5-22-15 -- How Will You Choose?

The one golden point by which the mind can be lifted up is wonder. Wonder is where there is no concept, no mind.

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Urantia, May 04, 2015. 
Teacher: Christ Michael (Jesus). 
Subject: “How Will You Choose?” 

Message received by Lytske. 

Michael: “Thank you for giving me your attention after pondering the problems I face with this special little planet of my birth. Dear child, please don’t worry about my problems, but rather set yourself about the task of solving yours. All I need to concern myself with is her evolution, which is entering a critical phase and needs the guidance of the celestial Master Force Organizers, who carefully watch the movements of the tectonic plates. So, these are not your problems. I would like to point out that you humans in your mindlessness (but at last more knowingly) have added to the problems of the planet. 

“Only yesterday you looked at a picture at how polluted your oceans are becoming with refuse and you are witnessing the pollution of your skies when you see certain planes overhead spewing out all sorts of nefarious chemical trails. And please don’t get me going on how your food supply is being interfered with — with so-called genetic organism engineering. 

“These are just three things that are upsetting my plans for a peaceful evolution on this precious innocent planet of mine. Have you left your collective good senses or are you too sleepy to notice what is going on around you in the air, in the sea and on the land? We, as your celestial overseers, have to cope with the thoughtlessness of you creatures. Yes, I know what you are thinking. You think about the stories in your so-called holy books — that I was a mild-mannered carpenter, having come to relieve mankind from the burdens of their sins through forgiveness by being used as a ‘scapegoat.’ 

“Have you never read how I repeatedly said that each person is responsible for his or her own actions? My Father and your Father has given you all a precious free will to use, to take control of your thoughts and to endeavor to do God’s will. To glorify the Giver of all life, whose message, like mine was: “Love one another, even as I loved you” whilst I was here in the flesh? Anew, I tell you the same message, but now I will also add; “Love My planet, too.” Now she is being put into a situation of having to cleanse herself as she has had enough of all the abuse, heaped upon her innocence. 

“The planet is also a living breathing being and would love human cooperation to help her to ascend into the Light so she can attain also her eternal goal just like it is possible for each individual possible to attain. This planet has a hidden magnificence of perfection in her which she is trying to attain. You humans are also given life to attain your hidden perfected magnificence on your ascension journey to Paradise. 

“Why forego your own chances of achieving perfection? Do you not realize that this life is the beginning of your eternal existence? Of course, you have the choice not to enjoy eternal life. That is totally depending on your precious free will — how you choose, think and act. The responsibility is yours. Either work with me or against me! How will you choose? It is in you to do so.”

Edited by Linda Abell.

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.


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Heavenletter #5292 Frustration Gets Your Goat , May 22, 2015 

God said: 

When you are frustrated beyond measure, you are sure that frustration has to go away from you. No, dears, it is you who must unattach from frustration. You know I am not suggesting that you let frustration keep beating on you. I am saying the contrary.

You are speaking of frustration that gets the better of you, as if you have no say in the matter. What you can do, no matter how reluctantly, is to keep some distance between you and frustration. Frustration isn’t going to kill you. It is not out to ruin you.

For whatever reason, you have reached your limit. It is you who sets your limit.

Frustration comes from people and from things that get your goat. When the computer seems to have a mind of its own, the computer isn’t out to get you. It doesn’t have it in for you. In effect, the computer doesn’t know how to compute.

It is the same with people. They have a certain perspective different from yours. It is you who says you have come up against a stone wall. You have come up against something that takes you away from your purpose. Does your purpose have to be so thrown by disturbances in the world? When someone or something may seem to be blocking your way, what’s the first thing to do? Step around it, dear ones. You don’t have to meet frustration head on.

You may call these frustrations interferences. Don’t add insult to injury. Don’t let a frustration be your downfall. You don’t have to throw in the towel. Nor do you have to keep fighting. Get out in the fresh air. Take a walk. Ride your bicycle. Get off the frustration track you are on now. Switch.

Be more receptive to the big picture. You don’t have to be caught in the crossbows of frustration. Truly, you don’t have to be such an easy mark. It’s not for you to blame your headaches on anyone else or everyone else.

Whatever causes your frustration, it is you who rocks your boat. Must you get your dander up? For what purpose? In whose interest is it? Not yours. It must be for frustration’s sake then, for you pay dearly to enhance that which you didn’t want in the first place.

Beloveds, frustration exists, but where exactly? Somehow it has crossed your path. You have taken it on. You have adopted it. As much as frustration feels like an opponent, it is no more than a bunch of flies buzzing around you or mosquitoes chomping on you. Frustration is an idea. You are battling an idea.

If you feel that frustration is a punishment, then you are punishing yourself. Confess. Something or many things did not go right. They collected around you, and now you swat them. You blame them for your confronting them. Frustration is collateral damage, that’s all. It happens to be there.

Frustration does not belong to you. You do not own it. You do not have to make it yours. Frustration can get along without you very well. Frustration doesn’t need you to build it. It doesn’t need you to make it grow. You do not have to foster it. Frustration is not your back pack to take with you and grouse about how heavy it is. Make not frustration the content of your life. Do not embed your life.

I will tell you something else. Be glad you are alive and that you care and that you feel. Find that for which you are grateful. It is there. Be grateful in My Name that you are in a position to meet frustration and not have to take it with you.


Sivananda Daily Reading

23 May

Posted: 22 May 2015 02:09 AM PDT

God and His Name Are One 
What a lot of joy the repetition of His name brings! What a lot of power it infuses into man! 
How it changes the human nature marvellously! How it exalts a man to the status of divinity! 
How it destroys old sins, vasanas (tendencies), sankalpas (thoughts), whims, fancies, depressing moods, sex impulses, and various samskaras (psychological impressions)!
How sweet is God's Name! What a tremendous power it possesses! How it transforms quickly the asuric (diabolical) nature into satvic (divine) nature! How it brings you face to face with the Lord and makes you realise your oneness with him (para bhakti - supreme love)!
The name of God, chanted correctly or incorrectly, knowingly or unknowingly, carefully or carelessly, is sure to give the desired result. Every name is filled with countless potencies (shaktis). Its glory is indescribable. The efficacy and inherent shakti of the name of God is unfathomable.
Just as fire has the natural property of burning inflammable things, so also the name of God has the power of burning sins, samskaras and vasanas and bestowing eternal bliss and everlasting peace on those who repeat it. Just as burning quality is natural to and inherent in fire, so also the power of destroying sins with their very root and branch, and bringing the aspirant into blissful union with the Lord through bhava samadhi (culmination of devotion) is natural to and inherent in the name of God.
O man! Take refuge in the name. Nami (God) and Nama (name) are inseparable. Sing the Lord's Name incessantly. Remember the name of the Lord with every incoming and outgoing breath. In this present age, japa (repetition of God's name) is the easiest, quickest, safest and surest way to reach God and attain immortality and perennial joy. Glory to the Lord! Glory to his Name!

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