7-15-14 Spiritual Senses/Channeled


Illawarra District, Australia, June 8, 2014. 
Cherubim ‘I’ll be Frank’. 
Subject: “Morontia and Spiritual Senses.” 

Received by George Barnard. 

I’ll be Frank: “Firstly, in the not too distant future, we will be re-acquainting ourselves with our noble friend, Isaac. His far-away work will soon come to an end, energy and communication circuits are being installed, and his greetings and love for you both travel ahead of his tireless body and genius mind. We will now busy ourselves with your senses here on Urantia, on Mansonia, and in the angelic and spiritual realms. 

“Right here on the planet as mortals you have your five senses. You can see things. You can hear, you can smell, taste and you can touch. If you want to go beyond that to the so-called sixth sense, this can grow to be quite a number of things, but you need soul growth to have these soul felt experiences. You are making some movements towards finding out information beyond the five senses. You have built the machines for giving you Kirlian-like images – the aura machine – and even a lie detector, I do suggest. 

“It is in the Morontia realm where you will discover a great number of additional senses. Mostly these deal with the feelings of others. You will still have your human senses – let me call them that – although in time the sense of taste may become redundant. However, once settled and grounded in a morontia body, you will have a faster moving mind, capable of perceiving well beyond present-day most advanced human psychic gifts. Obviously, I make clear to you right here that much of your growth will come from your ongoing liaison with your Adjuster. 

“It is in the spiritual realm where you can find total understanding. You will learn to be able to sense other’s emotions with great clarity, with great accuracy, and so you see that with just your five senses here, you will have far more opportunity to grow in your lives to come. This relatively short life on this wonderful garden planet with many of us as your friends is only a taste of what living is all about. It gets better from here, yes it will! I hope this answers your questions at least to some worthwhile degree. 

“A right old dyslexic mess you have made of it so far. It will certainly need tidying up. That is to say, this is Frank you’re talking to, and it’s late, very late. I come back now to the spiritual aspect, and what will happen there, is that you will have many more senses. You will have a far greater mind and you will be able to take in more and more information, faster and faster, and with that you will grow. You will recognize within yourself that you are growing to be able to have unconditional love for all, none excepted.

“More and more as you work your way towards Paradise you will find from moment to moment that you will be overwhelmed by the grandeur of all that you experience, of all that you see, and by all whom you will meet. That’s it for now, but I suggest you clean up this transmission to some worthwhile degree. Don’t mind me saying so. After all, this is Frank, always frank. Thank you all for being here.” 

Note: Isaac is a Celestial Engineer, a good friend. He has been away for many long months.

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.

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Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4981 God Is Shaking a Tree of Silver Apples , July 15, 2014 

God said: 

You have one surprise after another arriving at your door. Of course, I am speaking of surprises that delight. This is the trend visiting upon you, beloveds. You will see how easy life is and how it blesses you. I am shaking a tree of silver apples for you. You are going to be inundated with snowballs of delight. You will anticipate surprises, yet you will not know what the surprises are until they appear. You don’t have to know ahead of time. It is enough – it is plenty – to simply receive the surprises. Surprises are upon you. One surprise after another is flowing toward you. You are the recipient of many unexpected blessings. They are aimed right at you. The surprises have your name on them. Get ready.
These surprises may or may not be material, but what do you care? Surprises may be of meetings with other souls who fill your heart. Surprises may be of opportunities for you to bless others, and, without hesitation, you will do so. The stars in Heaven will dance in joy and light your path evermore with the light of love. Perhaps the moon will juggle the stars, and the stars will hop into your heart and fill your heart to overflowing and never leave you.
The biggest surprise of all that you will have is yourself, for you will advance to new heights. You will fly high in the domain of more and more joy. You will be joyful, yes. You will expand in joy. Your growth will be amazing. You will never tire of your new joy. You will not have to have contrast in order to value all that you will be given. This is the time for an avalanche of joy, and it is on its way to you. Are you ready?
What laughter will be heard, and you will be the laugher. You will feast on it. Your laughter will reach around the world, and you will be happy. How happy you will be. How light of foot. How easy-going because how easy life will be. Life will be a breeze. The world will be held high in love. Therefore your life and the whole world will plant more joy. There will be no end to joy. Joy will just keep coming and coming and returning to itself. Shimmering waves of love will issue from you. You will not know anything else.
The time has come. You have been accruing all this joy. You have been collecting it. Now you are opening up the coffers of joy. Is this a reward? Yes, for all your years of service. Reward has been chomping at its bit, so eager to reach you. Watch for your rewards, not as a debt being paid to you, but as a freely-given gift.
By the same token, let go of the idea or impression that what have been hard times for you ever were a penalty or punishment. Not so. Not at all. Your impression has been that you were being punished for one thing or another, for not being good enough or successful enough. You may well have had the idea that the Universe was scorning you. Oh, no. It is never that. You don’t have the full picture. Consider what you call hard times as a door opening itself to you, paving the way for you. Behind the squeaky hard-moving door lies a palace for you to discover. The conception of suffering is your own add-on. Your interpretation gives you suffering.
Remember, once and for all, that I am a God of Love, and you are My Beloved.

‘What’ and ‘Why’ – New Earth Clearing Tools

by lifetapestrycreations

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Dear Ones,

This is an interesting time for those exiting cocoons. Most likely, the 3D fear that shifts your mood has returned.

Even though most of your fears were eliminated, the piece you tried to jump over or ignore, hoping it would go away, has not. Not because your clearing was not adequate, but that the piece affecting you throughout your earth life is returning so you can use your new earth skills to clear it.

Such statements seem convoluted, maybe even mean. The Universes promised that once you exited your cocoon, all would be well. And so it is, but you have not yet realized that. This very confusing - and difficult to you now - piece is merely you learning to use your new skills.

Your past clearings have been more about your 3D skills than Universal skills, more about, "If I change my thinking patterns, if I do this or that, all will be well."

Now you are learning to clear something VERY familiar to you using your new earth skills.

Such makes you angry. What new earth skills? How, where and when do I apply them?

All you have to do is breathe deep and tell yourself what you wish to clear and why - and you will do so automatically.

You need to ask yourself why you wish this deep fear cleared to discover what is deep within your subconscious; what is so locked within you that you did not realize it existed.

So it is you will clear this piece knowingly and thus, allow yourself to fully understand you are a new being in a new world.

New earth clearings are not about work, have tos or shoulds. Merely ask yourself whatneeds to be cleared and why

You will discover that those pieces - people or things - bothering you now are tied to self-doubt or self-anger within yourself. Something you held deep within you for perhaps eons. Your very deepest core fear that you returned to earth time after time to heal only to create a bigger wound and the need to hide it deeper. 

Your core fear is actually your deeply buried treasure. Using that piece to test your new earth skills will transform your life. For once that fear is removed, there is nothing you need to address other than those aspects that give you joy.

Now many of you are angry with that last statement for you have been in joy only to have that joy taken away with unpleasant activities you seemingly did not generate or anticipate. Such is the result of your deeply hidden fear.

Of course, you could move into joy - on a limited basis - with your core fear intact. But why choose to have any 3D fears remaining? And so you, as a group, recently decided you would use that fear to test your new skills.

Perhaps the thought that you are participating in groups processes without being aware of such meetings makes you angry. And well it should. For you have struggled for decades, years or months to realign yourself to the new you. 

Once you become familiar with your new skills - which is only possible through use just like learning to play an instrument - you will allow your totality to participate in those meetings.

As a group, you decided that if that core fear remained, many might deflect that fear to another lifetime - which seems easier, as it has for eons - but is not. For that would continue 3D fear lessons in new earth.

So you are willingly exploring that core fear.

Merely ask yourself what it is and why. Two simple questions that require no further action other than following your inner-being or intuition. New earth is that simple. 

Now some of you are requesting that your deep fear be cleared in your dreams or without your knowledge. Such would not be a test of your new skills.

You are now qualified to clear anything easily.

Love yourself enough to fully understand that thought. Then ask yourself, "What is my fear?" and "Why did I create it?" And the answer and resulting cleansing will fall into place. So be it. Amen.


Spiritual Metamorphosis by Akina of the Pleiades

Channelled through Natalie Glasson - www.omna.org

Greetings to you souls presently of the Earth civilisation, I wish to introduce myself, I am Akina of the Pleiades. I have been
asked to share my wisdom and consciousness with you while connecting you on a deeper level with the Pleiadian energy
vibration and truth. It is my purpose to make you aware of an opportunity of transformation dawning for the Earth from the
stars and especially the Pleiadian at this time. First allow me to introduce myself.
I, Akina, am a soul who has predominantly existed within the Pleiadian civilisation; I cannot remember any other connections
or existences that were not associated with the Pleiadian energy before my current reality. I therefore believe I am a
Pleiadian. I am currently acting in a position of communication with other star systems and planets. It is my purpose to scan
the universe as if scanning the sky for shifts in energy calculating and accessing how these shifts will influence the universe
and all who inhabit the universe. My skills are observation and awareness, as I decipher the alterations in the universe’s
energy and how this could assist and aid ascension. In truth I am aware I am observing the Creator and the transmissions
that come forth from the Creator, but these transmissions can take many forms, structures and influences as they move
through the many dimensions levels of the Creator’s universe. With my discoveries, it is my purpose to connect with those
who are receptive sharing the information so they may benefit from the energetic shifts, thus preparing the universe to
receive the vibrations of the Creator when they unfold from the source and core energy.
As a civilisation, we the Pleiadians are mastering the balance between technology and the spiritual intuition, using both to
gain a stronger understanding of the Creator and the way in which our reality works. We do not say that this is an appropriate
way to live but balance of any form is necessary and our technology is born from spiritual expansion and awareness, so has
a higher purpose within our civilisation. It is important I share this information with you as your civilisation is and is wishing to
move into a state of balance between the importance of technology and the spiritual beingness of intuition.
If you feel as if technology has a high priority within your reality then I ask you to set down your technology if only for a moment
and connect into your heart and soul through your breathing. With focus upon your breathing and the love within you, there is
an opportunity for you to recognise and realise the power and strength of the divine presence within you, including your
sacred abilities. Much of your technology has a purpose which may allow you to move through your reality with greater ease,
but most of what you achieve with your technology you can achieve independently with your inner abilities. With the practice
of taking time to connect inwardly you can ask yourself and soul to activate and manifest abilities from within your being that
would equal the technology you use, remaining aligned with your divine purpose and the will of the Creator. It is an interesting
practice because often you will place more trust and faith in the technology and less in your own abilities and insight. This
perspective needs to be transformed in order for you to withdraw your power from the technology around you empowering
yourself and you could say the technology within you. With time, awareness, observation and empowerment you may realise
you do not need some forms of technology any longer. For example, you may not need a phone because you may have
developed telepathic transmission or travelling through energetic dimensions.
I encourage you to take time to observe the use and purpose of the technology around you, exploring how you can develop
the same skills within you or even just recognising and believing it is possible.  The recognition or the simple contemplation
of this idea can empower you on many levels of your being.
The energetic shift I wish to speak of with you today is more local to me and is a transmission of light flowing from the
Pleiadian core centre essence. The light which has been activated due to a shift in the higher dimensions of the Creator’s
universe has influenced and activated a Metamorphosis Light to transmit from our core. This energy has emanated in the
past and created a powerful experience of transformation within many where many aspects and levels of their being
transformed completely, developing into the next stage of their existence and spiritual awareness. Already it is transforming
our reality and civilisation within the Pleiades but as aware beings of light you have the opportunity if you so choose to
connect into this transmission of light benefiting from its helpful and powerful vibration of altering, changing and transforming
The Metamorphosis Light is often transmitted as a deep pink violet light, which can penetrate all forms and manifestations of
energy especially solid vibrations. You could imagine it as a powerful cleanser and purifier while also holding the ability of
drastically altering, changing and transforming energies moving them into the next stage of their cycle. This can only be
achieved with the acceptance and divine will of the Creator as well as the specific intentions of the individual accessing and
working with the Metamorphosis Light. The light can assist you in activating or kick starting processes within your being such
as regeneration, rejuvenation, altering negativity into positivity, releasing old energetic patterns or setting yourself free from
limitations. A strong intention and focus must be place upon that which you wish the Metamorphosis Light to penetrate and
that which you wish it to alter into. The Metamorphosis Light can only be used for energies within your being, such as
thoughts, emotions, perspectives, creations, blockages, upgrades or activations.
It is my wish to guide you in a general experience of the Metamorphosis Light for your experience and later exploration.
Allow yourself to sit peacefully and to gain a meditative state through your breathing.
Say out loud, ‘I call upon my guides and angels to be present, supporting and protecting me now. I call upon the special
support and protection of Archangel Michael and the assistance of Archangel Metatron to oversee this process. It is my wish
to invite the divine will of the Creator as a stream of light to flow into and through my entire being ensuring that all I achieve is
aligned with the divine will of the Creator.’
(Allow time for these energies to settle around you, connecting into your energies more fully.)
‘Akina of the Pleiades, I call upon your energies to be present with me as I state my intentions and focus. It is my wish to
activate the natural regeneration energy of my being and physical body through dissolving the belief of ageing, withering and
decaying of my body. Let my physical body experience vitality and constant life force energy experiencing health, vitality and
It is my wish to transform all negative energies, perspective, blockages, limitations, barriers, suffering and self-sabotage into
to high vibrational positive vibrations and experiences of love and light.
It is my intention and affirmation to experience a complete transformation within my entire energetic and physical body
systems to become aligned with the Creator more fully, experiencing Creator love, Creator consciousness and Creator light
with awareness within my current manifestation. I detach from any attachments of wishing to control the transformation as I
know I am overseen by the divine will of the Creator. In this moment I surrender allowing myself to be carried forth to the next
stage of my spiritual awakening, remembrance and ascension, completing a cycle and entering into greater enlightenment
and illumination. I know that this process and the manifestations of the process will be easy, perfect and divinely appropriate.
With my intention and focus stated I now invoke the Metamorphosis Light to emit from the core of the Pleiades penetrating
my entire being with appropriate vibrations and intensity. Gently work with me to bring forth the most appropriate
Metamorphosis Light to achieve an uplifting Metamorphosis experience within my being and ascension process. Thank you.’
(Take time to imagine the light beaming down upon you as you inhale it deep into every aspect of your being until it is
circulating and weaving throughout your entire being, holding the focus of pure and divine transformation, activation and
metamorphosis within your being as you move to be as one with the Creator.)
In every moment of your reality you are akin to an emerging butterfly, there are so many stages to your ascension, each stage
is beautiful and magnificent but can also be created through your intentions and acceptance of the splendour of altering,
shifting, changing and transforming. Do not be afraid to embrace new stages and states of your reality and ascension
because all are equally beautiful. Take joy in the process of observing the transformations occurring within, even in time of
darkness or disconnection, all are beautiful stages of acknowledging yourself and the Creator, in unique forms.
There are always stunning energies emanating from the stars, take time to acknowledge this in meditation, asking to connect
into the positive, high vibrational and appropriate frequencies, bathing in their beauty as they anchor into your being and
instigate a transformation.

In peace always,




Old Energies Surfacing
 Suffering-300x105Much change is occurring. There will changes to
your life and world that until now were not possible. As the crud of
aeons has been released and continues to be released, new energies -
light energies emerge. Many people are stuck surrounded by all these
old energies deeply embedded in the psyche. As they begin to
dislodge, uncomfortableness surfaces. They don’t realize it is old
information or experiences that are causing the discomfort.
Something current triggers a memory that is under the surface and it
brings up thoughts about the present situation when it isn’t the
present at all that is the real issue. It is the old situation.
Many of the problems today are based on old unresolved issues.
Those issues that are still within the subconscious wreaking havoc on
the outcomes of today. By releasing the old memories and the issues
being dislodged, whatever feels like the problem today dissipates.
Many haven’t released their past so it still haunts them.
Once the old issues are completely released, there will be an empty
vessel of pure love and openness to receive all that God has in store
for you.
Archangel Michael
This message is channeled by Joy Pedersen, author of Wisdom of the
Guardian and founder of Express Success LLC, helping indivduals and
businesses identify and clearing the hidden causes of their challenges
affecting money, relationships, health and wellbeing. A free mini e-
course on success is offered at www.ExpressSuccess.net.
This channeled message is copyrighted to Joy Pedersen and Angel
Enlightenment. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the
information is not altered and credit of authorship and www.Angel
Enlightenment.com is included.
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