6-9-15 Inner Grace

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5310 The Blessings of Inner Grace, June 9, 2015 

God said: 

There is always communication with Me running through your bloodstream. I am never absent. I am always available to you. At the drop of a hat, I am available to you. I am available to everyone. Not everyone is wide open to Me, however.

If you are a human being, you are worthy of communing with Me. You just may have a window closed. You may even be fearful of hearing Me and coming closer to Me. You could be timid about letting go of your ego which you may consider as your joy in life.

The fact is that I AM the joy in your life. Connected to Me, you are connected to Me, and I am the sunny side of the street. I am what I say. I do not have any tricks up My sleeve. I am forthright with you. I say what is so.

There is a tendency to feel that you are giving something up in order to come to Me. You do have to give up the past. You do have to give up the false identity card you believe is yours. Your identity card may say: “Joe, computer programmer.” It includes your age, the town where you live, and a photo that is similar to the photo of a recently arrested felon. These are hardly your identity.

Your Identity is much greater. The I.D. card I give you is more like this:

“Beloved Child of God and the Universe. Heaven citizen. Master of Freedom. Consciousness-Licensed. Emissary of God. Diviner of God. One who loves God. Actor in the world. Performer. Perhaps Dancer, Comedian and/or Tragedian. Temporary Resident on Earth. Blessed by God. Has a flying license to go as far and as high as he chooses. Full freedom to recognize his Vastness and share it with all. Master of Creation. Intelligent, All-Knowing, Artist, Musician, Lover of All, Acrobat of Life on Earth.”

Your age? Infinite. Matriculated at Universe University. Will graduate summa cum laude.

Beloveds, I am the Joy in Life you are seeking. I provide for you no matter. God provides. What a gift life is that I give to you. It’s worth a King’s Ransom. What more valuable gift in the world can there be than life itself? O! Remarkable!

You do realize that you live in two worlds, don’t you? The upper layer and the deep divine subtle layer. They are layers of consciousness, yet much more than layers. One passage or layer exists and is true. The surface level certainly seems true to just about everyone who lives on Earth. The whole world of activity where you consciously spend your time is a trick of time and space. Time and Space are not real, yet you buy them hook, line, and sinker. They are will o’ the wisps. Reality is permanent. True Reality is not a trickster. The physical plane of life, however, is a trickster, and it tricks you over and over again. You buy all its palaver.

A trickster tricks you into believing him. A trickster is a con-man. He sees through you. You don’t see through him. He has you in the palm of his hand. How charming a trickster is. He lures you down a garden path and leaves you there panting.

The trickster We’re talking about is the relative world. The relative world certainly knows how to charm you and tempt you. The relative world is unflagging in its zeal. It has bright lights, all neoned up, and the relative world also throws in the beauties of creation, the beautiful forests and flowers and nature at its best.

The relative world really has no intent of its own. It is innocent. The relative world merely reflects the consensus of humankind. You are your own trickster. You like tinsel. You sweep it up in your arms. You see more of the relative world in an attempt to be healed from it. Yet more of the relative world you seek relief from doesn’t give you its promised relief.

This is where I come in to divert you from excess of the outer to the blessings of the inner. Avail yourself of Me. I wait for you.


Alabama, US of A. 
Thought Adjuster. 
Subject: “Revolutions and Exemplary Lives – Part 2 of 2.” 

Received by Oscar. 

Thought Adjuster: “The most powerful agent of change and inspiration for people is the display of an exemplary life. Live your life in such a way that it becomes an eloquent lesson to your siblings and provides a clearer vision of a better world. Bring light and life to your own experience and you will directly bring light and life to your world. 

“An exemplary life – a life well lived – is a life of growth and sustained progress. It is a life in which a creature starts being just a little more than an animal and obtains enough wisdom to become the master of her destiny and her relationships with her siblings. Such a life is a life of happiness and satisfaction, that seems to be independent of anything external. Those who live such lives are joyful, courageous, and trustful because they know that really nothing can cause them real damage. 

“An exemplary life is not a life without difficulties. It is not even a life where all decisions are right. It is a life where there are still mistakes, but they are called lessons and they bring about learning. It is not a life where all the answers are known. It is a life where all the answers are discovered as the person discovers within the Source of all wisdom.

“An exemplary life is not a life of great deeds or perfect outcomes. It is instead a life of intentions that are increasingly more perfect. It is a life where a person does what she believes to be right, true, beautiful and good in her heart, regardless of what others may think or the apparent results. Many times the best decision can be made without getting the expected results. Only in your heart will you know if your intentions were the best at the time of your making a decision. However, all decisions made considering your most spiritual impulses and your most sincere love for your siblings will always bring good to somebody. 

“An exemplary life is not a life of glory and honors. You could help many and achieve great things in your world without anybody knowing your name or what your contribution was. Many of the things you enjoy today are the result of the efforts of people you will never know. Strive to give the best of yourself to every person that crosses your path and you will be giving your best to the world. This world has great problems and needs great solutions, but the great solutions are always the sum of many small efforts. One great man with the clearest mind and the best ideas will never achieve as much as a group of average men doing their best to solve a problem. 

“An exemplary life is not a life of satisfaction in great things. It is a life of excellence in the small things. Do today whatever you have to do — your role as a parent, your job, your relationships with your family and your siblings in this world — the best way you can imagine and leave the outcomes in the hands of the Father, because all the good you do extends well beyond your personal influence, even beyond time and space. 

“An exemplary life is a life dedicated to the Will of our Father. The mandate of the Father is perfection. To reach perfection is the main task of the universes of time and space. Therefore, when you strive for perfection in your own life you are working directly on the plan of the Father. When you try to be better every day, when you search for a life experience more fulfilling and satisfactory, you are doing precisely what your Father expects of you, improving your world and creating a reality closer to light and life. Such is the beauty and wisdom of the divine plan.”

Edited by Linda Abell.

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.


Mother's Mini-Message #6: Animals Are Mighty Masters, Showing You the Way Home 

Mother's Mini-Message #6

Animals Are Mighty Masters, Showing You the Way Home

Many Animals Are Respected As Powerful and Steadfast Lightworkers!

Beautiful day sweet children!

It is me, your Mother.  How long I have waited to be able to speak with you in this close and familiar way.  Thank you for you deep and diligent inner-work - your efforts to raise up and shine like the jewels you truly are.  It allows us to be close in every way.  

Today my Mini-Message will not be "mini" because of its length but as a tribute to the stature of some of the mightiest mini-Masters on Earth.  I will use as many words as needed to explain the courage and triumph of these great ones who live among you and who serve with devotion, constancy and pure love.  They have been forging the way for and with you to transcend the thick blanket of destructive programming that has covered Earth.  

Today I will be naming names - that is, I will be using specific examples of some of the Masters from this esteemed group of Lightworkers - the Ascending animals - because they are the brave leaders who live among you, showing the way.  Yet, I want you to know that I could be speaking about any one of the millions of pint-sized Masters you all come in contact with every day.  Have I piqued your interest?

BamBam, the Energy Super-Scrubber

Let's begin with little BamBam.   BamBam is a cat who lives on the New York farm with Kathryn, Christine and Jade.  She has been with Christine since she was tiny.  She and her sister Pebbles are a lot like you; they have Missions, contracts and special gifts, just as each of you do.  BamBam knows her best ability.  As she calls it, she is an "Energy Super-Scrubber."  This means she knows how to transmute and clean energy in her environment.  

BamBam takes her job very seriously, and she works diligently around the clock to keep the home clear of energetic toxins, dark thoughtforms and entities.  She works with her own team of Angels and Guides to maintain a pristine environment for her family and for all who visit the Temple of Light.   

Christine, Pebbles and BamBam have always practiced their family Mission, which is to emanate Love, together.  All three sit on the bed or sometimes just join in their minds and their hearts, and they send out waves of love and healing to the world and to the Unified Crystalline Grid of Light.  Pebbles and BamBam have always called this special family effort "Trinity Time."  Like all of you, BamBam also has her own personal lessons and Mission.  

Before incarnating, BamBam chose two important Missions.  Firstly, she asked and so was assigned to be a helper, healer, supporter and Super-Scrubber for our dear Christine.  BamBam knew that Christine was to have a challenging Mission, and she wanted very much to come to love and assist Christine.  Little BamBam knew that Christine, like so many of you Lightworkers, was taking on a Mission that would help with the Ascension of Planet Earth.  BamBam wanted to help too!  All of your pets consciously chose to be with you, to love and support you as well. 

"Primal" Is Not Natural, It's a Program Whose Time Is Up!

BamBam's other Mission is very important to Earth.  She is on a team of animals from across the planet who are working hard to help heal and end the Primal Programming.  
Just like the animals, your true nature is peaceful, joyful, relaxed and loving.  Our beloved Masters and channels have explained to you that any other emotion including fear, anger, impatience, confusion, jealousy, selfishness, depression and sadness is NOT your true nature but something you are doing, experiencing and expressing separate from your true nature, like a suit of clothing that overlays who you really are.  These ill-disposed emotions and qualities are the result of the negative programming you have all taken on while living in the old Earth Matrix.  Your job now is to see how you have been saturated with this programming and extricate yourself from it.

The animals and other Kingdoms of Earth are in the same position as you.  The true nature of animals - all animals - is peaceful, joyful, generous and loving.  The main dark program that animals harbor is the Primal Program, which contains beliefs and behaviors such as: It is natural for animals to hunt, eat each other, be aggressive, defend their territory, and so on.  There are human and animal Lightworkers across the globe helping animals transition to higher dimensional living as Father and I flood Earth with our Light for your Ascension. 
It may seem impossible to you that a predator who has fed itself and its young by killing and eating other animals could possibly survive any other way, but I tell you, the animals of Inner Earth and many other higher dimensional planets do just that.  They enjoy a vegetarian diet just as their human counterparts do.  You remember our promise, do you not, that there is a Paradise coming to Earth.  The lion will truly lie down with the lamb.

Our devoted BamBam is helping to end the Primal Programming for all felines.  She works very hard, and her colossal efforts are endearing to us.  When BamBam is outside and she feels overcome with the urge to hunt, she interrupts the program by interrupting herself.  She will force herself to come indoors for a while, or she will sit under a big tree, where she receives waves of helpful, calming energy from the tree.  Sometimes she will call out to the family, who then encourage and praise her.  BamBam is conscious and diligent in her efforts to carry out her Mission and heal this programming, and she is willing to reach out for help if necessary. 

Please realize that you have been programmed to believe that primal behavior is natural and immutable.  Father and I tell you now that this is not true.  

Angel, the Wonder Dog Overcomes the Program "All Attention Is Love"

We all know and love Meg, Kathryn's co-host and our darling daughter who is forging the way by unsnarling herself from some of the most heinous programming of the old Matrix.  She is also caring for Angel, the wonder dog, on her farm in Atlanta while Jade and her family do their work up North.  Meg and Angel joined forces to identify and leave behind an insidious program that defines attention - all attention - as good.  Within the Matrix, even torture or hatred, followed by admiration, becomes equal to love.   

For Meg this meant that whether she was treated poorly or not didn't matter. For little Angel, frenetic, aggressive and threatening behavior was the norm.  She would bark relentlessly, until her hyper behavior was annoying and grating to those around her.  All Angel cared about was getting attention, although she was never actually HAPPY demanding attention in negative ways. This is a draining and obnoxious program that we have all experienced at one time or another in ourselves and others. 

Once Meg had taken a long look at this programming within herself, examining it closely to see where it had come from and how she had engaged in it, she came to Father and me for support in ending it.  We asked her to make a long list of the things she has called Love.  She wrote a whopper list, which we will share with you at a later time, and she came to the conclusion that Love is not attention.  Love is LOVE.  Bravo!  

Truth is what unravels programming, so with this truth in their hearts, Meg and Angel began to work to help Angel overcome this programming for herself, and so she could lead the way for the Animal Kingdom.  Meg began to celebrate and adore Angel for her big heart and crackerjack personality.  

Angel became aware of her demanding ways and worked hard to change them.  With Meg's attentive care and warm love, Angel made conscious choice after choice to change.  Now, Angel is a calm pleasure who interacts with respect and awareness.  We beam praise to our little Angel for her tremendous accomplishment in fulfilling her agreement with us and overcoming this intense programming.  

Animals Communicate...  Are You Listening? 

Father and I would like to make you all aware that it is now easier than ever to communicate with animals.  Everyone has the capacity to do it.  We also send a special blessing this day to all of the animal communicators who work on behalf of our treasured animals.  Meg, Kathryn, Christine and others in the family have an animal communicator who we simply adore.  She is a Master in her own right, and her service is impeccable.  If you ask your Higher Self and guide team, they will help you to communicate with your animals better and to connect with one of the many talented animal communicators who can open doors for you.  

Pebbles, the Sonic Wave Healer

Pebbles is an elegant and mature cat who is also consciously working to undo dark programming for herself and for the Animal Kingdom.  Her special gift, and a large part of her Mission, is to sit calmly, connect with higher dimensional energies and emit them in waves into the environment around her.  As she knows, her job title is, "Sonic Wave Healer," and she is excellent at it.  She often works consciously with the cetaceans for training and coordinates as a liaison with them to anchor and emit their uplifting emanations to help Earth and all life upon her.

Through her team of guides and Angels, Pebbles routinely receives assignments from us.  Recently, her Higher Self agreed to take on the challenge of overcoming the dark program, "I didn't mean to do it (therefore I am not responsible for what I did)."  Miss Pebbles went outside and caught a snake.  Christine immediately intervened.  

Christine scooped Pebbles into her arms and began reminding her that we never hurt other living beings.  Pebbles replied, "I didn't mean to hurt it."  Christine explained to Pebbles that her declared intentions did not match the results of her actions.  Christine looked deeply into Pebbles eyes, and Pebbles understood.  She asked Christine if she had made that little thing leave her body?  Christine said that she had not, but that Pebbles must think deeply about why she would hurt another being.  

Pebbles quarantined herself to the scarf basket for two days to think deeply.  Of course Christine covered her in kisses and encouragement during this time.  Pebbles re-joined the center of the family once she had finished working through her task.  She overcame the shame by acknowledging her mistake.  This made it possible for her to make a decision about her own character and how she would behave in the future.

As we cheer and beam for your accomplishments, we also feel deep love and admiration for these Masters as they come through their assignments, challenges and Missions.  Did you know that the animals around you were working so diligently to do their part to learn and to raise Earth into higher dimensions?  

Pound for Pound, the Mightiest Kumara of Them All, Dr. Che 

Che is Kathryn's little dog.  He is a mighty mighty Master, who has recently really come into his own.  When the family asked why Che had been making such leaps and bounds in his abilities, we explained to them through their beloved communicator that Che had needed two things to expand his talents.  First, he needed safety.  In the past, as part of his preparation, Che had been exposed to other programmed animals who were unpredictable and aggressive.  This had temporarily made him a bit anxious and unable to focus on his deeper qualities.  Second, Che, like all young Masters, needed loving encouragement so he could stretch his wings and fly - and oh, has he ever done that!

In Che's home family members are currently going through an arduous physical healing process.  Working closely with Sananda and with the warm praise and overflowing appreciation of his family, Che has become a remarkable healer.  We all call him Dr. Che.  Every day, he scans the family and their various conditions.  He organizes his day to ensure he fits everyone in for the healing they need.  Then, he will go from family member to member offering long sessions of healing in which he curls his body next to theirs and emits frequencies that repair and smooth weary systems and painful conditions.  

Che is tireless in his service.  Some days, he spends up to 16 hours healing the neediest.  He is quite a Master, for he remains in perfect harmony and balance as he allows Sananda, Archangel Michael, Father and I to come through and give healing.  Che works closely with the Arcturians and the Galactic Federation medical teams.  
Che has been given the title "Doctor" by us because this mighty little snuggler now embodies all a true doctor is meant to be.  

I have taken great care to bring you these stories today.  I verify the validity of all these colossal Masters have accomplished and are still consciously attempting.   Sometimes they get a little frustrated or feel limited by the programming and the evolving nature of the bodies they are in.  That is when their family reminds them that they are much more than just their body or their temporary primal nature - they are mighty Masters of Love here to help Earth and all her Kingdoms Ascend.  

Let these Masters be an inspiring example for all.  How they are going after their programming in order to transcend is exactly how you can and must go after yours.  It is the way to freedom.  Love is the way.

I am your Mother.

Transcribed by Christine Burk and Kathryn E. May, June 9, 2015


Sivananda Daily Reading

10 June

Posted: 08 Jun 2015 10:00 PM PDT

Worship (Continued) 
One can realise God through worship of murti (or idol). The worship of the Lord in saguna (concrete) form is a great aid for vedantic realisation also, and for the realisation of the Lord in His all-pervading, formless aspect. The worship of the murti is very essential for the purpose of concentration and meditation in the beginning. Such worship is not in any way a hindrance to the attainment of God consciousness. Those who vehemently attack murti puja (worship) are groping in the darkness of extreme ignorance. They have no real knowledge. They enter into vain debates to show that they are learned persons and have not done any sadhana (spiritual practice). Idle talking is their real profession. They have unsettled the minds of countless persons. The whole world worships symbols and murtis in some form or other. As one advances in meditation, the form melts into the formless and the aspirant becomes one with the formless essence.
Empty vessels only make sound. A practical man who does meditation and worship, who is full of knowledge and real devotion, keeps always silence. He influences and teaches others through silence. He only knows whether a murti is necessary in the beginning or not.
- - -
Prasada is 'that which gives peace'. During kirtan (chanting), worship (puja, havan and arati), milk, sweets and fruit are offered to the Lord. Puja is done with bael (wood apple) leaves, flowers, tulsi (basil), sacred ash, and these are later given as prasada from the Lord. They are charged with mysterious powers, by the chanting of mantras (sacred hymns) during puja and havan (worship with the fire as the sacred symbol).
Prasada is a great purifier. Prasada is a panacea for all ills; it is a spiritual elixir. Prasada is the grace of the Lord. It is an embodiment of shakti (divine energy). Prasada is divinity in manifestation. Many sincere aspirants get wonderful experiences from prasada alone. Many incurable illnesses are cured by prasada alone. Prasada energises, vivifies, invigorates and infuses devotion. It should be taken with great faith. Those brought up in modern education and culture have forgotten the glory of prasada. Prasada gives good health, long life, peace and prosperity to all. The sacred ash is the prasada of Lord Siva. It is applied to the forehead. Kumkum (vermilion powder) is the prasada of Sri Devi or Shakti. It is applied at the space between the eyebrows.


A Last Quarter Moon of Changing Perceptions

Tuesday morning's Last Quarter Moon comes along at a very interesting time. We are at a key moment in the very thoughtful Mercury Retrograde period that has been eye-opening, perhaps more so for those who like to look within themselves, and we are also settling into the aftermath of the famous Uranus-Plutoseries of exact square formations that finalized last mid-March. At that time, Plutowas at the 15-degree mark of Capricorn, or the 16th degree as I like to call them, in line with the way that these individual degrees of the Zodiac are referenced in the Sabian Symbols oracle. In thinking of the ongoing metamorphosis that we are in the midst of, we might note that Pluto was closely aspected by Jupiter at the timing of the mid-May New Moon that began the current cycle, remaining at the 15-degree mark of Capricorn, and now retrograde, while in this final quarter moon configuration, the Moon and Pluto form a yod to Jupiter. The Moon also conjuncts Chiron, provided further food for meditation on the subject of inner wounding, as well as the impulse for healing. We are thus in a heightened time of deep reflection that is signaled as well by the culmination of the Mercury Retrogradeperiod, with Mercury standing almost dead-still in the sky, stationing in two days' time, and opposed toSaturn, equally lending extreme focus. We indeed have quite a lot on our minds, not least the cultural transformation that we are still in the midst of recognizing.

The funny thing about the Uranus-Pluto square in Cardinal signs — in many ways the defining symbol for this amazing decade — is that it isn't over yet, although the final exact hit was nearly three months past. As noted astrologer Richard Tarnas has pointed out, the total span of this alignment will continue until about 2020, and it is in the aftermath of the series of exact hits that we might find our greatest challenge and impetus to grow, because of the momentum that has been building for these last few years. For the remainder of this year of 2015 we find ourselves in a more thoughtful and reflective mode as we ask the big-money questions of where we are headed as a society and as individuals, and of how much we have to give up in order to stay sane for the remainder of this first half of 21st Century and beyond. It certainly seems to be true that what is increasing exponentially is the number of folks who recognize that we are in many ways on a path that needs to radically change if we, and our world, are to survive.

This Last Quarter phase is a time of changing perceptions, or what seminal 20th Century astrologer Dane Rudhyar referred to as a "crisis in consciousness." It is our understanding of what we are about that will be the determining factor in what we can do to change things. The resources are there, on a planetary level, to make of this world a virtual paradise were we to pull together. Many brilliant minds are at work to improve the lot of all people of this earth, when the rising tide of popular opinion is overwhelmingly in support of these proposed solutions. Neptune is quite prominent as well in this current lunation cycle, and it is in fact a spiritual mandate that we are called to, that we become more aware, and that we begin to honor by word and deed the concept of one global human tribe, transcending individual greed and nationalistic boundaries. This is of course easy to say and hard to do.

The Sabian Symbols, as usual, have something to contribute. They are, for the Sun in the 19th degree ofGemini, "A large archaic volume," reminding us that in finding our way through to Spirit, it is our ancient future to which we are trying to return. Marc Edmund Jones references "the ultimate indestructibility of experience" and "a broader self-discovery [leading to] recovery of prior advantage ... the effective disentanglement of present involvements." For the Moon in the same degree of Pisces we find another symbol of Perennial Wisdom: "A master instructing his pupil," for which Jones elaborates "This is a symbol of ... the demand of human intelligence for the self-refinement and self-orientation by means of which a greater understanding is possible." May it be so!

You are free right now.

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