7-1-15 Sheldan et al

Jul 1, 2015

Though the river is vast, a little sip quenches your thirst. Though Earth has so much food, just a little bite satisfies your hunger. Accept a tiny bit of everything in life - that will bring you fulfillment.

~ Sri Sri


Sheldan Nidle - June 30, 2015

12 Imix, 19 Kayab, 11 Ik

Dratzo! We come bearing some good news for all! Over the past few months, a process has been in hand which is to lead us to discovering how best we can deliver your blessings to you. After the end of World War II, the dark cabal resumed its unrestricted deliveries of monies around this globe. This system was greatly altered by the United States over the last decade. Barriers were put into place whereby the US Treasury and Homeland Security controlled the flow of all monetary exchanges. It was then necessary to develop a way to pass large sums of currencies through this system until a newer transfer system was operational. We are now using our influence internationally to successfully implement our first test run. This is to mark the start of a process that is intended to provide the temporary stopgap needed. Hence, we expect some astounding news to become known as these humanitarian funds make their way to the first recipients. This is to be the start of a domino effect, which is to permit another great batch of funds to be sent to North America and those who have long waited for their blessings.

This process is being aided by the rise of new developmental and investment banks that promise eventually to supersede the IMF and this onerous “SWIFT” system. This set of developments is expected shortly to lead to the rise of new governance in North America and around this globe. This process is as well to lead to a global change that is to bring you a currency backed by precious metals and the rise of peace and worldwide prosperity. This is to be joined by a global debt jubilee. In effect, the present debt slavery system is to end at last and to be replaced by a new reserve of currency that is fairly valued. This is one of many steps that are to permit your world to embrace freedom and the end of a decades-long UFO cover-up. This process is as well to allow you to obtain some valuable information by your Ascended Masters, and allow the disclosure of your inner Earth cousins. This can then permit us to begin the last part of a complex operation, which has taken us over two decades to complete.

When we arrived in the early 1990s, we first thought this mission was to take about one decade to complete. The Anunnaki assured us that their former minions were able to see that Heaven had an initial time of early September 2001 as the moment for a very complex shift in governance to commence along with the start of a global prosperity. This process went askew when the de facto US government counter-attacked. This changed our timetable and caused a whole set of new decrees to be issued. These heinous rogues had proved entirely unreliable and were dedicated to using their remaining powers to delay both NESARA and the redistribution of the world’s wealth. We set up secondary scenarios and began to ask our allies how much their plans still included the cabal. The attrition cycle for these scalawags was put into action. We were at the mercy of these allies and what Heaven was to decree regarding our first contact mission. It has taken over a decade to get to this present position. The dark cabal painted itself into a corner. The end for these vile rogues is at hand.

You are now at the edge of the time when a number of things are to happen. Our earthly allies are finishing projects that are to make the RV and the GCR a done deal. In addition, when the first set of funding tests are complete, the prosperity packets and the fine and penalty monies are to be released. This is to lead to new governance and the return to true de jure governance as well as the end to illegal income taxes. It is as well to signal the formal outlawing of debt slavery and within some months, the end to the entire monetary system. Surface humanity is destined to end its dependence on farming and manufacturing. In the very near future, Gaia is to be allowed again to become the child of the Universe, which it was when your ancestors landed here nearly 900,000 years ago. You were fully conscious when the Atlanteans treacherously destroyed the continent of Lemuria. This happened at the start of the Great Galactic Year that had just been completed. In this new great galactic year, you are to return to full consciousness and then achieve your destiny with Heaven’s full and gracious blessings.

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We arrive in joy! The dark, which has for so long run this realm is fading. Everywhere, those who represent them are scrambling. The age of fiat money is being ended by the return of a global gold standard. This operation is allowing us to start planning when we can begin a number of important lessons on religions and morals. This realm badly needs to understand the common base of religion and how best to heal wounds from supposed differences that have caused chaos to rule. We all need to concentrate on the power of Love and the need to heal our supposed hatreds. The time for war is over. This is a time for peace and unity! When you pass through the ceremony that makes you an Ascended Master, you learn how you need time to perceive some universal truths. We call this a kind of “boot camp" where we are taught about the foundations for Love and Light in this world. These teachings serve us well as we carry out our divine services.

The way by which you are inculcated into this realm needs to be washed away and a new set of common values emphasized. The lessons that we intend to teach are to mirror this. However, more is to be explained as well. Humanity possesses a great inner Love for each other. It is traditions and experienced events that change you. We realize this as we move from culture to culture. Many of you are taught to receive us in a certain way. Others are likewise entirely unfamiliar with us. We are in divine service and use your beliefs to provide examples that move you toward Love and a more positive view of life. This time is hard on you as there is a great transition underway. Our service is to provide hope and a way to turn your life toward Love. This is how you can better know your fellow humanity. Life is about moving toward the Light and helping the dark to fade from this world.

Our efforts are based upon the great shift in consciousness that is moving across this globe. This shift permits you to view this world in a different light. The past two decades have seen events, which promise to aid in bringing the divine plan to this world. The dark has watched with great distress as their heinous plans are quickly disappearing. The time approaches for a more sane set of interventions. These are to allow you to experience your Oneness. Your increased focus and ability to envision a better world are making this transition occur faster and with a lesser degree of inner confusion. This event is most welcomed by Heaven and by us! Our task is to guide you to a better knowing of this conscious path, which you are travelling upon. The moment now approaches for a great unveiling. This is to reunite you with your spiritual and space families. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Today, we continued to inform you about what is happening to you globally. An age of prosperity and harmony is forming. This time is hence one of transition. Be patient and ever ready to help this new set of realities to triumph and set the stage for a new spiritual age. You are to meet the founders of your inner beliefs and learn much, which can bring peace to your Soul! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Website: Planetary Activation Organization 


God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5333 The Loving Opportunity of Life, July 1, 2015 

God said: 

I hear My children cry out:

“My God of Heaven, My Illustrious God, My Love, My Goodness and Vision, Entrepreneur of My Heart, My Life’s Blood, My Heart, My Teacher, You hold Me in Your Hand. You are the Light of the Universe. In one swoop, You hold us all in Your Hand, Your Heart, Your Soul. You are beyond Soul. You are Oneness. You are the Tie That Makes us One, yet You are not the tie that binds. You give us the Freedom to go beyond our little selves, these masqueraders who seem to overtake our lives. You are our Freedom Fighter, only You do not fight.

“You give us Your Being. You breathe Life into Us. If we are embers, You blow on our flame and keep us going. You have programmed our bodies, yet our Evolution, You deem it ours, and, yet, just the same, You push and pull us forward. You beckon. In sweetness, You beckon. You do not resist us. We resist You, yet at the same time, You are irresistible. You sweep us up in Your arms, and we recognize that You are what we have always wanted. We have felt alone and abandoned, yet it is we who have sequestered ourselves.

“We fashioned hairdos and moustaches, and we took our little selves oh so seriously, and we pranced and more or less pretended to play while we trapped ourselves in an illusion of danger. We have been so fearful. We have even considered ourselves an endangered species.

“Most dear God, with all respect to You, despite the beauty and love that are apparent on Earth, we have sometimes felt that Earth is a kind of torture chamber You have corralled us in, as though we are cattle fenced in by an electric fence.

“In any case, we learn soon or late that we are discovering You in our lives, and You are Love. We are getting to rise above the limiting fences of the world. You do not build the fences. It is we who bind ourselves and wound ourselves and look at others as the culprits and, sometimes, we look at You as the Grand Culprit, the Eternal Culprit who puts us in motion and sets up impediments.

“We are not fair to You, God, and this is our suffering. We taught it to ourselves. We see Your Love for little birds, and, even so, some little birds are caged, and some little birds are injured, and every birdling that sings now will not always be here to sing. Each will be replaced, and this is a synopsis of life on Earth for human beings as well, for we see it coming. Do the little innocent birds think ahead like that? They must not, for they do not embody fear the way we human beings do.”

I answer you:

Beloved Child, the sweet animals of the Earth do not have all the choices you do. They stay true to themselves and their nature. They do not ponder on death, and, yet, they know death when it comes to themselves or to another. All My instructions the birds of Earth have within them, and they accept. We can say that the animals of the Earth accept, and you do not. They do not see death as a price they pay. They do not question. They understand very well that God’s Will be done. They see that death of the body is part of life like the rain that comes and the sun that shines.

The dear animals do not think that what happens should not happen. They do not fight the Love of God. They do not have the words to speak, yet they have the heart that knows, and so do you. The Birds of the Earth sing and embrace, while My children may stamp their feet and certainly do not condone areas of life that they see as unfair and unloving and that should not exist at all.

Of course, I gave you the choice. You will find your way because I gave you the ability to grow as a blessing upon Earth. You will come to see from a higher post, and you will glory in the Loving Opportunity of Life that I, God, have wrought.


Urantia, June 24, 2015. 
Teacher: The Beloved One. 
Subject: “The State of The Soul.” 

Message received by Lytske. 

The Beloved One: “Always try to remember that when you enter the Silence within, you are entering your Holy of Holies — the area where you earnestly prepare to commune with me, the Spark from God awaiting your companionship and wholehearted attention. Yes, I know that your focusing still leaves a lot to be desired; however, your earnest perseverance for each day setting apart the time to seek for my presence within is for me a most welcome sign and proof of your dedication and willingness. 

“The most secret reason as yet unknown to you is the state of your soul, which truly hungers to feel my loving nearness at all times. Sincerely do the will of God, the Almighty Being whose creative offspring you are. He allows you to evolve in time and space by your own free-will decisions. To do this, he gave you the gift of life with sacrosanct free-will choice and not even the angels are allowed to interfere with it. 

However, with this precious gift comes responsibility, for you will give an accounting once this mortal estate has ended so you can traverse to increasingly higher levels in your eternal existence. 

“You aren’t so foolish as to think that this earth life is all there is, are you? That this whole grandiose scheme with the call of becoming perfect is accomplished in one short mortal life? 

“Yes, I well know, that there are mortals who dare think that one short life in the flesh is all there is. How foolish and shortsighted this thinking is. What about the state of your infant souls? How are mortal souls being nurtured to immortality throughout your fundamental life here on this wonderful little garden planet? 

“All of you are supposed to be caretakers responsible for your actions and learning your lessons. Take a pause and think: how can you nurture and evolve your infant souls, so you have something worthwhile to bring with you to the next stage of your eternal existence? 

“Life can be so tranquil and beautiful when adhered to by expressing the golden rule in your lives — by doing unto others, as you would like to be loved and respected just the way you are. The one way to do this is to accept all others as equal, by walking your earth in faith and trust in the Almighty Creator. Life can be so beautiful; however, it is the humans themselves who have made it extremely difficult for themselves and others by plainly forgetting whose offspring they are. 

“Seriously now, give your beginning immortal souls some thought. This is mandatory if you decide to carry on to the next level of your eternal existence. However, this is always your choice, but what a chance the Creator of all is giving you! This is the reason for you to traverse your own individual road back to Paradise. All of time/space creation is a tremendously fascinating school of learning for you to accomplish the ultimate goal of perfection.”

Edited by Linda Abell.

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.


10:55 AM (15 minutes ago)

Sivananda Daily Reading

2 July

Posted: 30 Jun 2015 10:00 PM PDT

The Mind Becomes the Body 
The body with its organs, is no other than the mind. The physical body is the outward manifestation of the mind. Mind is the subtle form of the physical body. The mind, contemplating on the body, becomes the body itself. Then, enmeshed in it, is afflicted by it. All bodies have their seat in the mind. Should the mind be paralysed, the body will not evince any intelligence.
The mind performs all actions very speedily in the linga sharira (subtle body) and fluctuates thereby. But the gross body knows not anything and is inert. Should this gross body be dissolved, the mind quickly assumes a fresh body. This physical body is the mould, as it were, of the mind. It is made by the mind for the outpouring of its own energy, for its own enjoyment. Thereby it gains different experiences of this world through the organs of knowledge or perception.
The body is really our thoughts, moods, convictions and emotions objectivised, made visible to the naked eye. Every cell in our body suffers or grows, receives a life impulse or a death impulse, from every thought that enters the mind. You tend to grow into the image of the thing you think about most. When the mind dwells on a particular thought, a definite vibration of matter is set up. This tends to repeat itself, to become a habit.
The body follows the mind and imitates the changes. Every change in thought makes a vibration in your mental body and this, when transmitted to the physical body, causes activity in the nervous matter of the brain. And this activity in the brain and nerve cells causes electrical and chemical changes in the body.
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Vedanta also adds: "See and feel Brahman everywhere. Ignore the names and forms." This teaches you to develop atma bhava (feeling that the Self is all) or Brahma bhava (feeling that Brahman is all) by vichara (enquiry) and right thinking and meditation.
When an idea exclusively occupies the mind, a mental state or bhava, corresponding to the nature of the idea comes in. Think of your enemy - the inimical bhava will manifest. Think of mercy and universal love - prema (love) bhava or karuna (compassion) bhava will manifest. Think of universal service - seva (service) bhava will manifest. Think of Lord Krishna and his lilas - Krishna prema bhava will manifest. Feeling always accompanies thinking; it is like fire and heat - inseparable.


Mother's Mini-Message # 18

Up the Ascension Ladder, with Gabriel

Mother's Mini-Message # 18

Up the Ascension Ladder, with Gabriel

There is much to talk about as you evolve and grow in your ability to work with us more closely every day.  We are delighted that the radio show with our Arcturian Team Leader last week was a wonderful success.  Thousands of people have contacted their Arcturian healing teams, and the teams are ecstatic about beginning this new adventure with so many of you.  It is their dream come true to be able to connect directly with you and to get your permission to work more deeply with you as you progress toward your Ascension.  (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/channelpanel/2015/06/25/sananda-ashtar-and-team-leader-take-us-to-the-arcturian-mothership)

High Frequencies Are Designed to Activate Dark Programs

There is another development in the area of healing that you may have noticed in recent days.  The pressure from the deliberately irritating energies being sent by the dark ones has at times increased, then dropped away, then increased again.  This alternating pattern is designed to be even more disorienting and upsetting, and it is being directed at our Lightworkers with greater intensity, in an effort to throw you off your Ascension path.

Do not fret, Beloved Ones, it is a futile attempt to derail our Great Plan.  It will not succeed, but we understand it does present you with a challenge and an opportunity.  When you hold fast to your laughter, your good will and loving attachments to those around you, you single-handedly create a wake behind you that will draw others along with you.  Each of you are now contributing a valuable part to the energetic uplifting of the vibration on Earth - more than you can possibly know.  We are truly approaching the tipping point, and every moment, every thought, every action counts.

You will find that the increased intensity of the rising energies coming from us and flowing around and through all the Earth is also increasing the speed at which you experience time, space and life itself.  All emotions, all encounters with other beings are intensified beyond what you have experienced ever before.  Hold steady, breathe deeply, and remember to do your centering and balancing exercises to keep yourself moving forward with Mother Terra.  It is a waltz of a new kind - a dance with destiny, you might say.  

Keep your movements fluid, your heart open, and your weight balanced comfortably on your two feet.  Terra delights in feeling your high energies, and she will return waves of love to fill your heart and your body if you address her lovingly.  Send her a burst of love from your heart, down through your legs and feet.  Follow it down toward the heart of Terra, then wait to feel her reply.  You will be tickled and restored when you feel her ripples of laughter and acknowledgement.  I guarantee you will be steadied and renewed with comfortable energy to help you move forward with a spring in your step.

Hossein and Gabriel Dissolve The Lucifer Program

All of you who are dedicated Lightworkers are being moved off your familiar ground, encouraged to reach higher and break free of all old programming.  You will be affected by this week's opening that was created by our beloved Hossein, whose intensive work in the Temple of Light has freed Gabriel at last to breathe freely, and to join with his incarnation to free humanity in a very specific and historic way.

As many of you know, Gabriel was our beloved Archangel who accomplished the amazing feat of walking among the dark ones on Planet Earth for thousands of years in the guise of Lucifer, who was thought to be the leader of the dark forces.  During this long and arduous mission, our Gabriel, the Higher Self of his incarnated soul who is now Hossein, held fast to his connection to Us, working as what you would call a double agent for God.  Our contract with him was ironclad.  We agreed before he began that we would under no circumstances allow him to fall into darkness.  We always kept our close hold on his lifeline, but the assignment he managed was a monumentally difficult one.

Gabriel, as no other, witnessed every form of programming, every version of dark cruelty and manipulation known to humankind, and as such, he documented and recorded the entire human experiment that was the journey into lower and lower dimensional energies.  I will not dwell on the torments he witnessed and felt in his own soul, nor the great challenges his incarnations were faced with.  I will only say to you that today, we breathe a great sigh of relief, because this week, his mission has come full circle with the return to the Light of his beloved Hossein.

Let me explain.  Some Lightworkers carry the keys to the healing of the entire human race.  Gabriel has lived through and can therefore represent humankind in healing the entire Master-Slave program - one of the darkest and most pervasive elements in the 3-dimensional suffering on surface Earth.  Here we refer to the psychological, emotional and spiritual elements as well as the physical expression of it.  

Since Gabriel returned to us just a few years ago, he has worked to purge all remnants of the master template.  Hossein, in his contract for this lifetime, agreed to carry the slave psyche, in order to experience and then completely heal all feelings of inferiority, subjugation, humiliation and degradation - the psychological opposite of the domineering master.  His punishing childhood in a large, relatively poor Iranian family set the stage for chronic feelings of oppression and stifled pain.

I am gratified and relieved to see this difficult and intransigent pattern brought into the Light and unraveled, down to the most subtle shadows of self-deprecation, subservience and passivity.  This process was accomplished in ongoing sessions with Kathryn, Christine and the others in the Temple of Light, with the direct participation of Gabriel and Hossein together.  As their energies melded, there was a monumental shift in the dichotomy that once defined the extremes - master and slave, both locked in darkness, intertwined, by definition.  Without a dark master there can be no slave, and vice versa.

The most powerfully freeing revelations came when Hossein uncovered the truth that the slave mentality can be as toxic and prideful as that of the master, and as destructive to life and Love.  They are now balanced and aligned as the great Master of Light, our beloved Archangel Gabriel.

I offer you this story, and the brilliant example it represents, as a model for all of you.  Each one of you has a similar project, a symbolic as well as literal healing from Earth-bound programmed suffering to be completed in these dramatic last days of Earth's sojourn in lower dimensions.  I ask you to look within, Dearest Ones, to discover the patterns you carry, and to purge the destructive ideas and behaviors you have carried forward from childhood, as a culmination of past lives.  Each of you who have come here to heal as surrogates for others and for yourselves carry a key to the healing of the whole race.

Do not think you are alone in this glorious endeavor.  Call on your Galactic teams - the White Brotherhood and your Arcturian healing teams.  They are prepared to help with all physical and psychological wounds.  You will be surprised how intertwined those injuries are within the human makeup.  Forge ahead, Dear Children.  You are on the verge of immense breakthroughs, each of you.

We are attentive to your feelings and your needs, and we wish to provide the most skillful and Loving mentors and advisors anyone could need.  

I AM Mother. Together with Father, we are your Source/Creator.  We love you without end.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, June 30, 2015
