6-19-14 Blossom |
Once again I have the opportunity to communicate with you
and Trusting that it is appropriate to do so at this time. Indeed. We are able to resume
communication and find it most pleasurable to do so. Last night I dreamt of seeing a
ship of coloured Lights in the night sky. Some had seen it, others hadn’t … Yet, even in my dream, it gave me
such warmth in my heart. Again, I reiterate from the last link up … it’s not about proof … it’s about
KNOWING that once you are around, things can shift and advance so much more. This we
appreciate. Yet, we too reiterate … that much is taking place … even though for you upon the Earth plane, it
does not seem so. Let us express the fact that due to the vibration of many becoming Higher … the plans are well on
course. Do not underestimate the power of your Light. Each one of you stands
as a beacon. Each one who is aware of the LIGHT and TRUTH of themselves, are able to diminish that which does not serve.
You are working too, for the many that choose to remain asleep at this time. Rather like shift work ... Yet, the shift does
not change its workers. YOU HOLD THE LIGHT. YOU ARE THE LIGHT. You are becoming that which you had only imagined.
And NOW … that which you imagined is becoming reality. HOLD ONTO YOUR
within yourselves … that with each breath that takes in and releases LOVE … you are assisting ALL that is to
move into that which is of the brightest LIGHT. Dearest friends upon Earth …
the darkness that dampens your spirit has reigned for too long. NOW in the dawn
of the New Age ... you are able to let go of all that has brought you down. Ok
… These words are indeed beautiful and I thank you for them. Truly … they come from a place of LOVE and upliftment.
Yet … with respect for giving this High vibration … which is your aim … may I say … I could probably
click on any channelling over the past six years and you would be saying more or less the same thing. Six years
for you … may be in the blink of an eye. Six years for us … is a very long time … for us to keep on keeping
on … hearing the same uplifting words … yet not actually seeing much change … on the bigger scale that
we are expecting. How we admire your forthrightness. And indeed we have come to understand
much. May we say … that WE have not changed in our perspective of that which we choose to offer in wisdom and KNOWING.
For … for us … we are still on the direct pathway to that which we KNOW is coming about. Really, we could go round and round in circles on this matter and we often do. I just want our relationship
to assist the planet and those upon it. That’s why we have it, I FEEL. My position frustrates many, as I do not ask
you questions some feel are necessary and important. My feelings are … if there was something of GREAT importance
you needed to impart … you would. It has to be understood … that there is
much that we may know that we are unable to impart. It does not sit well to do so … in the fact that there are rules
and regulations that must be adhered to. We have no intention of interfering
in a manner that causes disruption of thought. We wish only to oblige in the raising of the soul’s FEELINGS into a
place of Higher Love for the self and ALL. This as you know, is why we come. We did not have an agreement with you Blossom, to discuss matters that are not to be discussed. Even though one
may have an inquiring mind on certain matters. We are not at liberty to give
you answers on such things that are not of our ‘agenda’. These rules are in place for good reason and we have
no intention … indeed it is not within us … to consider breaching such rules. This
I understand. I agree and respect that. So … how’s the weather? Kidding! What matters WOULD you like to discuss,
that you feel would benefit the whole? That which serves the soul. That which enhances
the beauty of that which you are. Why would we choose to speak of things that were not of this nature? How would it serve
you? One would be wise to consider the same. For indeed … there is much in your world that is spoken of, that does
not allow the betterment of mankind to shine through. That’s probably because there
is much in our world to speak of, that carries that energy. It’s all very well … KNOWING the right way ahead
… yet, not always that easy to walk its path, when there are obstacles of such negativity to stumble on. Truly, the
lives of many seem so ‘out of sorts’. The lives of some … seem ridiculously inhumane! Have we really progressed
at all … when one considers the suffering that so many have to endure? We hurt deeply to FEEL the suffering of
so many that live alongside us … WE WANT IT TO STOP … NOW. That’s why we appear to be so impatient. Do
you see? Yes, we see. Yet we are not the ones who can stop these atrocities. Are we? To a certain extent. Yet KNOW … that those who offer conclusions
to such affairs … do so … on an advanced understanding. And although YOU OF EARTH may FEEL that so much is going
by unnoticed ... by those who are 'in the know ‘ and have the power to change it … it is by no means being passed
by. The Universal Laws CANNOT be broken … and if they are … then there are deep repercussions.
So … that which is knocking humanity about in such a huge way … those who
wish to ‘take over everything’ and are doing quite a good job, by the looks of things … why are they allowed
to carry on? Surely it is time … it has been time for a long time … to put a stop to it all … Instead of
allowing the deep repercussions to carry on getting deeper. You say you cannot interfere… some think that by ‘your
kind’ even talking to us … you already are. Sometimes in our world … when children get out of hand …
the adults have to step in to sort the situation out … just saying! We do not consider
our talks with you to be interfering. We consider them to be of a manner that allows the soul to ‘get back to itself’.
Offering wisdom … we assume to guide you. To offer a brighter way … a brighter day … To intervene, on the other hand … is another matter altogether. Yet
… if we are the ONE FAMILY … you and I and everyone ... being brothers and sisters of LIGHT … what’s
the big deal? Intervene away! That’s what I say! In all ‘YOUR TRUTH’ … did you ever expect things
on Earth to get so low? We would say dearest Blossom … that we are not in control
of anyone’s chosen action. That which comes from any soul … is their prerogative to project. Even when one can see that it is doing such harm to another? You can feel
… can you not … that there is a much bigger picture that simply cannot be understood? The grand scheme of things is far greater than that which your mind's … in the human form … are able
to comprehend. Many of you have forgotten … and wisely so, at this juncture
… that your world and those within it … have been in a similar situation before. This FEELING that burdens your
heart has been with you before. You have carried it before … yet, the ending in before times … the climax to
a world that has ‘got out of hand’ … has been very very different from that which is taking place in your
world IN THESE TIMES. IN THESE TIMES … You are not destroying yourselves. IN THESE TIMES you are taking a different pathway and lifting yourselves OUT OF THE VIBRATION CREATED … instead
of sinking alongside it, when it had gone too far. Try to understand that for
EVERY thought … there CAN be an action. EVERY possible scenario CAN be enacted … EVERY POSSIBLITY ONE CAN CONJURE
UP … CAN become reality. Therefore, there is NOTHING that cannot be exploited
... if one chooses that to be their way. On the other hand … there is
NOTHING that cannot BE LOVED ... if one chooses THAT to be their way. Dearest
souls … this Universe that is part of your existence, is but a small part of The Whole … ALL that lies within EVERYTHING is created within each breath of each living thing. This is THE DIVINE RIGHT OF ALL. There is the choice given to serve
or to not serve . Each one has that DIVINE RIGHT. Yet we say … EVERYTHING THAT IS … EVERYTHING THAT WAS … EVERYTHING
IS NOTHING THAT EXISTS THAT IS NOT OF IT. FOR THERE IS NOTHING ELSE. Learn to LOVE … LOVE ... Be it of a High or low vibration. As you understand that LOVING EVERYTHING is LOVING ALL THAT ‘YOU ARE’ … you understand that there
is nothing else other than YOU. Yet … how can one say ‘I Love war’…
or ‘I love lies’ … because … I don’t! I would be lying! Yet,
allow the soul … the TRUTH of all that you are … to rise above that which is war … that which is a lie
… and simply generate LOVE OVER EVERYTHING … In the KNOWING that LOVE ITSELF … in its HIGHEST FORM of itself
you condone it … LOVING WAR means POURING YOUR LOVE INTO IT. When LOVE
… in its purest form is poured into /onto anything … the situation/circumstance is softened and offered PEACE. For LOVE IS PEACE. When PEACE resides … there can be no war. When LOVE is offered to the lies … when LOVE is poured into/onto that which is not TRUTH … that which
emerges … HAS TO BE TRUTH … LOVE CANNOT PRODUCE ANYTHING OTHER THAN TRUTH. You are of much concern upon your planet of all that is going wrong … WE ASK … WE IMPLORE … BECOME THE LOVE THAT YOU ARE … IN THE HIGHEST FORM THAT YOU ARE ABLE ….
know of you … and I FEEL YOUR TRUTH. Time for me to go now … I can feel that. It maybe a while until next
time … and I hope to get back in the swing with you on my return from England. Thanks
Guys … I really do appreciate it … And I’ll just keep on keeping on … I KNOW that’s what I
came to do … IN LOVE AND RESPECT … Blossom xxx Michigan, US of
A. © The 11:11 Progress Group. Heavenletters™, bringing
Earth closer to Heaven. It
would seem that, most especially when you are bothered by someone or something, it is singularly important to you to be honest.
“This is how I feel,” you might say. “I have to be true to myself. I AM angry.” Question: I would like more insight into the area
of illness. As a holistic practitioner, I have been exploring “soul illness” to see if I could find an explanation
and/or cause for previously unexplained health issues. Can you help me to understand this? Mary Magdalene: Hello to the
dear one who asked this question and also to all who will be receiving my response. I am here and I offer you my blessings
and love, as always. The area of illness is
a challenging one for many people on Earth. It is also a broad topic, as there are many reasons as to why someone may be ill.
Once again, I will do my best to bring clarity to this topic. To begin, I want to acknowledge that illness is a difficult condition that many experience. It is part of what makes
Earth such a challenging place. There are many ways that people can suffer on the Earth, and illness is one of them. For most
people, suffering is an intrinsic part of life on Earth. Feeling physical pain, unwellness, lack of full vitality, or diminished
ability to function in one or more areas are some of the components of illness that make it challenging. I do not in any way
wish to diminish that people experience hardship as part of illness, sometimes extreme hardship. People also experience emotional pain with illness. There can be fear of death;
frustration and sadness about not being able to participate in life in the way you are wanting or were hoping to do; fear
of how you will manage and provide for your life needs and responsibilities; etc. So this is another component of pain that
often accompanies illness. Many people in your world
today try to maintain a “positive” attitude in the midst of challenges such as illness. This can be because they
are in denial and afraid of facing what’s going on with them. It might be because they don’t want to burden others
with their hardship. Or it might be that they believe this is a more emotionally mature or spiritually advanced disposition
toward suffering. I do not support any of these dispositions or beliefs. I believe that the most supportive orientation, for
all involved, is to honestly and openly acknowledge your experience, especially your emotional experience. Some people are so used to denying their emotional experience, that they may
find it quite difficult to even be aware that they are having a painful experience. In such circumstances, coming to awareness
of one’s own pain may be an accomplishment unto itself. This can be one reason why a person may be experiencing great
pain or suffering in their life. They may need a very exaggerated or extreme circumstance to get them to finally become aware
that they are in pain or suffering. This awareness is essential. It is not a form of being a “baby,” a “wimp,”
a “complainer,” or anything like that. It is the first essential step to engaging the spiritual process with any
challenge—in this case illness. The second step,
after becoming aware that you are experiencing difficulty or suffering, is to open yourself to it fully. I call this embracing
the difficulty. This often will include communicating honestly to others what your experience is and the feelings you are
having about it. This kind of communication can be difficult. Perhaps you will feel that you are failing in some way if you
communicate your challenges to others. Perhaps others will react in ways you may not want or enjoy. They may be in denial
and may try to talk you out of your pain and suffering. Or they may immediately try to fix your situation to make it go away—partly
to contribute to you and partly to ease their own discomfort in hearing that you are in pain. This kind of “fixing”
can include trying to analyze the source or cause; trying to reassure you; trying to distract you; or trying to find a solution.
All of these things are not really helpful as a response. This may come as a surprise to those who are offering solutions
that they believe might “fix” the problem. But this orientation is generally coming from a wrong orientation to
the problem. Difficulties in your life are always
forms of spiritual gifts. If they are major difficulties, they are generally things you have chosen in the pre-life process
as part of the experiences you will have in this lifetime to support your growth. Sometimes people refer to this as karma,
but it is important to understand that it is not a form of punishment for your past-life deeds. It is always for your growth.
If in a past life you caused others pain, you may need to experience pain in this lifetime, not as punishment, but to deeply
understand the nature of pain and to choose in the future not to create pain for others. This would grow you in compassion
and care for others. This is just one example of how a present-life circumstance can relate to past-life experiences. A present-life difficulty does not always indicate
that you caused difficulties for others in a previous life. It might be supporting you in other ways in your soul growth.
Perhaps it is supporting you in opening to others and receiving their help. Perhaps it is supporting you in learning to value
your relationships more than possessions or accomplishments in the physical world. There could be many diverse reasons why
a difficult circumstance is helping you in some particular way in your soul growth. The important thing is that you do not require knowledge of your past-life circumstances to
accomplish the growth you are being called to. Everything you need is being given to you. The key to unlocking all of your
resources is in your emotions, not in your mind. Once you become aware of your emotions, you can allow them to guide you to
the lessons and growth you are needing. I have described this process many times and will describe it here again as a reminder. I would like to use your recent illness, Mercedes,
as an example. When people heard that you were ill, several who are healers and tuned into your energy body reported that
they felt your illness was connected to fear. At first you did not think this was the case, as you were not aware of any fear
you were experiencing. Then you connected with me and I gave you the message about the roots of your disturbance with your
father’s medical care and choices that were being made about that. I talked about how you were experiencing anger, which
was covering over deeper feelings of fear and sadness. You were feeling sad and powerless about providing the care you wanted
for your father. At a deeper level, you were feeling afraid about losing your connection to father and inclusion in his life. Several days after receiving the message from me, you
connected your feelings about your father’s situation to your illness. You realized that the illness was really about
your fear of losing your closeness and sense of family with your father. You weren’t aware of this fear and allowing
yourself to do the work you needed to do relative to this, so you required an illness to bring it to your awareness. As soon
as you became of aware of your fear and it’s roots within yourself of needing family and inclusion, you started to get
well. You no longer required the illness to connect you with your next step of soul healing and growth. You were now doing
this healing and growth within yourself, which is where all healing and growth truly happens. In this circumstance, you reconnected within yourself to your inner divine qualities of family
and inclusion. Really, the reconnection is always to God, but it happens in the form of the particular qualities in which
you previously felt disconnected. When you connected to God, you felt full in the areas of family and inclusion. You actually
felt full in all areas, but these were the two specific areas that had become disconnected in this scenario. It is as though
two of your circuit breakers in your connection to God got disconnected. Through your awareness and opening to the feelings,
and then following them to their source within yourself of the inner divine qualities that had become unfulfilled, you found
where the circuit breakers were disconnected. The wonderful thing is that as soon as you find the disconnection, it is very
easy to reconnect. Once you’ve located the problem
– the inner divine qualities that feel deficient or lacking in this situation—you can shift your awareness into
your knowingness of these qualities in their fullness. You have the ability to know them that way because all of us “know”
these qualities in their fullness. It is part of what constitutes the inner divinity that we all have. As you remember the
qualities in their wholeness , you are doing what is necessary to reconnect those circuits and reestablish your wholeness
of connection with God. It is that simple, yet it is completely profound and radically changes your relationship to the whole
circumstance you’re involved in. In your case,
once you reconnected to your inner divine qualities of family and inclusion, in their already-fulfilled state, you came to
great peace. You stopped being angry at the person who was making decisions you didn’t like and you came into acceptance
and trust. When you had a conversation with that individual a few days later, you were in a state of peace and openness. You
didn’t feel in conflict anymore and were able to see that everything was working out fine. Because of this, you had
closeness and connection with that person, which fulfilled your needs for family and inclusion—but in a different form
than the one you were clinging to previously. Your
symptoms also started to dramatically improve at that point and you started to feel much better very quickly, returning to
the state of energy and well-being that you are used to. The illness was no longer necessary because the work had been accomplished. Not all illness will clear as quickly and easily as
yours did, though it might. Every circumstance is different, depending on the very unique and personal lessons that individual
is seeking through their illness. Again, this is not a form of punishment. It is a form of growth, albeit a challenging one. The souls who have chosen to incarnate in your realm
are very brave ones, for your realm is a very difficult one, which supports great growth through challenging experiences.
But it requires your active participation to do so. The last thing I wish to say is that the process I am recommending requires awareness, which is quite different from
analysis and rational thought. Awareness is more of a feeling-based disposition that allows one to remain open and focused,
so that you can receive input about whatever experience is currently taking place. The knowledge, insight, or understanding
you require will be given to you. It often feels like an “ah-ha” moment, a breakthrough, and is generally not
accomplished through the rational/thinking mind. It is given at a higher level, through your higher mind. Relaxing the rational/thinking
mind, as is done in meditation, can support the process of awareness and open your being to receive the wisdom and understanding
you require from your higher mind. There is a chart
of the inner divine qualities in the book, Mary Magdalene Beckons,which
can be helpful to use in connecting with the inner divine qualities that are the key to any particular circumstance you are
working with. Reviewing this chart can help you to identify which inner divine qualities are specifically involved in any
circumstance. Again, do not use your thinking–mind to try to analyze or figure out which qualities are the ones involved.
Instead, use your awareness in a spacious way to see which one you respond to with an emphatic “Yes, that’s it!”
response. You will often feel this response in your body, emotions, or intuition. Eventually, as you become familiar with
this process of identifying the inner divine qualities involved and come to know your own inner divine qualities, you will
not require the chart. You will have internalized your own awareness of your inner divine qualities and will be able to identify
them and connect with them directly through your inner healing and growth process. Giving labels to the various inner divine
qualities is simply a support for guiding you in reconnecting with them, thereby allowing you to return to a state of greater
wholeness and connection with God. I love you most
fully and bless you in your growth, healing, and understanding. I AM Mary Magdalene