7-6-14 Arcturian Group Message


Spiritual Warfare by NylaRossini

JULY 6,2014

Dear ones, we come again to greet you with words of love and encouragement for we understand how difficult the world has become for so many. Indeed, things really are proceeding as they should, so try not to get distracted by the images you see through an understanding that images represent the third dimensional consciousness in manifestation. This understanding was Buddha's enlightenment experience. He then tried to teach others, but most were unable to fully comprehend the idea and believed that since the whole world was an illusion, it was ok to ignore the suffering of others. The world is real, it is the false interpretations of duality and separation consciousness that constitute illusion.

When you give illusions your concern, thought, worry, etc. you empower them with your energy. There is only ONE power and that ONE is real, forever, and held in place by Divine law. Mankind is beginning recognize this and see things for what they are-- interpreting from a state of higher awareness.

God never formed ITSELF as power struggles, wars, hatred, disease, or any of the negative situations manifesting now. These things are mind interpretations based in a world consciousness of duality and separation. Love is the connection and interaction between the many within the One, but this interaction becomes severely distorted when beliefs of separateness are held in a belief system. Error can never become the truth, no matter how many may believe it. You can say over and over that 2x2 equals 5, and the whole world may agree, but that will never make it true and as long as you continue to believe it, your personal check book will be off.

Much of what you are now witnessing in the world as increased violence is the effect of higher frequency energies shining into corners of long standing shadows making it appear as though the world is becoming ever more violent and dense but which in reality is illuminating that which needs to be looked at and changed. Every time you silently acknowledge truth even while witnessing discord, you are doing the work of helping dissolve obsolete energies from universal human consciousness. Your job is to know the truth (the spiritual reality behind the image) about everything you see, hear, taste, touch, and smell.

We have stated this many times, but we repeat--this is Light work, this is how you live as lightworkers; by not entering into and giving the illusions of sense more reality and power and then trying to fix them. This does not mean that you make the mistake many have made of sitting back and blindly saying; "Oh it is all illusion, I need do nothing." This means you take whatever human footsteps you are guided to take, but only AFTER realizing that appearances have no law or reality to support them. You will find that you become somewhat detached to many issues that in the past deeply affected you because now your energy no longer be resonates with them.

We would like to talk about "freedom" which is the word most often used as an excuse to kill and be killed in war. Freedom is your Divine birthright. You could never not be free in reality for who could imprison God? As you learn who and what you are, you will come into the awareness that you are and always have been, free. Even if you sit in a prison cell you can learn to be free within yourself and will find that as these deeper truths become your state of consciousness, your freedom will manifest in an outer way.

Freedom is a state of consciousness, and can never be attained through war, power struggle, or the destruction others. Freedom is already embodied within you and the belief that you must attain it regardless of the consequences to others (who are actually yourselves in different form--all are made of the same "stuff") is the height of the duality and separation belief system and is being kept alive by those who stand to profit from it. It is only the ignorance of an un-evolved state of consciousness that has for eons led mankind to seek outside of themselves for that which is already within. You are evolved enough to move into new and higher ways of understanding and experiencing freedom.

This is the lesson--truth must be realized and lived if mankind is to evolve into and then manifest higher ways of living. The first step is to stop giving power to anything or anyone for the only power there is, is within you. Seeming powers are the result of beliefs held in the universal human mind--the ONE mind distorted by beliefs of duality and separation.

This may be difficult for some to swallow, but every individual at a certain phase of their evolutionary journey begins to not care what the world presents as power because they have attained the realization that there is only One power. As you live and move and have your being in this awareness, you experience an inner freedom even if someone is trying to keep you in some form of bondage. You see as with all things, the inner state of consciousness manifests as outer. Freedom is, always has been, and always will be yours but the world has not known this and has thus struggled to attain it outwardly.

Those who find themselves in situations they themselves have created which are not easily gotten out of, may find nothing seems to change even as they begin to realize that freedom is within. If this is your situation, do not give up in frustration but instead understand that an apparent absence of physical, emotional, or mental freedom usually involves some karmic lesson specifically chosen by an individual for learning and evolution. As the lesson needed is learned and moved beyond, the reality--freedom, must manifest. This does not mean you cannot take human footsteps, but means that you must be very honest as to whether or not you are running away from a situation, or have evolved beyond needing it. Know that certain actions appropriate for the un-evolved soul may not be right for an evolved one. Always trust your intuition.

There is a popular statement; " Freedom isn't free". Well, we beg to differ, freedom is free when recognized and claimed. Wars are manufactured by those who stand to profit from them--never forget that. All are within the One. You are the person you war against for there is only One individualized as the many and it can never be otherwise.

Take these truths into your heart and ponder them dear ones, for the energies of war and the profiteering from it in the name of "Freedom" must dissolve into the nothingness that it is as mankind awakens.

We are the Arcturian Group 7/6/14



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Heavenletter #4972 If There Were No Fear, What Would There Be to Fear?, July 6, 2014 

God said: 

On one hand, you thank Me for all My blessings. You may even try to thank Me for honing you, refining you, tempering you, even sometimes as steel in a foundry, yet you fear life and death and wonder if you should be worried. Worries are not good for you. You have learned well to worry about this symptom or that.
Illness is a thought in your mind. If you had never heard of illness, the idea wouldn’t occur to you. Thoughts of illness have become epidemic. Illness is a thought picked up and learned. Don’t hold it to you. Even if you have been diagnosed, as best you are able, find a way to think about other aspects of life.
Remember, beloveds, there is no such thing as a death sentence. There is no death. The body can go poof, yes, it will. The body will fall down in abeyance to higher laws. How and when you drop off your body are yet to be determined. What is called death is perplexing to you. It’s so common, yet you cannot lie down and die at will. You cannot set the moment. And, yet, you look at the clock a lot.
Don’t set the timer. Don’t devote yourself to attending to the moment of so-called death. Don’t honor the concept of death so much any more. The same for age and things like expectancy and statistics and all those predictions. Get away from the figures that say what the incidence of flu is likely to be high this year, for instance. What sense does it make to set the table for flu? Honor what you honor. Welcome what you welcome. As for the rest, let the preponderance slide away from you.
Resign from all the palaver in the world, all the descriptions, all the cures. Be cured. Be cured of spending so much of your time and thought and heart on what is called illness or disease and trouble. Let go of holding on so tight. Let go of painful thoughts. Let go of the thought of karma unless you are thinking of karma you like.
Free yourself from patterns, explanations, sense of reprisal and/or guilt. You deserve good health. Do not consider illness a demerit. You have not been picked on. No one with a rifle is watching everyone go by and taking pot shots by formula or by random.
No one knows the odds, so don’t bet against yourself.
I will give you the odds. The odds are against illness. Come now, if there were no professionals waiting for illness to drop, how much illness would there be? If there were no pharmacies, where would there be prescriptions? This is not to blame anyone or anything for illness, for if there were no fear, what would there be to fear? Illness is a fantasy. It is not your longed-for dream, is it?
There is no question but that you can be without illness, and in an instant, so powerful are your thoughts if only you could let go of your preponderance of illness-provoking thoughts kept to you. With every inoculation, you have accepted a mind-set. Do not take such stock in illness. Do not give illness such tribute. Do not give illness and disease such credence. Do not invite them to your mind. Not even a cold.
And if illness or disease have put their claws on you, remove them with the power of God vested within you. Let go of the talons that hold you, for they are of the mind, and you don’t have to bow down before them.
If this dismissal of illness does not seem to work for you, then let go its hold some other way. You do not have to hold on to illness. You do not know the power you have. You do not know your state of consciousness. Believe in yourself and believe in Me more than you believe in illness.
Your body will drop away. This has been named dying. Your body will drop off, yet illness or disease are not obligated to take you.
The act of dying and the process of dying seem like an offense to you, almost a disgrace. It is not a disgrace. It is something that comes with the territory. Let go of the idea that leaving your body is an offense and that life is being taken away from you. Life cannot be taken from you. You are invincible. The body is not such an enormous thing. Of course, it seems like everything to you when, in actuality, the body doesn’t have all that much to do with you, for you are Being, you are Soul. These can never be taken from you. Ego can be taken from you, wrested from you. I cannot be taken from you. You cannot be taken from Me. 
