6-29-15 Faith Healing

Jun 29, 2015
Like there is fatherhood, motherhood, there is Guruhood also. You have to play Guruhood at least to somebody. You do play, you keep giving advices and guiding people consciously or unconsciously, and give them love and care. But do it 100 percent without expecting anything in return. That is living the Guruhood, living the Self.

~ Sri Sri

Asheville, NC, US of A, June 14, 2015. 
Teacher Ophelius. 
Subject: “Through Absolute Faith the Healing was Instantaneous.” 

Message received by Chris Maurus. 

Teacher Ophelius: “Today, my friends, I would like to speak to those of you who would be healers and also those who have the latent ability to be healers. Is that you? 

“When you are moved with great compassion to relieve the suffering of your fellows, you are “feeling” or sensing the Will of the Creator. Because we are all truly One at the root source of our being, we are feeling the connectedness of all others — the parts connected to the Whole. When we attempt to “do” something about this “imbalance,” or suffering, we are “doing” the Will of the Creator. We all possess a Fragment of the Creator within us (the Thought Adjuster) and so do we have the power to heal by aligning our will, through love and compassion, and appealing to the Creator to make whole those connected parts that are out of balance.

“All of you are healers in the sense that you all can pray and petition the Creator Father to “move” and relieve the suffering of your fellows. The degree with which you may be successful in your petition or skill at energy work, is dependent on your faith as a child of the Creator to know, without doubt, that your petitions or energy work shall align with the Creator and be so. Many people were healed by the Master Jesus during his ministry on earth. When He saw the suffering of His children, He was moved with great compassion and when this occurred, His Will aligned with the Father’s Will through absolute faith, and the healing was instantaneous — the Will of the Creator Father made it so. 

“Not only does healing occur by the alignment of the healer’s will with the Creator Father’s, but also shall those in suffering find relief by accepting, through child-like faith, the Will of the Father to make them whole. Those individuals who sought out the Master for healing believed without doubt they would be made whole because of who Jesus was, and so did their own faith as a child of the Creator make them whole again. The Master would often say to them, “Go your way — your faith has made you whole.” Their faith to be healed was so replete, the Father’s Will moved and it was so.

“Believe, believe, believe, my friends, for the Master said, “You shall do even greater works than I.” “If you had but the faith of a mustard seed, you could say to the mountain, ‘Remove yourself into the sea,’ and it shall be so.” You see, my friends, you have been conditioned to believe that you cannot do these things and so it would appear. You are proving that belief in disempowerment works very well and the laws of the universe do what they are designed to do — bring about the reality that the children of the Creator desire. 

“You clever healers will find ways to make the laws of the universe work for you by aligning your will, through faith (belief), with the Will of the Creator. Whatever modality of healing you are using, you are reversing the conditioning placed in your mind by the mass consciousness of the world (to not believe) and so you find varying degrees of success. Your strong emotion of compassion is the key to cutting through this conditioning to accept disempowerment. 

“Whenever you are moved with great emotion, you see in that moment with laser-like precision the way in which reality ought to be (you see the divine intention), not what it currently is according to the sheer strength of mass consciousness to hold the illusion of disempowerment. In that moment of purity of mind to make whole the sufferer, the reality is matched with that pure vibration and is so. Love and compassion are very potent emotions that focus the will and change the vibrational reality!

“Love always, my friends, and heal the world! 

“Peace to you, 
“The Circle of Seven.”

Edited by Linda Abell.

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius.

Heavenletter #5331 The Realms of Sunshine, June 29, 2015

God said: 

From the minute baby birds crack their shells and are hatched, their every need is taken care of. Then comes the day that the fledglings are dropped from their nest and must soar on their own. This is a natural event.

And now, about you, you probably just naturally evolved from your nest, and have been on your seeming own for sometime now. I say seeming own because Our ties are very great. Our ties is an expression of the world. It is really Our Oneness that is very great.

I could never toss you out of Heaven. Impossible. Heaven is where you abide. There was no fall. There was unfocused vision that you called focus, focus on this and that, focus on making a living and finding your way, when, My Beloveds, you, your Self is the way.

At the beginning – We can call it beginning, although you always were - there is a point or raveled edge when you discover responsibility for yourself and no longer expect to be taken care of quite so much. You begin to see that you may well create your happiness and sadness, and that you have the wherewithal to also resolve what seems to be an intrusion on you and go further into the Realms of Sunshine where the abundance of difficulties recedes. You may indeed be the resolver of all that gets in your way.

You do not feel so much that you are waging war and tromping through jungles. You have, perhaps, more trust in Me yet less dependency. You are more at home in life. Oh, once in a while, you may feel you are under siege, and, yet, you are not so fearful. There is an over-all security. You rescue yourself more now. You have confidence in Me at the same time as you have more confidence in life and in your Self.

What is happening is that you are getting closer to the moment that you and I meld into One. You want to be closer to Me. You do not denounce yourself. You announce yourself. You become closer to the power of life which can only be Self-Realization.

The confidence you have is a quiet assurance. Trust. A Trust in God, a Trust in Yourself, a Trust in the Energy of the Universe. I will go so far as to say it is simply Trust, not so much in something or anything, simply an Overall Trust, a Reserve of Trust. Fear and weariness and worry fade away. They don’t have the presence they once had. As you become simply closer to Me and you see We are already melded into Oneness, the Presence that you have known as God becomes more of an Omnipresence to you. You don’t achieve it. You don’t attain it. You don’t figure it out. You see it, feel it, this Oneness. You recognize it. Perhaps you recognize it as when you recognize, as a child without effort, that your hand is connected to your arm and your fingers are connected to your hand and so forth.

There has to have been that moment. You don’t have to remember it.

You have forever sought Oneness with Me even when you may have not been sure that I exist. The time comes when I become real to you. It could be some great hullaballoo. More frequently, Our Oneness fades in, as it were, the way fogginess turns into sunshine, and here you are. The sunshine always was, and now it overtakes the blur of fog. You have become more of the energy and radiance of the landscape as you recognize that, in all the world and in all the existence as you know it on Earth, there is nothing but the Radiance. There is no landscape. There is the Sun Radiating.

How about that? You like it? Or do you find you want to stay with the old familiar? Either way, enjoy the familiar now, every inch of it. You will, by and by, come across the Great Familiar of the Wholeness of Oneness that already is.

New post on Welcome to Brenda's Blog

Do Observers Make You Feel Guilty?

by LifeTapestryCreations

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Summary of Brenda’s June 26, 2015 channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at  http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman:  Now that you've accepted your totality via your CEO role, you're visiting with each segment about issues you wish to address - much as you believe happens in the ethers between lives on earth. Such visits negate the need for karma. And return you to, "We're all one." For your being is finally all one in the earth plane - something that has never before happened.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog forwww.LifeTapestryCreations.com: ”You've Always Been the Motivating CEO of You”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

You are beginning to notice changes within your being. Perhaps you find yourself touched by someone or something as never before. Perhaps you approach a person or experience differently. Indicators that you are not the entity you were even a few months ago.

You have removed the cover of your being. New you is beginning to sparkle in ways you did not necessarily anticipate - and is as surprising to you as to those around you.

Some of you believe you are returning to the you of yesteryear - a younger, more loving version of you. So it may be. But you added elements the past few decades that ensure that new you experiences are deeper and richer in love and joy.

Perhaps you are not yet feeling love or joy. Such is to be expected as you heal/process those energies you so readily incorporated into your being earlier this year. Many of you are/were on the verge of "blowing a fuse", burn-out - even earth death. You accepted as much energy as you thought your body could take and then asked for more. So it is you may need to heal a bit longer.

Those of you who did not accept as many energies or have a stronger physical being, are beginning to note feelings and action shifts. As if a cement wall around your heart is starting to crumble - so it is.

In this phase, you are adjusting to those new feelings you read about, but have not experienced before in any earth lifetime.

Perhaps as a child you felt more love for others - even yourself. But the years of wear and tear; of accepting that which was not acceptable within your being; of pretending to be something someone else wanted you to be and other earth experiences that created your cement wall of emotional protection, are fading to a memory with fewer feelings of fear, disdain, anger or sadness.

Those memories will soon feel more like a history book than personal reality. A history that is touching, sad or even joyous, but not directly connected to you.

Your heart cannot be free to float into new you until you accept and love all that is you. Such is not possible if you continue to ruminate consciously or subconsciously about all you did wrong earth life after earth life.

This shift from personal memory to an impersonal history was the thrust of the April/May energy bursts - gifts from the Universes that you en masse requested. For you realized you could not clear the many pieces of fear and pain related to your unique path in this lifetime without Universal assistance.

You accepted that Universal assistance only to discover pieces of former 3D pain you needed to address and clear before moving on. And so you are with astonishing results.

Some of you have become almost a new entity within your physical body. Your thoughts, beliefs, perceptions and actions are as new to you as they are to others. You are discovering new depths, fewer fears and amazing directions almost daily.

Perhaps you are tired. Such would be understandable given all you experienced and are experiencing. Allow that to be. Do not push yourself to exhaustion. At the same time, know that the you that is starting to percolate, to feel, think and believe differently, is truly new you in all your glory.

Do not be frightened by new you. Relish the new soft, loving being that you are discovering hidden beneath your concrete protection. Protection that was necessary for you to maintain a physical earth life through your 3D fears and expectations.

Those new to earth - experiencing earth for the first or one of the first times - are not experiencing the shifts you are. Such is so because they do not have need for protective covers. But then, neither have they experienced earth love or fear to the depth you have or anticipate experiencing.

Perhaps you will better understand those entities who do not seem to care much about anything if you realize they are strangers in a strange land. They are from other places - not repeat earthlings as is true for most of you reading these words.

They are not interested in healing or expanding their love channels. They are merely noting the shifts - much as a traveler to a foreign country might. They find this or that intriguing, but not enough to dedicate themselves to earth or earth transition as is true for you.

To you, they feel disconnected because they are. They do not expect to become an earthling - at least not now. But instead, enjoy the novelty of a new land.

They are earth observers only. But once they entered the heaviness of earth's atmosphere, they forgot their Universal purpose and became one of those distant earthlings you find astounding.

They do not seem to be attached to anything or anyone. Perhaps they say the right words or act the right way, but there is nothing you can sense beyond their facade. Even though they may have auras, they are a blank slate otherwise.

Some of you light holders have brought such beings into this world through childbirth or other means and are now becoming more and more astounded at their disconnect from you. Observe them for a few hours and you will note that they are also disconnected from all or most others. There is nothing there for you to tap into.

Those of you enmeshed with someone not of earth will likely feel guilty for not being able to connect with them. In truth, you have given them all they wanted - access to earth during this great shift.

You have completed your contract with them. They will learn what they wish to learn when they wish to do so. Your only role was allowing them to enter earth via your direction or invitation. Move on as they will. There is no ongoing bond. You will know such in your heart when you try to connect with them and feel little or nothing.

Perhaps you wonder if such an action is counterproductive to the phrases, "We're all one." "Love others as yourself"

You cannot force anyone into a love box. Allow yourself to let go of the guilt of trying to force someone to be something they are not - most especially those earth observers who have no intention of returning to earth or becoming part of the healing solution. Interact with those who feel love and loving.

Observers are not interested in that aspect of earth life. They are not zombies, merely observers - like those of you who visit zoos. Even though visiting a zoo can be enriching, you have no need to jump in a cage to interact with the animals or share their experiences.

So it is you are discovering another piece of yourself - guilt related to observer interactions - you can revisit and remove if you so choose. So be it. Amen.

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Copyright © 2009-2015, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:  http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com



Messages from God

Gravity the way I am using this word today is as a symbol for the life created by the choice to believe in separation from the Light and from the freedom of expression that I call "levity," meaning it is the opposite of gravity. It is symbolized in its beginning stages by the ability to levitate. But more than anything, it is about living completely in joy and being free from the magnetic pull of the "grave," of the Earth, of the solidity, of the "grave consequences," of the force that nails you to physicality, of the belief that you are living a life as a solid being and that to move this solidity takes great energy and effort, and a high degree of motivation.

Ah, but the shift to the heart brings levity which means relief from the world that is nailed down, that is anchored by that magnetic pull of dissonance, of a consciousness separate from life that is symbolized by the experience of death.


The New Scriptures by Sananda/Jesus 
Chapter Five

It's Time to Reclaim Your Higher Intelligence 

It Is High-Time to Reclaim Your Limitless Intelligence

The skies are turning bluer, and the people of Planet Earth are turning their faces to the sun.  Folks everywhere are feeling the Light that bathes you all, blessing you with the Love of God as you go through your days.  You can feel the lighthearted vibration of your dear Mother Earth, who is celebrating her new birth, her Ascension into the 5th dimension.  

You are being invited to join in the uplifting energy being sent to you from Creator, our Mother/Father God, to lift your hearts and to help you experience the power of being connected with your heart, mind, body and Divine Will.

Your true heart, or as I prefer to think of it, your body/soul/mind, is the place in your heart where you can think, feel and know things that your brain alone cannot comprehend.  You are complex beings, humankind, and you have the ability to establish the neurological connections within your body in an untold variety of ways.  Most of you have been trained to adopt the configuration that allows you to think only with your brain, bypassing the greater intelligence of your heart, your body and your soul.  It was believed, under the sway of your "scientific" approach that "rational" thinking is superior to ideas and thoughts which are influenced by feeling.  

This arrangement is very unfortunate, since it makes you far less intelligent and creative than you would be had you retained and developed the whole body intelligence you were born with.  This has at last been "discovered" by your scientists, but it has not yet changed the way you educate your children or the twisted cultural values that praise mental prowess as strength of character while often diminishing emotional intelligence as a frivolous expression denoting lack of discipline.  I will have suggestions for you here to help you restore your innate connections to the power of your heart.  As many of you have discovered, meditation is a powerful tool for restoring yourself to expanded creativity as well as peace of mind. 

The Great Power of Simple Meditation

Let us discuss for a moment how meditation can change your relationship with yourself.  You are familiar with prayer, and the calm feelings it brings when you send your entreaties and your expressions of gratitude to God or to other Masters.  We hear your prayers, and we work with what you ask of Us, in cooperation with your Higher Self.  

We cannot go against your Master Life Plan for this lifetime, which your Higher Self oversees, yet we are always here offering you support.  We always offer Love, Compassion and Acceptance.  As it has been traditionally practiced, prayer is a one-way conversation from you to Us.  We wish to open that channel to allow for two-way communication now instead.

The great power of meditation combines a calm and focused attitude similar to prayer, but with your channels open to receive communication from Us in response.  Prayer is often used to plead with Us, for mercy, or to stop the pain in your life or in the lives of others.  We are not usually in a position to answer these kinds of prayers because these events are not caused by God unto you; they are usually a part of the individual Life Plan which you worked out in cooperation with God, your Higher Self,   your Guides and your many Helpers.  Every time you call, we immediately respond to offer relief in accordance with your needs, Life Plan and Higher Self guidance. 

Now, meditation is a more open form of communication.  It allows you to transform your systems to receive on a higher wavelength, so that you can hear our answers to your prayers.  We prefer this conversational approach.  It may feel odd to those of you who feel over-awed by the presence of your Masters, but we wish to assure you that none of us desires to be worshiped, or held at a lofty distance.  We are here to serve you, to teach you, to cheer and to inspire you and to offer you the Love of our hearts.  I wish to communicate with you, heart to heart, as you might say.

Think of this as an activity similar to attending a seminar or a personal tutoring session with your favorite college professor.  The teachers are not different from you in kind; they are more advanced along the path of learning by virtue of long years of study and discipline.  This simply means that they have cultivated a more expanded capacity to Love, and they wish to help you with your own progress.  This is the way we see our work.

Begin to Think of Yourself as Your Higher Self

We welcome close communication with those who are ready to move ahead in their soul work.  This soul work always involves some form of the progression I have mentioned earlier: learning to take command of your own feelings and thoughts; healing from the traumas and painful memories of many lifetimes; clearing away the old patterns you learned to think of as "who I am" to make room for the true, brilliant and free Self you can be and - underneath it all - already are.  These themes, these rungs on the ladder of learning and Ascending, are Universal, yet the way you live through them on the journey of your soul's evolution is wholly unique.  You are the artist and engineer crafting your adventures, your lessons and your lifetimes. 

I urge you to begin thinking of yourself as the one who is your Higher Self.  In this picture, you embody the sum of all lifetimes, all knowledge and all growth.  Your current personality, along with the collection of ideas, thoughts, feelings and beliefs are just the accumulation of responses to what you have experienced in this particular lifetime, a tiny part of the soul you really are.  Begin a great leap in your evolution in this very moment by moving your awareness back away from your Self to get a long-range perspective of this body, this short lifetime, and the timeline you have experienced so far.  See this life as a part of the enormous whole that is your Cosmic Self, and see that Cosmic Self as a part of the whole of the great reality - which includes all of Creation!

When you meditate on this vision of yourself within the Cosmic whole, you will begin to see that you are neither a small insignificant speck nor a limited and finite human with 80 or 90 years' existence.  You are a necessary cog in the great wheel of Life, a crucial part of this Earth Ascension, and a beloved Child of Creation. 

Every feeling/thought, every action, every lifetime plays an irreplaceable part in relation to all others; you have touched innumerable other souls and have been touched by them.  There is no insignificant nor expendable Being.  There is no meaningless nor unnecessary event.  There are no accidents that do not play an important part in the unfolding of the shared Destiny of humankind.  From this perspective you may easily see the Truth: you are precious and vital. 

When you look at yourself from this perspective, you will begin to understand how we see you. Every one is precious; every being is unique.  We feel immeasurable Love for you.  You are the hope for the future of our ambitious project.  You have all worked with me on this project throughout many lifetimes here on Earth.  Each of your lifetimes have been your way of progressing along your soul path to a higher level of enlightenment.  In this way, you have done your own part in creating the rising tide that elevates everyone on the planet.  In addition, you have done your part in the interplay with others - your soul mates, acquaintances and friends. 

All of you have agreed to lives in which you inspired others through the expression of great compassion or tolerance.  At other times, those of you who wished to advance in your Ascension even made the sacrifice of playing the role of the oppressor,  challenging others to organize against and rise above the oppression to become advocates for the Greater Good.

You see, this is the powerful irony in the experience of life on Earth.  When people are put in the most difficult situations, it brings out the courage, the conviction and the highest level of dedication to the Light.  Ironically, this is the model that has been adapted for training soldiers, who face the most difficult challenges in battle.  This training is popularly called boot camp.  Yes, this is the way the Universe sees your sojourn here - you are seen as Light warriors and this is why we are in admiration of your progress.  There are other ways to evolve as souls, but none so arduous, thorough, and in Cosmic terms, holding the potential for such rapid change.

In the short period of about seven thousand years, this civilization has evolved into a relatively effective overall arrangement in which most of the people on the planet are fed, clothed and sheltered to such a degree that the population has grown exponentially.  In spite of areas of poverty, your life expectancy has risen across the globe, and there is the growing popular belief that medical care, literacy, availability of clean water and sufficient food is a right all should enjoy. 

Kindness Is the Gold That Paves the Streets of the New Golden Age

The ambitious goal, the full commencement of the New Era of Peace, has not yet been achieved on Earth, but the seeds of success have taken root in the heart of the whole planet.  Even with the interference of those in power who would put their own greed before the wellbeing of others, groups of private citizens continue to achieve astounding progress through humanitarian programs.

We in higher dimension can see the trajectory of your efforts.  You have been receiving innumerable upgrades and enhanced encoding to aid your progress.  These planned enhancements have been delivered to you through energetic Events and Gateways which have all originated from the Great Central Sun.  The Projects in motion now have a natural impetus to move you toward fruition in the high energies that continue to flood the Planet and uplift you in every way.

Acts of kindness performed yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that have already taken flight to spawn further generosity within others.  The actions of those reading these messages are shifting the frequencies experienced by many from tentative hopefulness to excited anticipation.  You can all feel something coming. Something exciting and fulfilling is about to break through into consciousness in yourselves and in the larger world.  It is unstoppable. 

It is a time of foment, a time of questioning of old ideas and old ways, including two major areas:  1) the religious belief systems that have become rigid, exclusionary and destructive to human happiness, and 2) the economic beliefs and operating systems which have allowed and even encouraged the destruction of Mother Earth herself, the one who has given life and sustenance to all.

All this will change. It is changing as we speak!  I am here to give support and encouragement to those who have followed their deep inclination to raise themselves and their fellow humans, to participate in acts of kindness and generosity - even when no one is watching them.  

The unsung heroes among you are many, and they form the Legions of Light which will become the foundation for the New Golden Age. I commend you, and all who are newly awakening from their slumber.  I greet you with open arms and welcome you to the glorious march toward liberty, equality and the deepest happiness that arises from the sense of Oneness with each other, with Mother and Father and with me. 

We are here for you in every moment, awake or asleep, and we are whispering in your ear even now as you read these messages.  We are One.

I am Sananda, the author of these messages, and the one you knew as Jesus.


John - Cleveland Ohio