7-1-14 Language of the Heart

Alberta, Canada. 
Teacher Prometheus. 
Subjects: “Personality Development Part 1 – The Language of the Heart.” 

Received by Renée. 

Teacher Prometheus: “Forgive all personalities for the false starts, erroneous decisions, and unwise choices they make in time during their mortal sojourn in serving the evolutionary deity, the Supreme Being, and as they learn from past mistakes, missteps or misguided attempts to appease the lower animal-origin mind. The human-being is divinely indwelt by a pure, loving, dedicated and educated ‘pre-personal’ Fragment of the Creator. Each evolutionary creature of space-time with the capacity of mind and free-will which is part of the personality endowment, and who has made a spiritually-minded, selfless (considerate) ‘moral’ decision to serve another being is given the gift of the Indwelling Guide – the Thought Adjuster. 

The ‘language of the heart’ is the communication the Indwelling Guide teaches the mortal to hear and to translate the ‘Will of God’ into the world and in the relationships among men and women, the individual mortal must first attune to the ‘higher frequency’ communications emanating from the loving and intelligent ‘Voice Within’. This has been variously called: ‘the Still Small Voice’, ‘Wisdom Within,’ ‘Guide Within’ ‘Teacher Within’, and many other names on this and other planets of which there are trillions in creation. And yet the Creator knows ALL His children without exception. 

“So very much time is wasted in the material pursuits on the planet which have distracted humans from their most valuable and meaningful relationship, the relationship with the ‘God Within’, the Indwelling Spirit that inhabits your heart and makes the investments of Light and Insight, real spiritualizing energies, ‘morontial mota’ which are the high values necessary to continue on an upward progressive, spiritual path, and the ‘leadings of spirit’, which are constantly directed from the local Universe Creator Son, Christ Michael, and the Universe Mother Spirit. The Spirit of Truth on Urantia works with all humans as they sincerely seek to know the Creator Son. His gift is continuously renewed with each generation to provide a spiritizing force that works within the human mind with the assistance of the TA and the cooperation and humility of the human. The Spirit of Truth is very active in the young child along with the Mind Adjutants of Mother Spirit even before the first ‘moral free-willed-choice’ is made. Groundwork is also laid for the TA by a healthy and loving, spiritually receptive, morally principled parental influence. 

“Each human personality is a unique gift of the Creator Father and in all Creation. Various orders of Beings are given aspects of Divine Personality which are qualified for certain roles as well as administrative and artistic services in the hierarchy of the Divine Plan. Within this hierarchy however, there is no competitiveness as that would be a sure recipe for chaos and disorder. The cosmic order is designed intelligently and lovingly and the Paradise and Havona Creations are perfect creations. The Time-Space Creation which consists of Seven ‘Superuniverses’ circling Paradise and Havona, contain within them hundreds of thousands of individual Universes and billions of planetary spheres, which are the ‘nurseries and the gardens’ of the growing souls for trillions of creatures of mortal station.

“We are Prometheus and Friends.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
“When we speak of Wisdom, we are speaking of the profound cosmic
knowledge base upon which the creature-personality can draw” –


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4967 Pennies from Heaven , July 1, 2014 

God said: 

It is like you have a piggy bank. Every day I drop pennies in for you. We can call these pennies from Heaven. Every day I drop in more than a penny or two for you. You can count on it. You just don’t see the pennies. The pennies are there, yet you don’t see them. I assure you I don’t miss a day. I never forget.
In a day or two, your recognition of the pennies may catch up to you. You begin to see something you hadn’t seen before. We can say that the pennies from Heaven were on their way to you all the time, yet you hadn’t quite put it all together. With better eyesight, beloveds, you would trust in Me more. With better recognition of My Presence, you would see more of your answers, and you would see them sooner. Unless you know a package is coming, you probably won’t look for it. If you know it’s coming, you’ll open the mailbox to check fast!
I have to tell you that you are quick to grab onto what you see as problems. You don’t seem to let them pass you by. Let Me ask you something: Is not the resolution of a difficulty equivalent to a penny in your piggy bank?
Unless there is something you have to resolve, how can there be a resolution for you?
Most everyone has misplaced his wallet every now and then. What panic, what running around looking for your wallet sets in. More times than not, your wallet shows up on its own. It fell here or there. You dropped it here or there and didn’t notice. You put it somewhere, and you forgot. The odds are in your favor that your wallet will show up. Even in that practical way, what you see as difficult is preparing something nice for you.
Peace, My children.
With your awareness of My attention on you, you wouldn’t worry so much as you do. Have confidence in Me, and you will have more confidence in life. Yes, all of your wishes don’t come true, but many are staring you right in the eye and you haven’t quite perceived them as yet. Your solution may well be waiting for you to look around you.
Perhaps you are looking for a ride, and you hesitate to ask. Ask. I will tell you that all you require is right before you. If not right this minute, then sooner or later. You have to remember that I have prepared all good for you.
Dear Ones, even the difficulties you see hold their blessings for you. It takes a while before you see this. Yes, beloveds, everything. Remember that you yourself are a blessing.
Even if what you face is your beloved one’s having moved on from Earth, your difficulty is not that your loved one’s body died. Your difficulty lies in your aching and mourning for your loved one, beloveds. This, that which is called death, you see as loss, and you see it as heartache. All the while, there is more for you to see than a loved one stolen from you.
I do not say that this is a cinch for you. I do say that when you lift your eyes, there is healing for you and a getting beyond and a place for you in the Universe, and a place for you to see from a different vantage, and a place for you to bless others. I commend you. Look at the blessings at hand, and, if the blessings are not yet in hand, they will soon be in hand. They are on their way to you. Keep your eyes open for all those pennies from Heaven.


Use Your New Skills to Clear Old Wounds

by lifetapestrycreations

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Dear Ones,
Please re-direct your attention to those pieces of your life that are not operating smoothly or joyfully. Maybe past hurts or angers have returned to your thought processes...or financial abundance has not arrived as you anticipated.

You have exited your cocoon, but perhaps have not cleared all the 3D pieces that trouble you. That is the chaos referred to in last week's channel - that you would feel as if you have entered a strange and uncomfortable place.

You were safely in your cocoon - all your troubles seemed workable, maybe even a distant memory. Only to have them reappear in a 3D or uncomfortable manner. Chaos reigns within your being. Where is your joy and fun?

Last week's channel also relayed that when you exited your cocoon, you would test, play and work with the Universal skills you have had for some time, but have not yet used. So it is.

Approach your Old Age fears and angers with your new-to-you, new earth skills.

Perhaps you felt powerless in the past. Perhaps your fears and angers felt overwhelming, all-encompassing - then they seemed to fade - only to return once you exited your cocoon.

You are no longer a 3D human. You are a Universal being.

What messages are you receiving from your inner-being? How can you resolve these old issues in a new way?

Perhaps you once received a book too difficult for you to read - only to discover that with additional reading skills, that once daunting book became a relatively easy read.

So it is for you now. You are recreating old fears to practice your new skills.

You know how these fears affected you months or years ago. Similar results will not occur now that you are a Universal Being.

Review the fears, ask for inner assistance and then allow your new being to address those fears and hurts in a Universal manner.

Perhaps you hoped your past hurts would fade into joy. Instead, you will review and address them in a new way. Both to practice your new skills and to understand how far you have come.

You are a new being, even though you do not yet feel you are. This is your practice run with Universal skills. Play and experiment with these skills - you cannot move in the wrong direction for you are a Universal being. This is part of your play/learning time - just as an infant learns it cannot hold a rattle and suck that same hand.

Your Old Age methods of clearing those hurts or fears were not overly productive. Dare to experiment with your new skills and note the results. You are indeed a Universal being with all the necessary skills to move and flow beyond your former 3D life. This exploration of what you addressed before is merely a learning exercise you created for yourself.

Your new world does not include a continual repetition of 3D wounds, but instead exploring, playing with and testing new ways of responding so you do not repeat 3D fears. The fear lessons are over.

You are experimenting with new ways to live in joy using old, but known, fearful circumstances. Soon you will move beyond reviewing former fears. They are merely test patterns for your skills.

Allow yourself to play with your Universal skills. Allow yourself to know and accept you are a Universal being. Allow yourself to be the new you. So be it. Amen.


