6-1-15 -- Take God At His Word

It is, beloved ones, about heart energy and not at all about physical plane things, for I promise you again, that what you see in the world is ever and always a reflection of your heart’s beliefs, amplified by that point of focus where consciousness and heart join.

That point is your creative power in the world but the energy that fuels it must be the energy that is generated continually when you receive the gift of life from Me and allow it to play its song within you, to make of you the music of the spheres that your heart becomes the instrument that plays the song of gratitude for the abundant life I Am and thus allows it to become in the world a new expression, continually new and newly born…the meeting place of the abundant Love I Am as you and the gift, the great gift of giving to others, for giving allows the multiplication of life and makes more of this endless Love.


Prayer within breath is silence, love within infinity is silence, wisdom without word is silence, compassion without aim is silence, action without doer-ship is silence, smiling with all existence is silence.

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Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
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* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
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Heavenletter #5302 Take God at His Word, June 1, 2015 

God said: 

Beloveds, I am Omniscient and All Powerful, and, yet in the world, it is not always in your and the world’s best interest for Me to wave a wand. Does that sound like a pat excuse to you? Take Me at My Word, beloveds. I desire your happiness, and I desire you to grow. Life is not always a quick and easy. It is a long view I take. This is life. And through living, you come closer to My Will. According to your consciousness, you live life.

If you go to a betting establishment and play roulette, you don’t know the winning number ahead of time. Wheels are already in motion, yet you don’t know ahead of time. What you can know is trust in Me, even when trust seems bleak or even impossible. One way to look at this is that all you have to your name is trust. You do not yet have a decision to make. You are not conceding anything, dear ones. Success in the world is clearly not always a benchmark of how well you are doing.

The Great Spiritual Ones were more simple than you may be. You see green lights and red lights. And yet you may be looking in the wrong places. Sometimes life does not give you a choice based on your vision, yet you have consciousness. The Truth of you is not your wondering and worrying. This is nothing but a habit. You are accustomed to chewing your nails.

You work with what you have. You are greater than the human being you reside in. In moments of certainty or uncertainty, with strong courage or timid courage, you are My Appointed Servant and you are My Anointed, and you give what is yours to give. You are steadfast, or you would not ask the questions you are asking of Me and yourself even as you believe you do not know the answers to your well-worn questions.

The world and all the people in the world do not always see the value before them. Whatever their reasons may be or no reason at all but their so-called Will, they do not see as you do see, and that is their Free Will. You are not dependent upon their Will or their well-wishing. No one is the decider of you.

Of course, you can say that the Great Spiritual Ones you are familiar with lived in a simpler world. Yes, they did, and yet no less was asked of them than is asked of you. The Great Spiritual Ones put one foot after the other in their hearts and minds even as their arms and legs may have been nailed and stones thrown at them. They, too, were not always well thought of or adored. At some point, their personal clarity was not an issue any longer, and they did see more clearly. Sometimes you do not know your own will until the moment you are called on.

Let go of extraneous thoughts. You are not being tested now. You are dipping your toes into the water. You are doing what you have always been doing, and that is investigating ahead of time. You are being wary. You are habituated to worry. You are under its grip. You are under worry’s thumb, beloveds. What would your questions be if you were free from worry?

If you were Christopher Columbus before his voyage, you would not be saying: What if my ship springs a leak, where will my courage be then?

It is for you, beloveds, to overcome fear and doubt, the master agents of worry.

Here’s the thing: Doubt yourself if you must, yet do not accrue your doubts to Me. Trust in My confidence in you.


Sivananda Daily Reading

2 June

Posted: 01 Jun 2015 02:11 AM PDT

Singing God's Name 
Bhakti (devotion) in essence is twofold. On the one hand there is an intense attachment towards God, nurtured by deep emotion and, on the other, an earnest urge of love for him. When these two elements are combined we find bhakti to be either an attachment emerging out of love or love manifesting itself as attachment.
The essential feature in bhakti is that this feeling is in relation to the highest - the supreme lovable one who is real and imperishable - and not in relation to the objects of the world that are transitory and therefore unreal. Such love or devotion assumes various forms of expression and goes by different names. Narration in poetry or prose, singing the glory of the Lord, and more popularly, singing the name of the Lord, are some of them.
A harmonious, rhythmical note produces a distinctive image. This is not imagination -for every sound, there is a particular image. It has been scientifically proved that certain sounds produce certain particular figures over some distinct surface. So it is reasonable to believe that the respective names of God, associated with their respective forms, can also produce their images on the mental surface. Through continuous repetition, the name forms a deep rooted impression in the mind of the repetitioner, who ultimately attains God vision.
God and his name are identical and inseparable. He dwells where his name is sung. The whole atmosphere is sanctified by his name - peace, purity and bliss prevail there. His name carries the message of love. His name frees the soul from affliction, unrest and bondage. His name knows no barriers, no distinctions. His name purifies the vicious lower self and elevates it to sublimity, to universal consciousness and transcendent God head.
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Bhajana is meditation on God. Life without bhajana of some sort is useless, my dear friends. Life without worship is dull, dreary. It is a mere burden on this earth. All religionists do their own bhajana in their own way. The goal is the same; the paths are different. The object of doing worship is to attain infinite, eternal peace, immortality and freedom from the wheel of birth and death.
