7-25-14 We Are The Arcturians

Greetings dear ones.  Again we come to bring  hope and the light of guidance for all is proceeding according to plan.  Try not to simply turn away when you hear this, for we know you hear words of change coming from many channels and yet nothing appears to change.  It is important to  let go of any concepts you may still hold with regard to how world change must manifest for in holding specific ideas of change you look out through the lens of third dimensional concepts and see third dimensional appearances.  It is time to  move into trust and the practice of truth. 

We see change  in the hearts of many who previously lived lives of anger and resentment as the higher resonating energies pour to earth at this time allowing more and more people to open to the experience of compassion  regardless of any previously held prejudices.  Every unfolding awareness adds another spark of unconditional love to universal world consciousness and helps to  bring about the changes you all seek.

Unconditional love does not mean you must seek an emotional connection to everyone, but means that in spite of any appearances to the contrary, you  recognize everyone is the manifestation of the Divine even if they themselves do not know or care.  This is unconditional love and the practice of it does not prevent you from saying what may need to be said to someone  behaving in ways  needing to be addressed.   When words are spoken with an awareness of the other's Divine nature they  flow on an energy of Light whereas  those same words spoken  in the energy of duality and separation, carry a low resonance.

Life on earth is  about learning to move through and then beyond the false concepts and beliefs that constitute the third dimension.  This is evolution.   Mankind is creative by virtue of being in and of the Divine but because most have been unaware of who they really are, your world universally and personally has shown forth the perfectly created manifestations of duality and separation.  This will only change as mankind changes  and begins to create his world in and through truth.

It is time to become aware of and examine any lingering concepts you may still  hold with regard to what passes for "life as usual".  Concepts are simply untrue beliefs passed down and accepted through time as truth.  Listen  closely and be guided by those intuitive nudges that  pop up when you are quietly thinking or in conversation with another.  Every issue of normal daily life is spiritual activity overlaid with third dimensional concepts. This is why there is no need to separate your spiritual life from your every day life as so many do--it is all spiritual.  The work is to see the underlying reality of all things. 

An example of this could be that you are seeking a new home.  You look and look for the perfect home and cannot seem to find it.  If you can realize that you are never separate from your perfect home (Divine Consciousness) the physical interpretation of this realization  will manifest in the outer.  This is how you reinterpret everything in the physical world through new eyes.  Practice seeing through any and all appearances to the spiritual  reality that constitutes  what you are seeing.

If disease actually existed in Divine Consciousness, it could never ever  be healed because it would exist eternally as a reality.  Do you understand?  All that is real is held in place by Divine law and cannot be altered in any way.  It is only mankind's' false interpretations  that  see good and evil.   Intelligence, abundance, harmony, peace, joy, love (oneness), completeness, wholeness,  etc, etc.  are infinitely embodied within Divine omnipresent Consciousness and must be recognized and accepted as your real Self.  Nothing exists outside of  Divine Consciousness and all appearances to the contrary are simply false interpretations.  These truths constitute your journey from metaphysics to mysticism.

Concepts reflect the thinking of the timeline in which they occur and reflect  whatever the state of consciousness was at that time in that location.  Some concepts dissolve as society evolves, but others just as erroneous come to take their place if states of consciousness remain the same. Evolution is the process of moving beyond concepts and into the Truth about God and man. 

There was a time of when it was believed that the burning of healers and  lightworkers as witches was an appropriate way to deal with "evil".  The dense consciousness and its accompanying belief system of those times did not permit anyone but God to have spiritual gifts.  God was a man in the sky with rules and regulations to be followed under fear of punishment and evil was a red man with horns called Satan or devil. This is a glaring example of how the consciousness of duality and separation ignorantly manifests in the world. 

Society has evolved beyond  burning people for having spiritual gifts, but  still holds  many concepts just as obsolete and still permits unduly harsh punishments for those who may have chosen to  disregard some aspect of currently accepted dogma. 

When an individual chooses to live governed  by some dogma and its accompanying rigid rules of right and wrong, he chooses to  live in bondage.  Regardless of whether the dogma comes from a religion, government, or a person of authority, it still simply represents  someone's interpretation of truth--their concepts and beliefs. This is why you are urged to go within, to practice meditation and get your information directly, YOU DO NOT NEED A GO BETWEEN. Reality is free, loving, joyous, birthless, deathless, changeless and is infinitely held in place  by Divine law and IS WHO YOU ARE.  

You are ready dear ones to take the deeper steps of reinterpreting  everything you see, hear, taste, touch, or smell  into its spiritual reality which means living each day doing what is given you to do, but seeing through any bad or good appearances to the reality.  It is a removing of the labels from everything. 

The world  is not an illusion, but false concepts of the world are the illusion.   

This is the work dear ones,  this is how you shift your world into a new state of consciousness, and it is indeed work, especially at first and no one can do it for you.  This is why you chose to be on earth at this powerful time.  There are many who hear and read truth, even pretending to be serious truth students  but are unwilling to release their comfortable old beliefs.  Many feel that mystical truths are too impractical to take seriously, and so choose instead to stay in the status quo of what they  already know. 

At this time you are clearing  physical cellular memory as well as your  emotional and mental bodies--everything that cannot be carried with you into higher dimensional energy.  Physical, emotional, and mental clearings frequently manifest in ways that may be uncomfortable on many levels so learn not to panic but to pay attention to these experiences  which are sign posts indicating what you may still hold that needs forgiveness,  acceptance, and unconditional love--for self as well as others. 

Send light to your physical cells telling them to release any old and finished energy they still hold from this life time and past lifetimes.  Inform  your mental body that you now choose to  let go of all false beliefs.   Consciously choose  that your emotional body release any toxic negative emotional energy and be replaced with unconditional love.

This is the work dear ones, and you are ready and fully able to do it, should you choose.

We are the Arcturian Group  

Sheldan Nidle - July 22, 2014

7 Etznab, 1 Vayeb, 10 Caban

Selamat Balik! We come with many wonderful things to discuss. Presently, events are being readied which are to bring this globe freedom, peace and prosperity. Our galactic and earthly associates are working together to put an end to the long, dark night that you have all traveled through. It is truly amazing to see how Heaven's divine clock has brought you to the very edge of success. Things are happening to liberate you from governance that works to suppress your freedom, and release you from lies about what it is doing. This tyranny is now to be transformed. When America first announced its independence, it did so in a manner which permitted its sacred declaration to proclaim why it was to be a special beacon of liberty. This proclamation was gradually silenced by those who shared allegiances with individuals in Britain who wished to espouse tyranny over freedom and wealth accumulation over the divine rights of each American. This blasphemy is now to be transformed and new governance announced, to reverse the recent sins against this great land. This is to bring peace, prosperity and cooperation to Gaia and her surface humanity!
This is only a small but still pertinent aspect of what is nearing manifestation. Our earthly associates continue to move forward quickly on those operations which are to bring new financial and banking instruments. The wealth long hidden by the great dynastic and spiritual families is almost ready to be distributed. This is to be accompanied by new banking procedures that are backed up by new and transparent laws. In addition, those who have long hidden behind this immense skullduggery are to be arrested and removed from the illicit wealth that they have accumulated for decades. Our associates intend to bring forth both a distribution of wealth and to impose globally a great jubilee. During this year of jubilee all debts are to be forgiven and all are to start fresh in this new prosperous reality. You are to be freed and educated by your Ascended Masters in essential truths long hidden by this most onerous cabal. You are, in reality, extra-terrestrials that first landed here some 900,000 years ago.

Moreover, this new governance is to proclaim our benevolent existence and welcome those who are the representatives of your mutual ancestors. The Inner Earth lands of Agartha can then send representatives to you who can further explain your true hidden histories. This rise of the Lemurians is to permit them to open up hidden passages to Inner Earth and uncover many now-buried monuments which contain the records of your ancient and "lost" societies. These records date back to the various golden Ages of humanity, but this is only a start. Much more needs to be made known to you. Our mentors intend to allow you to view parts of your Akashic records and discover how you and your ancestors coped with what was done to them by the dark Anunnaki. These revelations are not meant to shock you, but only to permit you to gain a better understanding of what has been done to you over the past nearly 13 millennia. We are to come to enable you to prepare for your leap into full consciousness. This final step involves mentoring, monitoring your time in the Crystal Light Chambers and your subsequent training.
As fully conscious Beings, you are to come into divine service. You need to understand fully what this implies and what is to be expected of you. Fully conscious Beings are gregarious and confident humans. We are taught from early childhood to work with each other and freely to pursue the meanings behind our various talents and abilities. This daily search makes our system of fluid management operate smoothly and efficiently. You are as well to be assigned counselors who work with your team of spiritual advisors to ensure that this society meets your needs, and that you can creatively solve any problems that you or your society encounters. This process is ongoing. You see how your life contract meshes with others. Everything which you do is done in this context. You freely support one another and all the numerous star nations that comprise this Galactic Federation of Light. It is in this light that we operate our societies and the star nations which contain them. We intend to prepare you for this sacred life of service to Heaven and her sacred decrees.

Hosanna! We are your Ascended Masters!
We come to bless you and say many things as we approach the next New Galactic Year on Saturday. Your world is moving swiftly. Our blessed associates are forcing situations to permit the currency and banking reforms to bring you freedom, sovereignty and prosperity. A number of subsequent events are to flow from these announcements. These are to produce new governance and allow those who are to run them to declare an end to a system that has long bamboozled you about the true nature of this reality. Heaven and AEON decreed that humanity is to learn certain truths. These truths are to lead to circumstances permitting our spiritual and space brethren, as well as us, to reveal ourselves to you. At first, this emerging set of Truths is to teach you plainly how this reality is constructed and what it is destined to become. You are also to begin a final spiritual sojourn which is to lead you to full consciousness.
Hallelujah! We stand in joy as we see and breathe in the Creator's great blessings! You are on the verge of a new epoch. The great treasure and marvelous compensations from Heaven shower us daily. Those appointed by us are at the ready to execute a great coup. This action is to open the way for others who are working diligently to give you your freedom. The dark fills its bags for you with woe and destruction. This is no longer to affect you or even this realm. The dark is to be moved to a place where it can no longer prevent what Heaven has so proclaimed for you. The Light is indeed triumphant! A new era of peace, prosperity and cooperation dawns upon the Earth. We bless this and ask only that you realize what is now to be asked of you. You are to become the sacred instrument of Heaven's decrees. Be ever ready to move swiftly forward and manifest your destiny!

These changes are to be only the beginning of a sublime operation which is to bring you great opportunities and possibilities. We are to stand together and bring Gaia back from the division created when you were suddenly plunged into a realm filled with darkness, horror and death. This ends, and with it a return to love; love and union with vast realms of Heaven and physicality. As galactic humans you are once again to be able to carry out the divine decrees of the Light. Unfolding Creation is only one of the many tasks you are to graciously undertake. You are also to re-forge this solar system and bring peace and utmost joy to every part of this galaxy. Your resilience has brought joy to Heaven. Soon, you are to meet those from Inner Earth, this immense galaxy and those who are your spiritual mentors. Our mission is to direct, and give you wisdom on these matters when necessary. Blessings and Joy to All!
Today, we carried on with our message. Much good is to come. The dark is done and blessings long promised are quite near. Be ready to do what is necessary for each of you to prosper and enjoy the fullest measure of your success. Then, there is the greatest gift: becoming a fully conscious Being of Light. Enjoy your wings! You've earned it!!! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Planetary Activation Organization


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4991 Non-Time and Non-Space, July 25, 2014 

God said: 

To your heart and mind, everything has a beginning and an end. Not so. Yet this is how you perceive. You perceive that life has a beginning and an end. You perceive that there is a passage of time, and the passage of time, the sands of time, as a soap opera might say, run through your fingers. Somehow you began, and somehow you end, and that is an alas to you.
Time seems to exist. It takes up quite a bit of your daily life. You try to schedule time, yet it schedules you.
Eternity and Infinity never run out. Of course, with a belief in time, you might not have a handle on Eternity and Infinity which, shall We say, exist out of the sphere of time and have nothing to do with it. Eternity and Infinity are non-time. They are non-time-able. They are immeasurable.
Time, as you see it, runs back and forth and here and there all over. Time has tenses, and you also have a sense of time, and a sense that time is running out. You turn time over, and it becomes space, and you may even think that the world is running out of space. It would seem that you live in illusion or disillusion. Without illusion, how could you be disillusioned?
Eternity and Infinity are not illusions. If time and space do not exist, what does then?
To answer this question in alignment with time as you know it, We might say that synchronicity exists. Simultaneity exists. Certainly, if you could countenance that time does not exist, there would be no past or future or even the well-touted present, so to speak. Without the acceptance of time which, in the world, stares you in the face, time words would not exist. Space words would not exist.
Non-time and non-space seem very foggy to you. It is hard to get your hands around them. If there were no time or space, what would there be, you wonder. What would you do without the words when and where, and up and down and all that? You fear you would be thrown off-balance. You would feel thrown out of most of your life on Earth as it is, and, yes, of course, you would be. You might feel evicted, the ground taken out from under you.
The Truth is that you are timeless and spaceless. There are no interruptions to life. No breaks in it. You would be established, however. You would be established in a different realm, and, if there were language as in the world, it would be a different language. However, language comes from thought, and, without the limits of time and space, language would come from deeper than thought. There would be a more resounding transference of understanding that goes beyond the understanding of the mind. It is more like that everything would be known. We could say that everything would be shared something like the way a sunrise and a sunset are shared. They just are there. No one really has to point to them or exclaim them.
Now We come to Beingness and the Oneness of Beingness. Oneness is not a free-for-all. A free-for-all in English means a melee, a fight, a randomness, a lack of coherence. Oneness is coherence. Oneness could be compared to a laser in contrast to a 10-watt bulb. After that being said, how can I call you My Onenesses? Only to draw you in, can I. Only to draw in the multitude who do not yet quite grasp Oneness, cannot get their hands around it, and that is virtually everyone, including you. This is how it is.
Well, of course, this is the human condition. This sense of division is the human condition, and, yet, it is not the Truth. There is One Pool of Love, and One swims in it, and so is the continuum of life which you, regardless of how you perceive yourself, ride on.


God Discusses His Connection With You
Since God would like to speak with you and many of you have trouble hearing him directly, he has asked me to deliver this message to you: Dr. Joy S. Pedersen
My Children:
Many of you are lost. Many of you struggle. You don’t know where to find me, let alone who I really am to you. I am your Creator, yes. But that is not all. I am part of you. I live within your very essence. I am beneath your every breath. I am at your essence. It is I at your core, your very being, your very essence. No man, woman or child would be alive if it weren’t for me and that essence that lies within each and every one of you. But what am I and who am I to you?
Please, allow me to explain. All things are made of an energy. There is one energy malleable to be created into anything you or I want. Our minds create that which ultimately exists. I am the mind at the center of it all. I am the intelligence that lies within the essence of creation. I am that I am.
By tapping into me, you access all there is. I am the source of it all. I am the source of you. Without me you would not be. Without you, I continue to be as I am.
The difference between you and I is nothing much more than perception. If you cut off a finger, would you not still have a hand? I am that hand that feeds you. I created you out of the essence of who I am. You are as I am. But, only if you are aware of the I am presence within you. You see, it is all about thought. It is about what you think of yourself and of me. Your thoughts do not shape me. My thoughts shaped you. However, I gave you free will and the ability to discover who you are on your own with the help of all those who have gone before you.
They exist as you do - based on thoughts of those before. Some of you were created out of some of them. They had a thought of you before you came into being. You came into being and then were taught by them the thoughts they had about themselves, life and others. You lived out of their truths as they saw the world from their eyes.
Now I would like to share with you the world through my eyes.
You, each and every one of you, have more power than you give yourself credit for having. You possess within your very being and essence the power of creation. You, therefore, can create your world as YOU see fit. And, you do that, I might add. Because that power and essence of creation lies within you and you use your thoughts to create what you experience, your lives and your world is demonstrating the thoughts that you have.
You have a choice in each and every moment what powerful thought you wish to think and have demonstrated out in the world. Since most of you rely on your past teachings and experiences, you create your life and your world out of that past. You have a choice, however. You can also tap into me, your source and your essence, the operating system so to speak, at your core, and ask me what would be the highest and best outcome for you at this time.
You see, having access to the “all knowing” at your essence and core, you can have access to the big picture.
Rather than know just what happened in the past of just one finger, why not know what happened to all fingers and what is possible by asking the hand that feeds you? If I exist at the center of all, shouldn’t I have a clue as it what the big picture looks like?
If you had a map and wanted to go to the next town, would you just look at the town you now live in? I think not. You want to look beyond what you already know. By tapping into me, you tap into more than you now know. You access all there is. That is where the magic lies. And, the magic lies within you, your very essence.
Seek there first and all else will be added.


Urantia, June 13, 2014 (date of transcription). 
Teacher: The Beloved One. 
Subject: “Mastery over all Negative Tendencies.” 

Received by Lytske. 

The Beloved One: “We will give some moments of our time to purity of thought. Purity and sincerity are connected to each other, but they are not identical. You wish to acquire purity of thought, yet for a mortal this is extremely difficult to garner, because of your tendency to judge and criticize, to evaluate another, to minimize, to over-emphasize, and to exaggerate. Attaining purity of thought equates with gaining mastery over all negative impulses and tendencies. It has to become an unconscious habit of pure thinking in which sincerity comes first. Sincerity could therefore be seen as the forerunner of purity, for when you are sincere, you are pure at heart, and the pure at heart shall see God. 

“Therefore, in order to obtain pure thoughts, it is advisable that you practice sincerity, sincerity, and more sincerity. This then places your soul well on the path of spiritual development and self-mastery. To attain this excellent start, a lot of self-discipline needs to be practiced. I do desire that you should not grow discouraged on the long road to ultimate purity of thought, rather I would have you constantly bear this goal in mind, so the ideal can ‘grow on you’. 

“Most habits have a way of growing on you without conscious thought on your part, and therefore there are many humans who are not even aware of their habits and thoughts, which in fact can work against their growth and well-being. This can persist until something happens, which brings them face to face with less than ideal circumstances, or an illness is brought on due to habitual negative thinking. If you desire a clear thinking mind, you need to scrutinize the self to see if there are any negative habits you can well do without. Scrutiny will aid you into a better way of life and self-discipline to overcome such habits. It goes without saying that addictions of any kind are included in this exercise of self-discipline towards the attainment of self-mastery. 

“Even when you at times fall short of the mark, do not grow discouraged. You can always pray for the mind of Jesus to indwell you and help you in your struggles to obtain sincerity of heart and purity of thought. Besides, you can always come to Me for guidance as I am always available to you. I am nearer to you than your hands and feet, and nearer than your breath, as I dwell within you. Your desire to have pure thoughts is My desire also. So yes, turn within more often, so I can teach you some more, at times and you become more mindful of My Presence within you, which will lead you to the practice of pure thinking.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
Be open to rebuttal, and criticism,
and be accepting of praise and compliments,
Teacher Aaron.


Sivananda Daily Reading

26 July

Posted: 25 Jul 2014 02:45 AM PDT

Order in Yama and Niyama 
There is a deliberate order in the five parts or limbs of yama (self-control). Ahimsa (non-violence) comes first, because man must remove his brutal nature first. He must become non-violent; he must develop cosmic love. Only then does he become fit for the practice of yoga. Then comes satyam or truthfulness. Because the whole phenomenon of maya (illusion) is asat or unreal, the aspirant should be aware of this fact. He should ever remember the truth or Brahman. Then comes asteya or non-stealing. Because he must develop moral consciousness, he must know right from wrong, righteousness from unrighteousness; and he must know that all are one. Brahmacharya is a divine attribute. The aspirant is now becoming a superman by the practice of brahmacharya or celibacy. The fifth is aparigraha. The yogic student is free now from desires, cravings, unnecessary wants, luxuries, desire to possess and enjoy. He has a very expanded heart.
Yama is "taking of vow". Niyama is "religious observance". Yama is not a policy or company manners or courtesy, it is sticking to ideals and principles; it is development of divine traits that will transform human nature into divine nature; it annihilates desires, cravings, evil qualities; it eradicates brutal instinct and brutal nature; it removes harshness, violence, cruelty and covetousness; it fills the heart with cosmic love, kindness, mercy, goodness, purity and divine light. It is the foundation of divine life or yoga, on which the super structure of samadhi is built. It is the corner stone of yoga, on which the edifice of super-consciousness is built.
Niyama is canon or religious observance. It consists of five limbs; namely, saucha, santosha, tapas, svadhyaya and Ishvara pranidhana. Saucha is purity, internal and external. Santosha is contentment. Tapas is austerity or control of senses or meditation. Svadhyaya is study of scriptures. It means also chanting of mantra (name of God) or enquiry. Ishvara-pranidhana is self-surrender to the Lord. It is consecration of one's work as an offering to the Lord.
There is an intimate relation between yama and niyama. Niyama safeguards yama. If one has internal purity one can get established in brahmacharya. If you have contentment, you will not steal or hurt others or tell lies. It will be easy for you to practise aparigraha.
