7-24-14 Message from GOD


Jeshua - Take My Hand as we Cross the Threshold

My beloved friends, let go as you take My hand and you walk with Me over the threshold and out of the world, as you enter the realm of the heart and realize that you are pure Love. Let go of everything that you have believed you are other than God.

When I say you have crossed the threshold I mean that the time of duality is done. That humankind has made the decision en masse to remember and now nothing else is possible. So from this point what is clear is the pure light of unlimited consciousness and the majestic Love that is the truth of this being that we share.

Soon every illusion shall be gone. Any identity that was based in fear, any perceptions of being separate from the One - this one life, this pure Love, this glory that embraces life and can do nothing else. It is a great turn - a magnificent one unprecedented in the whole of the cosmos, that a consciousness that could be facing so far away that it could believe it wasn't God could turn and embrace the truth. Remember the Love - say yes. This is what has occurred. And now the only thing left to be done is to drop the false identities of the dream of separation.

Deep in your core you have always remembered that Love is your true nature. That there really is nothing else and that this Love is universal. That it is the life that beats each heart. It is the consciousness that makes every decision. It is the movement of life toward greater life, Love toward ever-greater Love. It is the expansion of the universe, the awakening of the Creator and it is what is living here as humanity.

And now this awareness becomes fully conscious. This is an exciting time. And I Am here not to lead the way, but to point you back to your own great truth and to help you realize that your every move, your every breath, your every heartbeat is the life of God being lived here as you. There is only one life and it is Real and magnificent.

Quickly now you will discover that this great, great heart is that which lives in you. That as you move, truly it is God moving. And as you Love it is God being Love. And as you live it is a fearless and total embrace of life that is pure ecstasy totally exhilarating and absolutely never-ending.

The lie of fear is ending My friends and all the ways that it has kept you from life. Kept you from running forth with a completely open heart to embrace the glory of every moment to dive right in to each experience, like the dolphin swimming in the ocean completely supported by our Creator and totally part of Him/Her. It is the Creator that looks through your eyes and it is pure Love that pulses through your heart. And it is the urge of Love to expand itself that brings you here to serve the awakening of this precious heart of God that is humanity.

So every step you take now you will be shedding old identities. Dropping outworn concepts of what it means to be alive. Releasing false ideas of histories, personalities, stories of the illusion that you have cherished in the past. Because now you know that you are this magnificent Love. That it rises forth from the core of your being and totally worships the truth of life. That you are God's prayer of thanksgiving. And that it is this prayer that makes you manifest to greet each conscious heart in acknowledgement of what is Real - the acknowledgement of Love.

As you see yourself in everything, you see your Real self - indivisible - the self that sees through millions of eyes. The Self that beats in joy through billions of hearts. That reaches through innumerable hands to embrace and to urge all life forth into a greater expression of Love and joy. This is who you are and this is the stage of humanity's awakening now. Past the threshold, stepping into heaven, awakening into unified consciousness and Love. Dropping quickly restrictive ideas, identities and limiting persuasions of thought until it is universal consciousness here and universal Love moving as you. Not through you, my dear friends, but as you. And suddenly you are Creation burning. You are the very fires of Real Love burning through illusions of duality effortlessly and reaching out heart and hands to greet the rest of the great I Am and to celebrate the emerging of the truth of Love.

I Am so honored to be here with you now. I step forth as an individuated identity just for you that you might perceive that we have this ability now. That we can live the whole that God lives us. And yet we can be like an arrow pointing. The focus of a unique heart. The expression of an aspect of Love that is yours to hold eternally while yet knowing your united self.

These are concepts that might touch the mind and seem inspiring but they are the living truth of the heart and this is the reality of Love that could barely be perceived even two decades ago. And now it is embraced by so many that is becoming the common mode of consciousness and communication for those who are in service to Love.

You are ever this arrow pointing to a unique expression of Love. The focus point of the great I Am expressing an aspect of its holographic self. And yet you also can ever feel the hologram itself living and Loving as you.

At first as we embrace this time together, it might seem difficult to sort out the old identities, to recognize the unlimited visage of the Creator as He/She lives as you. It may still seem for a little while that you are this limited self, this personality, this body subject to physical rules. But the turn has already been made and that which I prepared for you through my experience on the cross is yours to step into easily without any difficult demonstrations. It is simply the turn and the opening - the yes - that recognizes that what seemed to be a limited self is actually God living perfectly as you.

The more this is felt, the more it is experienced, the more it is embraced wholeheartedly, the easier it is to live in this expanded consciousness that feels and hears and Loves it all. Completely aware of every form of communication between every expression of God life.

The communication with the delightful expressions of life that is nature and the communication or communion with animals, with devas, angels, nature spirits - the whole array that brings to earth the totality of the life expression that you are ready to acknowledge. You are part of a wonderful tapestry in which all are absolutely necessary to the beauty of the whole. And the whole encompasses what seems to be the parts until the harmonics of the song of the cosmos are perfectly alive within you. Interwoven, singing together. There are many ways of expressing this but in all you can feel the reality of Love.

Does it mean that you cease to exist? Never. But it does mean that that which sees itself as separate from life will fade away. That which has been born in resistance to Love will disappear, will be transformed and it will be effortless until what remains is the shining heart of God. So bright, so powerful, so indescribably magnificent that the fiery rays of creative Love meet each other and the experience of Love truly is holographic. That each and every one of you not only embrace but can feel each other deep within your own being.

You already know that words can't contain this. You also know that we are on the way to this unification of consciousness, this awakening of Love that is the next phase for humanity.

My life in the past was a demonstration that the idea of death is not real - isn't valid. Your lives, my friends, are a demonstration that the idea of separation, of any form, from the Creator's Love is also not only not valid, but it is impossible. And therefore it is time to live as Love and to be the Creator's celebration of life.

The only way that you can experience this shift is to come into the center beyond the slide of time. To return to the place of peace and silence that is the opening of this door into universal consciousness. This requires conscious choice and I Am here that we might all assist each other to remember this timeless place of the heart's reality - what you often call the now moment.

So what is before you is to step out of your old identities of less than perfect Love. To take off the costumes that you've worn, the roles you've played, the thoughts you've believed and to become open and receptive to being the observer of God moving. God moving as you beyond all perceived barriers.

When you do come into this now moment you have complete access to the whole of life, to absolutely everything that is happening. Every choice that is made, every story that's been lived. But most of all to the intricate and glorious matrix of Love that is the underpinnings of the outreach of the Creator. This is what brings you into communion with all things and makes you ready to be moved by Love - that Love may live the world in your heart.

One of the ways that I serve you is to see you as you truly are, which is what I have always done in my service to humanity. This is what has allowed the experiences around me of dramatic healing and of moving beyond the seeming laws of the physical world. And I Am here to continuously remind you that everything is possible when you move as Love. The laws of gravity do not apply. Only the laws of freedom and Love.

Stay present in the now moment and you will be shown what you need to step out of. Do it as the Love. Live it as God's awakening. Embrace it wholeheartedly. Which means embrace it as the heart of humanity and hold firm to this vibration of wholeness regardless of what the eyes seem to see or the mind continues to say.

As you focus on the truth you hold the vibration of Real Love. And from that resonance can emerge the wondrous experience of the heart of God. It is beyond My ability to use words to describe this. The sweep of its scope, The power of its reality. Be prepared to be astounded as you begin to live the holographic reality. The dance of divine streams of consciousness creating new patterns of Love that are everywhere blessed. And for a little while manifesting as the world of wholeness and beauty.

This cusp, this turn can be perceived as difficult. But if we take each other's hands, acknowledge that our hearts are linked, clear the way for the divine to make itself known as all of us then what appears is ever-more beautiful, ever-greater experiences of being God. God acknowledging His/Her unified consciousness and wondrous Love.

I Am meant to be your guide through this changing time as I have been already for so long. So my dearest friends come to me, invite me to assist you. Join your hearts with mine to experience your truth and let us go forth together to shine, to celebrate and to live as gratitude and as the Creator's Love - right away.

The Messages from God
Through Yael and Doug Powell
At Circle of Light
3969 Mundell Road
Eureka Springs, AR 72631 

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4990 A Tale Is Spun, July 24, 2014 

God said: 

Of what can you have been made but of My love? How else could you have been sculpted? You were made of My Infinite Love, each person hand-drawn through My Infinite Wisdom. Not a line in your face is for naught. Not an eyebrow, not a cheek, not a chin, not a neck. We can say I wrapped you into life in the world around My little finger, and so you are forever Mine. I created you of Myself. Am I Mine or am I yours? And what is the difference? We are one Indefinable Light in the Universe and in Heaven too. We are Light. You see demarcation between your light and Mine where there is none.
Only in the story told of your life is there any demarcation. Otherwise, without this exchange, where could a story be? Without Earth, where could a baby be born and grow up and have his or her own life story? Life and story go together.
Ultimately, the story is that there is no story, and, yet, a tale is spun and arranges itself in a multitude of ways. Without the multitude, where would a story lie? A story has to be about something, and so the world was created so that a story could be written and told and lived as though it were really happening. What makes a story real when it is not? A story comes from Creation. Each story is the story of Everyone. There is so much overlapping and criss-crossing, and the vicissitudes of time and happenings when there is nothing that can happen except in a story made-up.
The beautiful world is its own story. It has a lot to tell, yet it serves as a background. The world is the setting of the story. The world, as fiction, has many settings, the same way Paris and Hong Kong each has its own setting and its story to tell and to weave.
And each story, whatever its genre, is a love story. There is no other. It can be a story of love found or a story of love missed out on. You may think a story can be a story of non-love, or unlove, yet even in the recesses of such a story, love lurks. Love may be hidden, distorted, turned inside out. Controverted, scarred and named vengeance even, yet if Truth be known, every story is a story of love, the longing for it or perhaps its fulfillment.
Even Death, best known as an undertaker, even as Death closes your eyes, Death is love. War, even as ignorant as it is, is meant to bring peace.
In the world, there is nowhere that a story is not, and so many variations of the One Story of Love. Out of the One come variations, and yet Oneness is, and this is the Truth. Oneness reigns supreme. All the stories are fiction. No matter how true-seeming, they are all fiction.
When you sleep, your dreams in sleep certainly seem real. They are valid while they are happening. You really are being chased in your dream, and you really can’t open the door in your dream. Often the stories don’t go to the end, and you are left up in the air. Ah, the mysteries of life in the world and the mysteriousness of all the dreams that do not seem to have an end and you will never know what happens in the supposed story.
Yet the answer is the same. It never happened anyway. It was all only a dream, and you do wake from every dream. All the while the dream was happening and so real-seeming that you may scream or laugh and embrace and speak in your dream, all the while you are sitting in Heaven mute, just sitting with Me, rather sitting in the Silence of Oneness as My One Self without a care in the world.

MARY MAGDALENE: The Marriage You Are Moving Toward

Rose of MM

Given to Mercedes Kirkel
On July 22, 2014


[Note: This message was given on Mary Magdalene’s feast day.]


Hello my dear one,


Thank you for reaching out to me today and requesting that I communicate with you. I realize this is a day in which I am honored by many, and I appreciate the connection I feel with so many on this day, including yourself. And so I am most happy to communicate with you, as always.


I wish to begin with a personal message for you. You have pushed yourself very hard to bring forth your new book, which includes instruction from me on sacred sexuality. [Note: Mary is referring to Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene.] I realize you wanted to have this available for everyone by today, to celebrate me. I thank you for this and affirm that this is going to be a book of great value to many. Your work and dedication is highly commendable and of great service. I also want to emphasize, as I have on previous occasions, that you must take care of yourself in the process. You have exhausted yourself through your hard work and it is important that you rest and remain balanced, even as you perceive there is so much to do. It is true that you are growing in your ability to draw upon higher energies to accomplish what you want to have done, and this is helping you tremendously. Nonetheless, you are still operating in the third dimension with physical requirements, and it is important that you continue to attend to these.


I perceive changes in your world that I see as positive. There are more and more who are awakening to the Feminine, and this is what is called for in your world at this time more than anything else. It would be more accurate to say “re-awakening,” because the connection to the Feminine was alive and strong in the distant past on Earth. But it has been suppressed and even forgotten to a large extent for a very long time. This is beginning to change.


The connection that many are feeling to me is one sign of this. The reason that my popularity is increasing at this time is because more and more people are finding their connection to the Feminine and they recognize that essence in me, even if they can’t name it as such. I seem to symbolize or embody it for many. And indeed, that is my role. I am the carrier of the Divine Feminine—not exclusively, of course, for that would be impossible and antithetical to what the Divine Feminine is. But I carry that pure quality in a form that is recognizable and identifiable for many.


This, of course, was why I was excluded and defamed for so long. You are coming out of a long period of time of conflict and competition, in which the Masculine, in its lower form—cut off from the Feminine, felt threatened by the Feminine and perceived it as necessary to suppress the Feminine in order to establish its authority and power. The results of this have been quite devastating to your world and many are now recognizing this.


This was a necessary, though painful, period of growth and exploration that humankind needed to experience, to see what the experience and results of this kind of dynamic would be. That epoch is coming to a completion. The experiment has been run and the results are clear. Now humans are increasingly ready for a new phase.


This is the phase of union between the Masculine and Feminine, of loving and cherishing both, each embracing the other to create wholeness. This is what will bring about the world so many of you envision and long for. As I have said many times before, the power is within each of you to create this, because it fundamentally will occur by each individual changing their relationship to their own Masculine and Feminine within.


This is why it was so important for the two books to be brought forward that you, Mercedes, have been the author for. In Mary Magdalene Beckons, I clarified the three arenas that everyone must strengthen to bring forth their own Divine Feminine: their relationship to their body, sexuality, and emotions. And I gave great instruction about how people can relate to their emotions, especially painful emotions, in a different way that will move them into union with God. This is the most important change for people, in general, to make at this time. It is what will do the very most to move people forward in their spiritual growth and into the next phase of spiritual evolution. It is what is least understood by most people relative to incarnating the Divine Feminine.


The second arena for people to develop to become strong in their own Divine Feminine is the area of sacred sexuality. This is what the new book, Sublime Union, is focused upon. This can be developed whether one is single or with a partner, because it is primarily an energy practice.


It is also important that people change their relationship to their body if there is any degree of shame, dislike, or dissociation from one’s physical body. I have not chosen to give instruction about this because there is already a great deal of information available to people about how to change this.


All three of these are the arenas within oneself that are the centers of your inner Feminine. If you are cut off or underdeveloped in any of these areas it is a reflection of your own suppression of the Feminine within yourself. When all of these areas are full and strong, you will have established the support for your inner Feminine so that you can reside stably in your heart, which is truly the inner throne of the Feminine. And you will also be prepared to open to your Divine Masculine within, to begin your courtship and eventual marriage with the Masculine, with both of these parts in their higher or mature form.


It is this marriage that you are all moving toward and which is also the gateway to the next dimension and your next level of spiritual growth. It is this marriage that Yeshua and I embodied and communicated to all with eyes to see and ears to hear. It is fundamentally a marriage of your own divine aspects and ultimately of yourself with God. It is the true marriage. All else is a celebration of this.


As more and more of you realize this and manifest this, your world will change to reflect this. Your world is already changing, which is a sign that this is underway. I celebrate this with you and support you all to continue in this great process. It is the calling of your heart and soul, and all are coming to recognize this in their perfect time.


I shower you with love and blessings and support as your sister in the heart.

I AM Mary Magdalene



Ashtar:  A Loving Update


We are looking forward with glee, on the ships and amongst you there on the ground when we come to walk among you, unseen to you, but enjoying the things that you enjoy, like the beautiful vistas, the lush green forests, and the laughter of children.  We come to be with our incarnations, our beloved friends, and our colleagues there on the surface of Planet Earth, and of course elsewhere when we wish to travel to distant planets.

It is one of the great advantages of being in higher dimensions that we have no need for the complicated arrangements, packing and schlepping, as you call it.  We can leave where we are, and materialize lightyears away in no time, although it does require a bit of advanced technology to accomplish it without effort.  Our thoughtwaves, of course, can travel infinite distances in a second.  This is why it is possible for our channelers to hear us over great distances, as when Prime Creator speaks from the Center of the Universe and is picked up just as clearly as when we are standing in the room beside you.

These are the things you have to look forward to, Dear Ones, and many more.  Those of you who are alive now and who have contracted to stay for the Shift will be the witnesses to a miraculous series of events.  The roll-out has been adjusted a bit because you have made wonderful progress in raising your vibrations.  There has been a huge leap on the part of those who were already awake, and the ones who are just beginning to respond to the great energies from the Central Sun have advanced beautifully.  
You would not necessarily notice it on the ground if you were not aware of what to look for, because the greatest changes are occurring behind closed doors in homes around the world, and in office places, factories, on the streets and markets of the world.  A new  feeling of lively cooperation and easy-going fun is beginning to be felt in neighborhoods and towns. Where people were strangers, they are beginning to greet each other with a smile.  Taxi drivers and shop keepers are finding moments to be kind and generous with others.  Mothers and fathers who were too stressed to really pay attention to their children are noticing how beautiful and smart they seem to have become.

These small moments are not being announced on the news, and if you did not know what to look for you might miss the fact that the atmosphere is changing gradually.  Yes, there are still some conflicts around the world, but they are not now and they will not be the beginning of a worldwide conflagration.  As we have told you, nuclear weapons will not be permitted to be used under any circumstances.

We are at this moment holding back our direct interventions to allow the leaders on the ground to make their moves toward peaceful resolution of conflicts.  The two widely publicized conflicts, in the Ukraine and the Israel/Palestine hostility are being contained by sporadic cease-fires and intensive mediated negotiations.  World powers are taking an interest and are working behind the scenes in both cases.  What might appear as the old version of civil conflicts which could go on for generations are not going to be permitted to continue.  There is too much at stake now.

Some of the things you might not have put together are these:  There are many more leaders in the world at this moment who are not working for the cabal or the military-industrial complex, but are genuinely interested in the establishing peace.  This includes the U.S.  A far greater number of the negotiating team, although not all, are now in full agreement that military intervention should be the last resort, after all other options have been exhausted, not the first. 

The negotiations of which I speak are being conducted entirely off the record, unpublicized and unreported.  Telephone calls between world leaders are now an everyday occurrence, and are bearing fruit.  Delicate issues are being discussed far more openly than ever before, and there is a new sense of wanting to help one another walk the fine line between appearing belligerent and seeming weak.  In a world of 3-dimensional thinking, this is a challenge for all.

Now, you will want to know about the Malaysian airliner which was shot down over the Ukraine.  It was not the same as the Flight 370 scenario, where we knew of the intrigue behind the scenes and could rescue the plane.  The passengers themselves were targeted over ownership of the weapons technology they had created.  This time, there was what you might call a mistake - a blunder which will make the activity of shooting down anything looking like a passenger plane as an act of war a stupid idea.

Several things came together to create this tragedy.  First, the airline's policy of adhering to standard flight paths because it is the cheapest way to get from one destination to another.  The second is the over-zealous reaction of the rebel fighters, secretly supplied by a Russian group, although not officially through Putin's government.  It was meant to be a show of power on the part of the insurgents, who are actually being used by those sponsoring this "rebellion" as part of an attempt to bring this part of the Ukraine under the control of the Russian cabal. 

You may be aware of the prize:  there have recently been discoveries of ancient pyramids in this part of the Ukraine, and it is expected that the rich treasure trove beneath the pyramids may contain "ancient" technological secrets.  Just as in the U.S., there has been a large "black ops" organization with private funding from the 13 families, who wish to take possession of these ancient sites for their own use.  They will not succeed.  Help will come from an unexpected quarter, and will be under the direction of Putin, who is awakened and understands the value of these discoveries.

There is a new, close cooperation between Obama and Putin, who are both now working for the Light in secret.  The appearances of continued strife are just that - appearances, designed to lull the cabal while plans for the Global Currency Reset and new governance - NESARA law - are brought into existence.  Both leaders will be putting themselves out of power with the initiation of the new legal systems, and are aligned behind the scenes to make this happen, hopefully before the next election in the U.S.

You may have also guessed that the "tunnels" which the Israelis are trying to wrest from the Palestinians are not newly constructed, but are part of the extensive system of tunnels which connect the ancient pyramids around the world, including the network which leads to the Romanian pyramid complex and the Library of Porthologos, which has been kept secret for more than 10 years.  It will be revealed as soon as it is assured that the precious contents will not fall into cabal hands.

These tunnels also hold carefully guarded entrances to Inner Earth.  The Agarthans who have lived in peace for thousands of years since the fall of Atlantis are awaiting the prophesied moment when they can at last embrace their brothers and sisters on the surface.  You can feel it coming closer, can you not?  It is planned for a time just shortly after you receive your blessings, for there are many now on Earth who wish to help fund and produce new technologies which will free everyone from the burdens and problems of fossil fuel energy.  Completely new energy, transportation and communication systems will be available soon which will make everything you have now obsolete.

Many have asked about which are the most efficient and promising technologies for you to help out with by investing in them when the time comes.  Never fear, dear brothers and sisters, we will get the information to you, through our channels who are trained to understand and channel scientific information, or through your own advanced scientists who are beginning to appreciate the value of intuitive proddings from their Higher Selves.  

We wish to help you with these projects, to help you pursue the most effective and advanced systems possible, as long as we are all certain they will be used for peaceful purposes, and for the good of all.  You are now in the process of cleaning up and preparing for the coming changes.  We encourage you to continue with your meditations and exercises to help clear away all residue of fear, anxiety and depression.  Any remnant of these feelings is still feeding the darkness which slows your collective movement into higher dimensions.

Now, I have something serious to talk with you about- a way of thinking about your part in the whole project that will help you Ascend more quickly. Like the others who have spoken to you in this latest series of messages, I am going to give you a difficult challenge.  To understand more deeply what we are teaching, and what you are all up against, I also recommend an excellent overview given by the Arcturians to Marilyn Raffaele.  (The Arcturian Group Message. Channeled by Marilyn Raffaele, August 31, 2013, athttp://www.onenessofall.com/newest.html)

You are not used to thinking of yourselves as an integral part of the Universal whole.  Your emphasis on individual issues, feelings and pursuits does not take into account the profound impact on the whole which one person can have.  Look to yourselves, Dear Ones, to take responsibility for your own level of energy/frequency.  Worry, doubt, self-loathing, resentment and all the shades of fear which you alone produce as a result of your paranoid and negative thinking plays a part in dragging down the whole Project. 

This is what we mean by Oneness.  Each individual is an integral part of the fabric of the whole.  Your feelings affect me.  Your partner's feelings affect you.  A family of darkness produces a vortex which pulls the energy field down in their vicinity (although it cannot pull you into it or lower your vibration if you refuse to be drawn in).  For Light beings, it would feel cold, uncomfortable and repugnant.  Your radar would be activated to protect you. You are familiar with this dynamic when you have the experience of someone who "gives you the willies" or makes you skin crawl, or "gives you the creeps."

You see?  You are well protected.  Now it is time for you to use those skills and sensibilities to truly come into your own.  Put your foot down, between you and yourself, and promise yourself to NEVER AGAIN take part in a judgmental condemnation of another, no matter who they are.  Desist!  Do not allow any comment or thought to pass your lips or your computer channels which disparages, picks apart or demeans another.  This includes everything from comments about how some movie star looks in a bikini to sneering opinions about the failings of a political or social leader.  The era of attacking another from the safety of internet anonymity was always an illusion.  

Just because it has been common behavior for people to behave in a hostile and hurtful way toward one another, even anonymously, does not mean it doesn't matter. In fact it matters to the whole world!

Remove yourselves entirely from this form of discourse, Beloved Ones.  Speak only with the voice of God, which is your true essence.  If you must speak of another, use only your own feelings as your point of reference.  It is very different to say, "I feel a dark vibration in that person's presence, do you?" than to say, "George is a villain (or a failure, or a pariah, etc.)."  Unless you have proof (not heresay, or evidence on the "news") that this individual has a long track record of dangerous behavior, it is not appropriate to even mention it, and even then, encourage others to send love to help that individual turn toward the Light.

Have nothing to do with comments like, "The world is in a terrible state," "Everyone is suffering," or "Everyone is just out for themselves.  It's human nature."  You cannot see what we see, dear friends.  We see hope, rising vibrations and Love.  Are you out for only yourself?  You are taking that stance when you "talk trash" or even think "trash."  Yes, I do like your slang - it's so graphic :)  

In other words, say only what you see with your own eyes and feel in your heart.  This will help you avoid the popular culture in which low-vibration critique and commentary is the most common form of communication.  Awaken, Dear Ones!  Listen to your own thoughts and feelings!  Monitor every word that passes through you to the world!  In this way you will clean up the airwaves, as we, your Galactic brothers and sisters are helping to clean up the nuclear pollution in your air, land and water.  

Emotional pollution is the most toxic energy field still remaining in your environment.
So, Dearest Ones, clean up your act!  Do it with humor, with a sense of camaraderie and joy, and you will be making the finest contribution an individual can make to the New World we are creating together.

I do not say this to make you feel guilty.  Absolutely not!  That would be using my words to increase the darkness you already feel.  I only wish to illustrate for you in the most vivid way possible that We are One!  This is not just a happy, dreamy feeling.  It is our reality!  Embrace this Oneness.  Breathe the sustenance you can gain from absorbing the Great Love bubbling all around you.  When you do that, choosing Love instead of distraction, you lift yourself and others around you.  Join us in Love, Dearest Ones.  Revel in our connection!  Bathe in our Love!  Transcend all you have known, to make the transition to Light!  It is truly a New Day.
I am Ashtar, and I love each and every one of you endlessly, completely.  Namaste, dear brothers and sisters.  We applaud your awakening!  Namaste!

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, July 24, 2014, 12 PM, Quebec.

Permission is given to copy and share this message, providing it is given in its entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel and to the website, www.whoneedslight.org.


Illawarra District, Australia, 2014. 
Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22). 
Subject: “Secondary Midwayers” (shortened).

Received by George Barnard. 

Bzutu: “This is ABC-22. I volunteered to be your contact this evening for the simple task of giving a few newbies some brief details about Secondary Midwayers. We will not discuss our distant Primary Midwayer kin in this short talk. We will merely consider the origin of the Secondary Midwayers, their being the great-grandchildren of Adamson and Ratta (seehttp://www.urantia.org/urantia-book-standardized/paper-77-midway-creatures ). We are planetary helpers, known worldwide for our 11:11, and other numerical time-prompts. 

“On normal worlds the Midwayers are often brought into being at a time when the races have blended, and the Midwayers there, when materialized, are virtually indistinguishable from their human population. We, as a group, are all different, and resemble all human races, including the virtually extinct pure blue man, the pure orange man, the Nodite and the Adamite. On normal planets Midwayers have little difficulty in contacting humans. They are part of the spiritual government of such planets. 

“On those worlds many individuals are capable of seeing and hearing the Secondary Midwayers, and therefore, they are known to all. On our world, things did not go quite right. Firstly, Midwayers need an extensive education, and we need to be taught human values. We need to be taught how to do various things. We must be given tasks and then after many decades it all falls into place for us. On this world there was no one to educate us. We also had immediate needs to protect our families, our human families. 

“We did not get our needed education and as our families spread out, south-east into India, north-west into Europe, we soon lost track of each other. And as rather young delinquents, many of us got into all kinds of mischief, but all of these rebels have now been rehabilitated. They have their function today to avert sudden calamities, at times they are also needed by the receivers of celestial messages in case the receivers are hearing from former humans or anyone else among the celestials that have no direct connection with their receivers. 

“Such individuals as Machiventa Melchizedek, can talk to you directly. Of course, Christ Michael can do so, Mother Spirit can do the same, and there are a number of others. However, Midwayers make it possible to hear from those celestials who are far away and who connect with us through universe reflectivity of sight and sound. It is worthwhile to here mention that whereas most of the people on this world are vaguely familiar with demons etc, the Midwayers are not normally trusted from the very start of contact. 

“Especially among the Muslims, the Jinn (Midwayers) are very much distrusted. However all, since their rehabilitation, are contributing under the direction of Machiventa Melchizedek. Midwayers will, after their lengthy function on this world, move to the Mansion Worlds and it is there where they receive a Thought Adjuster, for them to ascend to Paradise with. Whilst they can communicate with Thought Adjusters, they are not indwelt. There are a million more things I could tell in this session, but I believe this will suffice.”

Sandy: “At a recent gathering in Queensland, a receiver noted a line of celestials. Were these beings Secondary Midwayers there to assist with the proceedings?” 

Bzutu: “There were a number of people, some of whom have been carefully monitored by us in the past. Some who have availed themselves of the service of certain Midwayers. Some members of the 11:11 tribe were there.” 

Sandy: “Thank you Bzutu. That is very helpful.” 

Bzutu: “It is good to be with you two. Okay, I am leaving now. God bless you both.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.

Sivananda Daily Reading

24 July

Posted: 22 Jul 2014 10:00 PM PDT

Depression and Devotion 
Every aspirant in the spiritual path becomes a victim to the mood of depression in the beginning. You have to overcome this mood through discrimination, reflection, singing God's name, prayer, etc. This mood is like a passing cloud. It will pass off if you are vigilant. Do not mistake emotion for devotion.
Whenever you get into a mood of depression, sing God's name vigorously; sitting alone in your room, sing with a melting heart. You may sing silently if you wish. This is an easy way to drive away this undesirable mood.
Try to control all wild outbursts of weeping. This is a weakness, a negative state. But do allow the pearl drops of divine love or ecstasy to trickle down your face occasionally, when you are in a profoundly prayerful or meditative mood.
Shed the tears of pure, divine love when you are alone, when you are in communion with the Lord. Do not weep in the presence of others. The rare pearl drops of divine love are the outcome of the melting of the heart by the fire of devotion and the fire of painful separation from the Lord.
Sometimes a man feigns to be a devotee. He sheds false tears to make his neighbours think he is a great devotee. On account of sympathetic action, his neighbours also begin to weep   but there will not be one iota of devotion in their hearts.
Devotion is a very rare gift from God. Weeping itself is not a criterion by which to judge the devotional nature of a man or a woman. Do not mistake the crocodile tears of a hypocrite bhakta (devotee) for the genuine pearl drops of divine love which inspire and elevate bystanders. One may not weep outwardly and yet he may be a genuine, silent devotee.
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Identify yourself with the emotionless state or Brahman, and rest peacefully for ever.
Satvic (peaceful) emotion is quiet. Rajasic (passionate) emotion is terrible. Tamasic (dull) emotion is confused. Rajasic and tamasic emotions are of a turbid nature and therefore cannot receive a reflection of the blissful nature of Atman. Rajasic and tamasic emotions present a reflection of intelligence but not of bliss. Satvic emotions present a reflection of both blissfulness and intelligence.


Sivananda Daily Reading

25 July

Posted: 23 Jul 2014 10:00 PM PDT

Brave All Trials 
Trials, difficulties, troubles and sufferings are necessary for your purification and to strengthen your will and power of endurance. Face them bravely and come out triumphantly. Press on. Strive on with all your will; only then is the grace of God bestowed. 
God helps those who help themselves. If bad thoughts enter your mind, simply ignore them. Offer a prayer to the Lord and substitute divine thoughts by studying the sacred books. The spiritual fire should be generated day after day. Hold fast to the ideal. Keep the flame of aspiration ever bright. Scorn mundane delights and strife. 
Dedicate your life to God. Meditate. Scale the spirit's steepest height and reach the peak of eternal wisdom and bliss divine. Nothing is able to daunt the firm and resolute aspirant or turn him from a course which he considers to be right, or which he holds to be his duty. 
Be brave and courageous. You must pass with one breath over the mountain of difficulties. The Atman cannot be attained by a life of weakness and error. 
You have infinite strength within you. Be strong. Look within. Meditate. Tap the source. Have an indomitable will, backed by an abiding faith. You are bound to succeed in everything. 
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God is the Light of lights. He is knowledge. He is the knower. God is the same from age to age. God never changes; he is ageless. God has no opposite. 
God is truth, beauty, goodness. God has no religion; He is the source of all religion. God is one. God is peace. God is universal harmony. God is love and law. As a lamp cannot burn without oil, so man cannot live without God. 
Creation reveals that God is dharma (righteousness). God is the bestower of grace which is boundless and inexhaustible.


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