6-7-15 Messages

God, Guru and Self are synonymous, they are the same.

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JUNE 7, 2015

Dear ones, rapid change is taking place for many by choice as well as by need. The path of evolution can difficult up to the point at which a spiritual transition takes place and truth becomes one's state of consciousness and begins to manifest at that level. Much of what is being projected into world consciousness through the media, churches, government, etc., simply no longer resonates with many of you. Long standing life styles and traditions often involving friends and/or family are beginning to feel old and finished.

Some beliefs are easily left behind and no one even notices, but frequently attempts toward personal change serve to activate a period of intense questioning, judgement, and criticism from family and friends. This may cause the awakening student to doubt or even return to what is familiar, but because he has evolved and is no longer resonating with the past, he will not stay in what is finished.

Confusion and doubt often occurs as an individual begins to receive and contemplate ideas of truth completely foreign to his present belief system. As a once solid spiritual foundation begins to dissolve it becomes extremely stressful for those holding structured religious beliefs.

Be not afraid dear ones, for there are no accidents at this point. Know that you are always being guided, and are never alone. The Higher Self always brings forth what is needed when you are ready. Learn to trust the process, knowing that at this point you are right where you need to be, doing what you need to do, and doing a fine job of it.

Discouragement with its sense of failure are the manifestations of a consciousness filled with " I should. I need to. There is only one right way."--all facets of duality and separation. It is time to cease the ever running inner dialog of self criticism and judgement, allowing these beliefs to dissolve into the nothingness they are. There are no "shoulds" in higher dimensional energies, only love for every individual and their choices.

As spiritual students, you are at a point where you cannot evolve further until acknowledging "self". Spiritual students the world throughout time and now have struggled to find and understand what God is. Many gods and concepts are the result, many still being accepted as the only truth. Most of you have come to know and accept that the Divine is within, your own true nature and real SELF. However, at the same time, many believe their humanity to be something separate in the belief that "self" is simply ego and must be eliminated. The "self" is SELF, but in the human state is conditioned by concepts and beliefs of separateness. The "self" cannot be left out.

An absence of self-love has been falsely considered to be humility, but it is not. It is the manifestation of separation consciousness. Humility is an awareness of who you are and where any gifts you may have, flow from.

Many look back on their lives, believing that past actions or even present ones make them unworthy of love and find it impossible to love the person they believe themselves to be. This is because they hold false concepts of what love is. Loving self means acknowledging, accepting, and loving not only the Divine within, but also that part of you that is still learning--the part that has made many mistakes and often seems to be a failure. It is a journey of bringing together the inner child and the Divine Self.

There can no longer be a dwelling on "sins" of the past for this simply serves to cement energies of the past, all of which are illusory. Remember, a person can only live out from their highest state of attained consciousness. The things you may of done long ago, are not what you would do today.

The inner child is a term used for the accumulated energy of an immature and unawakened state of consciousness carried with and added to, lifetime after lifetime.

Inner child work can be a powerful tool in learning to love "self". Although this work is often considered a psychological practice, it actually goes much deeper. The inner child is that innocent and trusting facet of you that has been rejected, disappointed, and hurt. It is the unawakened you as a small child, your individuality in it's most innocent state. As the experiences of the third dimension began in every lifetime, you only knew and thus accumulated the cellular memories of a child's defenses.

Most humans still carry some if not all the energy of wounds experienced in the child consciousness along with the immature ways with which they attempted to address them. As an adult, these energies begin to manifest as the immature thoughts and actions that pop up unexpectedly when you least expect them, usually in times of stress. Most adults usually ignore these feelings, not realizing that they are dismissing their inner child as irrelevant and thus perpetuating the situation. This energy can only be cleared by you. The child must be acknowledged, accepted, loved, guided, protected, etc. and it is time.

Honor what ever age your inner child may be at this time. You will know through the types of inner dialogs you experience. Speak gently to this part of yourself, telling it that from now on you are going to love and protect it and most importantly acknowledge it. The inner child is the you who for no good reason often feels hurt, angry, sad, or depressed and as an immature child, afraid. Be patient, knowing as with all children, the child is doing the best it knows at that moment and needs your support.

Many have intellectual spiritual knowledge (crown chakra), but until you embrace the whole of you acknowledging and accepting the child (heart chakra), there will be struggles. As you learn to accept, listen to, support, and talk to this facet of your individuality without dismissing it as nothing, it matures--first responding as a child, then an adolescent, and finally as an adult. Finally you are able to, fully integrate this healed aspect and "self" becomes SELF.

Evolution on earth is a gradual progression toward remembering and accepting the true identity of self and others through the experiences of many lifetimes lived in an energy of duality and separation while gradually evolving into a consciousness that learns from within instead of from without. Know that regardless of appearances, in reality all is perfect, always has been, and always will be.

You have spent lifetimes trudging through a forest of dense and dark energy, trying to do your best every step of the way. At a certain point you began to see light filtering through the trees and moved towards it, but after finally moving out and into the bright light, you noticed that you had accumulated grass, sticks and all sorts of other debris along the way. You are now in the process of discovering and removing the accumulated debris, some of which is deeply embedded. This in turn will allow you for the first time to see yourselves and others clearly.

When truth is new, there is often doubt and a desire to remain in what is familiar. However, once out of the forest and into the light, any glamour the old may still hold for you, soon disappears. This is where most of you are now--a point at which you must cease looking with "forest vision". You have emerged from the forest and must leave behind the ways of the forest. You now have light which will allow you to discover an infinity of ever present beauty and perfection previously unknown.

There are no accidents at this point in your journey. All experiences are opportunities to examine your belief system without judgement or criticism. It is time move beyond any self loathing or other beliefs that may suggest you are "less than". You are ready to move beyond intellectual spiritual studies and into the acceptance and living of it. This means your spiritual journey must include honoring, appreciating, understanding, accepting, and loving who you are--warts and all.

LOVE can never be governed by the standards of a society still enmeshed in concepts of good and evil. LOVE is based in and flows out from SELF. Your awareness of this truth expands and grows with every unfoldment but "self" cannot be excluded in the process.

Try to love the journey itself as well as all you meet along the way but most important is the knowing of "self" to be SELF and that none are more Divine than you in every moment.

We are the Arcturian Group 6/7/15

©2015 onenessofall.com | Cedar, MI 49621


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Mother's Mini-Message #4, Peace Is Declared on Earth - Our DNA Is Upgraded 

Mother's Mini-Message #4


Peace Is Declared on Earth - Our DNA Is Upgraded


Good day treasured children!


I do not call you "children" to suggest vulnerable or immature, but rather to alight the place within you that knows and cannot deny that you are our precious, wanted and beloved children, always.  You were born in love, and it is time to come Home to be loved until Love is all that exists in your being once more.  You are Father's and my child, and we adore you.  We wait holding our breath to see if this will be the moment you come into our arms.  Let us immerse you in our tenderness and cover you in kisses, so you may quickly and easily finish your healing for the wrap up of the Earth Project. 


My scribe is giggling because I arrived to awake her this morning for this message wearing a Peace shirt and a tool belt.  I wore these things to alert her of the theme of today's Mini-Message and because I love to hear her laugh.  She laughs easily and often; it's one of the reasons we in the higher realms can effortlessly communicate with her.  She twinkles with laughter, and it allows her to see me within, in her mind's eye, you might say.


You can do this too! 


Ask Father and me to come, and we will.  We will support and enhance your valiant efforts to heal yourselves as you seek out and truly see where you changed your loyal alignment from us to a program - a program that is not the Source of Light, so it can never ever accomplish its deceitful promises of fulfillment to you.  In bright contrast, your choice to re-connect with Father and me will Activate the DNA upgrade we have just released (explained on Kathryn's show - see the link below).                                                                                                                                                                                      This will help you to open, purify and fortify the channel that is the core of Light running through the center of your being, your Pillar of Light.  You will be better able to receive the constant stream of messages we - along with your Higher Self, Twin Soul, Galactic Federation healing team and other members of the Company of Heaven - are beaming to you.


Here is big hint for better communicating with us.  Turn off your inner editor.  When we send you an image and a feeling or some words... let them stand as they are.  Do not think, "I must not be seeing this, after all, Mother God would not show up wearing a tool belt and Peace sign, and carrying a L-O-V-E sign."  Of course I would!  And just wait until you see the endless parade of fantastic outfits Archangel Michael has in store for you!


I come to you today with thrilling news of a magnificent event that has occurred last night.  Two of your Lightworkers, who are diligently working on a Peace Project for all upon Earth (more to be revealed soon!), approached the Council and asked that the Council mark the moment and officially declare Peace On Earth.  Indeed a collective Light quorum and quotient (enough people at a high enough level) has been reached upon Earth, so this factor, along with the success of many of our Lightworker boots-on-the-ground are having on their Projects at this time, freed us to be able to grant this request and... declare official and lasting Peace.


Exactly what does this mean?  The vibration of humanity is rising and holding steady at higher levels.  Pods of Lightworkers are quietly accomplishing their tasks involving NESARA, Safety, Prosperity, Peace, Landings, The Temple of Light and so on.  When you begin to hear about the details of these Projects, you will surely be amazed at what has been going on behind the scenes.  It means that Peace is now the overriding value and culture of Planet Earth.  Wars, panic, domination, engineered lack, poverty and debt slavery will peter out for lack of support and involvement. 


If you choose to participate in any thought, feeling or belief of lack, fear, doubt or selfishness as this shift in consciousness comes fully into fruition, you will be delaying the inevitable glorious arrival of the peaceful New Golden Age.   Decide now where your allegiance lies because you will be accountable for the results of your actions.

Peace is a refusal to take part in any kind of violence, ever.


Peace is not a passive state.  Peace is readiness at every moment to engage with Strength, Love, Balance, Independence, Unity, Compassion, Generosity, Clarity, Humor and intense steadfast Divine Will.


Peace is Light.  Peace is your Father and me.


It is our Destiny.


We love you without end.  I am your Mother.

Channeled by Kathryn E. May and Christine Burk, June 5, 2015


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5308 What Are Questions Anyway?, June 7, 2015 

God said: 

You are on a new level now. Your consciousness is on a new level. Then let your life and your thoughts and your actions and reactions also be on a new level.

I refrain from calling your new consciousness a higher level because along with higher comes lower and, so, a value judgment. So is it in the world.

You are not exactly the character of Jack and the Beanstalk who could climb to the height of a giant beanstalk that no one else could. In fact, no other beanstalk grew to that great height. That story is a story from folklore. At the top of the beanstalk Jack found a giant.

You will climb to your heights of consciousness and find God. You will come to find that you and I are equally tall. We could say, “Like Father, like Son.”

The point is that you are climbing hand over fist. You will keep climbing, and you will reach Me, and how happy We shall be. You will be the scout who climbs the highest tree. You will put your hand above your eyes so you can see through the blinding sun, and you will see the world from such great height, that you will see all from above and know all is yours.

You have always been climbing higher. This is not new. And yet you are never done, never done in the sense that a roast in the oven is done and you can take it out. You will be climbing higher and higher in the sense that you will be refining and refining your perception. You will perceive the subtler, and then the subtler yet. You are in for a long ride. You are becoming aware of entering Infinity. You are perceiving Infinity although you have always been Infinite despite your caterwauling and questioning this and questioning that.

You will come to the end of your questions, for what questions can there be when you know you are walking hand in hand with Me, when your hand becomes Mine, when My Voice becomes yours, and the beat of Our Hearts is One. When We are fully consciously One, what question can there be to ask?
If there were still a you, I suppose you could ask:
“God, when I was not so close to You as I know I am now, what might I have wanted to know? What might I have asked You? Would I have asked about the weather? Would I have asked You about the meaning of life altogether and the meaning of my life as I saw it separate from Yours? Would I have asked when would I marry? Would I have asked how many children will I have? And will I be spared from all what is seen as misfortune?

“God, would I have listened to Your answers? Would I have been in such a hurry to ask that I might have glossed over Your answers, eager to ask my next question and not really take in Your answers?

“Conceivably, I could have taken years to absorb one answer from You, to fully have heard it and imparted it to my awareness again and again until it could be said that I really got it.

“Would I have asked: What are questions anyway? And what are answers anyway? What is the meaning of meaning? What is the richness that comes from holding a hand that is dear to me? How can it be that one hand warms me, and another does not? How come there is One God and so many past, present, and future human beings?

“Could Earth have been any different from what it is? Could there have been a world where donkeys fly and birds pull carts? Even when it comes to Creation, could I have asked how I would be different if Earth were different? What is this in-satiety that I have to know answers? What do I do with the answers then? Would I file them or stick in a kitchen drawer where I throw so many things now not knowing quite where to put them?

“God, would I still have possessions to wonder where to put?”


Sivananda Daily Reading

8 June

Posted: 06 Jun 2015 10:00 PM PDT

Service of God 
Padasevana is serving the Lord's feet. Actually this can be done only by Lakshmi or Parvati. No mortal being has got the fortune to practise this method of bhakti (devotion), for the Lord is not visible to the physical eyes.
However, it is possible to serve the image of God in idols and, better still, by taking the whole of humanity as God. Padasevana is service of the sick, service of the poor - service of the whole of humanity at large. Service of the Lord's feet can be done through formal worship to murtis (or idols) or to a mental image of God.
Observing the sacred feet of the Lord, again and again, with devotional and eager eyes, worshipping them, serving them, sipping the sacred water with which the Lord's feet have been washed, worshipping the wooden sandals of the Lord, meditating on them, praying to them, taking the dust of the Lord's feet and applying it to the forehead, washing the heart with the dust of the Lord's feet, respecting the holy shrines and places of pilgrimage and places where God incarnated himself for the good of humanity, regarding the Ganges as directly flowing from the feet of the Lord, worshipping, bathing in and drinking of such divine water of the Ganges   all these are different forms of serving the Lord's feet. This kind of devotion destroys all worldly attachments and allows the mind to think exclusively of God.
- - -
Worship God. Praise him. Seek enlightenment. Realise divine bliss. Do not put any conditions to God - worship for worship's sake. In worship the sense of individuality is lost in contemplation of the object worshipped.
To gaze at the divine pictures even for some moments daily is a great blessing. It will purify your mind. Meditation is mental worship of the Lord. Singing the Lord's name (or kirtan) is vocal worship. Service of living beings with love and bhava, is physical worship. If the worshipper of the deity thinks that he is separate from the deity, he is a beast. Devout worship of the Lord's lotus feet means perfect freedom from all fear.



