7-19-14 A Message from the Team |
We are here. It is our desire to share these messages and offer an invitation for humans to establish a strong
link and awareness connected to the many aspects of their own multidimensional reality. Each and every individual who awakens
to the knowing that they are multidimensional starhumans contributes to the whole. It
is important for humans to realize that they travel from one dimension to another many times a day. Remember you only see
what you believe. Reality will match your beliefs. The dimensions are a matter of frequency and vibration. This truth is becoming
known to many on your planet. It is the awareness and the welcoming that allow for the
merging and the exchange between our frequency and vibration and your frequency and vibration. Our invitation to you and to
all other multidimensional starhumans is to allow the softening and the merging of the dimensions. Let there be a flow, gently
and smoothly. It is a matter of shifting frequency and vibration. The most powerful
tool in this hologame on earth, the golden key so to speak, is the conscious practice and skill at holding a pure frequency
of joy, gratitude and appreciation no matter what is happening, continuing to return to the alchemical chalice of the heart
and radiate these vibrations into your daily life, moment to moment to moment. These
are incredible times upon your planet. There is a shift in the matrix that is taking place. Humanity is experiencing considerable
shifts in perceived reality. You have always been straddling multi-realties; the shift that is happening now is that you are
awakening and becoming conscious that you are doing it. You are aware of your physical surroundings, those frozen in your
perception, and you are also aware of the information we are offering—that with very little effort you can travel to
any location in the galaxy. Your human body is always operating in multi-realities.
Every cell is aware of the noise within the body and outside the body and is making the necessary adjustments. Every cell
of the body is reading the position of the sun, moon, and stars and making the necessary adjustments. Every cell of the body
is monitoring all input from all dimensions and making the necessary adjustments. Every cell of the body operates at a multidimensional
level and knowing. Humans are evolving and becoming conscious that they are affecting
the reality that they step into, and they are affecting the movement of energy on the planet. As they stand fully engaged
and mindful of the total connection…the total matrix of divine unfolding…the total oneness and total weaving with
the All That Is, they are starhumans. This evolution is occurring within the atoms of
each human being on earth at this time. There is and has been a vanguard of multidimensional
starhumans who have been carrying this banner of enlightenment for lifetimes. There is an awakening to the knowledge, that
each human is multidimensional. Now is the time to recognize and merge with the consciousness of others who are also cognizant
of their multidimensional beingness. As more humans begin to expand into their multidimensional
aspects, they will become pioneers in this field of aligning, balancing and untangling the energy weavings. There is a restoring
and mending of the grid of this planet. This work has been taking place for hundreds of years in the subtle realms. It is
now taking place in the active physical realms. This restoring, this mending of the grid, is held in the galactic realms.
This is the time. This is the coming together. This is the shift activating your very purpose to serve. There are considerable numbers of others like you who recognize and realize their purpose in this evolution
of consciousness that is taking place. They have reached out and requested assistance and support on this stage of physical
reality. Their conscious request has been heard, and much is being offered from the convergence of the highest vibrations
in the universe. We invite you and other awakened starhumans to hold the anchor and
focus, for these energetic gifts that are being showered upon you. With every breath you take, realize that you are Light,
you are needed, and it is time for you to be fully awake. Your every vibration ….your every thought is projected into
the matrix of the energy field of planet earth. Continue to ask yourself, "Does this word, thought, action, feeling add to
the light of the world, or does it add to the dysfunction of the world?" Remember you
are an important part of this unfolding. Each starhuman carries a code that is needed by many to trigger their own realization.
Each encounter holds the auspicious moment in which codes and activation take place between both beings. When you and others
are vibrating at your highest and most inspirited frequency, this is when the opening is available to lift any lower vibrations
within another human. Every time a multidimensional starhuman makes a conscious choice
to experience an uplifted thought, a high frequency vibration of joy, gratitude or appreciation, there is a shift in the entire
matrix of humanity. Every time. Every time that a multidimensional starhuman stretches
to be more compassionate, more understanding, more authentic there is a shift in the entire matrix of humanity. Every time. One by one humans are taking their mastery; their authority and stepping into their personal sovereignty. We
are celebrating with you in this incredible shift that is taking place. We invite you to stay the course, walk the path, and
share who you are with others from this high expanded multidimensional starhuman place. When
you and others anchor this frequency, this truth, this knowing, when you vibrate the high resonance of joy, gratitude, appreciation,
you welcome and allow others to connect with their own awareness of their multidimensional magnificence. Every time. Know that it is your birthright to awaken. With a gentle heart
love yourself free of all imagined limitations. You are a vibrational being, practice raising your vibrations
with each breathe all the time. You are here to transmute and transform energy through the alchemical chalice
of your heart. Practice simple dedicated actions infused with your joy, gratitude, appreciation and compassion. Always
ask yourself is this word, action or emotion being offered life-diminishing or life-enhancing. When you place
your awareness in your heart you will naturally dwell in the synchronicities of now. Remember the important
key is in the asking and the willingness. State your intentions and surrender. Each time you shift and emotional
response from anger or judgment to love, joy or gratitude Your sacred heart space is the gateway to all awareness, well-being and the oneness with all. Honor your total magnificent multidimensional Self. Heavenletters™, bringing
Earth closer to Heaven. To
all a good day. May you have a fine day today, a delightful day, a loving day, a day that blesses and enlivens you, a day
to look forward to, a day to love through rather than live through. A day where you get going, and a day where you pause,
a day to enter into, and a day to let pass. Today cannot be a day like any other day, for each day is given its full measure.
No two days are alike, not even to the weatherman. Create Peace in the World with One Action by Archangel Metatron Channelled through Natalie Glasson-16-07-14-www.omna.org It is often said to create peace
in the world you simply need to love yourself unconditionally in a humble and grateful way and love everyone else in an open
compassionate way. While mastering the act of sharing the natural love existing within your being is important there is one
habit and energy needing to be dissolved before love can truly reign, be empowered and experienced in your reality. Without
true realisation of this habit love cannot completely be recognised for its healing and uplifting power. When many people
meditate and achieve spiritual practices seeking the experience of enlightenment they actually end up experiencing the power
of the essence of love within their being as when fully embraced your love is transformational, fuels wellbeing and health,
acceptance and manifestation of abundance, the experience of freedom through bliss and a heightened awareness of life through
divine wisdom. Love is a major force that is needed to be expressed by all beings upon the Earth but it is the presence of
judgment which requires focus in order to fuel and give space from the growth of love. Judgement is a thought process which encourages you to focus upon negativity
and even create the energy of negativity within your aura and being. When you create a judgment of any kind you are sending
a message out to yourself, those around you, the universe and the Creator that you are not happy or satisfied with your reality.
It is a powerful message to be unconsciously sharing, you are creating a message within your being and mind that nothing and
no one is good enough, others and you do not deserve love or compassion, the world you exist in is not perfect and everything
isn’t to your liking. Trying to find fault with yourself, others, reality and the world every single day is a tiring
job and yet many quite happily accept this task as it has been engrained since childhood and there are always wonderful examples
of judgment which reinforce that judgment is a natural aspect of humanity when truthfully it is something humanity can live
without very easily. Judgment is an unloving
thought, opinion and perspective which is kept within your mind, shared out loud or put into action. Judgment encourages you
to believe in a world that is broken and needs fixing by you, this puts you in a position of power and fuels the ego with
energies and thoughts that create your happiness and security. True feelings of happiness and security can be created
through the practice of inhaling and exhaling waves of love, they don’t need to be created from the suffering, pain
or fall of others or yourself. With the act of judging another person you are sending that person energetically negative vibrations
but you are also stating that judgment is more of what you wish to receive. Every thought and feeling created in your mind
and heart manifests a projection into your reality and the universe, whatever you project you attract and manifest for you
to experience. You are and experience your thoughts and feelin g not only within your being but also as physical manifestations
in your reality. If you were to record all of your thoughts and feelings you would recognise the correlation between that
which you think and experience. So the practice of judgment creates unhappy experiences and judgment directed to you from
others. On a larger scale a single judgment accepted by many, energised within their minds and projected from within can start
a war, create cruelty and even create dangerous weather conditions. Now is the time for each being to accept responsibility, to realise that judgment only creates a
world of fear, pain separation and conflict, which hinders and hides the natural presence of love within each person wishing
to be expressed. Every person on the Earth regardless of their actions holds a natural essence and existence of love within
their being. A world of peace and love can be created with a single act by eradicating judgment. Although judgment can take both negative and positive form, positive judgment
can be helpful supportive and empowering at this stage of ascension. When you say that someone looks well or they did a great
job, it creates a feeling of sharing and giving love thus empowering love but love is only the creation when the positive
judgment comes from a place of truth within your being. Often beings that enjoy sharing judgments believe themselves to be
speaking the truth and so do not mind whether the judgment is negative or positive, but is the truth within your being negative?
Every being upon the Earth holds within their being and is born from the essence of all that is the Creator, if you hold the
Creator within you and the Creator exists free from judgment only recognising love then a negative judgment is not born from
your truth but from your opinion; your mind. The mind can trick you into feeling as if you are a figure of authority, the
best, a fountain of knowledge and the only opinion that counts but when you speak from the loving truth of your being this
perspective alters. In truth you do know everything because you are connected to the universe of the Creator and can receive
and embody all you wish, sharing and expressing everything you need, require and recognise as the Creator. The truth is that
you are connected to all the answers but every person in the world is also, you are no different from another yet you are
special because you are the Creator on this Earth the same as everyone else. Positive judgments are actually positive statements
that reinforce the love of the Creator with honesty allowing love to flow with greater ease and presence within your reality.
Eventually even positive judgments will fall away but by switching all negative judgments about yourself to positive judgments,
by seeking truth that creates the love of the Creator, is a positive step forth in achieving a mind, reality and world free
from the chaos and experience of negativity. With a deeper awareness and observation of judgments you create, you discover that you are unravelling a tangle of
thoughts as it may feel as if every thought has a judgment connected to it. You may even begin to feel that it is impossible
for you to think or speak because you realise the ingrained energy of judgment within your mind. At this moment you may feel
unable to express yourself in the way you would wish to but it will be a tremendous turning process because you will then
actively seek and begin to reprogram your mind to focus upon positivity, love and loving truth, thus discovering a new uplifting
and empowering way to express yourself and observe your reality. With the observation of how you may judge others concerning whether they are deserving of your
money, time, presence and focus also shares with you how deserving you feel of the presence of others, their time and money
and even how deserving you feel of holding the vibrations and qualities of the Creator within your being. The way you treat
others often mirrors to you the way you treat and preserve yourself. Every soul upon the Earth deserves and is worthy because
each is a reflection and expression of the Creator, there is no being who is not deserving of your smile or compassion. As you focus with dedication on clearing your mind and perspective
of the habit of judgment you will notice your reality blossom positively as a reflection of the shifts occurring within your
being. As judgment dissolves space is given for your intuition to flow impacting upon your being. Your intuition is the active
consciousness of the Creator and your soul divinely inspiring you. Your intuition is a greater all seeing all knowing aspect
of yourself which can offer you guidance which will always be aligned to your needs creating beauty in your reality. Your
intuition like a voice of inspired wisdom within you will always support you put it requires a peaceful mind in order for
you to recognise its subtle guidance, this is why it is important to dissolve your focus upon judgment as your focus can then
move to your intuition and its creations within your reality. Embracing your intuition can mean that judgment arises once
more as there is a pe riod of building trust in the guidance of your intuition. Rather than accepting this period of trust
building, the mind feels as if it needs to analyse and judge this new voice but again your natural essence asks you to accept
your intuition even if you feel uncertain as judgment holds no place with your sacred intuition. It is as if the mind wishes
to judge the guidance of the Creator within you because again the energies of needing to feel in control or authority arise.
The more you trust your intuition and act upon its guidance you will notice how easily and beautifully everything flows within
your reality thus building your trust and believe in the divine force of the Creator working and co-creating with you. If every being upon the Earth erased their thoughts of guidance
created positive judgment or statements born from truth and focused upon their divine inner intuition then everyone would
simply be loving towards each other and themselves. All that creates hardship, pain and suffering upon the Earth would be
a long lost memory replaced by respect, gratitude, truth, harmony and love. Dissolve judgment and allow yourself to acknowledge the change you wish to see
in the world but first recognising it within yourself. From my loving truth, Archangel Metatron |