7-20-15 : Message From Matthew, & Many Others


The heart entrains the mind. When you open your heart to this experience and realize you are Love’s conduit and that Love moving through you fills every place where it has been perceived that Love is not…in that instant you are reclaimed, not only as the divine child of the eternal loving parents…you are reclaimed as the heart of God as a living, giving hologram of endless Love and grace.

In that instant you understand your place as the heart of the living cosmos, not as an idea, but as the song of your very being … as the substance from which you are made and everything is perfect. There cannot be fear where Love is and Love is in the heart. Fear is an idea in the mind that has become a “vibrational reality” but it is like a gossamer veil and it is made of the longing for God. Every fear is the fear of being lost to me.

Thus, with the shift to the heart, duality is mended and Love is served universally by dissolving separation.

 Matthew Ward - July 19, 2015

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Many of your analysts think that the Greek people’s resounding “No” on the recent referendum put their country on the road to irreversible economic ruin. The country will manage. “No” put the Illuminati on the road to irreversible economic ruin.

Going back a long, long ways, bartering worked splendidly in communities, but the expanding borders of commerce required a different means of exchange; and with the introduction of coinage, money became the axis on which your world turned. The forerunners of the Illuminati and later that group itself controlled the turning by devising taxation, banking and lending systems; and, as centuries passed, “numbered” bank accounts, stock markets, Federal Reserve System, International Monetary Fund, regulating agencies and credit cards with usurious interest rates. Everything they established was specifically designed to add to their fortunes, tighten their economic control over the peoples, and increase their influence within national governments.

The Illuminati began as a cohesive group of like-minded individuals whose objective was world domination. As time went by, egos grew and tempers flared, and eventually two competitive factions with that same goal emerged. Later, the Rothschilds and their adherents, who operate out of London and the Vatican, came up with a plan to solidify their control throughout Europe—the European Union, European Central Bank and euro currency. Let us borrow your expression, “How’s that working for you?” There is no bandage large enough to patch the crack the Greek vote made in the Rothschild network. The crack will spread like a spider web around the world and into it will fall the Rockefeller faction headquartered in Washington, DC, and on Wall Street.

As if that isn’t enough for both factions to deal with—and Pope Francis’ goodness and wisdom keeps upsetting their apple cart—now there’s the agreement between negotiators from several major nations and Iran’s leaders that their country will not pursue development of a nuclear weapon. It is no surprise that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, a top-ranking Illuminati, denounced the agreement or that Illuminati in the United States Congress and members whose election campaigns were funded by that group are opposing President Obama’s efforts to get congressional approval. They want to invade Iran and, along with taking over that country’s oil, reap the riches that come from producing the machinery of war.

The vibrations of intensifying light that led to those reversals for the Illuminati will keep increasing as the planet continues on its ascension course. If we could tell you when their total undoing will be, we would do so joyously; but activity in Earth’s energy field of potential indicates that their inevitable demise will come in stages, not one fell swoop. They still have some power, dwindling though it is, in their “black ops” branch of the CIA; other intelligence sources, including Mossad; high-ranking personnel in some military forces; leverage within mainstream media and some governments; and huge caches of monies to initiate or exacerbate uprisings, fund the Islam State, and pay their minions to hack computer systems, oversee the street drug trade, fill your skies with chemtrails, deny pollution’s contribution to climate change, or disseminate false information on the Internet.

While a few within the higher ranks of both Illuminati factions are talking with principals in reform movements, the hardliners are talking about joining forces; some have abandoned their fast-sinking ship, died of natural causes or by their own hand, or been arrested. You would recognize some names, most you would not, and it is unlikely that any of the Illuminati will be identified as such in mainstream news reports.

Upheavals will keep popping up as the ages-old light vs dark battle for Earth’s civilization at last is nearing its end. You have waited a long time to see the light triumph as predestined, and you can welcome the bumpy ride through the last phases. However, most of the populace don’t know about that long conflict or that everything transpiring and what is ahead is about planetary and personal ascension out of millennia of dark bondage.

Many people are fearful or angry, and with each new bump, others will have the same reactions. Your calmness, yet excitement, and explaining to the extent individuals are receptive can encourage them to have an optimistic outlook. But please do not be disheartened if family and friends don’t respond positively—they will waken in their own times of readiness.

And, we ask that you keep foremost in your thoughts that every person in your world is a part of God, by whatever name the Supreme Being in this universe is called. Every person is inextricably connected at soul level with all others, and God’s love for each and every one is unconditional. Seeing “offenders” through God’s eyes doesn’t mean wanting them to forego justice by your world’s standards—already this has come to some and shall befall others. What it does mean is, you will uplift yourselves and your world by envisioning those individuals within the light rather than focusing on their punishment. The impartial, nonjudgmental and unavoidable laws of the universe will serve them justice in a spirit world according to their lifetime deeds.

This is an appropriate place to answer a reader’s questions: “What will happen to Nirvana after Earth reaches 5th density? Can there still be reunions with our loved ones?” Nirvana will accompany Earth to her destination in fifth density and continue to be her spirit realm, but with grand differences. The tiny dense orb that houses the basest individuals and is the only part of the realm separate from the rest will be transported to some third density civilization and incorporated into their spirit world, or it will be dematerialized after its inhabitants are moved to a spirit world of equal density. Nirvana’s lower layers—learning centers for people who want to outgrow their negative tendencies such as bigotry, anger, apathy, envy, miserliness, bitterness, disloyalty, dishonesty, manipulativeness, closed minds and desire to control others—also will disappear. Those traits served well when they were aspects of karmic lessons souls chose to attain balanced experiencing, but your society will have advanced consciously and spiritually and no longer need to experience negative characteristics.

Indeed, reunions of loved ones can take place in Nirvana when that realm and Earth are in fifth density, but then just as now, meetings can be in any placement in this universe where energies are compatible. Actually, these visits have been happening all along during your sleep time, but your bodies’ density can’t retain memories of those visits—when you waken and have fragments of memories of being with a loved one, you attribute them to dreams. As your consciousness expands with light absorption, you will start to clearly remember your joyful reunions.

With reference to our stating that “everything in your world is purposeful,” a reader asked, “What purpose is served by rats, roaches, fleas, mosquitoes, etc.” It started eons past in linear time, when the darkness manipulated the DNA of some weaker civilizations and programmed their bodies for aging and disease. A civilization at third density conscious and spiritual level, which Earth’s peoples and other life forms have been for many millennia, has bodies that are susceptible to the diseases that some insects and rats can cause or spread; and, given the flexibility in soul contracts, physical death by that means can satisfy contracts’ cause and longevity provisions.

Insects also serve the purpose of souls whose lifetime energy consigned them to the basest part of third density spirit realms. When they are willing to receive sufficient light to embody, they do so in a short-lived form without cellular memory patterning that could influence behavior as they start back up the ladder of evolution. You will welcome knowing that insects cannot survive in the higher vibratory levels where Earth is heading, and their place in the food chain no longer will be needed.

Rats are intelligent, emotional rodents, and those that are well-treated pets respond in kind; the hordes that run wild simply are trying to survive in a world where they are detested. As a civilization grows in consciousness, so do all other life forms in that world. With that advancement comes humankind’s respect for all animal life, and “wild” rats, like other species now considered obnoxious, will be elevated in behavior and popular acceptance. Have no concerns that your world may be overrun with rats or rabbits or any other animals that produce litters quickly! They will reproduce less often and in smaller numbers as long as they decide to embody on the planet—these species, like all others, evolve and at some point incarnate as higher-order beings.

Citing numerous ways that Earth’s animals are being treated inhumanely, a reader asked, “Can the galactics not help with ending this horrendous treatment of animals?” Your universal family is helping by beaming light in abundance to Earth, but they cannot interfere with the free will of individuals who cause suffering and merciless death to your animals. It is up to your society to stop abhorrent practices, and thanks to the dedicated efforts of many souls, this is happening. Countries are setting standards for treatment of animals and repercussions for violators; there are boycotts of food, other products and entertainment derived from animal exploitation; poachers of wild animals are being taught other livelihoods; education is expanding about the importance of preserving wildlife and their habitats on land and in the seas; the numbers of wildlife reserves and no-kill shelters of pet species continue growing and so do the numbers of homeless pets who are adopted.

Participating in or financially supporting these encouraging activities is vital, to be sure, but an invaluable contribution that everyone can make to improve animal life is to not agonize about their plight, but instead send love-light to all of Earth. The law of attraction brings back the very same energy sent forth in thoughts and feelings, thus agonizing about any situation brings back still more circumstances to evoke that feeling.

A reader in New Zealand asked why teen suicides in her country and elsewhere are becoming more frequent. Perhaps because of religious teachings, dying by one’s own hand at such a young age—at any age—is viewed as more tragic than death by disease or fatal injury. So first we say, there is no judgment or penalty and no such place as limbo or hell for people who end their lives.

Their reasons differ just as the individuals themselves do; however, according to our colleagues in Nirvana, most teenagers who commit suicide are gay or lesbian or they know that their body and gender are mismatched, and they enter spirit life with tormented psyches that need customized care for healing. They were emotionally drained from struggling to conform to familial expectations, societal standards and religious orientation, or they had been cast out after declaring their true selves—either way, they saw death as the only escape from hopelessness and despair. As your society continues growing consciously and spiritually, honoring the divinity and genuineness of all soul-selves will replace discrimination and rejection.

“I have noticed a lot of fear-based information on the Internet surrounding ingesting monatomic gold. Can you please elaborate on how it actually works within our bodies?” The intention of that information—and it is a good example of DISinformation on the Internet—is to steer you away from one of the most valuable substances you can ingest. In addition to fortifying immune systems, monatomic gold contributes to health by rapidly regenerating cells; raising bodies’ frequencies; improving organs’ functioning;accelerating the transformation of carbon-based cells into crystalline; and helping to increase DNA strands. All of those physical benefits enhance brain power and that leads to expanded consciousness, spiritual clarity and overall balance. Individuals who are influenced by darkness don’t want you to have any of those advantages so they disseminate blatantly false, fear-based information about monatomic gold.

To readers who asked if signing petitions really does any good: Yes. You may or may not see prompt effects in the specific areas the petitions cover, but the energy you put forth to support endeavors you deem worthy contributes to the overall light on the planet.

“Please ask Matthew to speak about people suffering from depression. I am fearful I may not be following my soul contract and more so failing to do my part to promote positive loving thoughts to myself and others so as to assist Earth's transition.” Our understanding and compassion go out to this dear soul and to all others who are dealing with depression, an emotionally painful condition that has become almost commonplace in your world, and we hasten to say that none of you is failing self or others! You are not lacking light, but light-heartedness. Even if depression is a karmic choice for balance, it needn’t be long-lasting, and discovering and alleviating the cause is possible.

The cause may be physical. Consult a trusted healthcare practitioner about testing for hormonal imbalance, which is treatable without pharmaceutical drugs that don’t eliminate the cause and do lead to other maladies. We have mentioned the benefits of monatomic gold, and suggest as well that you eat nutritious food, drink a great deal of pure water, get sufficient sleep, listen to melodic music, and spend as much time as possible with Nature. Especially during these times when body, mind and spirits are adjusting to ever-heightening vibrations, those are wise suggestions for everyone.

In many cases, depression is circumstantial, due to one’s own or loved ones’ situation or perhaps the state of your world. When you start thinking about something sad or worrisome, change to a positive thought about that situation and visualize it dissolving into beams of light—here again the law of attraction plays a crucial role. Take one step at a time to overcome feeling depressed—this can be as simple as the satisfaction of completing a small task or as uplifting as knowing that you are contributing light to the world via compassion, forgiveness, gratitude, generosity and kindness.

Dear ones, apply those light-filled feelings to yourself, too, and ask for help! Angels, spirit guides, souls in Nirvana and other spirit worlds—all are God’s emissaries—are ever-ready and eager to help lift you out of depression’s heavy-heartedness.

Yes, planetary cleansing will continue a while longer because Earth needs to rid herself of negativity as it is produced. But we say to readers who asked about earthquakes that will devastate entire major cities, tsunamis of epic proportions, dramatic changes in land masses, and temperatures that will continue rising until they snuff out all life: Not only are those concerns needless, but they emit low vibrations that add to the negativity Earth has to deal with.

Many who requested our comments about the Trans Pacific Partnership feel this is an Illuminati-made bill that will benefit only the wealthiest. Several also questioned much the same as the reader who wrote: “If President Obama really is a light being, why is he pushing Congress to get this bill passed?” and others wrote that his efforts prove he is either Illuminati or their willing puppet or is being mind-controlled by them.

Indeed, TPP provisions have the potential to favor only the wealthy—whatever can be used beneficially also can be twisted into malevolent directions—and we shall tell you what we have been told about President Obama’s position. He is acting upon the advice of our “space” family members living among you to not make waves at this stage of behind-the-scenes talks with individuals in the Rockefeller faction. They are not defectors per se, they are pragmatists who know their aim of world control is doomed, and because their interests are better served by economic stability than global collapse, they are amenable to discussing reforms that will have far-reaching effects.

These individuals, whose cooperation can expedite the reforms, wield considerable influence in the corporate world; and their bargaining point is that by acting in good faith on TPP’s provisions, workers in the off-shore countries will reap benefits that currently are nonexistent and would not adversely affect workers in the United States. Our perspective is, as vibrations continue increasing, improvements will come in every aspect of life in your world, so with or without TPP, beneficial changes are ahead for people everywhere.

We honor you, our beloved family, for your perseverance as lightworkers. You are adding immeasurably to the light that is propelling ongoing and forthcoming changes throughout your world.



Suzanne Ward



Suzanne Ward
The Matthew Books
Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com

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The New Earth Times   
Edition #1 ~ Sunday, July 19, 2015


² The New Earth Times   ²

The Almost Daily News from Who Needs Light

Featured Columnists: Mother & Father God, Sananda, Ashtar, Gabriel, Arcturian Team Leader

Contributing Columnists:  The Company of Heaven     Contributing Channels:  Kathryn & Christine

Editor-in-Chief:  Archangel Michael 


Sunday, July 19, 2015                                                                                        Subscription:  FREE or by Donation, Click  HERE


Today's Headlines

New Galactic Newsletter Launches on Surface Earth

Twin Flames Gather at the Edge of the Veil in Anticipation of Imminent Contact 


New Galactic Newsletter Launches on Surface Earth

Note from the Editor's Desk by Archangel Michael


warm welcome to our first edition of The New Earth Times, a brand new venture in co-creation.  We have asked our beloved channels to bring you the news, as we see it, so this will be a different kind of publication. We are the Company of Heaven:  Mother Father God, Ascended Masters and Archangels, who love you and only ever offer what is for the greatest Good of ALL.  We will be bringing you updates, news and Galactic-interest stories related to the Ascension of Earth, along with 5th dimensional lifestyle features. 


The purpose of this publication is not only to keep you informed of what's happening in various facets of the Ascension Earth Project, but also to galvanize our Unity.  We share an important Mission:  restoring the Light on Earth, so that she and all upon her may ascend in freedom and glory.  We share with you an unbreakable bond of family, service and love.


Besides our regularly Featured Columnists (Mother and Father God, Sananda, Ashtar, Archangel Gabriel and Arcturian Team Leader), our publication will feature many fascinating and compelling guests including:  Ascended Masters, the Council of Light, Angels and Archangels, members of the Galactic Federation of Light, Agarthans from Inner Earth, Terra (Earth), Galactic Emissaries from this and other systems, representatives of many other Kingdoms and more.  Often, we will include features from other channels and Lightworkers in order to enhance the harmony and union of our shared service and goals.  I have many surprises up my sleeve to inform, astonish and delight you.


Our cherished channels, Kathryn and Christine, live in such a way that they carry out whatever we ask without hesitation.  We have a close relationship full of trust and understanding.   We speak and laugh together all throughout every day.  Our channels have prepared and trained for their role now for many lifetimes - just the same as you have done.   Sooner than you think, you will all be able to communicate with us directly.  It is a day we have awaited with longing, and that day will arrive with such triumph!


I have often said that all communication is for Union.  This is our wish and the inevitability we share. 


Glory to our Mother Father God as we charge into this next phase of Project Earth:  the full realization of New Earth and the dawning of the New Golden Age. 


I am your brother,

Archangel Michael

Namaste All.


~ Channeled by Christine, New York, 19 July 2015



Twin Flames Gather at the Edge of the Veil in Anticipation of Imminent Contact

By Archangel Michael


Hello Bright Stars!  It is I, your brother Michael.  We, Mother and Father God and your Company of Heaven, are showering you with such love and adoration. 


Did you know that we are brimming over with warmth and admiration for you?  After all, it is you brave ones who are finding your way up-up-and-through one of the most difficult realities ever contrived.  We watch with awe as you choose your way to trudge through, break out, wiggle free, run far, stretch beyond and rise up.  Do you see?  It doesn't matter what your style is... what matters is that you don't quit - you don't give up.  You always find a way to surge ahead.  We see you.


We are closer together than ever now.  The 4th of July Gateway proved to be a magnificent turning point.  The success of this is due to your unprecedented participation, dear Lightworkers.  You, cherished family on the ground, are really going for it now.  You rose up with such focus and anticipation of Goodness to greet the incoming energies - a new level of Light from our Mother and Father God - that, well, you really and truly opened the floodgates.  During this phase, many of you were faced with exceptional challenges of one sort or another, and you faced them with more grace and tenacity than ever before. 


The results of your grand effort were many.  Instead of simply achieving the hoped for "step forward" possible with this this energetic gateway, together, you accomplished much more than was projected.  You took a monumental leap that accelerated progress for all.  You lifted yourselves mightily through your moment to moment concentration and elevated choices.  Bravo family!  Best of all, we are able to be closer than ever now. 


Mother and Father have showered you with gifts and encouragement in celebration of your attainments.  Through your constancy to raise yourself up, many of you have achieved a frequency and experience of accelerated healing.  All of you are well on your way to receiving the enhanced Light encoding and upgrades from Mother and Father, which are assisting your bodies to transition from carbon to crystalline based structures - bodies of Light and density that will allow you to physically ascend.  Many of you now find your circumstances dramatically changing.  Many others of you have been granted gifts you do not yet quite perceive.  It will surely knock your socks off.  


Understand that this is not a reward system where you must "earn" favor, merit or awards.  Oh no!  Here in the higher dimensions, we celebrate everything freely and with gusto!  We look for every single reason, moment, event or accomplishment to revel and rejoice.  We love to send waves of wonderful feelings of elation to each other on a job well done.  We have parties, ceremonies, and oh, do we sing and dance!  This is how we are, and you're invited to join us. 


Invite Your Twin Flame Closer

Another way you may benefit from our nearness is to invite your Twin Flame to come even closer into your daily lives.  I assure you, we are all standing by for this invitation with yearning and anticipation.  As Kathryn says, "Your Twin Flame may even come into you now, into the space between your cells."  We agree with this description.  That is quite how it is for us.  


So, at this moment, I am coming to you from the space between my Twin Flame's cells, and we are laughing about it.  That is how she channels me.  Down through her Pillar of Light, which is filled with her being, I come, and we merge, and I speak through her.  It is a bit different than the way I speak through other honored channels.  It is also a bit different than the way my Twin Flame channels others from the Company of Heaven.  What I am getting at is that your experience with your Twin Flame is distinctive and magnificent.


All of these marvelous moments are possible for you too.  Right now.  What we are doing is not exclusive or far-fetched.  We in the Company of Heaven want you to feel fancy free in how you interact with us - and most particularly, we want to encourage and embolden you to let loose with your Twin Flame. 


Please relax any rigid or limiting beliefs you may still have about how it is to be consciously one and in full communication with your Twin Flame.  For instance, my Twin and I are working together daily to fulfill our Mission on Earth, which includes many on-going projects.  At times, she is present in the Council, where she presents aspects of the current surface Earth experience to us.  At times, we use my advantage of being in the higher dimensions to enhance her efforts on the ground.  


Although we meet from across different dimensions, there is no separation between us whatsoever.  We are loving; we are in love.  We work together and laugh together.  I do not see or feel her as limited because of her lower dimensional state.  In fact, she is there to anchor our Mission, and I am filled with appreciation for her. 


I will admit, I plan and scheme for ways to delight and uplift my Twin Flame.  There is no feeling for me like when she laughs at my jokes.  She enchants me, just as your Twin Flame is enraptured with you.  I come to her in many fancy and surprising outfits to make her laugh.  I sing to her and play her music.  We talk, work and are quiet together.  Are you beginning to get the picture?  Everything with Twin Flames is inclusive and loving.  Everything. 


I have a wonderful confirmation for you.  If you are reading this now then your Twin Flame is here.  They are reaching for you and awaiting your invitation to draw near.  Begin this moment to give-and-receive the great love and affection you share.  As you practice, you will become better and better at hearing, seeing and feeling them close.


Your Twin Flames are gathered here with me at the edge of the Veil.  They yearn to support you in our shared Mission.  We endlessly find new ways to help you relax, to help you understand what's happening and to support you as you gain your freedom.


Walk With Us

Many of you know that my Twin Flame has been very sick and quite close to physical death for a stretch. Through her constant choices and fiery determination, she has turned the corner toward health.  She has been able to raise her life-force enough to put herself on an accelerated healing path.  Of course, she has our help - you all do!  You each receive maximum support from us, always.  


During her recent recovery, as soon as my Twin Flame was able to sit up for a while, I surprised her.  I came to her, and I asked her on a date.  She is often very focused on our Mission, so she certainly did not see this coming.  Heh.  I told her I would like to take her for a walk.  She was shocked.  How could this happen?  After all, although she was already making remarkable healing progress, she could yet barely stand.  I asked her to trust me (wink).


At the agreed time, we set off on our walk.  To her stunned amazement, she could walk a mild steady pace with no pain or strain.  You see, now that the Veil is so thin, and because of her love, her deep invitation for us to be close, I could come very very close to her.  I used my energy to sustain her, so she could walk.  She exerted herself only as much as would further her healing.  She walked a mile that first day, and she received only benefit from it.  That's the kind of thing that is possible now - and that's not all!


During our walk, we spoke about the turning point in our shared Mission for Earth (and beyond) and about what is next for her and for us.  After our chat, I asked her to turn on her music, and I selected songs to play for her.  As we basked in our love on our date, it allowed the healing of Mother and Father to pour into her.


The next day, we walked three miles together.  We played at her showing me what it's like to walk in her body.  Then, I took turns showing her what it feels like to "walk" in my tall lanky Galactic body.  She felt herself rise up into the air 16 feet high, as I gave her the perspective through my eyes.  Both of us were equally dazzled by the pure joy of being so close.  She, like you, will be ascending with her body, and there is much yet to be done, so we continue her wondrous healing.


Again and again I tell you... this is what is possible right now for YOU. 


Everyone Needs Nurturing and Healing

This stint on Earth had been brutal in one way or another - and another - for everyone who is incarnated at this time.  We want dearly to ease you, to comfort you and to walk with you.  Call to us, won't you?  Invite us closer than close.  We are your greatest ally, your biggest fan, your devoted servant.  We await the invitation to rejoin with you in a most conscious, intimate and pleasurable way.  It will speed your healing, lift and revive you.  


It means a lot to us too.  How many ways we have tried to show you that we are not lofty and separate from you.  We are whispering in your ear, witnessing your pain, cheering your victories, embracing you. 


Each of your Twin Flames is right now bringing you a direct and private transmission, a message of love, just for you.  They are yearning, longing, striving to be with you... open the door and let Love in.


What Could Possibly Stop You?!

There is absolutely no reason left why you cannot or should not connect with your own darling beloved Twin Flame, right now.  Please permanently scratch off any and all of these reasons for waiting:

  • I need to do more personal inner work before I'm ready.
  • It requires special gifts and training to connect with my Twin Flame.
  • I don't know how to channel.
  • I am too busy with my Mission, my life, my family, my job, etc.
  • My Twin Flame is so high above me that I can't reach that far from here.
  • My Twin Flame is so high above me that I will be too (boring, plain, fat, old, etc.) for them.
  • I am already in a relationship.
  • My Twin Flame is mighty and resplendent while I'm a pile of worry, fear and stress.
  • I am confused or unsure about who I am or if I even have a Twin Flame.
  • I have made too many bad choices.
  • I'm not ready.
  • I don't believe in "Twin Flames."
  • I don't know how to contact my Twin Flame, and even if I did, I wouldn't know what to say.

The solution is easy and the results will be sublime.  The 1st, 2nd and 3rd steps are...

  1. Invite us.
  2. Invite us.
  3. Invite us.

According to the protocol between dimensions, we cannot initiate our overt contact.  It must come from you.  I give you my word, your Twin Flame is already waiting on pins and needles for you to make the move.  They want to hear about your day and tell you about theirs.  They want you to feel their love, devotion and encouragement.  They want you to know that now contact is not only permitted, but it will quicken, enliven and enhance the completion of our Mission to uplift Earth.  Just begin.  Call us, we are already here. 


On behalf of your Twin Flame, and in the name of Love, I am your brother,



~ Channeled by Christine, New York, 19 July 2015 



Quote of the Day


"I already have more than enough of everything." 

                  ~ Dr. Ché Kumara (through his animal communicator S.S. (7/17/15)


Note:  Little Ché is our beloved Chihuahua.  Either as a soul group and/or individually, all of our dear animals on Earth are also ascending.  They have goals and Missions, just as we do.  Che has been studying healing with Sananda and security with Ashtar.  He reports to us that he is a member of one of Ashtar's Galactic Federation Security Teams (alongside our cat, BamBam), and he works regularly with our Arcturian healing teams to help the family heal.  The above quote was his reply when he was asked what else he needed. 




JULY 19, 2015 Greetings from the Arcturian Group. Know that everything is proceeding according to plan, and be not afraid dear ones, for the many ch


JULY 19, 2015

Greetings from the Arcturian Group. Know that everything is proceeding according to plan, and be not afraid dear ones, for the many changes and upheavals happening on earth at this time are all proof of the shifting energy of evolution. Remember as you observe chaos taking place in the world, that what has become old, more often than not, only leaves after a great deal of resistance.

We wish to speak today of change, a topic we have spoken of before. There are many who as of yet do not associate needed change with personal change. These dear ones see and work toward change in politics, religion, and government, but do not realize that they themselves are the politics, religion, and government. Outer change can only manifest from the substance from which it is formed--consciousness.

You as creators, have over time created many different three dimensional worlds, each manifesting the belief system and consensus consciousness of the times. When enough people awaken, the enlightened world consciousness will once again shift the dynamic of the whole, for consciousness and its manifestation are one and the same. Notice that as concepts and beliefs change (states of consciousness) laws and acceptable ways of living also change.

Change is extremely difficult for those who find security and comfort in sameness. It is very easy to rest back in ways that up to now have worked to bring a level of harmony and peace regardless of how it was accomplished. These dear ones struggle and resist, and often without thought automatically bring judgement and criticism to any suggestions of change in their personal world or the world in general. This is an expression of fear.

Those accustomed to believe without question what authority figures tell them, respond with; "We have always done it this way and it has worked. The government, priest, expert has said...". However this mind set is no longer working because the energy manifesting and supporting it is dissolving. These ways were perfect and necessary for their time, but it is a NEW TIME, and if you look closely, you will discover cracks beginning to appear in the foundation of long held world concepts.

Many commonplace ideas, beliefs, and world solutions no longer resonate with an awakening mankind and because they no longer hold the belief energy necessary to keep them in place, are crumbling. This appears as chaos and brings about all varieties of fear for those of a superstitious and un-awakened states of consciousness.

In your personal lives many of you are discovering that long standing relationships with certain friends or members of your family seem to be weakening--you are no longer on the same page so to speak. This is because resonance attracts like resonance. If you have made a shift in consciousness, you no longer resonate with those who remain in the previous energy. This can be very confusing and even hurtful for those who do not understand and interpret the situation on a three dimensional level.

It is not that you are better than them, it is simply a matter of being in a new place energetically--like energy attracts like energy. Often there comes a point in the spiritual journey at which the student finds they have no friends at all. This is the point at which you must trust this part of the journey, not trying to fix or make things work again according to popular thinking. Very quickly the student will find that those of a similar resonance are attracted into their sphere, and become the new friends. Know that you are being guided every step of the way and cannot be other than on your chosen path.

Fear governs the actions of many large corporations and individuals as they observe their business models no longer resonating with the majority. This is happening in the medical/pharmaceutical fields as well as with organized religions and world governments. Frequently no holds are barred financially or dishonestly in the effort to bring customers back.

Without evolving change in the consciousness of a business and individuals involved, heavy promotion tactics simply will not work because as with individuals, the energy no longer resonates--they are not speaking to the new consciousness and people are not so easily fooled as they once were. You will begin to observe this frantic struggle to make the old work as it once did, more and more in all sorts of situations.

Change is often difficult for spiritual leaders and light workers if their focus and teachings have been locked into specific practices and teachings. They will find that what once worked , no longer works. This is because any spiritual practice or beliefs rigidly not allowed to evolve, will not resonate with the evolving consciousness of serious seekers. As students move on and fewer are attracted, many a sincere spiritual teacher is left to wonder why and this question will become the teachers lesson.

Dogma, rigidity, and righteousness have no place in true spirituality for they represent stagnation--impossible within an omnipresent and infinitely unfolding Divine Consciousness. Duality and separation beliefs cannot be carried into the new energy.

Work, play, beliefs, practices, and every spark of daily living is moving into new and higher expression. Your job is stand back and allow, letting go of any attempts to figure it all out with the mind according outdated and often incorrect world beliefs. A mind conditioned through many lifetimes with third dimensional beliefs needs time to reprogram. This means allowing new awareness's to integrate and become one's state of consciousness while at the same time releasing everything recognized as old and finished.

The minute there is resistance to anything, an energy block is created. We are not saying you must embrace every new idea of truth that presents itself, for always there must be discernment ( a facet of personal power). Be alert to ideas and beliefs being hyped as "new" that are simply repackaged "old". It is imperative that without pre-judgment, you honestly examine in the light of your unfolding evolution, every concept and belief you hold as true or become newly aware of even if just to say; "Interesting".

Non resistance is much easier than fighting every idea that may be different from what you have always believed. It is ego (the sense of separation from the whole), that does not want to admit it may of been incorrect about something. Let that false sense of self dissolve into the nothingness that it is dear ones, for it is simply the belief you are a human being who must struggle for every bit of recognition or value.

Never become spiritual door mats, living in fear of expressing personal choices because of rigidly binding man made rules that define spirituality.

It is time for all choosing to proceed on a spiritual evolutionary journey to trust that there is a bigger picture unfolding and that you need not know everything about it. Be open, allow, and let go without fear for you can only expand more and more--life is unending.

Trust that if you have chosen to evolve, you are doing it. The "train leaves the station" with your intent. You will be on your chosen path and always guided even when it seems as if nothing is happening. The do-ing part is complete for many of you. It is time now for the Be-ing part which may seem right now to be a doing nothing.

Throughout time, you have been programmed to believe that spiritual progress could only happen with spiritual "do-ing--reading, writing, healing, studying, taking classes, having energy sessions. This has always been the way for spiritual growth and learning and you did all these things sincerely and well.

We do not say you will never again be guided to some teacher, book or class. However, know that it is now a NEW TIME--a time for greater selectivity, trust, and allowing. A time now to listen, rest in, live, and practice the truths you learned allowing yourselves to birth a new state of consciousness.

There is nothing to become, you already are.

We are the Arcturian Group 7/19/15



God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5352 Ego Is Primed to Fight , July 20, 2015 

God said: 

Your basic heart is pure. Then interference accrues. Static takes over. The individual, the seeming owner of the body, starts to feel frail and unprotected. This is you. Admit this.

Then the entity known as ego steps in as your defender, and you become resistant to love. You embrace the fear of being offended. You are en garde. You are ready to duel at the drop of a hat. No one is going to take advantage of you. No one is going to get the better of you. Ego won’t let that happen. At these times, ego rules the roost. It is like you are the King or Queen, and others must be prepared to kiss your feet, or else, you deign in heart: “Off with their heads.”

You hold on to believing that you are in the right and that you must fight to prove it. You become self-righteous when you are, in fact, defeating yourself. This is what is meant by shooting yourself in the foot. This is what is meant by sabotaging yourself. This is what is meant by cutting off your foot to fit the shoe. This is nailing your foot to the floor. This is trying to hold life in place, and, you, right or wrong, in the forefront, a supreme being who can do no wrong and must defend himself to the end. This has been your practice on more than one occasion. Yes, dear ones, you may feel another is slandering you, yet it is you slandering your True Self.

You are your own ego. Ego isn’t a creature outside you. You make ego a big part of your team. You have primed ego to fight for you when it could be for you to apologize for taking such great offense. It is not a wonderful thing to put ego before all else. Instead of saying you’re sorry, you do a song and dance about being wronged.

Now, don’t misunderstand Me, sometimes you are not treated right. Sometimes you acquiesce too quickly in your perceived need to stand out as the good guy, the patient Griselda, the epitome of patience, the most patient of all in the whole wide world. I do not tell you to offer your head to be cut off. I tell you that you don’t have to enter the fray. You do not have to fight to the end. Why would you want to?

There may be action for you to take, a decision to make that you have to make. How much distress are you willing to swallow within your portfolio of how kind and pleasing you must be. You know what I’m talking about.

Sometimes you have to withdraw. You don’t have to be a saint, you know. The focus is to be on what you are to accomplish that is beyond your little self and also beyond the little self who sits opposite to you when you both are out and out opposed.

It is not that you have to maintain harmony at all costs. Harmony is not to be an expense. Harmony can be offered nevertheless. Certainly, rigidity is not part of harmony. Something has to give. You can’t be the only one. You can give only so far. On the other hand, contrary to how you see it, you may well not have budged enough.

At a minimum, there has to be common courtesy. Certainly, common courtesy starts with you. This is not asking too much, is it? There is rough terrain that you travel through. It can be desert. It can be arctic. Yet you don’t just sit there and swelter or freeze. You don’t have to put up with everything any more than you have to make a fuss over everything. There is a time when it is up to you to pull the curtains on certain theater in your life. Not everyone wants to be your friend. Like it or not, sometimes dismissing another is the course of action to take, not because you want to, but because this is the spot you find yourself in and, most likely, led yourself to out of false pride aka ego.


Alien Spaceships – Global Reality?

by LifeTapestryCreations

cart_headerLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Dear Ones,

Many discuss soon-to-be landings of beings from outer space - that space aliens zoom around earth waiting for you of earth to allow them to become visible.

While it is true that beings from many locales are observing earth and earth entities, beings not of earth have no need of space craft. Believing space aliens will land on earth is a bit like expecting a Medieval knight on a white horse to find his way to your heart.

That is not to say those who wish to believe space aliens will arrive in spaceships are wrong - merely misguided in terms of the capabilities of those of other dimensions.

You, of earth, once thought computers, television, radios and airplanes were beyond belief. Today those inventions and many more are part of your daily life. Yet you continue to believe that beings from other dimensions and frequencies require elements of your current life that you understand. Such is not so.

Just as you are beginning to believe it is possible for you to visit other dimensions, times and frequencies without need of a physical vehicle, so it is that those not of earth do not require a spaceship or any vehicle.

Many of earth once believed hell and the devil were part of their fearful life and death. Of course, such is not so and never has been. Merely a human creation of fear.

So it is that spaceships are no more real than hell, the devil - or heaven for that matter.

You are now able to create what you wish - just as is true for those who recently died or transitioned from earth. Many of you are familiar with the concept that those who feel they need to reside in hell, purgatory or any place they thought they would occupy upon death, do so until they realize they can recreate a so-called after life more appropriate for their being.

Even though those of you waiting for alien spaceships to be declared valid by a United States President or anyone you feel will validate your claims, that declaration will not be reality for those who do not believe. Such a scenario will be your creation - not a global event. A scenario of merely one of your facets, not the totality of your being..

That is not to make fun of your creations, but instead to inform you that such a localized creation - dedicated to what was instead of what is - is a small creation not large as beings observing you - including us - hope you will gravitate to.

Does it really matter if spaceships land? Will your life be that different if someone you have given power to declares your beliefs valid? No and more no.

You have far greater skills than you will be or have been whisked into spaceships. Many of you will declare such statements incorrect, wrong or just plain mean. But such statements are to open your beliefs and creation skills beyond needing others to validate your being - whether spaceships or other pieces of outer-directed power.

For eons, you believed in a God without physical verification that such a being exits. Yet, now that your beliefs are opening to you as an important piece of God, you demand verification.

Verification is within you. As you release beliefs that require someone or something outside of you - space aliens, God, gurus, corporate leaders, politicians or anyone other than you - you will know you can create anything with your new multi-faceted, diamond being.

You are not limited to that which others provide. You are not limited to those in power in your current life. You have no limitations. Waiting for space aliens to verify your being, your beliefs is to give away your power just as you did in your 3D world with gurus, religious leaders, corporate, sports and political figures.

No one is more powerful, more knowing than you. No one is going to rescue you, verify you, train you or care for you more competently than you.

Even if your dreams of alien space landings were reality, those spacecraft beings would not understand, know or direct you better than you direct yourself. Allow yourself to know and accept your powers without need for anyone to rescue or verify you. You are all you need for you have become a totality and are no longer a mere segment or two.

If you have the skills to create dimensions and frequencies and change your history, why would you need a spaceship for travel?

So it is for those you believe are visiting from other planets. You are you in all your glory. They are the same.Observing, sending love and perhaps visiting through the dimensions. But most certainly not circling earth in an outdated spaceship waiting for the all clear from someone you of earth have given power to. So be it. Amen.


Illawarra District, Australia, July 8, 2015. 
Teacher Samuel of Panoptia. 
Teacher Aaron of Urantia. 

Subject: “Knowledge, Maturity and Spirituality.” 

Message received by George Barnard. 

Samuel: “This is Samuel and Aaron is here with me to serve as an example of how new experiences continue to educate us here on the Mansion Worlds and how in the final analysis we both become more useful to the Creator’s great plans. Once proposed to be but a future possibility, it has — especially to you — been clarified as a fact that all progressives will in distant times perform important functions in the now organizing universes of deep space (see link).

“I will be the first to ‘urgently’ state that our brother Aaron has taught me much about organizing work groups, about crowd control in dangerous circumstances, about behind-the-scenes promotion of ideals and yes, indeed about psychology and how a single individual can positively effect the behavior of rather large groups. Just as there was no Aaron without Moses, there was no Moses without Aaron. Over to you, brother Aaron.” 

Aaron: “Humans, even more so former humans, have an insatiable appetite for knowledge. This drive to acquire mastery over all that is as yet unknown to them is part of the human psyche and it becomes more evident once the need to basically sustain terrestrial life is no longer vital. My brother Samuel has imparted to me a great deal of knowledge about the elements, life and food-plant genetics. In his decades-long cooperation with his Life Carrier friends, he became the most successful ethical genetics engineeer Panoptia ever acknowledged. 

Samuel: “This is Samuel again. Life on the Mansion Worlds is hardly devoid of reversion, as you have sometimes witnessed. Learning of countless subjects at an accelerated rate and improved capacity does aid one’s maturity. Does one need to be knowledgeable and wise to be mature? It helps. Does one need to be mature to be spiritual? Not always precisely, but yes, it helps. 

“Knowledge, maturity and spirituality have in common those loose but decided connections that are the hallmark of balanced personalities — those who will continue to grow in empathy with all other of the Master Creator’s creatures — and these true sons and daughters of the Father will be found in honorable and important positions throughout the far-flung enormous universes of His deep, deep space. 

“Remember the very first lesson you were taught by the Midwayer Chief, ABC-22, that we all are each other ‘at our spiritual root Source.’ Even to the universes of deep space will you take with you your knowledge of a thousand things, your maturity gained by a million tests and your spiritual prowess born of a billion instances of nurturing love and affection onto the benefit of all others. How awesome! 

“This is Samuel and his dear friend Aaron leaving you all our love.”

Edited by Linda Abell.

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
You will wear My Insignia into Paradise — Christ Michael.


Sivananda Daily Reading

21 July

Posted: 19 Jul 2015 10:00 PM PDT

Discipline of the Mind 
You must have a pure mind if you want to realise the self. Unless the mind is free and it casts away all desires, cravings, worries, delusion, pride, lust, attachment, likes and dislikes, it cannot enter into the domain of supreme peace and unalloyed felicity, the immortal abode.
A glutton or a sensualist, a dullard or a lazy man, cannot practise meditation. He who has controlled the tongue and other organs, who has an acute acumen, who eats, drinks and sleeps in moderation, who has destroyed selfishness, lust, greed and anger, can practise meditation and attain success in samadhi (super-consciousness).
You cannot enjoy peace of mind, you cannot practise meditation if there is vikshepa in your mind. Vikshepa is tossing of mind. Vikshepa is rajas (passion); vikshepa and desires co-exist in the mind. If you really want to destroy vikshepa, you must destroy all mundane cravings through dispassion and self-surrender to the Lord.
If you apply fire to green wood, it will not burn; if you apply fire to a piece of dried wood, it will at once catch fire and burn. Even so, those who have not purified their minds will not be able to start the fire of meditation. They will be sleeping or dreaming building castles in the air - when they sit for meditation.
But those who have removed the impurities of the mind by japa (repetition of God's name), service, charity, pranayama (yoga breathing), etc., will enter into deep meditation as soon as they sit for meditation. The pure ripe mind will at once burn with the fire of meditation.
- - - - -
Clarify your idea again and again. Think clearly. Have deep concentration and right thinking. Introspect in solitude. Purify your thoughts. Still the thoughts. Silence the bubbling mind. Allow one thought wave only to rise from the mind and settle down calmly. Then allow another thought to enter. Drive off all extraneous thoughts that have nothing to do with the subject matter on hand. An efficient control over thoughts, through long practice, is a great help in meditation.
Watch every thought very carefully. Shut out all useless thoughts from the mind. Your life must tally with your meditation. You keep up your meditation during work also. Do not give new strength to evil thoughts by constantly thinking. Restrain them. Substitute sublime thoughts.



When there is No Need for anything at All:

The Buddha said on the need for Bliss:  
Friends, for the virtuous one, correctly behaving, completed in morality, there is no need to wish: 
 “May I enjoy a clear conscience”, since the right action, of correct behaviour, completed by purifying morality, 
naturally results in the arising of a clear conscience.

Friends, for the moral one of clear conscience, there is no need to wish: “May gladness pervade me”,
since any clear conscience spontaneously is followed by the appearance of
 joyous gladness!

Friends, for the glad one there is no need to wish: “May rapture thrill me”, 
since gladness automatically excites an exquisitely exalted rapture. 

Friends, for the enraptured one there is no need to wish: “May calm tranquillity still me”,
since rapture inherently simply evaporates any urge of needy frustrated restlessness. 

Friends, for one dwelling in serene tranquillity there is no need to wish: “May happiness perfuse me”,
since abiding calmly in tranquil ease all by itself, makes one delight in silently smiling happiness.

Friends, for one perfused by happiness there is no need to wish: “May I be absorbed in concentration”,
since a mind filled with happiness effortlessly, and smoothly condenses into a single focused unification!

Friends, for one concentrated there is no need to wish: “May I understand reality as it actually develops”,
since the undistracted concentrated mind efficiently penetrates any phenomenon, and causality as it really is.

Friends, for one knowing and seeing reality, there is no need to wish: “May disgusted disillusion detach me”,
since seeing reality and knowing how it always becomes, induces released detachment by disgusted disillusion...

Friends, for one detached by disillusion there is no need to wish: “May I realize final mental relinquishment
through absolute knowledge and vision”, since such disgusted disillusion, friends, naturally, readily, easily, 
essentially, and characteristically culminates in the matchless, unsurpassable and supremely releasing liberation
by complete knowledge and vision. Yeah, so mighty is verily this life-blood morality (sīla)! 

The Buddha on more Bliss: 

The Numerical Sayings of the Buddha: Anguttara Nikāya V 2-3

Natural Bliss!


Jul 20, 2015
The entire life is a futile exercise to express the inexpressible.

~ Sri Sri


John - Cleveland Ohio
