7-26-14 We Are The Arcturians

Today we speak to you of ascension.  You are beginning now to see the results of higher dimensional energies pouring into world consciousness causing the dissolution of many old paradigms and bringing in a receptivity to truth and there is much  yet to come.  Up till now, ascension  has been the distant goal of hundreds of individual  lifetimes of experience and learning finally to be understood only after death with the help of one's Guides.  However at this time--NOW, planetary energy is shifting and raising in frequency  through the presence of so many enlightened beings on earth at this time. There are many from other planets here in human body simply to add their light to this process. The higher dimensional Light of so many enlightened ones is serving to dissolve the false and bring about the personal ascension of many while still in physical body.  Those of you reading and resonating with the Arcturian messages can rest assured that you chose to be here at this powerful time to be a part of this. 
Ascension  is the reason so many struggle with difficult experiences.  In order  to shift into higher dimensional energy, there must  first be a clearing of the lower resonating energies still  held in cellular memory--these energies cannot be carried with you into the higher.  These energies usually remain dormant as long as an individual is comfortable and all seems to be going well--thus some  powerful "wake up call" may be needed  to jolt him out of complacency.  "Negative" experiences are not  signs of failure for a spiritual student, but instead are indications of a spiritual readiness to move deeper.  However not all energies needing to be released are negative,  sometimes it is an intense connection to someone that has become so interdependent over time as to hold the student back.   Because this is such an important time on earth, most of you chose birth families that would serve to activate deeply buried issues, bringing them to a conscious level where they could be finally resolved and released.
Through an honest examination of all experiences, the good as well as the bad,  you will come to understand that much of what you have accepted as the way things "must be done, must appear, must work"  in order for them to be correct, are  instead simply concepts, many of which were accepted in other lifetimes and carried into this one.  Everyone has had different lifetime experiences  and so everyone's clearing experiences will be different.
Impersonal universal human consciousness contains all third dimensional thoughts and beliefs.  The beliefs and ideas of this  impersonal human consciousness are never yours until you personally accept them as true, at which time they  become your state of consciousness and can begin to manifest outwardly. You may say; "But I don't believe this" or "I am spiritually aware, so how did this thing  manifest in my life?"   This is  because energies  of duality and separation are still resonating in cellular memory and any general acceptance of the third dimensional belief system will appear outwardly.  There is no un-manifest consciousness.   Many of you may re-experience these impersonal energies as they clear, especially those from the emotional body, just don't pull them back in, once again personalizing them.
If it seems to you as if you are going no where spiritually, know that this suggestion arises from  human concepts of how spiritual experiences must look.  Films, books, and even some spiritual teachers present pictures and ideas of ascension and spiritual evolution according to their  personal experiences and state of consciousness.  Every individual is different and there is no one experience for all--to believe you must have a particular experience is human.
Some are attracted to the teachings of the East  because they learned and lived these teachings in other lifetimes and  resonate with them.  Others may find themselves drawn to teachings from the nature path...those of  Native Americans and other aboriginal groups.  Many are finding themselves drawn to convents and monasteries for no apparent reason.  This is  because you have lived these experiences in other lifetimes and everything you resonate with either positively or negatively is now coming to your awareness.
Always remember that at a certain point, you no longer need  the modalities--paths, rituals, and teachings.  Tools can guide and assist  in the earlier phases of awakening   but are no longer necessary after realizing that you already arethat which you seekand that your oneness with Source constitutes your oneness with all that Source is.  The tools can help open an individual to deeper awareness but there comes a time at which any dependence upon them must cease in order that teaching come from within.  Holding tightly to some path, tradition, or teaching  after it has been outgrown only serves to keep one in old and finished energy. Thisdoes not mean you cannot occasionally work with an evolved reader or teacher, or schedule an energy session, or take some class you may be guided to take.  It means you no longer believe you NEED these things.
It is important that you not judge yourselves for any human beliefs or thoughts that may flow to you even if you temporarily  accept them.   Impersonal ideas are often inadvertently accepted because you still resonate with their energy. For example if a person has had many previous lifetimes of disease, he will be more susceptible to the concepts of health and disease floating about in universal consciousness. 
Resist any temptation to guilt, regret, or self loathing for thoughts or actions you may embrace,  instead use these realizations as  reminders to go deeper.  If you realize that you have ignorantly accepted some belief or another  that you now recognize as false,  know that the sky is not going to  fall down nor will you be  "smote from above" as punishment.  These experiences are simply opportunities for growth, and investing them with a power they do not have is duality and separation.  Always remember that nothing, no word, thought, experience, or appearance can ever separate you from who and what you really are.  Learning becomes more gentle with time because the need to learn through struggle and pain is finished.  Most of you are at that point now.
Trust your intuitive sense about things.  If some thing in your life (food, books, entertainment, world view etc.) is  no longer resonating with you,  know that you have shifted beyond the energy of it and try not to revive it as it was in the past no matter how pleasant or perfect it may of been at that time.  Try very hard not to add  energy to negative outer appearances, but instead reinterpret them.  For example, you may become aware of some humanly negative or violent activity, but the spiritual reality is that all activity between living things is the activity of interconnectedness (Love-- many within the One).  In this case that spiritual interconnectedness is being reflected through the third dimensional consciousness of separation--it is still the interaction within the One, but colored by false belief.
Trust that once you choose to evolve, you are indeed evolving regardless of any outer appearances.  It is not necessary to jump up and down, light a candle, chant certain chants, go to church every week,  or stand facing a certain direction saying certain words to get the process moving.  You have all  evolved beyond these beginner activities or you wouldn't be reading these messages.  Nothing is needed but the intention to evolve.  It does not mean you cannot visit a church and enjoy the beauty of a service nor does it mean you cannot sign a petition or speak your truth.  It means you no longer give these things a power they don't have, but instead,  rest in the realization that there is only one power and that power is within.
There are those who believe they have already know all the answers and so there is nothing more for them to learn or understand.  Sadly, this ego stance serves to act  as a box enclosing them with their own creations and preventing any real spiritual growth until such time as they are ready to open themselves to more.
Evolution is a gradual journey into higher dimensional energy.  Ascension is the achievement of that state of consciousness that will allow you to shift into the higher frequencies. The higher and faster the frequencies, the nearer to pure Light they become.  The third dimensional world is unable to see these higher frequencies with human eyes and so denies them, but this is changing as more and more come into alignment with them.  As beings of light, you allowed your energy to slow and become dense in order to experience the third dimension for the purpose of remembering truth while seemingly separated from it.  At this time most of you are ready for completion and are on earth to once and for all clear any remaining energies from these life times.
Trust that you are well on your way regardless of the lack of so called spiritual experiences.  Open your hearts to the truth behind  what you may behold in the outer knowing that all, even the seemingly un-awakened are releasing old energy.  There are some not yet ready for ascension, honor them and concern yourselves with your own inner work.  It is not wisdom to try and convert another not yet  ready for your  level of awareness.  Keep truth silent and secret in your heart and those ready for what you have will find you for energy seeks its own level.
Relax, rest, and take time often to go within, even if you have to get up in the middle of the night to find quiet.  Stay present in each moment no matter how mundane or frightening--this is the spiritual journey which rarely comes as the blast of heavenly light depicted in movies  except to those who have already attained their personal ascension in a previous lifetime.
Trust, trust, trust that which is within.  It is time to claim your own Divine Power.
We are the Arcturian Group

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4992 Royalty in a Royal Land , July 26, 2014 

God said: 

If you could see the light your soul radiates, you would gasp in amazement. To think that you, ordinary you and the world who may think you aren’t special, are actually a bright whirling Golden Sun that shines on the world. You can argue with Me about this, if you like, yet Truth prevails. I am aware that this is not the picture you see.
You see angst, and you don’t see the monumental you who is lighting up the world. You drag your feet and keep your head down, believing that this is a safe bet. Stuck in your cocoon, your light is hidden from your gaze and from others’ sight as well, many others, yet your light shines brightly even so. Beloveds, how could you possibly be darkness when you are a reflection of Me? The image for you to keep is an image of light blazing.
You downplay yourself. You put your arm over your eyes to block the sun out, yet you cannot block the sunlight out forever. You are your own sunlight. The light is within you, and soon the sunlight of yourself is going to dawn on you. Regardless of your stance in the world, you are lit. Some days you may have hope, yet you allow yourself only a little of it. For the most part, you are heedless of your light and the qualities you offer that, presently, are hard for you to accept, even impossible for you to accept, and, so, you avoid this issue you cannot accept.
When you accept the Beauty of the Light that you are, you and the world would spin on a dime. You, a spinner of light, would spin, and you wouldn’t get dizzy. You would get a view of your radiance, and perhaps sigh:
“Ah, I am light. I am lighted from the inside. Light is who I am. Impossible, but true. I do not steal light. I AM light. I remove the shroud of darkness that has covered my eyes, and I step out into the world as its Server of Light. After all, it would seem that I am a Being of Light. My light shines and reveals Oneness. The world is lit up, and Earth’s heart is lightened. The world starts to lift its shoulders and stand tall and think well of itself. I must have thought that the world was less, shabby really, second-class, and now that I am emblazoned in light, I see the world lit up and how beautiful and glorious it is. The world is a triumph. The story of the world has been held to the wrong genre. I have mistaken the world. Somehow I thought it was a lesser place and I was a little shameful to be here in the dark. Now I see with the light to see that the world is a Shining Palace. It is fit for a king, and all of us are Royalty in a Royal Land. I had been mistaken a lot, and now I can see through the patina of my own light which I now know is God’s.
“What a revelation this is for me. I am revealed, and the world is revealed. How bright is my light, and how bright the light of the world. Light on light, lustrous light, the world and I are like two heartbeats pulsing the same. Light is my name, and Light is the world’s name as well. God created light, nothing but light, for all is light, and I am the All, and there is no other. I am even more than a reflection of God’s Light. I am God’s Light. He bequeathed His Light to me. He bequeathed it from the Goodness of His Heart. He made me a Being of Light. And so I AM.”


The Dawning of the Intuitive World by Archangel Metatron


The Dawning of the Intuitive World by Archangel Metatron

Channelled through Natalie Glasson-23-07-14-www.omna.org

Greetings beloved beings of light, I am Archangel Metatron, overseeing the ascension process of the Earth and the souls present from the Multi-Universal level of the Creator's universe. It is my purpose to guide the ascension process of all, when you devote yourself to your personal ascension this is an invitation for me to draw close to you supporting the miraculous and magnificent transformation occurring within your being. Ascension is predominantly within you rather than outside of you so I work with the subtle energies of your soul to bring forth greater Creator expression and experiences in creative and beautiful ways.

In my previous communication with you I spoke of erasing and dissolving the habit and practice of negative judgement in order to create peace within your being but also to bring peace to the world. Love will only truly have a space to grow within you and within the world when judgment is eradicated because judgment encourages us to believe in a world filled with lack of love. When judgment is erased the realisation dawns that love has always been present within your being and the world you have just been choosing not to see, sense and acknowledge its tremendous powerful presence. With the disempowerment of judgment the divine and sacred intuition arises into the space which has been created, ready to guide and assist in your sacred reality. This is a very important step of manifesting the Era of Love upon the Earth; a fresh new world born from shifts in perspective bringing forth harmony and bliss for all to experience.

The dawning of the intuition within each being is a time of great celebration because to us on the inner planes it symbolises moving into a space of sacred responsibility for your own reality, creations and spiritual growth process. Many of you have already been working closely with your intuition for some time now, for those already in connection with their intuition it is a time to step up your awareness of your intuition, encouraging that radiant presence of wisdom to embody your entire being more fully. The process of building your relationship with your intuition is an ongoing journey, the more trust you place in your intuition the more fruitful, abundant and joyous your manifestations and experiences.  It is important to allow your intuition to grow because however strongly you experience your intuition it can develop a thousand times more. We can imagine your intuition in alignment with a child's growth. When you first begin to connect with your intuition, its voice, influence and inspiration is subtle, gentle, soft, maybe even unrecognisable almost like a baby, in the fact that you cannot truly recognise the character of your intuition or what it is capable of. With trust, faith, belief and focus, gently nurturing and getting to know your intuition it grows as if into a small child, where you recognise the presence and guidance of your intuition but at this stage like a small child there is so much growth and many journeys of experience to follow, you are still finding your feet and learning to explore, trust and communicate with your intuition in the same way a small child learns to interact with the world. Gradually your intuition grows to a teenager and adult meaning that it feels more fully integrated within your being, with you and your intuition working in oneness and ease. Your intuition becomes who you are so there is no separation and you are more readily able to accept the full expanse of your intuition as a sacred aspect and guidance of the Creator. This denotes a relationship that has formed through gradual acceptance of the power, knowingness and sacred wisdom of your intuition. Every person is moving through this process of embodiment of their intuition, whether your intuition is just arising or maturing it is an all knowing source of wisdom which you can place your complete trust into.

Your intuition is an expression of your soul and the Creator; it is a manifestation of your divine self-connected to all that is the Creator and all the magical sacred qualities of the Creator. It is a guiding light that personally directs you along the most appropriate pathway for you to achieve your greatest potential. So extraordinary is this guidance that at times it may not seem appropriate or too ambitious but your intuition knows the opportunities available to you and is in truth the Creator speaking to you every moment of your day. Your intuition already guides you and has done so since your birth it is just that the mind can over shadow your intuition with its louder voice and impact upon your being. Your intuition can flow through your feelings and emotions to contact you and also imprints its energy through your mind. If the mind is preoccupied, for example with judgment, then the subtleness of your intuition can be lost. This is why dissolving judgment is essential to truly unlocking your intuition and inner space of love because it encourages you to examine the habits of your mind creating spaces of peace and greater stillness within your mind. To not think seems unconceivable but it is possible, thinking is not always needed when the fully presence of the intuition is present as it will inspire with ideas which you will trust and put into action with ease thus eliminating somewhat the thought process you may be currently use to. You wouldn't become like a robot but a beautiful fruitful expression of yourself; the Creator.

One of the most challenging energies to let go of when working on developing the presence of your intuition is your control. When you exist unaware of your spiritual being, intuition and all that is the Creator your mind, emotions and ego hold a tremendous amount of control and importance in creating your reality upon the Earth. With the process of awakening to the Creator within you this controlling energy and need for control in order to feel secure must fall away to bring forth the power of the Creator. It can seem as if you are surrendering to the wishes of a friend you do not know and yet the Creator is so familiar to you and will only every treat you in and with love. The transition of moving into your intuitive being is the process of letting go of control, realising you do not have to plan, govern, manipulate or rule your reality. Realising also that you are not alone, you do not have to struggle, suffer or work hard. When you surrender to the friend within you wishing to guide you all you need to do is to listen and to act with trust on what you receive, there is no more you need to do in this reality, life is simple and this is the truth.

Life is simple all you need to do is listen to your intuition and courageously enact that which is guided.

Complications and confusion are only caused by not listening to your intuition because you are allowing that essence of control to block your understanding of your intuition. If you are willing to let go of control, which could even be recognised as a limiting thought, then you will discover the divine flow of the Creator experiencing and expression abundance and happiness, in truth all you need and require.

Can you imagine if every person on the Earth decided to let go of the practice of judgment, to accept the presence of their intuition and to dissolve the wish to control themselves and others in anyway, then peace, harmony, truth, love and bliss would manifest upon the Earth. Disagreements, wars, suffering, pain, abuse and lack would all dissolve because it would not be possible to hold onto these energies because the actions are not born from love or the sacred nature of the intuition but from judgment and the wish for control. On the Earth you may notice the manifestations of judgment and control between people and countries, maybe even within families but this is only because love has come forth through light workers and is ushering judgment and control to the forefront to encourage all to notice and release these vibrations that are no longer needed.

Hold onto the vision of a world where each person acts and thinks from the love and intuition within them, each person bringing forth sacred expressions of the Creator because this is the outcome of all you are achieving now. A world of peace, joy and harmony beginning first within each person present on the Earth including you.

From my loving truth,

Archangel Metatron

Apologies there will be No Weekly Message Next Week

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Sivananda Daily Reading

27 July

Posted: 26 Jul 2014 02:29 AM PDT

Blessing of Ahimsa 
Ahimsa (non-violence) is one of the foremost vows of good life. It is a supreme duty of man - ahimsa paramo dharmah - thus scripture declares. In the regeneration and divinisation of man, the first step is to eliminate the beastly nature. The predominant trait in beasts is cruelty; therefore wise sages prescribed ahimsa. This is a most effective master method to counteract and eradicate completely the brutal, cruel nature in man. O earnest aspirant: Ponder the great significance, and immense importance, value and blessings of ahimsa and start its practice now - this moment.
Ahimsa is not merely non-killing as some think. Ahimsa is perfect harmlessness and positive love also. It is to abstain even from the slightest thought of harm to any living creature   mentally, verbally, or by deed. There is no excuse nor exception to the above rule. Harsh words to beggars, servants or inferiors is himsa (cruelty). To fail to relieve pain or trouble in another is negative himsa. To approve of another's harsh actions is against ahimsa. Avoid strictly all forms of harshness, direct or indirect, positive or negative, immediate or delayed. Practise ahimsa in its purest form, O Saumya, and become divine. Ahimsa and divinity are one.
Ahimsa is a weapon of the strong. It cannot be practised by weaklings. Ahimsa is supreme love. He who embraces ahimsa embraces all, loves all. To begin with, stop all physical violence, stop speaking vulgar and harsh words. Then attack the mind directly. There will be inner agitation. You may think of doing violence. Check this thought wave through prayer, worship, meditation, enquiry, pranayama (yoga breathing), satvic (pure) food, and study of sacred books. Generate again and again currents of love by cultivating the feeling that 'everything is the Self' (atma bhava), or 'everything is the Lord' (Narayana-bhava).
You will fail one hundred times, but it does not matter. Stand up again. Make fresh resolves and stick to them tenaciously. March on boldly with steady steps, O knower of thyself: Never despair. Study the lives of the apostles of non-violence - Lord Buddha, Lord Jesus, Mahatma Gandhi and others, again and again. Keep their mental picture and ideals before your mind's eye and draw inspiration from them. Carefully watch your conduct, thought and speech and deeds daily and you will grow steadily in the practice of non-violence.
