7-13-14-Trust Weeds In Your Garden/Channeled

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Heavenletter #4979 Trust Weeds in Your Garden, July 13, 2014 

God said: 

Everything is easy, isn’t it, when what you want happens? What occurs seems to occur, as if it is meant to happen. A door opens. It seems that there is an agenda whether you knew it or not. It makes you wonder. You might ask:
“Is life like a set-up, God? A nice one when something happens the way I want it to or a not so nice one when it turns out differently. Now, did what happen happen the way I wanted inevitably or was it that I wasn’t attached, or at least trying not to be attached? Was this event already decided like a package delivered at the post office and was waiting for me to pick it up?”
We can say that everything that happens is meant to happen. Whether life says Yes to you or No to you, whether something happens or does not happen, everything is in place. Whatever the outcome, everything is in place. Human beings say something has to be one way and not another. Upholding tightly to only one way is called attachment.
In Truth, what has to be is what is. In one sense, the world gets along very well without your intercession. You have had wonderful unexpected blessings come to you out of the blue. What seems to you as disadvantage, what the world says is disadvantage, may come later or not, yet I will say that everything, even the most unwanted events, has its blessing for you. Everything can go wrong, and, at the end, an unexpected rainbow comes out. It is you, My children, who think of something as good or bad, or better or worse etc, and, therefore, you limit your life.
It is you who finds life tumultuous or okay, yet life is just life. There is no whopping culmination to your life on Earth. As perceived, your life has high points and low points, yet life, as it comes, is not so subjective. It is just life. Life’s actions are not intended to hamper you. Your perception hampers you. Life, from its own perspective, isn’t pouring either blessings or troubles upon you. Life is like a farmer who strews seeds right and left.
Life’s purpose is to seed impartially rather than personally, yet, yes, of course, you take life personally. You say what you prefer and what you do not prefer. You say you are favored or unfavored. You draw conclusions. Life is impartial, or, another way to say this is that, I, God, am partial to everyone. I am patently partial to everyone. You may see persecution, or you may see reward, yet life just does its thing. Your take on life is incidental. You may see life as providential, and life is that too because life is as you see it.
Life is not newspaper headlines. You make a lot out of life. You interpret life. You make life a predictable or unpredictable revolving, yet life is evolving you. Life is not meant to be remonstrance ever. Life is objective. If you could see life from My perspective, you would see life more as a walk you take in a beautiful garden. Along the way you see the sweetest flowers interspersed with weeds here and there. Of course, to Me, the weeds are also beautiful, yet you see them as intruders that should not be, and you take weeds personally and fight against them. “Why oh why,” you may protest, “are there weeds on my walk through the garden?”
I say to just enjoy the walk, and not make so much of the weeds. Weeds serve their purpose as well. Everything that happens in the world serves a purpose whether you see it or not. Trust.
