6-24-14 Brenda's Channeled Message

When every action of yours is preceded by witnessing, then every move you make in this world becomes perfect and significant.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Why Do You Need Fear-Based Contingency Plans?

by lifetapestrycreations


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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Dear Ones,

Perhaps you are not part of the chaos that seems to be rampant throughout the globe - wars, fear of war, starvation, earth upheavals - but then, you do probably wonder how long it will be until you are part of it.

Maybe your country will enter a war. Maybe an earthquake will destroy parts of your country. Maybe monsoon-like rains will alter your life in other ways. All fears that you hold deep within you. For has not your life on earth for eons been one catastrophe after another that you addressed or ignored, but maintained the resulting fear deep within your being?

Such are your fears now. Somehow, some where you believe you will have to face whatever it is you are dreading - like your phrase, "waiting for the other shoe to drop." You feel sympathy or empathy for those most directly affected. At the same time,  you feel a sense of relief that it has not affected you or those you love.

That feeling is quite natural given all you have willingly experienced on Old Age earth. But such is no longer true. This hidden global fear belief is perhaps the biggest transition of the next few days - from expecting to react to an unpleasant something to knowing it does not matter.

If Old Age earth was merely a drama/play of sorts and you have left that drama/play - as those exiting their cocoon in the next few days have - you will not be traumatized. Perhaps your house burns - an Old Age trauma and fear. In new earth, that house will be replaced with a home more suited to the new you.

You will not continue to experience drama for you are now part of a comedy/loving phase of earth. That which was once devastating will be an obvious opening to a better, more joyful life.

You do not yet understand - but you will. Just as you once did not understand how you could feel more personal joy than fear.

Fear is of the past. Including the fear of what could or should happen given certain circumstances and Old Age historical perspectives.

This time is somewhat similar to the shift in thought processes required once a castle with protective walls no longer ensured safety - cannons and other technical inventions made such thoughts obsolete.

Fear - and a resulting "game plan" for fearful contingencies - has been an expected part of your life thought/feeling processes. "What would I do if an earthquake destroyed my community?" "What should I do if someone opens fire at a shopping mall?" fear plan after fear plan tucked away within your being - taking up valuable joy space.

Fear is truly no longer part of your repertoire. Do you remember how difficult it was - and maybe still is - to love yourself as you are?

Hidden fears that you could be next in whatever negative drama you envision, are as outdated as your dislike of you.

Why would you require fear-based contingency plans if your life is of or moving to joy?

Instead of creating a no-longer-valid fear drama, your new creations are now how an adventure, experience can be even more joyful - what creates a smile or laughter? Instead of,  "I am laughing now, but who knows what tomorrow will bring?"

Perhaps you wish to dwell on negative possibilities. That is your right. But know that such is as outdated as spittoons of the 1800's. You can continue your chewing tobacco habit, but few will support you in doing so.

Unlike the past when fear dominated - the exact opposite is happening more rapidly than you realize.

Fewer find the media news of one fear image after another that interesting or entertaining. There will be a time in the not-so-distant future when news shows will shift - not because they want to, but because so few will care about the ongoing fears the media elect to report.

Now you are feeling that thinking nice thoughts and laughing does not negate the reality of starvation or war. Such is true. But when such images, such factors are no longer interesting, when entities on earth ignore fears, fears will disappear. A bit like a reaction to many bullies. Bullies love to be engaged, to create fear. If such does not happen, they have little power and a great deal less interest for those following them.

You have released your personal fears. Now release your global fears.

This is not a promise that earth will be a lovely playground tomorrow, but a plea for you to shift your attention from a global fear-based mode to joy and other earth entities will do the same.

This transition is not for a limited few - but a global, Universal shift from a world permeated with fear to a new earth of joy. Your overall role is to introduce that joy to your life so your beacon shines for all.

A light shining in any area of darkness negates the darkness. As you leave your cocoon and your deepest fears, radiate your light - and thereby, radiate your disbelief in the fears of what might happen. Those fears are of yesterday. Today is a new dawn. So be it. Amen.


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4960 You Are the Sun Set Out to Brighten the World , June 24, 2014 

God said: 

I set you down at My table. You sit beside Me. You are also the table I set. I set you on My table. The Earth is My table. How beautiful are My table and you who sit with Me.
I, Who can do Everything, do not know the words to convey to you the beauty you are. You know I am speaking of greater than Earthly Beauty but rather of the Beauty that is you right here before Me. You are My guest, and you are the beautiful world I set before you and establish you in. Into your heart I see. By your light I see, and by your light am I seen.
There isn’t anything in the Universe that isn’t a representation of the Light We share.
Lighted are Our Hearts, and Light is Our Way.
We cast no shadows, beloved. The Light I speak of can only cast Light. There is nothing to obstruct Our Light. Why then is this Bright Holy Light not seen day and night in the world? It is unseen because there is you who does not see. There is an un-seer.
Then try a different sense. Try the sense of touch, the sense of feeling that roams in your heart.
But, listen to this: You can take My word for this. Here, I give you My word that you are a Lighted Being, lighted from the inside out. You are the Sun that I set out to brighten the world. Do you doubt Me? Undoubt then. I am talking exactly to you. You are My Sunshine.
You have seen glimpses of your Self. You have seen or felt or touched glimpses of your Self in Me. There is One Self. Let’s not quibble over the details. Call Me Light. Call yourself Light. We are One Lighted One. Whose eyes look into Whose eyes? Whose Voice speaks and Whose Voice answers, and where can you be found, and where can I be found? The answer is the same. Anywhere and Everywhere.
On what do your eyes fall? On you do My eyes fall or rise or spread and cover the Whole Universe. Whose Universe is it? It is Ours. We created it, and We live on it. At the same time, We explore Heaven, even as We know it very well and never leave despite all the stories you read and the stories you tell.
We skip from Heaven to Heaven and Earth to Earth and never miss a step in Heaven. In Heaven you do not leave footprints. That you do not see footprints does not mean that you have not been there. It doesn’t mean that you are not in Heaven right now, or that I am not in Heaven right now, and right with you in Heaven.
Beloveds, where I am is Heaven, and you are right here with Me. You may find yourself wandering, for your mind wanders, yet I hold you fast to Me, and I do not let you go. I hold you with love. Love is our bond, and love is not a restriction. Love is an opening. Love is a flowering. Love is the glue that connects us to everyone and everything whether you are aware of it or not. You have been rather selective with love, and now your love is going to go like wildfire. You have held a lighted match in your hand and have not yet taken the step, fearing that you would not find yourself again, as if your individuality would blow up in the magnitude of love, and, yes, yes it would, and you would know you are in Heaven around the clock.


Alberta, Canada. 
Teacher Prometheus. 
Subjects: “Inviting the Gracious Presence.” 

Received by Renée. 

Teacher Prometheus: “With every free-willed choice come the responsibilities associated with that decision and real consequences resulting from that decision. The fact that humans can find themselves in difficult situations is no excuse for doubting the reality of the greatest resource of the indwelling Spirit that is available to the human host with the faithful and profoundly simple act of asking for divine assistance. When humans try to ‘go it alone’ with all the prideful assertions of the lower animal-evolutionary mind, ignoring feelings of the heart, reason, and the intuitive resource of the growing morontial higher mind, all manner of suffering, distress, doubt, fear and proliferation of negative and cynical thought can unfold. 

“Presence of mind is an extremely helpful and practical state of consciousness, which greatly facilitates the connection with the reality of the Spirit Presence (Thought Adjuster) within the domain of ‘shared consciousness space’. This ‘gracious space’ is literally opened up within the higher mind of the individual with present intention, sincere faith and asking in meditation and prayer for council, guidance, inspiration and loving intelligence of Spirit. 

“We ask those who are reading these words to ‘take inventory of their state of mind’ and to do this with the awareness of the reality of the God-presence within, who is a constantly devoted, always available Companion to you – the personality of evolutionary status. Know that the Soul-child within requires the experiences and growth opportunities provided in your mortal ‘infancy’.

“The primary consideration in your life should be the health and vitality of your soul and the growing souls and indwelt persons with whom you associate. You can only grow a healthy soul with mindful conscientious decision-making and the learning of spiritual lessons upon the realizations of poor decision-making. Humans cannot always avoid making mistakes but they can learn to avoid making the same mistakes again and again. 

“The higher mind can be considered borderless but not orderless. Creativity begins by actively accessing the gracious space with an open-hearted trust and willingness to allow the light of inspiration to catalyze the partnership of co-creation. 

“The practice of daily meditation or prayer is necessary, in fact crucial for these fundamental reasons: 

1) To connect with the Source of Spiritualizing Energies required for healthy growth of the morontial soul-mind and the raising of the vibrational frequency of the higher mind as it intersects with consciousness.

2) To provide ‘space’ and allow the indwelling Spirit to work within the higher mind, integrating the learned spiritual lessons into the ‘fabric of the personality’.

3) To initiate the co-creative process of working with the indwelling Spirit to develop the life plan which can only ‘flower’ along the highest path with the ‘soul-decision’ of the personality. 

We invite all persons reading this message to put forth the most sincere efforts to connect with the Spirit that indwells with constant ever-loving vigilance, awaiting even the slightest opening of the higher mind for an opportunity to commune and guide, comfort, encourage, educate and uplift the human personality. Doing so, they can realize their growth potentials by allowing the wisdom of the highest Resource available to develop them with divine direction to the highest path in perfect harmony with the Will of the Creator of All.

“We are Prometheus and friends.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
“When we speak of Wisdom, we are speaking of the profound cosmic
knowledge base upon which the creature-personality can draw” –
