5-25-15 -- A Simple Ring

Beloved ones, there no longer is what you might call a path of service. But rather now, there is a hologram of service instead. For the pulsing Love, the living Light is infusing the world so powerfully that it is seeking even the tiniest opening or entryway that it might truly become the living presence of Love, that by the Law of Resonance shall entrain every heart and mind effortlessly of its own accord.

It is the truth of Love I Am and it is infallible, indivisible and already present everywhere. Yet, as each heart begins to share the resonance and the consciousness of Love infuses everything in the world, then the mind of every human being is entrained by Love as well, and comes under the jurisdiction of the heart, of the truth, of the hologram, the unity, the glory, joy and grace of the Love I Am.


Be aware of the grace, of the love and of the joy that the Divine is pouring on you every minute. As a seeker be firm in your commitment to the practice of yoga, pranayama, meditation, and chanting and experience the joy and peace that you are.

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Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5295 A Simple Ring, May 25, 2015 

God said: 

Up and down go your moods. You are high, and you are low. It is as though you are torn from pillar to post. In one day, your world can turn upside down and every which way and back again.

The resilience required of you is astronomical.

You realize, of course, that it is you who requires of yourself such astronomical resilience. You set the tone of your life. How you have wished it could be otherwise. How you have craved peace, and, then, something befalls, and you are agitated. You seem to prefer to have the tone of your day and life set from outside events rather than from within you.

No matter how hard you have tried to be calm, cool, and collected, trying hasn’t done the trick. How you have tried. Such success does not come from insistence, yet it will come.

One day you will not be so shaken by life’s inconsistency. You won’t be so riddled because you will not see what is happening as appalling to your well-being. You will reach this lovely place effortlessly and not by dint of will.

It is more like you drive up to a park, and there you are. You come to peace, or, perhaps, peace comes to you there. You find that you are no longer ruffled. Gratefully, you are beside the cooling waters. You come to peace because you come to it. You come to it because you are out of the turmoil that used to shake you up. Now you are unshaken. Now you reach that long sought-after equanimity. You’re here.

You dip into the peace. Something changes by its own will. The evenness that you have been seeking simply arises. You see in a different way somehow someway. You could kiss the ground for joy that your appeal for peace has been answered.

You never want to lose it, yet you do not as yet know that you will always have it, yet why not? Oh, to be unrattled. To escape the drama and bewilderment. To receive the blessing of peace and the ability to give the blessing of peace as one and the same.

It’s like when a farmer prays for rain, and the rains come. You are the farmer who longs for rain to save the farm. You wish for it. You pray for it. You beat the drums for rain.

When rains come, how easy it is. It may have taken a long time, yet the bidden rain has come. Rain bursts through. The rain is what you desired, and it rains. You and the land drink up the rain to your delight, yet you can’t say you made it rain. You can’t ascertain that you did. All you know is that blessed rain fell, rain like manna from Heaven, peace like manna from Heaven.

You don’t ask too many questions, nor do you require explanations. How and why are not the issue for you. The day has come is the issue for you.

The day when you notice that you are not ruffled is going to arrive. You are no longer red in the face. Peace has come. You can’t say you deserve it more than you ever did, although you do imagine so, or why wouldn’t your peace have come sooner?

It’s like you crossed a river. You are on the other side of the river now where there are no longer rapids or rapids that undo your peace of mind.

You don’t DO peace. You simply are peace. You arrive at life as a peaceful place. You are just here. Nothing happened, except something happened. You have been blessed, and you thank Me for the blessing.

You can’t really say you arrived, yet a gift arrived. You are not a champion who has broken a record, yet you accept the peace that has welcomed you, whether you were ready or not, deserved or not. Yet, now, peace is yours to wear like a simple ring.


Urantia, May 9,2015. 
Teacher: The Beloved One. 
Subject: “Let the People of this World Awaken.” 

Message received by Lytske. 

The Beloved One: “Let your heart be pure and undisturbed when the news of the world upsets you in any way. This is an opportune time for all mortals to learn that those who care deeply about the state of their souls contain with them a Spark from the living God. They shall learn that nothing can disturb the calm peace of their souls, as their souls are safe in the citadel of Spirit. 

“Let it be known to all who still need to awaken to this momentous truth that a Spark from the living God indwells them to help and guide all mortals through life for now is the time to discover this momentous fact and therefore realize that they are not bereft of heavenly help. 

“Most well-wishing peace-seeking humans on this planet seem to flounder and lose their way, whilst the negative factions are scheming in the darkness of their hearts to enslave all good people willing to uplift the planet but who don’t know how. All it takes is for good men to do nothing so the evil ones — who have lost their way, to the peril of their eternal soul — can enslave others monetarily. These evil ones forget that they too shall have to give a reckoning of their evil works and therefore will have nothing of value to redeem in their mortal soul for eternity. They shall be as light as a feather and shall be blown away on the wind, to be found no more as their life-records are stricken from eternal life. 

“Truly now it is in you all to wake up and realize that the pen of diplomacy, with understanding for others in sincerity, truth, beauty and goodness, is far mightier than all the nefarious weaponry to date. God’s love and mercy shall win out; there has never been any doubt about that, even though everything seems contrary at present. 

“You all find yourselves en masse at a critical period in the history of the planet. Encouragingly, however, it is being noticed in the celestial reams that there are the beginning signs of a stirring wakefulness now. A new day in the world’s history is dawning. You are all familiar with the saying: ‘The night is darkest just before the dawn appears.’ Let this be a sign that the new day is sure to follow. 

“It is up to humankind to decide what sort of day this is going to be. The legions of heaven are standing by to help; however, you are the ones, who are God’s hands, feet and lifeblood on the ground. Therefore for your soul’s sake, do the best you can where you are planted under any circumstance. Ideally that would be to start the day with your God Spark within, taking the time and asking for guidance for the day ahead. It is as simple as that. To be in communion with your heavenly Helper takes a lot of stress out of the day. With God’s ‘wind’ in your sails, how can you fail? There is simply no better way to start your day.”

Edited by Linda Abell.

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.

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No More Expected Patterns

by LifeTapestryCreations

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Dear Ones,

Most likely, you recently requested transition assistance from your guides, angels and friends to seemingly no avail. For your being feels little different from before the March/April energy bursts.

Even though you may have experienced some blank spaces in time or noted that unimportant wishes happen with little or no effort, you continue to live your humdrum life with few peaks of joy and many valleys of listlessness or anger.

"Where is my joy?" is the refrain heard round the globe. So it is you are moving into new you. For indeed, new you is slowly - more slowly then you hoped for, but more rapidly than we imagined - rising from the debris of 3D you.

Perhaps it will help you better understand this phase, this void if you remember how you felt when you transferred to a new school or moved to a new community or job. At first you were hyper-vigilant wanting to fit in as quickly as possible. You had no friends of note - merely acquaintances with possibilities of future friendships. You did not quite understand your school, job or community. All was a blank and lonely slate as you tried to adjust and adapt.

So it is for you now. You are no longer of 3D. You left that community permanently. Yet, you do not feel comfortable in 4D and beyond. You are in a void of loneliness resulting in unexpected - sometimes even ongoing anger. "Where is my place? Where is my world?" is your ongoing cry to the Universes.

You are growing into new you. Would you expect to be totally immersed in a new community within days? So it is for you now. You will eventually find those who connect with new you. You will discover your complete role. But for now, you are making a major adjustment not anticipated by 3D you when you started this transition.

You negated your 3D world and need time to adjust to new you, new roles, a new earth.

Never before has any group completed such a wondrous task while of a 3D body. You have heard the same many times. But now you are beginning to truly understand. And you are indeed moving further and faster than anyone - including you - thought possible.

Of course, you wish to know exactly what your new role responsibilities are so you complete them appropriately. Yet, only you know what responsibilities you wish to claim. You are the CEO/president/leader/manager of you. You outline the responsibilities of yourself and your multiple segments. All is ready for you to do so. And so you will - in your time.

There is little reason to cry to the Universes, your angels or anyone about this void for you created it to adjust properly to new you. Your void might last a few days or weeks. It does not matter to the Universes nor to any entity but you.

Would you want a continuous stream of neighbors or friends in your new home or at the job demanding your attention before you had time to unpack and adjust physically? So it is for you now. You are giving yourself alone time to acclimate to new you.

For some, that means testing your new CEO skills within various segments, dimensions or frequencies. For others, gathering your thoughts and addressing some limiting fears. And for still others, total immersion in new you with all that entails including a joyful knowing that you are a wonderful CEO of you.

There is no need to force yourself - or others - into a place that is not yet right. Allow yourself to flow without comparisons to others or forcing your segments or any part of your being into place.

This is little different from puberty. No matter how much you wanted to have larger breasts or a deeper voice, you could not force yourself into that being. Puberty was a process that happened naturally without need for concern - even though many worried, but now find such thoughts silly or cute.

There is no need to feel superior if you have acclimated to your new you - for others will follow shortly when it is emotionally/physically safe for them to do so. And there is no need to worry if you feel no different from what was true last week or the week before. You will when it is right for you to do so.

New you cannot be forced into being. It will happen - you truly are no longer of 3D. You exited 3D with all the glory such an exit entails. Now you are adjusting, adapting, shifting into new you - at the time and pace correct for you. A time/pace that cannot be hurried or diverted.

You have claimed new you - now you merely have to flow into it. Much as is true after accepting a new job.

A new job, home or school requires physical, emotional and intellectual adjustments. You are now doing the same and more. Allow yourself to be. Allow yourself to flow.

Many of you think that as CEO you should you have more information instead of just flowing. You wish to have timelines and an overview - as you did in your 3D world. You knew you needed to complete task A before B could happen.

In your new world, A + B might equal C, F or Z. There is not a linear sequence you can depend upon. Such is one of the bigger adjustments you are making in this void. To know that the unexpected is the expected. To know that the expected is no longer part of new you.

You are going to or are already flying high with all sorts of new skills and adventures. None of which fit within the 3D mold you lived in for eons.

Karma - a linear perspective - is no more. And fear is greatly diminished or removed for you could not perform, as you will once you grow into new you, if fear were your dominant emotion.

Joy is you. Joy in the new and joy in you.

So it is, you are beginning to enjoy the unexpected without ties to that which you have known for earth eons. You are reverting to the flow of the Universes. Something you shut out for eons of earth lives. Such would not be possible if you retained your need for sequential and expected patterns.

Patterns are no more. So be it. Amen.


Sivananda Daily Reading

26 May

Posted: 25 May 2015 02:00 AM PDT

Benefits of Japa 
Japa (repetition of the mantra) checks the force of the thought current moving towards objects. It forces the mind to move towards God, towards the attainment of eternal bliss. Eventually it helps us to have the darshana (vision) of God. The mantra power is hidden in every mantra. 
Whenever the spiritual aspirant shows lack of vigour in his sadhana (practice), the mantra shakti (power of the mantra) reinforces the sadhana shakti (energy) of the aspirant. Constant and prolonged repetition of the mantra (name of God) for some months cuts new grooves in the mind and the brain.
During japa all the divine qualities steadily flow into your mind from the Lord, just as oil flows from one vessel to another vessel. Japa transforms the nature of the mind. It fills the mind with satva (purity).
Japa changes the mental substance from passion to purity, from rajas to satva. It calms and strengthens the mind. It makes the mind introspective - it checks the outgoing tendencies. Japa eradicates all kinds of evil thoughts and inclinations. It induces determination, and austerity and eventually it leads to the direct darshana (vision) of God (the ishta devata or tutelary deity) or to God-realisation.
The mind is purified by constant japa and worship and it is filled with good and pure thoughts. Repetition of mantra and worship strengthen the good samskaras. "As a man thinks so he becomes" - this is the psychological law. The mind of the man who trains himself to think good, holy thoughts develops a tendency to think good thoughts. His character is moulded and transformed by the continuous flow of good thoughts.
When the mind thinks of the image of the Lord during japa and worship, the mental substance actually assumes the form of the image. The impression of the object is left on the mind and this is called samskara. When the act is repeated very often, the samskara gains strength and a tendency or habit is formed in the mind.
He who entertains thoughts of divinity becomes transformed actually into divinity itself. This is the power of constant thinking and meditation. His disposition itself is divinised and purified.
The meditator and the meditated, the worshipper and the worshipped, the thinker and the thought, become one and the same thing. This is samadhi. This is the fruit of worship (upasana) or of doing japa.
