New Era Conversations #23 – Coming events; Training; Various Questions & Answers – Jun. 6, 2014
Teacher: Monjoronson
Events are developing
Melting of the icecaps
Displacement of populations
Moving into conscious
Mission is to prepare the global population for what is to come
More individuals will hear from spirit
Planning retreats for training and education
The Millennial generation
Funding a training and
education retreat
The adamic particle
Circuit versus stream of energy
Various questions from our readers
TR: Daniel
Team Members: Roxanne Andrews, Susan Bryner
and Michael McCray (MMc)
June 6, 2014
Prayer: Heavenly Father, we gather in your presence once again to enjoy feeling your love and acceptance
and to give you our love and appreciation in return. Our intention for this meeting is to assist in the Correcting
Time by serving in the Magisterial Mission. We are most grateful to have this opportunity of working with Monjoronson,
Machiventa and their staffs to teach other mortals about social sustainability. We ask for the presence of our
local universe parents, Christ Michael and Nebadonia to guide us in our work for the greater good of Urantia and its citizens. Amen.
morning, this is Monjoronson. I am pleased to be here with you once again on such a wonderful spring day. Many
of you are sensitive to the “background noise,” so to speak, from your celestial and spiritual friends as we roll
around your world and we begin moving the “furniture” in the “next room,” preparing for the developments
that are to come. It is much like a stage setting: there is the audience, which is you; there are the actors; and
then there are the stage hands, sets and so on, behind the second curtain in the back stage. As one scene ends
and the curtain lowers and raises again, the sets have been brought to the front of the stage and the actors are put into
place. The exception, however, with this is that this is reality on the material and morontial planes simultaneously
working together in the development of this play, this program of the Correcting Time. You hear that; some of you
hear the rumblings and movement and so on, of furniture being moved, so to speak, in this metaphor.
are developing
You are aware that times are changing, that events are developing. You are aware too, that the circumstances
of your world are changing very rapidly. What almost all of you on your planet are completely unaware of is the
magnitude of the developments and events that are to come. Many of you will be—most of the world will be
shocked and surprised at what will occur—but for you who have participated in these lessons and announcements, you are
aware of the fragility of your temporal and dimensional circumstances in your societies, in your governments, and in your
economies. This is fortunate in some ways because you can continue life as normal without having to worry and be
concerned about that. It wouldn’t make much difference if you did know because you could not affect it much
anyway, unless you were projecting your consciousness to the world for peace, stability, love and harmony—and order
in all events. This is where you can be most effective and we urge you to do that. You see, you who
are able to project your consciousness of peace and stability, of love and order are the ones who will see what is occurring
and you will remain stable even in the face of crisis and chaos. I am not saying that this is going to occur next
week or next month, or later this year, but eventually there will be developments, which will occur rapidly and there will
be a cascade of events, as we have said before.
Melting of the icecaps
As an example, your scientists are now becoming aware
of the rapid and irreversible trend of the melting in the Arctic Ocean and of Greenland and in Antarctica. There
are places in Antarctica which are changing very rapidly, and of course, those events will raise the ocean level one inch,
within your lifetimes quite easily, and perhaps one foot in the remainder of young people. It can even be more
than that before the end of this century. And so, you will see that one-inch can be magnified tremendously on the
coastlines—it is a matter of mass, inertia and velocity, currents and wind direction. In some cases, you
will see sporadically around the world, an inundation of lowland areas. Bangladesh, of course, is a highly populated
low-lying country where you could travel one hundred miles inland and only have gained an elevation of ten feet. Such
situations are extremely dangerous and hazardous to the population. Their displacement will cause a tremendous
change in population movement throughout the world.
Displacement of populations
You are already seeing
some of these population transitions. The movement of people from areas of great travesty and destruction has been
occurring throughout the Middle East for some years. Where you have a population of Syria, for example, almost
one-half or more than half have already been displaced to other countries. This is what you are seeing on a small
order of what will occur in the future as coastline areas are inundated by oceans. The stubbornness of your species
to reconstruct and rebuild in low-lying areas is something that is unfortunate, but it is something that people do nonetheless. It
is much the same for birds and for ground-nesting animals; the instinct to return to the home environment to re-establish
the place of their birth for generations is very strong. You must be reasonable and rational to move to higher
Thus, when you see that well over five-eights of your world population is located within one hundred miles of the
coastline on all the continents, you realize that anyone who lives within ten feet of elevation of the ocean coastline will
experience tremendous problems in the future. When you see, and you know that this is an observable, measurable
fact, and when you see populations that continue business as normal along those coastlines, that you realize that there is
going to be deep trouble very promptly. For the Netherlands, they have experienced inundations repeatedly through
the decades of this last century, and further back. New York recently has experienced an inundation of the downtown
area, which occurred once before, but long, long ago. This will occur more and more often. Could it
be that New York will become another Venice in the decades ahead?
Will it be that insurance companies and governmental flood insurance allow
you to rebuild on the same place that was inundated, and which they know will be inundated in the future? This
does not take much forecasting and actuarial ability to realize that in the near future, these areas are going to be devastated
again and again and again. New Orleans, of course, will experience this many times in the future. It
will be an area that will be abandoned eventually in the decades ahead. For those ordinary individuals who live
in low-lying areas along the coast, we suggest that you put your life together, think ahead, plan and move to higher ground. This
is only sensible, is it not? It is very similar to a flood that occurs and fills the house as the occupants climb
around to the roof. So too, in this case, when the floods come there will be whole populations that will move to
higher ground.
Now, consider the population displacement that will occur. Think of the arable lands that will be lost;
think of the loss of the funding from insurance companies whose reserves have been devastated. This will have an
immense effect upon many people, where there is no assurance or insurance to cover their losses. I do not say this
to frighten you; this is something that you could have discussed around your coffee table at your espresso restaurant as easily
as I am sharing it with you here, but the penchant to be forgetful, to be unconscious and unaware, and to let these problems
slip by you even when you are aware of them, when you think about them thoughtfully.
Moving into conscious
It is time to be more thoughtful about your lives, to live more consciously in the moment, as preparing thousands
and millions of people for this eventuality, this moment now, from its very beginnings. There are consequences
when you live in the future or live in the past, and you are unaware of that, that the only time you can make effective decisions
is now. Conscious living will become more and more demanded from you personally, individually, as a family, as
communities, and your whole global civilization in the very near future. It is the requirement that you cannot
move into conscious evolution without living in the now, without planning, without thinking ahead. Conscious evolution
says that you are participating in option development, choice making, decision-making and action, and that this is a thoughtful
process, rather than just accepting what time delivers and circumstances reveals.
The cost for moving into an era of social
sustainability, culturally, is immense. It is staggering to think of this for many people. It is withering
to them to realize that they can no longer live so spontaneously and without planning. The impulsivity of life
in many ways is gone for the long-term, but in the moment you can still live in tremendous joy. Conscious living
allows you to have a predictable future, one that you plan for yourself, with your family, with your community and your society. These
are words to live by. Your world is much different now than it will be in the near future. The change
will be staggering to historians when they realize what has occurred in such a short period of time. It is much
like an earthquake in a large city that yesterday everything was in order, and now the total present and future has changed
immensely. If you are a worthy species, you will reconstruct your world in a way to create a new future, a new
destiny, one that transcends all of the past, one that is conscious and more closely attuned to the days of light and life
than anything that has heretofore occurred on your world in known history.
The Mission is to prepare the global population
for what is to come
A major element of my mission is to prepare the global population for what is to come, while also inaugurating those
plans and developments within your temporal communities to reveal what that new future is about. Many people, of
course, will be lost in the depopulation of the world before 2050; those who remain are the ones who will be active to devise
and develop new strategies that are sustainable. As an Avonal Son, I find these times very exciting; it demands
from me and my staff, as well as Machiventa’s and Christ Michael’s, the highest order of performance of preparation
to keep the whole planetary civilization for a new era of living within less than one century. Such has never happened
before; thus you have been seeing—some of you have been privy to our counsel—are seeing the minutia of details
that we have been working on and developing in the time that we have had to do so. Yes, we have had centuries—even
two millennia—to actively begin working towards this time now as events that are coming upon this world cannot be delayed
much longer, it is imminently important that the co-creative operational relationship between the celestial realms and the
mortal material realms begin to be much more consciously active and present with each other.
More individuals
will hear from spirit
Many of you have and are and will experience a much more conversational relationship with us that those
of you who are open to receiving will surely receive. As this one has experienced in his own TR training, many
of you will feel the nudge, the knock on your door of consciousness that someone is there willing to speak with you. At
that time you are urged to ask who is there, and we would answer. Now, for many of you, we will be as blunt in
our presence as we possibly can, without being too startling to you. You may hear one day, “Hello, this is
your Guardian Angel. Can we have a conversation?” It may be quite as blatant, open and frank and
transparent as that. Those of you who withdraw and wither from that voice will retreat, and we will retreat as
well, for we do not proceed where there is fear. The light of God brings light into the darkness and does not frighten
people. So, too, we do not frighten those who are afraid or fearful of our contact.
You have heard this in times before in the
prophets of the Old Testament, where a prophet would hear the Lord speak to them, and the prophet would say, “ Who is
there?” and some would be in fear, and some would not. Eventually, the persistence of spirit, which is eternal,
would speak to them and assure them of peace and good order in their life and the situation. Be not afraid. Truly
these are wise words; truly when you are in the consciousness of Christ Mindedness, you are not afraid; you know that you
have surrounded yourself with the sanctity of God’s Light to protect you from all thoughts and consciousness of others. You
live in this bubble of light in which you are protected and in which you are a receiver of light—golden light. And
so, when someone of the celestial or angelic realm speaks to you, you will hear.
For some of you who have heard that, there
suddenly will be thousands and millions of people who hear the voice of spirit, and there is an awakening in your population. It
will not be quite as grand or as auspicious as that; it will not be quite as visible as that; it will not be an occasion of
open, public awareness of hearing the voice of God and angels, but simply one of private communion with those sources of light
and wisdom. You will hear; trust that. Be discerning, ask questions; come on, wake up, be alive, be
a part of the conversation. You know how it is when you go to a party or a small group where you have four or five
people together and one person is quiet and does not ask questions and does not participate, it is really quite boring, is
it not? Well, cease your boring spiritual conversations, my friends, and enter into a lively, vibrant, conversant
exchange of words and wisdom. Come to understanding; be discerning; ask questions; be thoughtful; ask for assistance;
be reflective; do not be afraid to contemplate and ask for help when you contemplate. Our job is to assist you
in clear thinking, to rid you of those mind patterns and thinking patterns which are detrimental to your progress as a person
and as a family in a society.
These are elemental and important resources for you as times change in the future. You
will want to have knowledge; you will want to be aware of what is occurring. Many of you turn on your televisions
sets to listen to the news to know what is happening. (Laughing.) My friends, the news that you hear
is only a small, minor percentage of what is truly occurring in any given situation. We, however, will be totally
revealing to you without frightening you. If you ask questions that require us to reveal to you that which would
frighten you, we will be sanguine about that and protect you from your own fears, so that we may continue our conversation. I
thank you for your attention to these details today
Planning retreats for training and education
Susan: Monjoronson, I have
been putting some thought into, and envisioning an educational retreat for training and education in social sustainability
in my area, which is the highlands area, and I’m wondering if this is an idea that is in alignment with your plans?
it is. This is a part of the work that Machiventa and his staff, I and my staff are engaged in. It will
be important to have retreats in these highland areas. We envision one in such an area as where you live, an area
east of the San Francisco Bay area, in the Red Woods area, and one further south that is in an arid, but temperate area. These
will be important enclaves of education, of consciousness development and training. What you are preparing for
is very timely, thank you.
Susan: Thank you. Who would our students be and how would we attract them?
is not a problem to be too concerned about immediately. Remember, as in the “Field of Dreams,” build it and
they will come, and so too, it is very similar to this situation. But, to answer your question transparently and
forthrightly, your immediate students, of course, would be those individuals in your community who would become eventual instructors
and helpers and aides in that process. You would begin gaining experience in the teaching and instructing process
through teaching your own local citizens who would like to participate there, who would like to be employed there. Remember
that what you will be teaching will attract the self-selected audience, those who are already in alignment with a consciousness
of this new era of the earth changes and the dynamics of social and cultural change.
Millennial generation
Your audience is the “Millennials;” this generation is a group of unformed individuals who
are totally flexible in their thinking. They offer the leadership for the future, as they are disenchanted with
the “Baby Boomer” generation of their grandfathers and they are very alienated in many ways from that of their
parents who came out of the 80’s and 90’s with that aspiring untamed yearning for greater wealth and by greed,
avarice. These individuals understand what works and what does not work. This generation generally has
a capability of understanding what is true and what is not true almost immediately, simply because of the generation that
they are born in. They look to their grandparents and their parents and see what they do not like; yet they work
in this area because this is the culture and this is how to live more easily. Many of them would be willing to
live as aesthetics in a simpler environment, but that is not available to many at this time.
This is a very bright and intelligent generation
as well. Some are already too badly jaundiced by what they have seen in the past to believe that they can change
the future, but the majority of them see the capabilities that are expressed by young people, similar to their own who are
in the “Y” generation, who have started many new enterprises from their garage—literally and as metaphor. They
realize that there is tremendous potential in the future; it is unformed; they see this as unformed. They do not
take for granted or assume that what exists is permanent; they know that it is impermanent, that it will change and that the
present really provides resources for a re-creation of what exists, both as at a societal level and a more pragmatic material
level, yet they do not have the awareness of what those truths are that are immovable, irrefutable, that are self-evident
as the three core values of the social sustainability. They will latch onto this very quickly when they begin to
interpret and understand contemporary social issues, which have bedeviled the older generations, but for which they see tremendous
clarity when these are interpreted in terms of these three values, with repercussions and developments of those three values. Yes,
you will need people of your age and older, and yet younger, who have gained wisdom, who can be in tune culturally with the
Millennials, who see truth and appreciate it. You and similar others as yourself have more in common with the Millennials
than you do with the older generations’ ideas and their values.
Susan: Thank you for that wonderful detailed response. Monjoronson,
I’m wondering… you spoke of the disruptions that will take place in our economy. I’m thinking
about this training center and wondering what type of funding model would be feasible to support the operation of such a center
after economic disruption occurs? Could you speak to that?
MONJORONSON: Yes, it is amazing, dear one, that your
nation—the western developed nations—are awash in money, that there are not sufficient places to invest. What
is unfortunate is that those people who hold those assets continue to expect and anticipate an increase or return on their
financial investments in terms of percentage of interest or growth. It will require an angel investor of some type,
who sees the value of investing in social process, social action projects, such as yours, who would be willing to provide
startup money to get you started, to help you grow into what your program could become in a larger scale.
You will need to have
your plans in line. How would you start? If you had $100,000 to start with, what would you do with it? You
should think in those terms. Would you buy $100,000 piece of property? And then wonder what you do next? Or
do you rent an empty storefront and use it, and then ask your neighbors to participate in developing much more practical plans
for this program? You can anticipate that an angel investor will come forth—you should plan on that—act
now as though it has happened, and begin using that resource in terms of developing the programs that you want to initiate
with far more people. Think in terms of using that money to teach a core group to write a program, and of course,
if this is funded by some angel investor, then that angel investor must have some ideas, concepts, principles, truths and
values in mind that would be of assistance. You have had great training, much training through the Melchizedek
School that you and your brother sponsored at Lake Almanor. You have a start of materials on social sustainability. How
would you begin to enroll another person? How would you get them to sign up with you without pay, to start with? How
would you begin to work with them in designing a program, a facility and a staff to do these things?
Most objections by most
people is by, “Well, when I see the money, then I’ll do it,” but you know metaphysically that when you do
it, then the money will come forward, so you must be prepared ahead of time to know how to accept and engage and use this
money wisely, as most angel investors know that they provide a meager startup but generous to get the ball rolling, and then
when that has proven itself, and those who have received that money have proven their ability to use it wisely, and there
looks like there is a future coming, then the next stage of development occurs. So, this is how we suggest to you
to begin. Do you have any questions about this, which I have explained so far?
Susan: No, this is very
helpful. I was also thinking in terms of “okay, there is startup money… you design the program and
the money is there for the initial cost to startup, then one has to think in terms of ongoing money to maintain the program,
and I’m thinking often I want to give services away because this is giving back to the world, but that doesn’t
make economic sense. One must have money coming in continually to keep a program going, and I’m having trouble
wrapping my mind around the ongoing money for maintenance of a program.
MONJORONSON: I will begin an answer to that and leave
the rest of the answer to you and to others who have been faced with the same situation many thousands of times before in
your economy and in your nation and other nations. The first would be that this is not a money making proposition
for profit and distribution to stockholders. This is an investment in community. This would require
some sacrifice on the part of the staff and the people who begin to make it possible that those new students could attend
without a huge sacrifice from their own personal finances.
On the other hand, there is a reality involved too; that those who attend
must pay something or provide some service that is equivalent to what they receive. Your students, some of which
will be enormously wealthy; some will be enormously impoverished, yet, when you come to sincerity and intelligence and dedication
of service to humanity, there may be no difference at all between these two people, so you would need to have a sliding scale. You
would also want to solicit from new students, who are very wealthy, their assistance to fund certain particular programs for
development, rather than just a general request for donations that would be spread across the whole program. The
individuals who have nothing, but time on their hands, these in many ways are some of the richest people that you could possibly
have, who could help you in the development of your program. They would be compensated through their training and
they would, in turn, provide some service or labor to your program. In the end, there must be an equation that
works, plus allows for continued growth. How did The Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California do what it did? How
did the training program in upper state New York do what it did? Remember, that what you are doing has never been
done before.
This thought of developing socially sustainable societies, communities, families and individual people, has never
been consciously engaged on a level as what you are entertaining, or which we entertain. This is completely new;
this is one of the most innovative areas of pragmatic idealism that could ever exist. Many people pray for peace;
many people pray for love to be across the world, but almost no one is pragmatically engaged in how to apply, and then teach
people how to do that in their lives. Remember, that what you will be doing will have an immense attractive quotient
to those individuals who are pragmatic idealists as well. Many people from the older generations have been engaged
in many, many workshops in training retreats with no results seen. However, what you will do is to teach people
how to be empowered in the communities they return to, how to make change in their lives and the lives of their community.
For instance, let us say
that you take on conscious parenting—this is a topic that you could research, which exists on the Internet—you
could research those processes. When those conscious parenting processes have been overlaid and infused with the
three core values of social sustainability as a means of training children how to become socially sustainable themselves,
then you take on a completely new adventure in being a parent. Very few parents in your society or any society,
have ever received any formalized training that is trans-generational, one that can be shared from one generation to another
that has proven results. Developing individuals who are sustainable physically, mentally, emotionally, intellectually,
socially, culturally and spiritually is something that would be quite amazing, one that people would pay money to attend,
given real tools that they have, that you will share with them.
Yes, this is the end of my discourse concerning how to make money from
this, but it is something that you must engage in and design into your operational structure. If you are going
to pay visiting consultants $800/hr., then you will go broke very quickly, but if you provide the consultant a cabin to live
in, a residence they can share, and with a cafeteria that can be shared, in exchange for their expertise, you will go far
to assist your program to mature into a highly effective organization quite early. Highly paid consultants have
the same needs as ordinary people; they like retreats, they like to go to quiet areas, they like to meditate, they like to
be contemplative and to share in their wisdom and knowledge with those who have a need for it. Of course, there
are some consultants who would despise such a humble situation and would not be there. Our comment is that they
would not fit anyway.
Susan: Thank you, Monjoronson! If we built it, would you come to teach?
MONJORONSON: (Laughing.) Yes,
certainly, I will be there eventually, dear one. We find that amusing, as there is always the yearning for the
presence of a master, is there not? And having been on other worlds where I have seen this occur, it can be a huge
benefit, but it can also be a curse to the program.
Susan: Those are all the questions I have for now. Thank
you very much. (Monjoronson: You are most welcome.)
The "Adamic particle"
Roxie: In
our last session Charles was explaining the duality of the universe, which you also talked about in one of your previous sessions. I
found this information very enlightening, however, he used a term that I am not familiar with: it’s called the “Adamic
Particle.” Is this something that our scientists call by another name, or is it something that they have
not yet discovered?
MONJORONSON: Yes, the Adamic Particle, the ultimaton, the Higgs-boson particle are all similar. The
Adamic Particle was mentioned in a book which we had made reference to some years ago, called “Love without End”
by Glenda Green. This is a remarkable book in many ways and one that contains great truths in it. This
particle—the Adamic Particle, the ultimaton, the Higgs-boson particle—exists in both eternity and the temporal
universe. It is both a particle and a wave; it can have mass or not have mass; it can be present in one location
and simultaneously transit to another. How does it do that? Your scientists continue to remain confused
because they have not accepted eternity as a reality to come to understand how it works.
The measurable Newtonian universe is dependent
upon that which is evident and obvious in the material realm. Your scientists have not realized that eternity is
a reality; it is that which exists in all and around all and through all, without impinging upon your material universe, your
temporal universe. When you have a particle that can transit through time instantaneously, it has to transit “through”
eternity in an instant—even less than an instant, as there is no time involved. It is simultaneous, it occurs—so
it can occur in one place and another without evidence of it having moved. This is the duality that we speak of. It
is actually not dual at all; it provides a holism of creativity, of creation and manifestation that is ongoing and timeless. We
hope this helps.
Roxie: Yes, it does. It opened up a new thought pattern for me.
MMc: Monjoronson, are you
saying that the Adamic Particle, the ultimaton is similar to what scientists are calling the Higgs-boson particle?
versus stream of energy
MMc: While I have you on the subject, we have been told that all energy proceeds from
Paradise in circuits. Is this energy in a continuous stream, or is it composed of these ultimaton particles?
say “yes” which may sound ambiguous, simply because you think in terms of a circuit as an electrical circuit,
or something that is circuitous in nature, that is it transits from one place to another around in a circle. The
word circuit in itself is ambiguous when you consider the “stream of energy” from Paradise. That “stream
of energy” is in the form of the ultimaton, but without mass. It does not take on mass until the Architects
of the Universe give it that capacity. I hesitate in using these words, as your language does not include thoughts
of quantum mechanics in open conversation, but are visible only to mathematicians through their equations, which are many
times undecipherable in terms of your English or other human language.
This does not directly answer your question, but your
answer is not answerable directly. The nature of the particle and the “circuits” that you speak of
are not circuits. The circuit is this: the circuit involves the capacity of one ultimaton to transit
the universe to the material dimensional universe. That is a circuit; it is a complete process very similar in
many ways to the formation of steam, with the exception of the ultimaton does not require external energy for it to make the
transit. It does so in the concept of the mind of God in the manifestation of the infinite universe. This
stream occurs throughout the material universe simultaneously and omnipresently. It provides the material universe
with the potential that becomes actual, and this is the circuit that you speak of.
Various questions from our
MMc: Thank
you. I have some questions from our readers, if I may. We are at an hour in this: would you like to
break now or would you like me to start on these questions? (Monjoronson: Let us continue.)
Would you please describe
in detail how a society based upon the principles of social sustainability would function at social, economic, political and
spiritual levels?
MONJORONSON: Yes, the details are this, holistically: The integration of these concepts
and principles and this decision-making process of social sustainability we know and understand as well as you do that it
will not occur simultaneously in these three major areas of human activity—the social, the political and the economic/financial. They
will occur socially to begin with, and as it is social, it occurs in the thinking of individuals; of course, the individuals
who receive this are also politicians, they are government officials, they are economists, they are also institutional/financial
individuals and so in some ways, the three areas will be exposed simultaneously to these new principles, yet the pragmatism
of each group has its own inertia that is involved in its existence and its continuation will allow it to accept more easily,
or resist this cultural change.
So, you will see the necessity of social sustainability using the three core values and the decision-making
processes from that involve the social level sooner, simply because people as individuals and in families and communities
abhor instability, they abhor social chaos, they abhor seeing their children grow up into addicts and prostitutes and into
socially deviant individuals that lead unproductive lives. Each individual parent/person wants to have their life
become predictable. They want to develop something that has the feel and essence of permanence, something that
will continue on and on and on. Even as greatly different as social sustainability is to your contemporary way
of living, people will embrace it, simply because it is based on the immutable, irrefutable three values that have sustained
your species for well over 40,000 years, and nigh on to half a million years. This kind of permanence is not something
to dismiss easily.
However, you will see in the political realm that there is tremendous resistance to this because it takes
away the power, control and authority and disseminates that to people who want lives that are more predictable, meaning that
the people who want social sustainability in their lives have become much more closely, personally, and consciously involved
in the decisions that affect them, in their local government and in their national and international governments. The
quest for power, control and authority by egos out of self-aggrandizement or out of fear is huge, but it is still less than
the desire for acquisition of money, which is the ultimate manipulable element of humanity to control and retain authority
and power without being completely evident.
What is it that would keep a person from investing in the social programs when they
have well over $50 billion available to them at any one time? And perhaps well over $1 billion in cash that could
be used immediately? It would not require the transmuting or transforming of assets into cash. It is
non-sensical to have this, especially when you live only 80 years. If you will live 4,000 to 5,000 or 10,000 years, and
you have that amount of money, then you could see the good use of that over time, both for yourself and for your fellow brothers
and sisters of humanity. The last bastion of control, power and authority is money, finances, and economics. It
is that sense of “I know what is best for you.” You, who has asked this question know that as well,
that doctors and attorneys and accountants “know what is best for you,” and that they hold true to that, and that
they live that out in their lives. So, too, do those who control the finances and purse strings of the world. Your
whole world could quite literally be transformed in less than 50 years by the uses of only one trillion dollars. That
may seem like a lot of money to you, but it is small compared to the value of free, available cash and assets that are held
in banks and investment firms throughout the world. Your world could be changed, not into a paradise, but into
a stable world in the near future, were that small amount of money to be used positively. The human nature resists
such largesse, and so what we propose in the Correcting Time program is unheard of to many people. There is much
more to say about this, but I will refrain from continuing.
MMc: I’ll let the audience member decide if he
wants to post a follow-up question.
Would you please describe what roles, personal initiatives and creative advancement play in social
sustainable institutions?
MONJORONSON: Your question is ambiguous. Please clarify.
MMc: I
believe the question is asking how personal initiative and creative advancement might change socially sustainable institutions.
have no socially sustainable institutions at this time. Explain, please.
MMc: I believe he’s looking
into the future and asking how personal initiative might change these institutions at some later date.
concerned about the later date; we are concerned about individuals taking personal initiative now to change
the institutions that they work in. Am I missing something here in this question?
MMc: Let me ask the follow-up
question. The follow-up question is how is our personal initiative and creativity promoted in the socially sustainable
MONJORONSON: Let me cut through both of those questions this way: This is a co-creative
program. This is dependent upon the co-creative participation of individuals and of the celestial realm, the morontial
realm. As such, there is equally shared responsibility for this. It is our responsibility of the celestial
realm to initiate this action, much as the angel investor may initiate action for the program in the uplands region in California,
as asked of earlier. It is our responsibility under the direction of Christ Michael, the Local Creator Son, to
initiate this program. We have informed you that this is a co-creative program, and when you come on board, you
become co-responsible with us for the initiation and development of these programs. Your responsibility in initiating
yourself is to be in contact with us to know that you and we are working together. Many of you do not hear us;
many of you are unaware of voice of spirit and reason working within you. You are unable to discern your own voice
mind from the voice of spirit within you. In such case, it is your responsibility to ask for opportunities that
lead you in the right direction for the answers that you do not hear. So, we will provide those opportunities. You
need discernment and training in how to form those questions concerning those opportunities.
If you state them in terms that you have expectations
according to your own criteria, then you can anticipate that we will be unable to fulfill your question. But if
you initiate a request for opportunity and a direction that is in alignment with Christ Michael’s Correcting Time program
and leave the options open to us, then you can anticipate that this will occur. To answer the question of the one
who asked this, the answer is this: That you must look to your originating documents, that if you strive to operate
in terms of social sustainability within your existent philosophical and moral framework and executive decision-making framework,
you will fail. It is important that you examine your founding documents and your executive decision-making
processes to see if there is any alignment with the three core values. Oftentimes, in many profit-making organizations
there is almost no alignment at all, and thus those organizations are unsustainable.
If you are working on higher education academic
settings, then you may have an opportunity to explore these possibilities. What is important is that you—the
question asker who wanted to initiate this—must convince others that the three core values of social sustainability
are irreducible, that they are permanent, they are universal, they are timeless, and that they apply to all human activities,
whether they are individual, familial, social or organizational. We include organizational within the context of
social, as all organizations are social, being based on more than one person.
The entrenchment of stability, the entrenchments of
tenure, the entrenchments of higher education having that arrogant, erudite opinion that they know all, is what
you will come up against which will be most difficult. It would require a subtle indoctrination, enculturation
of those people who are open to hear you, hear your voice and your discussion of these topics in open discussion, presented
to such as a forum for staff members, a forum for academics, where there is a discussion of these ideas and thoughts. The
fundamentals must be presented to them at that time, something that will cause them to think. Many people in such
a setting will not want to think about that, as it would change the equation of their power, authority and control, and their
prestige, which is ego. They would react with fear, and that would put them in a position that they could not move
from. What you will do with this announcement, this educational, this informal forum is to broach the subject genuinely
to everyone and attract those who are attracted in return. Social sustainability and subsequent culture change
are self-selective; it is a major feature of this program. It cannot be dictated by authority, or control, or power. Those
can have influence, but they cannot make the final estimation on the worthiness of the sustainability programs; that must
be chosen personally. I apologize for the lengthy nature of this answer to your question. I sense perhaps
that this may have satisfied your questions.
MMc: Yes, I believe it has. Another question that a listener
asks: How are individuals within an institution promoted? Is it by their individual initiative and their
abilities, or on an equalitarian basis? How are people promoted within a particular institution?
ambiguity of your questions must be off-putting to anyone who is reading this material, as there are many assumptions made
in the question. It sounds as though this individual is asking questions about how individuals are promoted within
institutions and organizations that have adopted the principles and values of social sustainability. Is that correct?
MMc: Yes.
find this not profitable to answer, as it is position making for the individual. They are placing themselves in
the future in this organization and wish to know how to place themselves, either for their own benefit, or for the control
of those who might be below them. This is something that will develop within the organizations. We,
however, know that organizations will need to be self-sustaining in the future, both in their funding as was discussed earlier
today, and in their operation philosophically. That is why many profit-making organizations in the future will
be employee owned, or partially employee owned, so that they feel an immediate connection with their efforts there and their
own lives outside of their work hours. This must become part of the holism of society, whereas the interests of
individuals are not separated between their personal life and their business life or their employment, but there is a continuity
and harmony between both.
Right now, you experience much disenchantment and separatism from your work situations, where your
work is simply a means to an end, where incredibly you spend 1/3 of your life, or ½ of your waking hours employed in doing
something which you do not enjoy or do not appreciate, and which you see almost totally disconnected from your personal life
and your personal achievements and the meaning of your life apart from the money you earn. This is very, very sad
and this will change—must change. In a socially sustainable society those organizations which
are partially or wholly employee owned will have achievements far beyond those that are not. They will provide
a holism of health care, housing and so on that would be very supportive without smacking of communism or socialism, which
are so immature in conceptual framework.
MMc: Our audience member asks: “Equality, growth and quality
of life have been identified as the core values of social sustainability, but are there not more fundamental values that underlie
these values or principles? These more fundamental values would be derived from the Father himself, such as compassion,
peace and ultimately, love.”
MONJORONSON: The mission of the Magisterial’s work is to amend and change
the social structure of your world, your whole civilization and all nations. The values you speak of are ultimately
true, of course, but how do you translate that into life and living? That is my question back to the originator
of the question, is that it is most difficult. Many people in your society now preach love—love, love, love
is the answer to everything, yet there is no pragmatic approach to how people change their lives so that they can project
love to others. And how do you teach others to receive love? Everything about them has told them to
reject anything that anybody says, such as loving nature as a leverage for manipulation of their personal lives and their
finances or their sex, or something else. These values that your listener speaks of are very high and very true—there
is no argument about that—however, our project and our programs deal solely with the development and reformation or
re-creation of your societies into those that are sustainable. We have no argument with those values that he speaks
of; we simply have to begin somewhere with you in re-creating your world socially and organizationally.
MMc: Our audience member
asks: “Is it accurate to regard the growth of the individual as not only a value and principle of social
sustainability but also a goal of social sustainability?”
MONJORONSON: Growth is a natural outcome when you foster
the worth of each individual. Remember, the quality of life and growth and equality are integral, they are holistic,
they are synergistic. When you begin to seek to improve the quality of life of an individual, they will grow. This
is simply the nature of humans, of your species. There are actually very few lazy individuals of your species outside
of contemporary cultural and social developments. You see very few lazy people in indigenous populations; everybody
works, everybody lives, everybody socializes, everybody produces. Growth is an inherent feature of your species,
which goads you on, urges you on to become more and in becoming more, you grow.
MMc: “Would it be accurate
to say that the process of growth of the individual can be regarded as the progressive discovery of greater truth, a deepening
sense of experience of duty and the acquisition of greater abundance of goodness?”
MONJORONSON: No, it is not necessary. People
see an improvement in their life by growing in their capability, their knowledge and their skills, and they see those developments. The
truth, beauty and goodness, which you refer to is an eventuality when people see that there is a harmony between that which
is and that which is becoming. They see themselves as becoming, as growing, as existentially real and valuable
to the universe and to their society and to their world. When this occurs, then those three values become known
to them as well.
MMc: Another
audience member asks: “What role does liberty and individual freedom have in the interplay of the core values
in social sustainable institutions?
MONJORONSON: They are primary to the functionality of those three values of
individuals in your society. Slaves do not do well in captivity, do they?
MMc: Our next audience member asks: “It
appears that learning is a necessary component of the growth of the individual. Would you please explain what measures
are necessary within socially sustainable institutions to provide opportunities for learning by those who work within such
institutions, and for those who are serviced by these institutions?”
MONJORONSON: If I hear your question correctly, this
is a possible answer for your listener/reader: And that is, any institution, any organization that aspires to social
sustainability is a learning environment; it is a growing environment; it too, is a social organism that must grow and learn
from its mistakes and its successes. It must become adaptable; it must have an internal process that assists the
organization to learn from its operation to guide the future decision-making. Such an environment inherently lends
its growing principles to individuals who participate there. This is inseparable. The individuals in
a socially sustainable organization that has taken on those principles and values, it becomes a synergism between the individuals
who work there and who make decisions for the organization. As it provides service to its clientele, and also from
its vendors, there is a necessity that those standards from within be expressed toward those who receive their services.
You, of course, must realize
that there are some services that are provided in organizations which would have a very difficult time transferring the learning
process and adaptability to their clients. For instance, if you have an international accounting firm in 100 different
nations, or a law firm that operates within the legal context of over 100 nations, how does it help assist their clients to
grow? It obviously must mean that they forecast ahead of time how the world is changing, how that social sustainability
is becoming a projected social and organizational reality in the world. In many ways you will find that [in] one
organization an executive decision-making process in marketing departments take this into account; they will see a huge opportunity
for growth, one that is hugely profitable and beneficial to themselves and to their clients.
You see, in many ways that we are creating
a new industry, an industry in which all the components currently exist. Everything that is known about humans
already exists and is sufficient for us to design a new social process, one that absolutely does not exist now. If
you are an entrepreneur, one who has an altruistic bent and an orientation toward service, you will see that this new industry
is one that could be hugely profitable, one that could be immensely rewarding both for the founders and for the employees,
and for the service clientele. When you see this happening, then you will see a world moving rapidly into social
MMc: Thank you, Monjoronson. I don’t have any further questions for today.
we are disappointed! We have so many answers for you. (Laughter!)
MMc: Thank you, I appreciate
that very much.
MONJORONSON: I am learning some of your humor, as I must move from the level of an Avonal Son through
the local universe onto your areas closer to your world, and in discussion with you, that your humor is important. It
sparks within you the capacity to take on humility, take on another perspective and point of view without being threatened
by it, and this is essential to the work that we do with you. We, however, our normal response is one of joy; joy
for us has emotional repercussions for you, but joy has a morontial capacity to infuse us with much energy, and so, we feel
that in your humor in the best of circumstances. Thank you and good day.