6-15-15 Entering A New Creation Stage

Entering a New Creation Stage

by LifeTapestryCreations

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Summary of Brenda’s June 12, 2015 channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at  http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman:  As you adjust to recent energies, you might not be interested in many earth activities. For these adjustments could include wake state time travel, dimension jumping and frequency hopping. Each of you has a focus within your totality - emotional, physical, spiritual - established before entrance to earth in this lifetime. So you have been and will be most drawn to information within your focus area throughout this transition.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog forwww.LifeTapestryCreations.com: ”Gloriously Bright Stars - Not Missionaries”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

It is time once again to acknowledge and ponder the many small surprises you are starting to note. Because you are exhausted with your recent clearing efforts, you have barely noted the multitude of what you consider small surprises in your world.

You are beginning to test your new personal creation software.

It is time to put aside your exhaustion, fears and anger. For you are at a much different place than was true even last week. You have completed all you need to complete to add your new software to the mix of your new totality. You are ready for this stage of creation.

Even though many of you wish to create what you consider large pieces, you are beginning to note small creations. Intellectually, you know there is no Universal distinction between large and small. Yet, that knowledge does not necessarily yet apply to new you. So it is that you are testing your creation software with bits of your new totality.

You have been at a similar place within the past couple of years. Perhaps, you created a parking space or discovered a lost item. All creations of your former being.

The software you are now testing is of your new totality. Your "small" creations of the next few days are directly related to new you - rather than creation for creation's sake as was true just months ago.

Allow yourself to play with your creation software. Yet, note what you create as those creations are ties to new you.

"Who are you?" is a question of the ages. An answer much different for you then was true just months ago. You accepted the new role of CEO of your totality. You cleared pieces that prohibit you from connecting to your new role. Now you are starting to create those people, things and places necessary for you to move into your new role with ease.

Of course, you are pondering that last statement with many naysaying thoughts including, "This is yet another Universal carrot with little reward." Some of you will discover that such is true. Not because it is, but because you refuse to acknowledge that you are a powerful creator. That no one knows you better than you. That you are the only one who can create that which is required for the new you of your totality. So it is you are beginning to create such now.

Perhaps you do not yet understand how the creation of a new dress or friend helps you create your new role. We can only counter lovingly with the fairy tale of Cinderella. Did that fairy tale not detail the importance of Cinderella's attire? That Cinderella could not enter the world of a princess with the rags she was wearing?

Many of your fairy tales and beloved movies and books such as The Wizard of OZ were "planted" as it were on earth to help generation after generation remember their truth even if on a subconscious level. So it is that you, as was true for Cinderella, are creating various pieces necessary before fully claiming you. Pieces that do not necessarily make sense to you now, but they will.

So we suggest, no urge you to follow your inner creation being. Perhaps you wish to create a pen to sign documents. Or shoes to better walk through the forest. Or a house to allow you to retreat when you require downtime. It does not matter. No creation is better than another. Merely pieces that are necessary for you to fulfill your new CEO of you role.

Enjoy this puzzle of creation. Why do you need what you need? Why are you attracted to something and not another? Why are your creation tastes shifting? All wonderfully fun puzzle pieces leading to new you.

Yes, you have been at this place before. But not in terms of your new CEO role. You are entering a new creation stage.

Allow whatever it is you find interesting to be created. And at the same time, anything that feels cumbersome or not right to be negated from your life.

Creating new you is a wondrous process, but a process that requires dedication to you.

Allow yourself to be extradited from the 3D clutches that no longer bring you joy in whatever form that takes from entities to places to creations. Many of you believe you cannot leave your job, community, friends or home. If such is so, it is time for you to shift your perception of those entities, places and things. For if you find no escape from those entities, places or things, they are providing something you yet require.

You continue to review your life with a SMALL lens. Forgetting that you are all-powerful and all loving. Throw away your past perceptions. It is time to accept what is and who you are.

You are starting to do so with your initial creations. Perhaps these initial creations are necessary to shift entities, places or things - or to perceive them differently. It does not matter. All that matters is that you KNOW with every fiber of your being that you are the CEO of your new you totality. And that you are fully capable of creating what you need to explore that role. Just as is true for the wealthiest CEO you can imagine.

It is not an accident that we created the image of a CEO when helping you better understand your new role. For indeed, CEOs are today's kings and queens of yesteryear. It does not matter what title is used to describe your new totality - only that you realize that you have no limits, that you can create whatever seems most fun for you at any given time.

That fun is now most likely related to creating pieces of your new role that do not necessarily push you into that role, but instead offer glimmers of the joy of creating within that role.

So it is that you are at a new and delightful phase of self-creation. One that allows you to shift those pieces that prohibit you from being new you in all your totality.

You created the energies of the past few months to help you expedite your clearing process. So you have. Now it is time to play with your new you role. So you are - one puzzle piece of creation at a time. So be it. Amen.

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Copyright © 2009-2015, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:  http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5317 God Glows Even in Darkness on Earth, June 15, 2015 

God said: 

Pledge that today you will reveal yourself in all your glory. Intend this. See what happens.

You have predicted days when you will be in a slump. Now predict today as a day you will be Who you really are without all these other damaged pictures of you. Whatever you may think of yourself, today reveal the picture I have of you. You realize, dear ones, that My picture of you is authentic. The picture the world thinks you match is irrelevant, and it is not the Truth of you.

The Truth of you is, indeed, glorious, as glorious as the Sun. I made the Sun, and I made you a Shining Light as well. Would I, Who made the Sun, the Stars, the Moon and all Light make you less? Would I make you something else altogether? The same light that shines in Me shines in you. God shines. You shine. Everything has a God Glow to it. It cannot be otherwise.

Good grief, if mankind can make automobiles that sparkle and shine, I certainly can make My Greatest Creation shine brightly. Even pools of water shine in My Light, to say nothing of the Ocean Petals of Light. Do not misunderstand My Power and the Extent of Creation. In fact, there is no extent to what I can do. I am Infinite, and Infinite are the Realms I have created.

You are not only Light. You are Infinite Light. No longer dim the appearance of the Light You Are in your eyes. Speak for Truth. Engage in the world as the Lighted Being you are. You are not to gather dust on the shelf.

Your Voice is to shine. Your Thoughts, your Words, and your Inner Being are to shout out: “Here I am.”

And you are to know that you shine Me brightly.

Do not think you are to be somber. Heavens’, no. I am profound yet not at all somber. You act the part of a somber Being. Remember that you are an Enlightened Being. I see your Light. Now see your Light. Light is not dimmed. Light is not intended to be dark. There are no shadows in Heaven.

Where I live is a Lighted Palace. All is Light. You are the Light of which Angels are made. Oh, no, you do not have to be goody-goody. Not at all. See with My eyes, and you will bless the Earth and all those who set foot upon it.

There is nothing wrong with your Vision, beloveds. You just haven’t dared see what is right before you to see. Your mind has made a decision as to what it can see, and, so, your vision is blurry. You can only see what you believe you can see. Oh, yes, every once in a while, you are caught off guard, and you see beyond the so-called ordinary. You perhaps dismiss it.

I am, of course, speaking of inner seeing. You are capable of seeing right to the Center of My Heart. The Truth is that there is nothing you cannot see except that you turn your head aside.

You may say to yourself subliminally: “You, idiot, don’t get too big for your britches. Don’t try to turn a turnip into gold.”

What you have done at the behest of the ignorant world is to turn gold into a turnip. You have practiced and practiced this art of turning gold into a turnip. You have gotten quite good at it. Now become skilled in the reverse. Gold is what you are made of, and you are to reveal yourself to the world and to your Sense of Self. What you can do later, you can do now. Open your eyes wide now.


Michigan, US of A, May 24, 2015. 
Teacher Ophelius. 
Subject: “The Vibrational Benefits of Being in Nature.” 

Received by Chris Maurus. 

Ophelius: “Today, my dear friends, we would like to talk about the vibrational benefits of the beauty and goodness of being in nature. Have you ever noticed when you are outside in nature in some beautiful secluded place how your mood is elevated and how your senses seem to be filled with a vitalizing energy? It’s not just your mood that is truly elevated, there is a vibrational “peak” that you reach when you are surrounded by natural beauty. This “peak” in energy becomes a healing mechanism that was designed into your physiology to balance and harmonize the subtle fields of your body’s energy systems. 

“It is important to note that to get the maximum vibrational benefit from the beauty of nature that you sharpen your awareness of it. To merely walk through a field with your mind fixed on other worldly matters does not open the subtle fields for the “osmosis” of receiving this higher energy. You must be in a place of gratitude, joy, and wonder—you must be “open” to receiving all the goodness there is and appreciate the whole ecosystem around you. When you do this, you are actually “connecting” with it and communicating with that system at an unconscious level. 

“When you connect this way, you are truly living in the moment — time is of no concern — only the connectedness in that moment is real. Your subtle energy fields are open and your spiritual vibration is rising. This is the moment where you can connect to the whole universe and speak to the Creator-Father — your Thought Adjuster and your unseen family — your guides, teachers and guardian seraphim. In these moments, you are as “real” as you can be. 

“With your subtle fields open — with this connectedness with nature and with your unseen family, you are in harmony with all. Your body is calibrating — your mind and emotional centers are being healed. Healing, health, and vitality begin in these subtle fields and shall manifest in the physical form when the mind is tuned into this place of oneness and connectedness. Regular “doses” of this form of healing are as important as your stillness exercises. Those who practice both are receiving the maximum vibrational benefit. 

Healthy diet and exercise is a natural outcome of being “in tune” with Spirit and nature. Your body has a consciousness of its own and when you become aware and connected in this way you begin to “hear” what your body needs. This is indeed why many who step onto the spiritual path gravitate toward healthy living, environmental responsibility, outdoor living and playing — they vibrate at a frequency that communicates with all these systems and so they become tuned into the reality of those systems — an “inner knowing” develops within the mind/body/spirit. 

“When you develop these higher senses as a result of living in a connected way, the mind shifts into a higher mode and this is where you begin to make use of the lower strata of morontia mind — the mid-mind, or soul mind. Operating from this mindset is where survival value experiences are exponentially harvested by your Thought Adjuster — your “Higher-Self.” It is at this stage in your development that life and purpose become important — your life begins to blossom and you are truly living according to your life plan — the Creator’s Will.

“Could it be that an intentional walk in the field can change your life? 

“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”

Edited by Linda Abell.

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius.


It is being the consciousness that weaves the world back into its greater Reality and being that which brings the focus into the world and creates the pathway of the One Breath, breathing humanity back into alignment with this truth. Do not worry if the words do not make sense but rather, let the experience live within you.
I Am the One Life awakening itself and you are the awakening’s vehicle of expansion. In a calibrated sense, you are doing this here in the world as well, becoming the heart and consciousness which holds the awareness of the full and instant awakening of humanity and also plays its part as the focal point of a life lived through time, creating the track of the rocket ship exploding where it meets the comet and they are joined.


Sivananda Daily Reading

16 June

Posted: 15 Jun 2015 01:54 AM PDT

I Am Thine, O Lord 
Do not bother about taking care of your body. God will save it if he needs it for further service. Surrender it at his feet and rest in peace. He will take care of it. A real devotee says, "Let me take millions of births; it does not matter, but let me be attached to the lotus feet of Lord Hari. Let me have spontaneous devotion to the Lord. Let me be endowed with purity, spiritual strength, the spirit of selfless service and other divine virtues."
If you simply say without real inner feeling, "I am thine, O Lord," this will not constitute real integral self-surrender. This should come right from the core of your heart. You must be prepared for a radical change. You should not stick to your old habits, ways and motives. You should not expect that everything should happen in the way you want. You should live to carry on the divine purpose. You should not think of those ambitions which the mind likes to gratify. You should not think of using divine grace or the divine force for your own purposes - then the irrepressible ego will assert itself in various ways and refuse to give up its old habits.
The ego tries to get everything from the divine but it totally declines to give itself to the divine. That is the reason why aspirants do not make any substantial progress on the spiritual path even after doing sadhana (spiritual practice) for several years.
There is no loss in self-surrender. You get from the Lord everything. You enjoy all the divine aishvarya (wealth of divine attributes) of the Lord. The whole wealth of the Lord belongs to you. Siddhis and riddhis (psychic powers) will roll under your feet. You become one with the Lord. You are freed from all wants and desires and cravings. The spiritually hungry and the really thirsty aspirant who yearns for the vision of the Lord, turns towards the divine and is quite willing, eager and happy to consecrate his body, life and mind and soul at the feet of the Lord.
The first stage of self-surrender is only a firm resolve to surrender oneself to God, or to his preceptor. A sadhaka (seeker) who has dedicated his life for the service of his teacher or the service of humanity or for attaining Self-realisation, is not bound by the actions he performs subsequent to his self-surrender.
Self-surrender becomes perfect only after God-realisation. 
