5-19-15 -- Theatrics

A Master or a Guru does not remove the doubt, but He creates more doubt. The more you burn in the fire of doubt, the more strong you come out to be.

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Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
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Heavenletter #5289 Theatrics , May 19, 2015 

God said: 

This Heavenletter does not apply to everyone. Nor does it apply only to others and not to you. It is for some. Perhaps many.

Now that you are grown up, no longer make a fuss when you don’t get your own way. Your own way is not due you across the board.

It is right and natural for a baby to kick and scream, but not you. Nor do you walk away in a huff. You may think you have to defend your rights, and so you may offer ultimatums. This does not make you big, for you are not thinking big. You are thinking small. If you have to be catered to, you are thinking small.

I have to suggest to those of you who are My dramatic children, if you must have drama and make ordinary life huge, then go on the stage! You will have a good career there. You can stomp your foot. You can kick up a storm. You can put everyone else in their place, that is, the place you assign to them. You may feel you are ruling the world.

If you feel this way, you are not ruling the world. You are not even ruling yourself. Whatever the debate is about, it was never about you.

Your honor is not at stake. Your pride is at stake. Ego is at stake. You want to win. You will even bully in order to win. No one wins a prize for being rude or unkind. Certainly, there is not a contest going on as to who has the greatest arrogance.

Know this: You are already important to the world. You are affecting the world right now. Of course, right now you may be limiting the world. It is for you to expand the world. Shine your light and hold your fire.

Sometime and soon, you will give up your arms also known as ego. It is time for you to create peace and stop trying to be the King of the Mountain or the Mightiest of All. When you create a fuss, you are telling the world that your ego is more important than your good manners. I suggest it is better for you be a lady or a gentleman. You can be gracious. See what it feels like to be gracious.

Maybe what you have wanted is to rule the stage and to thrive on it.

You may think I speak bluntly to you in defense of those you want to cast aside. I speak bluntly to you for your sake. To be a spitfire is not admirable. And it is costly. It is costly to everyone, yet, most particularly, it is costly to you. You are giving up Good Will and withdrawing it from people who may love you.

If you saw what you were doing, you would not do it. Because you decide you are undermined, you may want to undermine others. You have perhaps been seeing yourself as a victim, as a mistreated abused victim. You may well swell up in order to put down others.

From your perspective, no one has the right to say no to you, yet no one is saying no to you, beloveds. They are objecting to an idea, while you demand in no uncertain terms that you be sovereign lord or lady of ideas. Do you really think you are adding to your medals? Beloved, you are tossing aside your good heart. I know you have a good heart. Where have you put it?

Now think about justice and mercy that is yours to give and not so much yours to grasp from others.

Honor yourself.


Oregon, US of A. 
Teacher: Christ Michael. 
Subject: “Personal versus Group Intentions.” 

Received by Anyas. 

Question: “Jesus said that when two or more are gathered in His name, He will be among them. What about just one? Why did He differentiate? Please help me understand that. Thank you.” 

Michael: “Dear child, thank you for your question. The fact is that when two or more are gathered in My name, it will invite my presence among them. And it is not exclusive of the fact that when you call upon me, I’ll be there for you. What it means is that, when a group’s Intention is to include my Spirit of Truth in their deliberations and objectives, I will be there to guide them in the right direction, to provide them with insights for which they are asking in order to be empowered — divinely empowered as a group. In the New Era, many groups will get together at different levels, looking for solution to world dysfunctions; My Spirit and the assistance of many celestials will be provided to them upon their request. 

“As an individual, on a private and personal level, I am approachable to you as your Father-Brother-Friend. I rejoice in each individual connection. So when you call upon my name, I will answer as I do right now, dear child. I respond to your genuine longing of the heart and I will spend time with you and get to know you better based on what you are expressing to me. I will also reveal more about Myself to you as our interaction will bring up new facets in our relationship. So, keep coming into the Stillness to spend time with me and with Nebadonia, and we will join you there. 

“Our love is with you and your siblings. Have a blessed day!”

Edited by Linda Abell.

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
No matter what the question is, the answer is always Love.


Sivananda Daily Reading

20 May

Posted: 18 May 2015 10:00 PM PDT

Human Nature into Divine Nature  
God is a mystery. Mind is a mystery. The world is a mystery. How sankirtan transmutes human nature into divine nature, how it overhauls the old vicious habits, how it changes the mental substance, how it transforms or metamorphoses the impure nature into pure nature, and how it brings the devotee face to face with God - this also is a mystery.
Science and reason can hardly explain the 'modus operandi' of sankirtan (chanting). Reason is an imperfect instrument. A man of weak intellect can be defeated by one who has a stronger intellect. Reason cannot explain many of life's problems. Intuition transcends reason; it does not contradict reason.
There is great shakti (power) in every word. The very utterance of the word 'hot pakouri' (a tasty savoury) brings saliva to the mouth. If you speak about 'faeces' when a man is taking his meal, he will immediately vomit. When such is the case with ordinary words, what to speak of the Names of God? Every Name of God is filled with various divine potencies and nectar.
One objector says, "If I say, 'sugar candy, sugar-candy', can I get it? How can I see God if I simply say 'Rama, Rama'?" In the case of sugar candy, sugar candy is outside, but God resides in the very chamber of your heart. He is close to you. By repeating "Rama, Rama", the mind becomes one pointed. It melts in silence and, in the heart, you will get the darshan (vision) of God. The name of God is as good as God himself. God is chaitanya (consciousness, energy) and so is his name. It is not so with other objects or names of objects.
There is a man in sound sleep. The prana (life) is there; it is awake, He will not respond if you call, "Prana prana". But just call him by his name and he will hear you and will get up from his sleep. Such is the power of the name. The name is nothing but chaitanya (consciousness) personified.
