and we shall address those most frequently questioned. How can we know which symptoms are ascension-related and which aren’t; to what extent are GMO foods adversely affecting health; how much are toxins in chemtrails affecting us; what can we do to strengthen immune systems; what causes chronic low energy and fatigue; when will illness of all kinds disappear?

In all of those situations, the answer is light—the “one size fits all”—and we happily offer information that can be helpful in absorbing light. Always the purpose of our messages has been to offer enlightenment, guidance and encouragement during these transformative phases that the planet and all of her residents are going through; and especially in the prevailing vibrations, where “good” gets better and “bad” gets worse, proper care of yourselves in mind, body and spirit is vital! Sound health makes it easier for messages from the soul to reach the consciousness, and your souls are telling you to look beyond the illusion, to open your minds and hearts to the reality of who you are—this is what ascension is all about!

Now then, increasingly high energy levels on Earth are producing a variety of physical, mental or emotional anomalies such as achiness, mood swings, urgency to act upon impulses, nervousness, confusion, fatigue, forgetfulness, chest congestion, depression, nausea, rash, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea or general weakness. If one system of a body is weaker, or less fortified, than the others, that system is susceptible to whatever unsettling condition is most closely related. When those sensations or conditions are due to the heightened vibrations changing cellular structure from carbon-based to crystalline, healthy individuals quickly adjust and symptoms disappear until the next energy surge, which is followed by another rapid adjustment, and so on; and the more light in a body, the less noticeable the effects are.

Be mindful that the symptoms associated with ascension also can be indications of a developing health issue. If what you are experiencing persists or worsens, please consult healthcare specialists, preferably those you call “holistic” or “alternative,” who know that prescription drugs can exacerbate a condition whereas natural ingredients in proper doses have ameliorative effects.

There is another important factor here. To balance other lifetimes or complete unfinished karmic lessons, some souls choose a severe illness, chronic debilitating disease, deep depression or aberrant mental functioning. In such cases, even the most proficient medical specialists cannot successfully treat the condition and neither can energy workers. This doesn’t mean that the love-light energy the workers channel cannot reach ailing persons; it is that the soul is not permitting activation of their bodies’ self-healing mechanisms.

Everyone can send love-light to anyone, to people worldwide and to Earth herself, and the energy streamers reach the intended destinations because there is no separation one from another in the universal consciousness—that consciousness is the Oneness of All. And never will a physical, mental or emotional condition delay or deter personal ascension of an individual who lives in accordance with soul contract choices.

Moving on now, except for grain that is designed for one crop only—this is based in greed and is negativity-laden—genetically modified foods are widely considered to be much more harmful than they actually are. Repeated publicity about any situation results in widespread belief, and whatever individuals believe is their reality. Therefore, the belief that GMO foods are harmful produces whatever ill effects consumers attribute to them; but it is the chemicals in processed foods, fertilizers, herbicides and pharmaceuticals, and the steroids and antibiotics fed to animals in the food chain that are hazardous to your health.

The most light-filled foods are fruits and vegetables, and if the cost is affordable, eat organically grown produce; choose meat from animals certified to be free of additives and sea food naturally grown or properly cultivated. If costs are prohibitive, please do not have negative thoughts about what you are eating instead! In diet, as in all other issues, positive thoughts are powerful and so is the light in gratitude—feel thankful for your food, ask that it serve your highest good, and believe that it is!

Eventually your soil, air and water will be pure again and food’s lost nutrients will be restored. Bodies’ crystalline cellular structure will thrive on fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains; meat and seafood no longer will be palatable; food allergies will disappear and so will today’s prolific chemicals.

Although toxins from all sources adversely affect health, bodies’ self-healing mechanisms resist or reduce the most harmful effects when immune systems function optimally. Light is essential to maintain that degree of immunity, and the best way to absorb light is positive thoughts and feelings. In that respect, please remember and feel grateful that crews in spacecraft are using their technologies to neutralize or reduce as much as possible the toxins in chemtrails, radioactive elements and all other pollutants in your earth, skies and waters.

Light absorption comes more naturally to persons whose lifestyle is balanced. Along with heeding recommendations of your healthcare specialists and nutritionists, these additional suggestions will assist in acquiring or regaining balance: Spend as much time as you can in tranquil solitude and enjoying Nature. Nurture your talents and allow artistic expressions to flow. Be kind to all persons and animals and react calmly to unpleasant surprises and confrontations. Choose light-hearted reading and other entertainment and listen to melodious music. Smile and laugh often! Monatomic gold, perhaps best known for enhancing brain function and spiritual clarity, also strengthens immune systems.

Chronically low energy and fatigue is not ascension-related insofar as indicating whether a person is living in godly ways; it does mean, however, that the body is seriously light-deficient. The lack may stem from one or more undiagnosed health conditions—perhaps the onset of an illness or debilitating disease, metabolic or hormonal imbalance, dehydration or severe food allergies. Intense worrying can keep energy levels low. Prolonged exposure to emissions from computers, TVs and cell phones; chemicals in prescription drugs; a diet lacking in nutritious foods; and effects of pollutants are other possibilities.

Any one of more of those potential reasons for fatigue and low energy may be in addition to—or more likely, caused by emotions bereft of light. Whether deeply suppressed or vehemently expressed, feelings such as fear, anger, resentment, guilt, remorse, bitterness and jealously drain energy; and a common drain is unbalanced relationships—the “low energy” person’s emotional system is dominantly feminine and the other’s dominantly masculine. This has nothing whatsoever to do with gender, only with the energy make-up of the person, and the unbalanced relationship can be between lifetime partners, siblings, parent and child, employer and employee, neighbors, friends, business co-owners, teammates—two individuals in any relationship that entails frequent close contact.

Keeping in mind that energy is light and light is the body’s life force, the person with masculine energy is draining the very life of the person whose energy is feminine. When such an arrangement is karmic, rarely is it lifelong. The lesson is complete when the “fatigued” individual takes steps to remedy the relationship or leaves it. If that person does neither and things continue as they were, your expression “He—or she—will be the death of me” wouldn’t be far from the truth.

Some soul contracts include a parting of the ways so that both individuals can experience life lessons with other people. This often pertains to partners who have children—all in the family chose to gain the learning offered by the parents’ lopsided relationship. Other contracts call for both individuals to acknowledge the need to improve their relationship and the desire to make appropriate changes to achieve that. However, because no one knows what is in her or his contract, the soul gives strong messages that can be likened to enormous arrows pointing in the direction of chosen experiencing. But free will reigns supreme and, just as in all other situations, persons in imbalanced relationships have the choice to ignore the soul’s guidance—when they do, other lifetimes will offer more opportunities to “look and learn.”

Illness across the board isn’t going to disappear until the population has absorbed enough light to believe that it can be disease-free—belief creates the reality. This pertains as well to rejuvenating faulty organs and growing missing limbs—regeneration and restoration won’t happen in one fell swoop because those processes also require belief.

People who unquestioningly believe they can recover from paralysis or their heart will function perfectly without a pacemaker, for example, will manage those accomplishments sooner than individuals whose belief wavers and much sooner than those who doubt they have any capability in those respects. It’s a matter of how much light has permeated mind, body and spirit; and at this moment, most in your world don’t think that something as “magical” as replacing dentures with actual new teeth is even a possibility.

Someday everyone in your world will know not only how magnificently-designed your bodies are, but what magnificently powerful souls you are! Beloved sisters and brothers, we are eager to see you discover your innate knowledge and abilities and take your rightful place in our universal family as the multidimensional souls you are.



Suzanne Ward
The Matthew Books
Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com

[NOTE: The next message will be at the end of September. During the interim, I’ll have a number of visitors and I’m going to Panama for my grandson’s wedding and family reunion.

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Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5009 Your Heart Is Beating God, God, God, August 12, 2014 

God said: 

All your longings, no matter what form they may take, amount to your longing for Oneness with Me. Whatever your passion may be, its pull brings you closer to Me. Even if you are fervently doubtful of Me, you long to come close. You have a version of Me in your head, perhaps established versions of Me. You may not feel close to designated pictures of Me. I am in your heart. I am more like a sighting or a touch or a sigh of Me that erupts in a stilted heart.
Even when I seem far away from you, your heart is beating God, God, God. There is a refrain, God, God, God, and there is a chorus that sings More, More, More, and a chorus that chants Holy, Holy, Holy. Even as you don’t grasp what Holiness is, you call out for it. Somewhere within you, Holiness cannot be denied. The Holiness is yours. Something is missing that you crave. There is so much more to you than meets the eye. You wonder what it is that is missing.
Something is remembered. Even when you can’t put your finger on it, something more is calling out to you which is your Self. It is I masquerading as you call out to Myself, calling out for recognition. You may think it is something from the outside that pulls you, yet it is something intimate to you that all the plaudits of the world cannot equal. The plaudits of the world may jab at you when, all the while, it is only your Self that can give your Self to you. You look for Me, this closeness to Me, and I am not even an inch away. I am so within you, at no distance from you at all. You may not know My Name, this longing that seems to bump into you or surround you.
When you ask: “Who are You, God?” you are really asking: “Who am I? Where am I? Where have I gone? And how do I get back? How do I get back to My Self? Where have I wandered? How did I get so far away from Home? What am I doing here? Have I lost my way? Can I find my way back?”
The Joker is that you have wandered nowhere. You have a loss of recollection. You may see yourself in disparate thoughts, yet you are One Thought, One hinted-at thought.
Is all the love you feel, when you feel it, recognition? Is all the love you feel, even the longing for love that you feel, can this be a reunion with your Self? Have you lived all this before? You do feel some nudging toward the Light of Your Self.
You are calling to your Self. “Where have I gone?” you wonder. “Where have I been?”, you wonder. “Where do I think I have been? Where have I wandered? How do I get back? I have to get back,” you say. “I belong nowhere, or I belong everywhere, or is there no everywhere? Is this the illusion that won’t let go of me? When all is said and done, is there no some-place else?”
And so you feel misplaced, longing to belong to – longing to belong to what? The belonging you seek is not found in groups. The belonging you seek is in Oneness, and Oneness is within.
You belong to your Self. Oneness is more than belonging. It is unlike a sorority or fraternity. It is a Brotherhood of One. It is the One of Oneness. You are about to discover your Oneness which is the same as Mine.


Teacher: The Spark from God Within. 
Subject: “Life is an Unfolding Journey.” 

Received by Lytske. 

The Spark from God Within: “It is timely to provide more proof that, yes, it is entirely possible to connect up with the Spark from God within. Everyone is allowed, and indeed encouraged, to give this Gift from God His or Her own name, so over time there will be established a great relationship. Instead of always depending on that wonderful Gift from God, the mortal hopefully evolves enough to finally in a moment of generosity say, ‘What can I do for you today? How can I please you in turn?’ This question would then be seen as a lovely gift from the heart and mind of that mortal, who would be well on the way to becoming immortal. 

“Usually humans have needs and wants on their minds when they pray. Rarely does it occur to them that it would be greatly satisfying to the Creator of all to get a mere ‘morsel’ of appreciation from an individual, who is beginning to realize how blessed he or she is. Blessed, even though he or she can only be dimly aware of all the blessings raining down in a steady downpour. Never mind the outward material circumstances, there will always be something to be discovered one could be grateful for. 

“To be given life is already the greatest blessing, even though this is commonly accepted as totally normal. People rarely think about what this great mystery of life is all about. Oh sure, they like to duplicate it or try to improve on life, but the initial Spark of Life is already there. No one will ever be able to create new life, for this is the prerogative of the Giver of all life. Even messing about with life carries its own responsibility, and the taking of another’s life will definitely need to be answered for in eternity. 

“Here again, not many mortals entertain a concept of how long eternity can be. They may well think that it will be boring, ‘sitting on a cloud, playing a harp’. When will humanity wake up as to what truly is the purpose and meaning of living a life? Each human is individually responsible for what he or she is doing with that life, and how they fill their days. Here we do not even speak of all the lessons they give their selves, made possible through another Gift from the Creator – the free will to chose, to think, plan and act on impulses and decisions. 

“The lessons will always be in the context of the meanings and values you give to your lives, in the love you humans give each other, in the responsiveness to someone’s needs. These golden nuggets you gather up to store in the ‘bank of heaven’ as quality to be used when you pass from the earth’s scene to the next step in your evolutionary ascension journey back to the Creator. To give account of how your life unfolded towards perfection using all the wonderful gifts, which at this point in time are still hidden awaiting exploration in all the coming stages of ascension. I assure you there will never be a dull moment in this unfolding journey, unless you make it so yourself.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.


Manifestation is an Independent Study Program

by lifetapestrycreations

Life Tapestry Creations - Blog Banner LTCLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Dear Ones,

Any time you do not manifest as you wish, your inner-power fears are coming to the forefront.  

In past eons, you hid your inner-power so wonderfully well that you do not necessarily yet know how to access it easily and effortlessly - as easily as you now breathe.

You believe manifestation is a difficult process that requires much concentration.

You accept that you have created your current reality - and your past lives. Yet, you cannot grasp the concept that you are able to create your wishes, as well as your fears.

You have punished yourself for eons, if you will, by living lives of fear and karma. You accept that reality. But you have tremendous difficulties realizing that you use the same skills - and seemingly effortless process, to create a life of joy.

Many of you gnashed your teeth in pain because of the fears you addressed and cleansed in this lifetime. All well and good - but how can you possibly create your wishes?

Do you not yet understand that you continue to punish yourself by ignoring your skill tool kit? You create your reality - both of joy and fear.

You are wondrously good at creating a fearful life - which many continue to this day. 

You refuse to walk outside your prison cell for you are afraid of a punishment that no longer exits.

Of course, you channel, heal and intuitively read other people - all of which you consider spiritual elements of your being. But creating the physical life of your dreams feels outside your abilities.

You are allowing yourself to remain in a prison that no longer exists.

What type of life do you wish to have - ongoing pain and fear or joy? Of course, your immediate response is, "A life of joy." So do it.

Such a command, if you will, is no different from telling your children they most likely need to complete a college degree before they can aspire to be a business executive. Few children at the age of 18 are excited about four more years of study.

So it is for you now. Practice, practice, practice with the assumption that you are as skilled as anyone, merely not yet fully educated in creation techniques and abilities.

The difference is you must educate yourself. 

No one can teach you how to use your personal tool kit - including how to create as easily as you breathe. Perhaps you beg to differ - believing that someone gives you the power to create.

Only you can give yourself the power to create the life of your dreams.

Perhaps that appears negative for those of you who want your fairy godmother to take your hand and walk you out of your self-induced prison. Such is not going to happen.

You must decide for yourself that you want to exit your prison to a life of joy. No one can take that step for you or even walk you through it. Just as no one could walk you through your 'dark night of the soul.' This is a unique adventure you must agree to and then do so. 

For you can remain in prison as long as you wish. That is your self-will no one can interfere with - and no one will. It is your choice to continue creating a life of pain and fear.

Perhaps you are remembering that even though some pieces of your life have fallen into place, such has taken effort on your part to create or manifest those pieces. That is part of your learning process.

Just as when many of you learned to drive, you had difficulties driving, listening to the radio and talking with friends. Now you do all easily and effortlessly. Not because you are wiser or stronger than was true in your teens, but because you have practiced so much that driving a car has become almost effortless.

So it is with your physical manifestation skills. Create big. Create small - but practice creation. And in the not-too-distant future, you will create without conscious thought easily and effortlessly.

You are responsible for walking out your prison door. Just as you were responsible for learning to drive. You can receive direction and you can observe others doing so, but you are responsible for the actual activity of self-creation.

Walk out your prison door and practice, practice, practice - until manifestation is as effortless as driving a car or breathing. So be it. Amen.


Sivananda Daily Reading

13 August

Posted: 11 Aug 2014 10:00 PM PDT

Develop the Body, Too 
Physical culture or development of the body is as important as the development of the mind, will or memory. If the body is not kept strong and healthy, vigorous and active, no culture is possible. All cultures depend on a sound body. There is a wise saying: "A sound mind in a sound body". The body is the temple of God. It should be kept scrupulously clean by daily bath, a good scrub with a clean towel - this opens the pores which may have been clogged by sweat and sebum.
There are different types of physical culture. Select one according to your needs, taste, temperament and capacity. A man in poor health should take long brisk walks, morning and evening. Always walk alone; then you feel the presence of the Almighty everywhere and you can be in perfect harmony with nature. Morning walks are pleasant. The cool breeze is refreshing and the fragrance of the flowers is invigorating. Finish the walk before sunrise. The walking itself should be brisk; you should have good perspiration. Only then it is exercise. Walk at least three or four miles a day. Do pranayama whilst walking. Inhale for six steps, retain for six steps and then exhale for six steps. This is good practice.
Be strictly regular in the performance of the exercises - this is essential for rapid progress. Those doing vigorous exercise should take substantial, nutritious food - otherwise their muscles will waste. They should take plenty of ghee (clarified butter), milk, butter, nuts etc. Those who practise the head-stand should take a light meal about ten minutes after they have finished the asanas. Weigh your body once a month and keep a record. Do exercise both morning and evening. Then rest for half an hour before taking your bath.
Observe brahmacharya (celibacy) as much as you can. If you remain a strict celibate you will attain astonishing results. What is there in a woman? What is there in repeating the same old act again and again which is so disgraceful? Are you not ashamed of all that? Do you not realise that it is all the play of avidya (ignorance) and false moha (delusion)? Strengthen the body and then do spiritual sadhana (practice). You will enjoy real bliss. I beseech you - learn to be wise - at least from now on.
Treat this body as your servant and instrument. You are distinct from this physical body which is only made up of the five elements and is subject to decay and death. You are in essence the reality, the all-pervading, imperishable Atman (Self). Identification with the body is the root-cause for bondage, for human misery and suffering. Do not become the slave of the body.


