7-8-14-Rising To The Occasion

Father God:  On Rising to the Occasion

Father God:

We would like to encourage you to be patient as you await the blessings which have long been planned for you.  You understand, this program which will bring prosperity to ALL, not just the few who control the complex and secret financial systems, must be carefully implemented to prevent the greedy financiers from raking it all into their coffers before anyone else gets a chance to trade in their currency.

Here are a few of the current considerations:  Iraq has been a sinkhole for American taxpayers.  Trillions of dollars have been channeled from military and "reconstruction" projects into the bank accounts of the wealthiest 13 families on the planet.  This is done through surreptitious banking practices which literally make money disappear overnight.  This is how the 3 trillion dollars which went missing during the Iraq military debacle under Bush vanished.  It was announced, as you might remember, by Donald Rumsfeld on September 10, 2001, just hours before the towers were blown up.   At the same time, tons of gold also disappeared from the Trade Center buildings, carried away in trucks to unknown locations.  It was a boondoggle for the dark forces, to say the least.

We now have a similar condition in Iraq, where Maliki has learned a great deal from the cabal training programs, and has established his own tactics to create a "false flag" to cover his own attempts to steal enormous amounts of money, which will be flowing even more copiously during and after the RV.  Obama, and the Dragon Family who are going to be in charge of much of the funding of the generous "contract" rates, are understandably cautious about when and how the transition will play out.  

It is necessary that a stable government be in place in Iraq, and that the banking industry be fully overseen by those who will prevent and/or prosecute those who try to divert the trillions of dollars which are intended for the people of Iraq and the Lightworkers who have invested.  Your leaders are protecting you, not depriving you.

Remember, Dear Ones, that the tiny amount you have invested will bring you riches.  Do not fall into the mindset of thinking you deserve your riches because you have waited a long time for it.  This would be a very odd interpretation of the idea of "deserving" something.  Waiting a long time does not make you a better person, or a more honorable one.  Patience is a virtue.  Waiting is not.

Yes, we would like to provide abundance immediately for every person who is in difficulty right now - the ones who have lost their homes, and the ones who cannot afford a home, the ones who have serious medical problems, but these difficulties would have arisen whether they had purchased a small amount of currency or not.  The delay has not caused their problems.  Do not be caught up in an attitude of blaming and castigating your messengers or your God because of the delays.

We in the higher dimensions are not insensitive or inattentive.  Neither do we misunderstand time.  We created the concept of time; I assure you we have a good understanding of what you are going through.  There is not one of us in the Company of Heaven who has not put in the hard work of living lives incarnated on Earth.  This is the reason we have chosen to work with you to create this prosperity program.

We do not blame you for not creating the atmosphere and the conditions which will make it possible for your colleagues to safely implement the program.  We do not ask you to risk your lives to take down the banking institutions which were created by masterminds who had years to weave the intricate system which less than a handful of people on the planet can even begin to untangle.

However, someone has to do it.  Your Lightworkers, some of whom you are the first to blame for the delay, are the ones who have put their lives on the line to delve into the morass of interwoven connections which make it possible for cabal-inspired financiers to steal with impunity.  As you know, those hard-nosed economic wizards are also ruthless.  No wonder most of you have not volunteered to scour the banking records to uncover the massive fraud and criminality in order to put a stop to it.  But someone has to do it.

Have you stopped to think about who is doing it?  Have you spent as much energy searching out the ones who are undercover, or are operating as double agents, so that you might send them love and encouragement as you have spent trying to dig up dirt on them?  Have you spent as much time thanking your sincere messengers and boots-on-the-ground experts as you have spent looking for the boogie man under someone else's bed?

We sympathize with your feelings of desperation and impatience, but we do not condone them.  We ask you now:  Raise yourself to the higher plane you were taught to feel and see yesterday, in the radio show with Archangel Michael at his glorious retreat above Lake Louise. (
http://www.blogtalkradio.com/channelpanel/2014/07/06). Look with the eyes of your Higher Self.  Look with my eyes, and you will see the needs of all the people.  Even though we would prefer to release the funds quickly, it has not been possible, because each time we came close, another of the cabal minions has come forward with a new intrigue, a new scheme to cheat you and others who have promised to use the money to alleviate the pain the dark ones have caused.

This is the reason for the prosperity program, which St. Germain and Lady Portia have worked on for thousands of years.  (She is seldom given credit for her participation in the program.)  As many of you know, the prosperity programs are not just about banking.  They also include the complete changeover of government which will restore the Republic of the United States of America, which was intended to be the model for fairness, equality and freedom.  The cause of freedom was fairly quickly co-opted to aid and abet those who wished to plunder Mother Earth's resources for their own gain, without any responsibility for protecting her or the generations to come.

And so, here you are, awaiting the blessings you have been promised, but which have not yet come forth.  What if it takes another three weeks?  Will you champ at the bit and accuse this messenger of being a fraud, or will you look deeply into the causes for the delay to see if there is anything you can do to help out?  You say you feel helpless to do anything to make it happen yourself?  Then why would you expect others to hurry up and do it for you?

You see, my Beloved Ones, this is as much a test of your character as it is a challenge for those who are putting in the great effort to make it happen and to inform and educate you about the complexities of this enormous Galactic project which is the Ascension of Planet Earth.  The prosperity program is just the first step in creating the conditions which will make it possible for every being on Earth to breathe a sigh of relief and begin to live in their hearts, without fear or desperation, and especially without the destructive influence of the dark energies which are just now beginning to be dispersed from the surface of the planet.

Concentrate on this, Dear Ones. Do your part to cleanse yourself of all dark energies.  This is a major part of your contribution to the Project.  All souls will rise to higher and higher levels of vibration.  Do not be left behind because you are still entrenched in feelings of entitlement, or fear.  The ideas behind feelings of entitlement are ego-based, grown out of the hundreds of lives in an environment of want and fear.  Entitlement is a form of arrogance, disguised as righteous self-love or even concern for others.  Do not allow yourself to be duped by those who preach condemnation of others, building their own prestige by spreading lies and propaganda to bring down our brightest and best Lightworkers.

It was not so long ago that hundreds of people in a town could be incited
to "burn the witch" or "hang the traitor."  How many of those "witches" and "traitors" do you believe were innocent?  I will tell you:  all of them.  Only when there is doubt do propagandists create a campaign to attack the target.  Otherwise, they would leave the outcome to the law or to the public to decide their fate, trusting that the evidence would speak for itself.

So, be the Light, Beloveds.  Shine the light of virtue on your world.  Take part in the campaign of virtue in which you exercise your character muscles every day, choosing one virtue for each day.  All through that day, concentrate on creating in yourself an atmosphere of gratitude, say, or patience, or compassion.  Do this every single day for 3 months.  Then do it for another 3 months.  By the end of one year you will not recognize the person you have become.  In fact, by the end of one week you will feel yourself changing dramatically.

You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain, because what you will gain is truly the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.  Yes, it has been promised to you, but it will not be given to you as a gift.  It is a gift you will claim for yourself by becoming your most loving, compassionate, forgiving self.  This is your destiny, and your challenge.  Raise your consciousness; claim your power as the God or Goddess you were born to be when you emerged as the spark of our love, the divine creation of Love, to live out your soul life, evolving and growing in an endless exultation of soaring energy.

We are here to praise, encourage and uplift you with every step you take toward the Light, every time you reach out to touch us, every time your heart quickens with feelings of Love.  Mother God and I are here with you, breathing every breath with you, hearing every prayer, dreaming every dream with you.

We love you without end; we will love you without end until the endlessness reveals itself to you, and you come to us in Light and Joy.

I am your Father God, the one you have known as Yahweh, Allah, Jehovah, Shiva, Ra, Zorra, and now, Mandela.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, July 7, 2014, 4 PM

Permission is given to copy and share this message, providing it is given in its entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel and to the website, www.whoneedslight.org.


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4974 The Truth about Life, July 8, 2014 

God said: 

Your Being is always content. Your Being, or Beingness, has never had a sense of lacking anything or needing anything. The world stepped in, and now you tend to think of what you don’t have and are certain you have to have it. Or, perhaps you take as gospel that, under your circumstances, the only thing you can be is unhappy? You who are full of Being have the idea that you are needing. Your stance is that, if you don’t have something, you are lacking it and needing it, and so you find yourself feeling bereaved to one degree or another.
The concept that it is good for you to come from is that you do have everything. This is so. You have everything within you, and you have all the resources within you. There is nothing to fuss about, for you have everything.
You feel an upwelling within you that says that what I say is a glorified expression that does not really apply to life in the world. You know very well that you are short of something. You know you chipped your fingernail polish. You know your good friend moved away. You know you don’t have a job and so on. And you, who experience some degree of loss and annoyance or panic about whatever it may be, don’t want to hear from Me or anyone that everything is fine and dandy, for this is not your experience, and you are the one experiencing.
Beloveds, you associate change with loss when change is moving along and getting somewhere. Your unhappiness starts from your very thoughts that you are lacking and missing out and that this lack you perceive is a serious injustice to you, perhaps even a persecution of you. You may well feel that no one’s dreams are to be resisted, most certainly not yours. For what reason would your dreams be thwarted – there is no reason that makes sense to you. Why on Earth is there any good reason for you to be denied in full or in part your dreams? You may even feel that life is out to get you or out to trip you up. Life teases you. Life interferes with your happiness. Life beckons you and then shoots you in the foot. Life, from your perspective, has fought the fulfilling of your dreams tooth and nail. Something has.
You get closer and closer to the realization of your dreams, and then, as you see it, the carpet is pulled away from under you. Who does that? God? You? Some saboteur who haunts you?
There is neither guilt nor blame because life has its own way and gives you a merry chase. There is no misfiring of the rules even though you believe there is fault, a wrong of one kind or another. You feel that something in life has been misconstrued. Beloveds, it is you, often enough, who have misconstrued it. Why blame life for your lack of understanding? It’s not life’s fault that you expect life to go your way without questions asked.
Life is not out to get you. Life is out to make you happy. Life is outguessed when you are not happy with it. What comes in life, comes in life. Perhaps life didn’t see ahead either. In a way, life is a Johnny-Come-Lately. Life doesn’t plot against you. Nor is life arguing your case one way or another. Life is amenable. You simply weren’t looking. Life is not responsible for your lapse. You are. Were you disillusioned? In order to be disillusioned, you had to be illusioned. Life pushes you forward, and through life, no matter how wayward it may seem, life urges you or even pushes you to grow.


Illawarra District, Australia, June 1, 2014. 
Teacher Samuel of Panoptia. 
Subject: “Hurry Slowly.” 

Received by George Barnard. 

Samuel: “There are countless misunderstandings associated with religious teachings and spiritual understandings. Here, where we are today on Mansonia Seven, Aaron and I often discuss agondonter ascencion, your Paradise pilgrimage, and what is known and unknown to you. Surprisingly, it is so that if you could know all religious dogma, all spiritual findings and all intuitive understanding on your world, you would be extra well informed. However, you would also need to disregard much more than half of what you had learned. 

“Indeed, the wildest of rules, regulations and ideas are expressed about the life hereafter. What is often overlooked is your absolute trust that all will work out well. You are ‘Agondonters’, and therefore you will at some point in time overcome the ‘agony of doubt’ and accept that there is a God, that life has a purpose, and that therefore there is a plan beyond mortal life. You are accepting of the fact that there is something in you that vaguely makes known to you that death at the end of life is not the ‘end of the road’. 

“You have taken one tiny little step on the long road of accepting your future betrothal to a Fragment of the Creator of all that is. As you presently count time, centuries may pass before mortal and spirit are one. Your little corner of the universe, and all of the universes that surround it take their time. They hurry slowly, we are often told. However, the Father’s creation is most efficient as a place of learning. Where some will feel as if they are living in a care-free kindergarten, others will earnestly be gaining their PhD’s in mortal living. 

“Still, all will learn, slowly or more quickly, for all will be given the opportunity to progress, each having angels who are given the bold outlines of their charges’ futures. Even more to the point … all will receive Thought Adjusters, which will know every ‘turn in the road’ of their betrothed’s spiritual progress, success, even failures. Whilst you, and you, and you, might have a vague idea of you future eternal commitments, there are others – your ever-loving Guides, celestial Teachers and Carers – who will know the end from the beginning. 

“What is there to gain in guiding a mortal, one might ask? For a Destiny Guardian there is the good chance that she, too, will enter Paradise. For the Thought Adjuster there is the gift of personality upon fusion. Plenty of motivation for all involved, be assured, my friends. There is more than this, unbelievably more, because there is the offering and tasting, the giving and receiving of unconditional love – an all-consuming, fascinating state of being. 

“This is Samuel of Panoptia. May you all hurry slowly upon the right path toward unconditional love.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.


You’re Joyfully Creating a Rainbow of Diversity

by lifetapestrycreations

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Dear Ones,

We wish to address those angers and fears that some believe will fully permeate the remainder of their earth life.

Even though that is not true, such fears remain a concern for many who recently exited your cocoon. Life is perhaps a bit lighter than before entering your cocoon, but not enough to feel you are living a life of joy.

It will help to alleviate your fears if you remember that you're a bit like a new born baby harshly removed from the womb and placed in a cold and seemingly unloving environment. That is, until something miraculous happens. You lay in your mother's arms and are caressed by the voice and behaviors that were part of your womb life. You experience the exchange of earth love that shifts you forever by a indescribable bond felt and expressed in many ways. As a new born, you transition rapidly from cold, anger and fear to a loving embrace filled with wondrous objects to explore and new skills to develop. So it is for you now.

The fears you have been or are experiencing is your new environment that does not yet feel like 'home,' but soon will. You are angry because you needed to leave your comfortable cocoon - you have to develop new skills to fully experience the love and joy promised - and those you love are in a different place.

Let us explore the fear that those you love are in a different place. Perhaps you are a new born little girl with a brother two years older than you. Your big brother has skills you have not yet developed. And he is quite confused when your parents tell him that he needs to shelter and protect you, instead of including you in his play. You observe your big brother as you develop your skills for you wish to emulate everything his does. By following some of his expertise, you discover new skills. At the same time, your big brother tries to emulate your parents by helping mow the lawn or pretending he can drive a car.

Those of you exiting your cocoon feel cold and unloved now, but that will pass when you allow the love from the Universes to caress you - as has always been true, but negated so you could fully explore 3D earth.

Those following you are like an infant sister who tries to do all her big brother is capable of - only to discover that she enjoys some of her big brother's activities, but wishes to also explore others. So it will be.

You are now part of a loving Universal family.

Many of you reading this Father Knows Best television show family portrayal are dismayed because it is not what you experienced in this life or many others. Such no longer matters. For you are now openly and joyfully joining a new family. A bit as if you were adopted by an earth family and now discovering that your true family is of the Universes.

You cannot yet quite understand what we are speaking of. Many of you have negated or lost your earth parents - and so many others during this transition process.

Earth love has been conditional for eons. Not because the participants were not loving entities, but that family groupings decided to return to earth to clear or create karma. Most of which involved pain for that was the lesson you most often decided to experience - and why you entered earth during the 3D time of pain.

Even though the family love you experienced might have been joyous, most likely it was conditional - if you do this or behave in this way, you will be accepted. If not, you will be ostracized. The same conditional love was enforced in communities and countries throughout the world - only to shift with time and place.

Your new earth lesson is that you are loved as you are.

Diversity enhances your family, earth and the Universes. There is no longer one right way to be or live, but instead a rainbow of diversity to create and explore. Just as that little girl we discussed earlier in this channel decides to explore some of the areas her big brother excels at or is interested in, but not all.

You are loved for being you. Just as when you were an earth new born and allowed to be who you were for at least a few months. No rules applied other than what you dictated including when you ate and slept.

Now that you have exited your cocoon, the acceptance of the real you once again applies. Allow yourself to be.

Do not expect repercussions for stepping outside any line or policy created in the Old Age. You are you. He is him. And she is her.

This concept is almost impossible for you to comprehend at this time. But you will. You will slowly (in your mind), slip into the ease of being you. Those who do not appreciate you will find others more fun to be with.

You have a Universal right to be. And so does your neighbor and your neighbor's neighbor.

Does that mean all the entity pieces will form a beautiful tapestry? YES.Will you wish to be all parts of that tapestry? NO. No more than a toe nail wishes to be a hair cell.

You are creating a beautiful new being with the unique role(s) you find joyful. Not what your society needs - but what you find joyful. And as is true for a harmonious choir, your unique joyful role(s) will create the most lovely music you can image.

In the Old Age, policies were created to ensure that there were enough tenors and sopranos or whatever grouping desired by those with the most outer power. Even though those designated as tenors and sopranos did not necessarily find joy enacting those roles, it did not matter for those roles were most appropriate for your country, community, family or whatever grouping was most vocal or powerful .

New earth is much more about everyone bringing a favorite dish to a picnic knowing that all necessary foods will appear. So it goes...and will forever more on earth. So be it. Amen.


The New Condiments
Joanna Douglas
Spirulina, chia seeds, hemp powder—until recently those were things you found at crunchy health stores, or in murky-looking smoothies consumed by serious fitness buffs. Now they’re everywhere—in your muffin, on your salad. It might sound like a fad, but even small bits of these ingredients do big things.  The new condiments, as we’ve taken to calling them, can improve your appearance and health, both short- and long-term. Yahoo Beauty reached out to Patricia Bannan, MS, RDN, a Los Angeles-based nutrition expert and author of Eat Right When Time is Tight, to get the scoop on which items are worth sprinkling on your foods and drinks.
Chia Seeds
What are they? Chia comes from a desert plant in Mexico called Salvia hispanica and is packed with omega-3 fatty acids, carbohydrates, protein, dietary fiber, antioxidants, and calcium. They’re a joy to eat, thanks to their mild, nutty flavor.
What do they do? Mayans and Aztecs ate the black and white seeds to boost energy. If you put them in water, the mixture turns gel-like and many tout its hunger-controlling qualities (but there’s no scientific proof of that).
How do you eat them? Sprinkle them on top of your oatmeal, smoothie, cereal, salad, rice, or baked goods for an added boost of nutrition and flavor.
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What are they? Flaxseeds have been providing medicinal benefits since around 3000 BC, thanks to their omega-3 fatty acids, dietary fiber, and lignans.
What do they do? Recent studies suggest they reduce belly fat and lower your risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes.
How do you eat them? First of all, you absorb more of the nutrients when the seeds are ground (you can do that in a coffee grinder). Then stir them into oatmeal, smoothies, soups, or yogurt by the tablespoon or two. If you’re baking, substitute ground flaxseeds for part of the flour.
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Hemp Seeds
What are they? Hemp seeds are the edible part of the hemp plant. They’re a bit bigger than a sesame seed, with a similar nut-like flavor.
What do they do? They’re stuffed with easy to digest protein, as well as all nine essential amino acids. They’re low in carbs, with both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.
How do you eat them? Toss them into a smoothie, salad, cereal, and bany kind of baked good. They come raw, but try roasting them with spices, or even sprinkling them on a pasta dish for a nice texture without too much crunch.
Wheat Germ
What is it? When people talk about whole grains, they mean that the grain has all its parts. In refined grains—white flour, bread, packaged snack foods—you’re getting a stripped down version of the grain that doesn’t include the wheat germ, which is the part that’s actually good for you.
What does it do? The germ (which exists to feed the new plant) is a highly concentrated source of nutrients, including niacin, thiamin, riboflavin, folate, vitamin E, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, and zinc. Wheat germ also provides dietary fiber and healthy fats to help balance blood sugar levels, control cholesterol levels, and promote intestinal health.
How do you eat it? Add it to anything that could benefit from a healthy crunch, including pancakes, baked goods, yogurt, oatmeal, and smoothies.
What are they? Pistachios are the healthiest nut you’re not eating regularly—and we’re not just saying so because of Stephen Colbert’s ringing endorsement. 
What do they do? Pistachios boast protein, fiber, and antioxidants and they’re nearly 90-percent healthy fats, a boon for glowing skin.
How do you eat them? By the handful. But also, in yogurt, oatmeal, salads, and smoothies.
What is it? The plant that gives curry its kick. Its root has medicinal properties, too.
What does it do? Studies show that turmeric’s active ingredient, curcumin, may help fight infections and some cancers, diabetes and Alzheimer’s, reduce inflammation, and treat digestive problems.
How do you eat it? Mixed into nearly any recipe, or in shot form from your local health food store. Add black pepper to any recipe that calls for turmeric to can increase the body’s absorption of curcumin by 1,000 times.
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Spirulina (Blue-Green Algae)
What is it? Spirulina is typically grown in a lab, and then comes in pill, powder, or flake form for human consumption. Spirulina maxima (cultivated in Mexico) and Spirulina platensis (cultivated in California) are the most popular of the many different species.
What does it do? Delivers protein, iron, and other minerals. Blue-green algae might also boost the immune system, reduce inflammation, and help fight viral infections.
How do you eat it? Mostly in juices and smoothies. Spirulina can potentially be contaminated with toxic substances called microcystins, or absorb heavy metals from the water in which it grows, so be sure to buy spirulina from a trusted brand and follow the directions on the label.




