6-19-15 SaLuSa {Channeled}

 SaLuSa, June 19, 2015

Dear Ones so much is now happening that although we have only been away from you for a short time, events are forever speeding up and in a relatively short time they will reveal our intentions to you. There has never been a time when we have not been active but for reasons of secrecy to avoid interference from the dark Ones, we have always been quietly working away. The stage has been set for an announcement of our intentions, and once that step has been taken they will escalate into a whole series of them. You have patiently waited for such a time and when it arrives you will not be disappointed. We are more confident now that we have curtailed the power and influence of the dark Ones, and we aim to keep their activities in check under our watchful eye.

We have many friends upon Earth and for eons of time have been helping them to progress with their tasks, to bring out new ways of swiftly taking you into the New Age. Once the revelations commence you will probably feel overwhelmed by the speed at which they will take place. You will also be delighted to note how quickly they introduce you to much needed changes that will immediately lift up your quality of life. There is so much poverty on Earth yet it need not have been that way, as there are more than enough of her riches to ensure all of you have the necessities of life. Not only that but once your basic needs have been satisfied there will be changes that allow you more time to pursue your own interests, instead of being a slave to earn money for the necessities of life. It is our intention to bring the changes in as soon as possible so that there is no delay in establishing the benefits of the New Age.

For some time now you have gradually been given an insight of what to expect once you have been released from the influence and activities of the dark Ones. They would rather see you continue your struggles and deliberately cause wars and unrest so that you can never fully enjoy the peace and happiness that is your birthright. However, your destiny is assured and you will soon experience release from all that has previously prevented you from living a fulfilling life. There will be a time that is rapidly approaching when you will enjoy the freedom of living in freedom from the always present threat of war, as it has no place in the higher vibrations. For some time now they have been lifting up and slowly but surely you are approaching a time of great change. In the midst of unrest and so much that needs changing to raise your standard of living, you find it difficult to envisage how permanent peace can be assured. However, it will come and in a way that you may not have considered possible, and will signal the end of all hostilities and bring the peace that you desire.

Mother Earth is highly involved in the changes that may at times seem rather extreme, but bear in mind that the Earth has been slowly dying and needs much attention and changes to bring the New Age into being. The pollution of seas is of major concern as it is killing off areas that sustains the life that should abound within them. In many areas the soil is saturated with chemicals and they need cleansing so that they can be fully restored. There is much work of this nature which would present you with an almost impossible task, but as you are finding out there are new discoveries that will immensely speed up such operations. Indeed, with our help the task of cleaning up the Earth becomes so much easier. There will be changes of such a nature that your industries will no longer need to use polluting or toxic chemicals. There are many changes planned that will speed up the whole process to restore your Earth.

At a time when many people fear the worst it is up the souls who are of the Light and understand what is happening, to help those who feel abandoned and in distress. Let it be known that massive beneficial changes are on the way that will lift the quality of life far beyond your expectations. We of the Galactic Federation of Light will be assisting you at all stages, although we will give you every encouragement to take part in the whole process of change. Be assured we are fully aware of your needs, but because of your karmic responsibilities we cannot always intervene to help you. We will however do our best to influence you in your actions to achieve the best results. In fact, all along we have travelled by your side encouraging you and helping you to get through periods of immense pressure. You may sometimes wonder where new ideas come from and sometimes it is our influence at work. Soon will come a time when we can work openly with you, without fear of interference and then you will see matters moving forward in leaps and bounds.

Regretfully your Press is still under the control of the Illuminati, and your news is carefully monitored to keep back the truth about many things that are happening to you. However, once you aware of the true situation you will accept the news with caution and develop the ability to “read between the lines”, as so much is concealed from you and also falsely set before you. For eons of time you have been kept in the dark on so many matters, and much that could have directly benefitted you has been kept back. Perhaps this is best illustrated in respect of the scourge of cancer that can be cured except that it is not released to the general public. Those concerned would rather treat you than cure you in an industry that is worth an immense amount of profit. It will of course change very soon, as the truth will come out and nothing will prevent it happening.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and glad that we can give you good news about the future. You have patiently awaited the end times that now loom large and will soon begin in earnest. We are pleased to be part of your enlightenment and soon will be part of your lives. We are your future and look forward to enlightening you as to your true history, as you are much greater than you imagine and we admire and salute your determination to see the final defeat of the dark Ones. We will be with you at all times to support you and send our Love.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey
Tree of the Golden Light 

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5321 Ego, the Opposite of Humility, June 19, 2015 

God said: 

To thine own self be true really means: To thine own SELF be true.

Now, this that I say next is delicate. To Thine own Self be true means not to follow your wee tiny little trumped-up ego! I am your Self. Follow Me.

Attachment is ego. Your first opinion is often based on ego. Your ego is sure he is right. Ego always thinks he knows better than anyone else. Ego thinks he knows better than I do. Ego has a high opinion of himself. Ego has many ways of dodging what I say, and ego does a good job of thwarting what is in your best interest. In every case, it is in your best interest to dodge ego and listen to Me.

Of course, I speak of ego as if he were a third party to you, yet ego thrives and is alive and well within you. Ego is not responsible for your antics. You are responsible for ego’s antics. Ego gains ground only with your participation, and, I must say, most often with your wholehearted participation. Ego may rub his grimy hands in delight while you look at him with approval. Whenever you want to get the better of someone, this is ego urging you on. Otherwise, you would be honoring another soul on Earth more than you may presently.

How necessary it is that you stay away from ego. Do not go where angels fear to tread.

You may think that animosity and upset are strength. No, calmness is strength. In calmness, you don’t get carried away. In turmoil, which upset is, you get carried away. Ego delights in carrying you away. You may call ego short-sightedness. You may call ego a runaway train. Nevertheless, you can stop ego by looking him in the eye and saying as cowboys used to say to motherless calves: “Get along, little dogie, get along.” Be firm with ego. You don’t want any part of ego. You don’t have to stick up for yourself. You don’t have to defend your honor or whatever you think you are doing.

What I have said just now does not take anything away from your desire to swim or surf in the sea or to eat an apple or waffles. There is a place for personal desires, and you might as well have your desires. This does not mean pitting the strength of your personal preferences against another’s, as you might want to oppose someone else’s beliefs. You do not have to have the say as if you are less if you don’t.

This is the same as when you are in school, and you disdain a decision your teacher made. What, are you going to do? Set yourself up against your teacher as if you were the teacher while you see it that the teacher who carries so much responsibility must bow to your will? You are a bystander. An onlooker. The responsibility is not yours.

You are not here on Earth to prove yourself right. If you are here on Earth to love, then do not make opponents. Where is humility? Where is your humility? From your point of view, naturally, you are right, yet that doesn’t mean that you are right. Anyway, you do not know all the factors. You may not know what is gold and what is not. Let Us say, for the moment, that you are correct whether you know all the factors or not. In the world, dear ones, everything is relative. In years to come or in a moment, sooner or later, you will see from another angle.

You are learning to let go and to come not from confrontation but from peace. You do not need to hold onto the reins so tight. Let them go.


Oregon, US of A, January 10, 2015. 
Teacher: Thought Adjuster. 
Subject: “Practice Your Listening Skills.” 

Message received by Anyas. 

Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, to be able to engage consciously in the give-and-take involved in a personal relationship is amazing. Intentional communication, conscious listening from both sides, is what allows one to get to know the inner depth of one’s partner in communication. Engaging in communication is an intentional act followed by the action of listening and responding. Just as it is important in human communications to allow adequate time for the interlocutor to fully express what he/she has to say, without interrupting, so it is in any relationship, including the one with the Divine. 

“How much are you missing out when your mind quickly jumps to the next topic without allowing the first topic to be completely fleshed out. As you are practicing daily, you are starting to notice that your Inner Voice is getting more and more space for self-expression and that you greatly benefit from this input. This is what allows Me, your Divine Presence, to truly step into your life and to become your Thought Controller as you let go of your inner agenda to lead the conversation. 

“What a joy it is for Me when my beloved student can finally hear my voice and become conscious of my leadings and the leadings of Spirit. Christ Michael and Mother Nebadonia are included in this beautiful morning exchange and their Presence will become more and more real and tangible into your life. 

“You will start to understand that we are not the Silent Partners that you thought we were. We do have our own Voice that you will become more and more able to hear loud and clear as you quiet down your mind so that you can perceive our whispers in the Stillness. An agitated mind first needs to be quieted as it is not receptive, being overloaded by its own busy energies. This is why you need to first make time to calm it down, to relax it. 

“Keep at it, dear one. You are on the right track and I sense that you do perceive your own progress. I feel your ever-growing gratitude and it is honey to my heart. Imagine what can develop from cultivating your conversational skills! My love is with you, ALWAYS – truly, as we are destined to be eternal partners and become One.”

Edited by Linda Abell.

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
No matter what the question is, the answer is always Love.


Sivananda Daily Reading

20 June

Posted: 19 Jun 2015 01:23 AM PDT

Devotee's Vision 
The bhakta is blissful at all times. His mind cannot think of anything for everything is God. “Yatra yatra mano yati tatra tatra samadhayah - Wherever the mind goes there it experiences samadhi” - for it does not find any object of enjoyment. God fills every speck of space and the whole world is clothed in the glory of God.
The saint and the sinner, the virtuous and the vicious, the good and the bad, the man and the animal - all are forms of God. How can the mind deal with them in any undivine way? There, the mind experiences samadhi - it has consciousness but no object. Samadhi is thoughtless consciousness, objectless consciousness - this is para bhakti. This is the same as vedantic realisation. The effect is the annihilation of the ego or the destruction of the mind.
God, who is supremely powerful, supremely wise and supremely blissful, pervades the entire atmosphere and the earth. He is the earth and the heaven; He is father, mother, brother, sister; He is the consummation of all love and aspiration, of all desire and ambition; He is the stoppage of all mental vrittis and He is the ideal to be attained.
Control the mind and annihilate the ego - this is the essence of all yogas. It is the ideal of bhakti yoga, which is a very sweet and easy method or procedure. One has not got to curb one's emotions and one has not to run away to the forests. He has to direct his emotions towards God. He has to see God as present in the world. This is the essence of bhakti sadhana (practice).
Bhakti is thus only a reflection of the love for the Self which the Upanishads declare. Only the names are different: one calls it Self and the other calls it God. Names do not matter; it is the feeling that counts, and that is the same in both.
Self-surrender is the highest form of bhakti. It is surrender of the ego or individuality. What remains after that is the 'Absolute' of the vedantins. Bhakti surrenders the ego and a vedantin disintegrates the ego. In both the ego is not there - their ideals are the same. Whether one eats rice or wheat, it is all the same - the purpose of both is to appease the hunger. So whether you follow bhakti or vedanta, the effect is the annihilation of the ego. This is the truth.


The New Tree of Life
If you haven't been to Animal Kingdom to see the detail in this Tree of Life exhibiit, you, at least, need to see the images up close on the internet. The animals sculpted into the tree trunk are extraordinary. 
My visit there reminded me to share with you about the new Tree of Life God has given to us. 
As we are moving into a new world and with new possibilities, God has given us a new Tree of Life. It was first introduced to me on Thursday, March 28, 2013 during a morning session of Holy Week that year. That week was a major turning point for us in this transition to a new word. 
That was the week when our sessions were focused on the major issues that have affected humanity. We cleared the cause of martyrdom, oppression, suffering, Eve and the infamous story of the apple, and on Good Friday, the serpent energy. All problems have a spiritual and non-physical component. By clearing the causal level of problems, you can then affect change in the physical more easily. The causal level of these issues needed to be healed before the shifts can occur in the physical where we will all be able to see and experience them more readily.
As part of the transition into the new world, we were given a new Tree of Life thatThursday that looked more like the image below than the one above. The new world we are moving into is young yet, as is this new Tree of Life. 
Along with this new Tree of Life, a toast or statement has been offered to be shared with it. That is as follows:
"Aligned with the divine within my own heart to access all there is."
Up until this point, we have often been directed as a society to go outside of ourselves for knowledge. In this new world, we are being directed to God or Source (whichever you prefer) within each of us to access the "all knowing". That all knowing can guide us in a direction we take that exists outside of us, but you can feel more confident that the direction is purposeful and for our highest and best good.

This new Tree of Life and affirmation is a reminder that answers lie within us. The solutions to our challenges that we seek lie within us. The invitation is to go within and align with the divine within your own heart to access all there is. 
The more you are able to go within for those answers, the easier life becomes. That is where you find peace. That is where you find the guidance to all that you require for a life of joy, love, peace, balance, freedom and abundance.
Blessings to you. 
Wishing you have a wonderful weekend,

Jun 19, 2015
This creation, this very life is a mystery, and the mystery cannot be understood. But it can be lived in its totality.

~ Sri Sri