6-18-14 The New Feminine: Channeled

Lady Portia:  The New Feminine Manifesto


It is a pleasure for me to begin a new relationship with you, dear Readers.  I will have some things to tell you that you will find astonishing, perhaps, thought-provoking, certainly, and refreshing, I hope.

Perhaps the term Manifesto sounds a bit pretentious, but I assure you this is not my concept alone.  All the Company of Heaven has been aware for some time that we need to talk with you about the rising Divine Feminine Power, as the New Golden Age begins.  It is time for all of us to begin to talk about these things in a way that will create a new paradigm, a new way of looking at what it means to be feminine, or masculine, and how these concepts will change in the New Earth.

Yes, I said "concepts," in referring to the male and female gender, because like all the other structures and institutions in your world, the differences between male and female have been largely determined and held in place by tradition.

Do not imagine that I am denying the obvious.  Of course, there are physical and some corollary emotional differences between men and women, but we are far more similar than we are different.  In the Company of Heaven as we are working with you, we acknowledge this by presenting ourselves to you as either male or female, but with each other as we move into higher dimensions, we transmute ourselves into Lightbodies of neutral or combined energies.  The distinctions are not apparent and are not necessary as we move to higher vibrations, far from the duality you have experienced here on Earth.

I give you this picture as a backdrop for our discussion about changing life on Earth, and what you have to look forward to, now that your last round of incarnations in lower dimensions is finished here on Earth.

First, let's start with the attitudes and beliefs that have held men and women apart for hundreds of years. It has been standard fare for both genders to fee separate and very different, and the "truths" that were perpetrated increased the distance until it became "The War of the Sexes."  You will be familiar with many of the old disparaging comments that men and women turned on each other.  I will repeat some of them here to remind you of what we are leaving behind, and to illustrate how far you have already come toward harmony.

Some of the most powerfully belittling comments are those which slip by in conversation - small innuendos that accumulate in the subconscious of the one who is the target of disparagement.  For instance, consider the emotional impact of hearing the term "women drivers!" or being called "Honey" by the auto repairman.  As recently as the 1960's many appliance and department stores would not sell a large appliance to a woman alone, without her husband, who was expected to make all decisions about such things, whether he knew anything about it or not.  In positions of power in politics and industry, women are still a small minority.

Most people who lived through the Women's Movement are very familiar with the toxic effects on girls and women of having been seen as "the weaker sex."  But have we truly considered the opposite side of the coin?  It is time to do the same careful analysis of our language and our patterns of behavior toward men as we have done for women.

Remember the Victorian upper class system of education which permitted only "the gentler arts" for a girl's deliberately limited education.  This tendency to believe that girls couldn't do math, or that women could not be trusted to run a business or to be a political leader, and that they should not "bother their pretty little heads" with worldly things has pervaded the brief system on the planet for thousands of years.

Any system which diminishes one class of people by elevating another has within it a rotten core, a dark heart of anger, sadness and revenge.  It could not have been otherwise for women who suffered unending humiliation and disparagement.  Even when a girl was immersed in a male-dominated culture from birth, and never experienced nothing else, she could not help but feel the sting of knowing in her heart that something was not right, even if she did not know how to fight back.  

It has not been fully acknowledged by either men or women that the damage done to an "underdog" or a "minority" will inevitably create simmering feelings of resentment and even hatred toward the oppressor.  And so it did.  The thousands of years of oppression tended to make women bitter, in spite of feeling awe and attraction toward the men in their lives. When a person lives with anger and hurt that cannot be expressed or redressed, it creates a tremendous challenge to remain loving and kind.  

Women did not simply suffer in silence for thousands of years until the suffrage movement came along.  They took matters into their own hands, banded together and found solace by talking amongst themselves about the "enemy" that controlled their lives. As the oppression which had begun because of the disparity in physical strength between men and women evolved into economic dependency, the disparity became even more pervasive.  Men went out to work, and women stayed home and talked to each other at every opportunity.  And so, a secret society was born:  The Cult of Feminine Power.

Like other cults, the hidden purpose was to "even the score," find allies in the campaign to gain psychological ascendency, to rebalance the scales. Inequality is felt as inferiority vs superiority, and no one wants to remain in the inferior position, and so new strategies must be developed.  Fueled by the resentment of thousands of years, neither side could truly envision equality, and so women resorted to gaining the upper hand in whatever areas were left for them to exercise their power. 

Outwardly, women appeared to be victims, but it was not so simple as that. Driven by their position as the underdog, women became masters of psychological blackmail.  Yes, there is the possibility of using sex as a reward and punishment, but that was not the most powerful weapon in the feminine arsenal.  It was the pervasive "Truth" - the corollary to "women are weak" - which became the devastating power play.  It was the secret belief that men were truly inferior emotionally.  (Men may hold all the other cards, but women have the Ace of Spades and the Ace of Hearts)

I know you are shaking your heads through all of this, thinking it is way too extreme and too tough on women, but you will see that the picture I am painting is to show that women were not simply victims; they fought back in the best way they could, given their equal intelligence and resourcefulness.  This, beloved ones, is a case lesson in what happens to the psychological well-being of the group where inequality is the norm.

Now, I will expose the secret psychological techniques that women used to even the playing field.  You will recognize the tactics of any oppressed "minority" here, and it will help you to understand why your relationships have been so difficult and fraught with discomfort and mistrust.  

The secret which women harbored was the shared belief, handed down from mother to daughter, that women are really superior to men in every way that matters.  Men were looked down upon as brutish, uncultured and inept at things which have to do with higher levels of emotional development, the moments which are truly important in the daily life of a family and a community.

Now, understand that I have chosen the most extreme caricatures for the sake of creating a vivid retrospective of where many of us came from, in this life and others.  Also, please understand that I do not for a moment believe any of these insulting portraits of men.  I am aware, however, that the repetition of these nose-in-the-air condemnations of men by the women close to them have done dreadful damage to the male psyche, by covertly destroying his self-esteem.  Here the cycle begins to repeat itself, with the man's growing resentment toward his judgmental critic, The Powerful Woman, without whose ministrations he feels he could not make it in the world.

Here are the basic tenets of the Inadequate Male Concept:

Men are irrational, hot-tempered and out of control when it comes to their feelings.  They cannot be included in decisions which involve the personal life of the family members, because they are not capable of understanding something that others care about deeply.

If there is a crisis, a man can be counted upon to behave violently if he is called upon to defend his family.  This is a handy trait when women or others wish to use his irrational anger to start a feud or a war. It is a matter of pride for a woman to be the mate of a man who is a powerful warrior.  The honor he accrues reflects well on his wife and family, in life or in death.

Men can be trained by their mothers and others to take pride in their passionate willingness to go to battle to defend their own.  A woman can take this as a show of love, even if the violence is sometimes turned against her.
She must indulge him, because he "can't help it" because of his more primitive nature.

Men are not capable of intimate conversation.  They cannot express deep feelings because they are not in touch with them except when they are expressed as physical needs, like sex, hunger, or sleep.  They cannot be expected to be tender or considerate of others, because they are at the mercy of their physical needs.

Men are interested in the world at large, beyond hearth and home.  They can be left to make decisions about politics and international affairs, where they can huddle together like football players before a game, or a hunting party going after bear.

Men are big children.  They like to show off, and they find fun in things that children like, like rough-housing with the dog and playing card games with their equally child-like friends.

Men like to travel in packs, where they can make loud and crude jokes, especially about sex, bathroom habits and women.  Women are much more refined in their behavior.  They can be counted on to keep track of the lout and get him home when he has been drinking.

Here are some of the tell-tale sayings which capture this attitude:

"Don't tell your father - he'll have a heart attack."  (...whereas, I am sitting here talking to you about it and I have not had anything like a heart attack. I am obviously more sensible, collected and reasonable than he will ever be.)

"The way to a man's heart is through his stomach."  (Feed him well and he will be eating out of your hand.  He will become completely dependent upon your nurturance, since he has no idea how to prepare food or take care of himself.)

"He cleans up well."  (Under my supervision, he will be dressed and groomed so that he will be presentable.  Otherwise, he would see nothing wrong with wearing  plaids and stripes to work - he would be a laughingstock if not for me.)

"Wait till your father gets home!"  (Your father will discipline you harshly, whereas I am so loving and sweet that I cannot bear to raise a hand to you.  However, we know it must be done.  We leave all things related to physical violence and punishment up to him.)

Men have no taste or sense of esthetics, compared to women.  The rare man who understands the importance of the decor of the house is either a rare exception, or he must be gay, because most men are ignorant of these things.  Without "a woman's touch" they would live like bears with furniture.

You get the point.  I am not making the argument that these caricatures are true.  I am simply pointing out that these judgments were omnipresent, passed down the female line like a cult of defensive superiority, and it had a powerful influence on the attitudes that women adopted toward their men.  Like the corollary disparagement of women, it had a corrosive effect in relations between the sexes, because both men and women ended up feeling defensive and resentful toward their "better half".

Now, Beloved Ones, you have either had a good laugh or you are feeling resentful and defensive.  If you are upset by what I have revealed, look deeply into your own past to see if there is truth for you in some of the things I describe.

I say these things to help you open your minds and your hearts, to do the work you have been charged with in this time of your evolution.  As much as we need to replace the economic and political systems, we also need to expose the toxic, competitive undercurrents which unconsciously influence  gender relations.  Why else would there still be a large discrepancy in the pay scale for women vs men?  Why are there still "honor killings" and murders of women who are accused of "infidelity" - often the simple wish to leave a brutal husband?  Why are women treated differently from men anywhere, unless she might choose to decline from an activity that would require greater physical strength than she possesses?

My beloved twin flame, St. Germain, has gone a long way toward teaching that a man can indeed be elegant in his tastes and powerful in his humanitarian actions.  He is a being of great emotion, and he talks freely about emotional and spiritual things.  For this he is admired by both men and women.  I too appreciate him for this.  He has given you extensive writings to help encourage the growth of your spirituality and genuine self-esteem, which has nothing to do with ego or superiority over another.  It is now my responsibility to come forward to take this work to the next step, to the appreciation of the Divine Feminine in ascendance, equally beautiful and equally loved by God, and ready to live that equality in great joy.

When you reach for your connection with your Higher Self, your I AM presence, you know that there are no differences in value between a man and a woman, just as you see the travesty of racial prejudice.  We are on our way to creating a world in which there exists no prejudice, no lingering resentment from earlier judgments and oppression, whether it was psychological or physical abuse and discrimination.

In this regard, both men and women have justification for harboring anger.  We ask of you that you examine that remaining leftover from misdirected cultural  superiority on the part of both sexes.  There can be no peace and true happiness in Earthly relations as long as men and women see themselves as different and apart.  We are one, Dear Ones, mirror creations of the same soul.  We come from Creator as One and only later did we divide in order to experience the attraction and the charms of being here on Planet Earth in bodies which vary slightly but are completely compatible.

See yourselves as the beloved beings you are in our eyes, Dear Ones.
We love you with all our hearts; we admire your courage and your beauty, and we see no flaw in any of you, and there is no difference in how precious you are to God.

I am your Lady Portia, in service to the great One.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, June 17, 2014, 11 PM, New York

Permission is given to copy and share this message, providing it is given in its entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel and to the website, www.whoneedslight.org.


Alabama, US of A.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “An Easy Life.” 

Received by Oscar. 

Thought Adjuster: “Would you prefer an easy life or a life of growth and great satisfaction? Human beings by nature shy away from difficulties. The philosophy of the ‘path of least resistance’ is the excuse employed by many to do nothing. In truth, the path of least resistance is the path of the Father, because any other road will take you nowhere and would exclude the ‘impulse of love’, the primordial force that sustains the universe and all beings. 

“An easy life for an average human being would be a life where everything happens just the way that person would like. An easy life is a life where you would never have to leave your comfort zone in order to move forward. An easy life is a very limited life, because the natural human aversion to the unknown would effectively prevent you from learning anything new. 

“It was not an easy life that made you search for spiritual things. It was not an easy life that inspired in you the desire to be a better father to your children and not let them feel the loneliness and abandonment you experienced. It was not an easy life that motivated you to leave behind what you knew, and move to another part of the world to search for a great fortune. You have learned, however, that the spice of life is in adventure, the unexpected, the surprises, and thus you have slowly left behind your earlier expectations and you have started to learn to leave things in the hands of your Father. 

“The Father doesn’t promise you an easy life, but He promises a life that will provide everything you need to grow and to fulfill your eternal destiny – to become increasingly more perfect, a more faithful expression of truth, beauty and goodness. Nothing you really need will be denied you, and it will be up to you to see the opportunities that are placed on your path.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22.


The Transitions of this Time By Archangel Michael
Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 18-06-14-www.omna.org
With the presence of love awakening the rising of the goddess to bring forth valuable and sacred wisdom from the Creator to
activate and inspire the Earth and humanity more fully, so numerous energetic keys and codes are brought forth to be
acknowledged and understood. The vibration of the goddess has the power to activate numerous energies and
consciousness of the Creator within humanity and the Earth, as if a continuous reaction and activation process occurs creating
a series of blossoming of energies and wisdom to sustain the ascension of all. The goddess vibration brings forth her own
wisdom held within her vibration since the suppression of the goddess but she also has the power and is the trigger of the
awakening of other new energies as well as acting as a trigger for inner planes consciousness to be absorbed upon the Earth.
This time upon the Earth is truly sacred as every being is shaping a new reality, a new Earth and a heavenly existence. Even
those still holding on to old energies and consciousness are playing their part in assisting others in relinquishing themselves
from the old era where judgment, hatred, violence and separation were accepted as ways of learning and opportunities to gain
a deeper connection with the Creator. Everyone on the Earth is purifying their beings now and this may take several years to
reach a stage when focus upon purification is no longer needed as it will occur naturally and automatically. Every person on the
Earth is sifting through their energies and deciding what is needed and what is no longer required, even with the
consciousness of what can no longer be tolerated and what will service self and others. As the consciousness of humanity
expands so all begin to include others in their quest for recognising and embodying the Creator, thus the links within the
general consciousness of humanity and between hearts become stronger. Although many people maybe becoming
preoccupied with the purification process and preparing their realities and beings there are also numerous who are shaping
their realities according to their connection with and experience of the Creator. This means there are many who are bringing
forth the supreme light of the Creator through their beings and creations to be anchored and experienced upon the Earth. This
is such a magical time of exploration of the Creator, because the exploration is taking place within your being and you can
shape and form your reality from your connections and experiences of the Creator.
As old keys, energies, activations, patterns and codes are cast aside which are no longer needed so the journey of ascension
shifts and alters for all as new energetic keys, activations, patterns and codes surface to be of service in the present moment
of ascension. Much of what I speak of you may not notice until you look back upon your reality and humanity then you will notice
the shifts that have occurred especially in the coming years. It is truly the dawning of a new age, the dawning of the experience
of unconditional love upon the Earth.
The rising of the goddess vibration makes way for other vibrations of light from the Creator to flow into the Earth and your
being, while creating a sacred space within your being for your truth to activate. It is almost as if the goddess vibration turns
your soul within your heart chakra into a womb or light incubator. Your soul will and is collecting certain, unique and appropriate
vibrations from your soul’s great wealth, the universe and the Creator bringing them into the surface and forefront of your heart
chakra where they will be held and nurtured in the light and love of your soul until they are ready to project into your reality for
your full experience. This means that the way in which you perceive your reality will alter, your spiritual skills will evolve
dramatically and the energies you experience will shift thus influencing your reality in a positive way as the soul takes greater
responsibility projecting its divinity. It is in truth that a whole new world in forming within your being, being nurtured and
incubated until the most appropriate time of projection. A whole new aspect of yourself is also being incubated and will
emerge. The process is gradual so you may not even notice the shifts occurring but it is important to be accepting of change in
all its forms and manifestations  especially changes in your personality, character and reactions as these will shift to be more
divinely aligned first. Your soul is giving birth to so much at this time it is important to remain centred by allowing yourself to
bring your attention back to the loving vibration of your heart chakra and entire being with each moment of remembrance and
self/ Creator recognition, thus every moment of thinking. With this focus you are giving your soul the space and energy it needs
to achieve all it wishes and needs to prepare you for the new reality and era of love. Many of the practices we share with you
are to focus you on the centre of your divinity so that in the space of alignment your soul is able to achieve all it needs to
whether you are conscious of what is occurring or not.
You may wish to use these invocations to fully embody and experience that which I have spoken of:
‘Archangel Michael I call upon your love, support and protection to be with me now. Please assist me in the purification
process of my entire being and reality. Help, guide and support me to let go of all that is no longer needed, especially energies
and consciousness of the old era that I still may hold onto and project into my reality as an aspect of myself. Support me in
allowing the Creator to flow through my entire being with ease and perfection so I may shape and form my reality with the
grace, guidance and assistance of the Creator allowing the truth and divinity of my being to overflow into all areas of my being
and reality. Thank you.’
Take a moment to exist in oneness with me, Archangel Michael, feeling my energies flowing into your being with every breathe
you inhale.
‘Archangel Michael, I call upon your energy, protection, love and strength to surround and support me now. Please assist me in
accepting the rising of the goddess vibration from the Creator and within my being drawing the vibrations of the goddess deep
into my heart and to embrace my soul. As my soul and the goddess vibration merge as one an energy forms akin to a womb or
incubator within my heart chakra creating a sacred space of nourishment so that my soul can activate and pour into my heart
space all it wishes me to understand, acknowledge, create, manifest and experience in my current reality so that I may gain a
deeper recognition and awareness of the Creator. Let all that my soul gives birth to and brings into my heart space be nurtured
by my soul, the goddess vibrations and the love of my heart chakra, projecting and manifesting for my experience in divine
timing. I am the light, love and consciousness of my soul which is the Creator. Thank you.’
Sit in peace for a few moments, imagine the goddess vibration emerging from your soul and drawing from all around you into
your heart chakra creating a sacred nurturing chamber of light. Then imagine, sense or acknowledge your soul flowing into your
heart space giving birth to all that is appropriate and needed from your soul and the Creator.
One of the activations arising due to the goddess vibration is your Angelic Consciousness. Every soul whether upon the Earth
of the inner planes can access different aspects of the Creator’s consciousness; after all we are one, eternally connected with
all aspects of the Creator especially through the divine flow experience, which is simply allowing the energy of the Creator to
flow through you. There are many levels to the angelic consciousness that we, angelic beings, hold and embody but you can
also download aspects of the angelic consciousness through your soul into your being to especially illuminate your mind and
perspective in an expansive way. The angelic consciousness available to you now is the angelic consciousness of
unconditional love and the angelic consciousness of seeing the truth of all beings. When absorbing the angelic consciousness
of unconditional love it will activate within your being your own vibrations of unconditional love, which are the same as the
angelic consciousness of unconditional love as we are all the same. This consciousness will support, prepare and assist you
in thinking and acting from a genuine space of unconditional love, understanding and comprehending with greater depth how
unconditional love can exist within you while you interact with others and the Earth. The angelic consciousness will also assist
you in seeing the divinity and truth of the Creator within others. The angelic consciousness will enter into your third eye chakra
activating and expanding your third eye chakra thus gradually stimulating your vision of truth. This may manifest in numerous
ways such as a sensing or even being able to see the truth of the Creator swirling from a being. It is for you to experiment and
Simply call me, Archangel Michael, forth and ask me to anchor and download into your soul and third eye chakra the angelic
consciousness of unconditional love and seeing truth. While energy will activate from your soul hold your focus on the growing
energy within your third eye chakra until you feel the energy present, letting it flow into your mind.
In angelic unconditional love,
Archangel Michael
