Surrendering the little will and the perceptions of the dualistic mind is the path to service.
It is becoming the hub that joins the spokes of the wheel of humanity, for all of you are equally a uniting force. You are
the Love that encompasses everything, that encircles and infuses and breathes All in and out until it is “one organism”
recognizing itself. * This shift in the view of service, beloved ones, is so important because the ego prefers the perspective
of separate beings always and continues to attempt to create the perception of evolution. The only way to dissolve the veil
that makes you believe you are separate from each other is again to shift to the heart. * True service, beloved ones,
is born in surrender and in trust. It is allowing Me to be as you, the conduit for the Love that can fill those places that
perceive themselves as not Love, and give to each the experience of being part of a Love so grand, yet so warm and intimate,
that it dissolves, transforms every experience of being separate. In an instant of being immersed in the whole, in an instant
of living through the heart…the whole line of time and every story is totally and instantly transformed because you
remember that Love is the only true Reality.
| Heavenletters™, bringing
Earth closer to Heaven. HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken: * Our connection to God * * Our
belief in ourselves * * Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God * * Peace on Earth * God is always bringing
us closer to Him. | Heavenletter
#5284 The Flip-Flopping of Love, May 14, 2015 God said: Initiative. Moving forward. Taking the bull by the horns. Incentive. Determination.
Taking steps. Continuing taking steps. All these are part of life, and part of your life. You turn the Wheel of Life
as a whole and the wheel of your life in particular. From where do you catch ideas? They fall from Heaven. And, when
the idea you receive is not well-intentioned, then it has been scrambled. Every idea from Heaven starts serene and loving
and yet may flip-flop in its integrity when it reaches you. If this flip-flopping were not so, there would never be
wars and all the opposition that wars bring. Perhaps We are speaking of an acid-rain of sorts. A misinterpretation.
A pure DNA of thought that gets mixed up and falls like clutter rather than appearing like the arc of a rainbow. What
a pile-up of negativity brings forth wars and domestic battles and roughness as well. What is this entity of a country
that declares war, and all the factions that believe in righteousness? Surely, battles exist. I have said there is good
in everything. Even wars offer some clearing and a truce to hurtfulness. When thoughts from Earth rise to Heaven, they
arrive as a different package. Heaven is not of conflict. There is a filtering process. Heaven distills thoughts. Earth thoughts
are filtered from the seeds of discordance planted here and there. So many far-thinking people on Earth who speak for
peace and only peace, and yet wars are declared, and some wars are undeclared and yet exist nevertheless. Speak well
of others even when you view them as an encumbrance, for, as the old adage says, say nothing at all rather than to speak ill.
Negativity does not have to be voiced. Even so, sometimes you have to call a spade a spade in order to make yourself heard.
Oh, to have a simple speech and no trumped-up versions that belie truth. Watch your tongue. Throw out negativity with the
trash. Negativity certainly does not belong within you. There is no good reason for you to carry it. It is all dissembling,
for your true nature is not made of hassles let alone big wars to which you give names and numbers as if they were old pals. Love
is named love whereas all the assorted and distorted variations of non-love carry many names one after the other. Stay with
love. Let there be peace on Earth. Let peace reign. Let peace fall like silent echoes of love. To think – to hear
cascades of love going off. Imagine the display. Imagine the Truth of Love falling to Earth. Every day the Truth of Love falls
to Earth, and there are rainbows even when you don’t see them. If only you could see. The substance of Heaven
falls to Earth lightly. Follow the examples and tread lightly on Earth. The Earth supports you and carries you far, even as
you travel no distance at all. When you are in Vastness, you do not travel, for you are all the while in Infinity and Eternity.
You are already here. You are the embodiment of the Infinite and the Eternal. This sums up the contrariness of Life on Earth
and the contrariness of human beings who belittle themselves and so turn on others as if love did not exist when love is all
that exists. What a departure from Truth animosity is. Stay away from it. Certainly don’t announce it. Speak My
language. There is truly only one side to be on, and that is Mine. All your arguments are self-induced. It may have been easier
for you to grasp what is awful and untrue rather than what beautiful and true. Be in love. Have Me in your heart and
mind. Stay with Truth. Truth is lasting, and if there is the appearance of sides, Truth is the Winning Side. Step over this
imaginary line and appear before Me so that We shall make peace mighty and strong. What possible wisdom can there be in battle? |
US of A. Teacher Ophelius. Subject:
“Those Who See.”
Received by Chris.
Ophelius: “Today we will talk about who will see the 11:11 time
prompt and who will not. Most all of you reading this message have experienced, and will continue to experience, the Midwayers’
time prompt phenomena. Although, up until you searched for the meaning of this spiritual wake-up call, you were unaware of
the ‘who’ behind the ‘what’ and you soon learned that sharing this information with those who are
not prepared to receive it, can leave you feeling quite alone, and to the skeptics, like someone of unsound mind. As a result
of this crushing reaction from those who are not ready to receive this information, you soon learned to keep your peace about
it and look for kindred spirits for validation.
“Those who are
skeptical now may, at some future time, be found ready to receive the wake-up call when their Thought Adjusters feel their
spiritual soil has been prepared. This state of readiness may not even occur in this life on earth, but will be deferred to
the mansion world sojourn where their spiritual deficiencies will be corrected. Blessed are you my friends to be fertile in
this life and in this time – the great Correcting Time where you become participants in the forward push for the enlightenment
of your planet. You are the co-creators of God’s will for this time.
we approach the apex of correction about to take place on your world, even those skeptics who once scoffed will take the seed
of your ‘illogic ramblings’ and ponder the validity of it as the illusion of their world crumbles around them.
They will witness things that no human in the history of this planet has ever seen, and they will begin to realize there are
greater things under heaven and on earth than the little illusion they have built up around them.
solace in this, my friends, that all things work to the good of those who persevere and stay the course without waver. The
rewards for the Agondontor (those who believe without seeing) are quite honorable and there is a special place and preferred
opportunity prepared for those who serve in this time. It is OK to feel ‘different’ from those who still slumber
and it is advisable for you to seek out those kindred spirits and share your experiences. It is by the sharing of these experiences
that you multiply your spiritual wisdom, and this is the process of perfection attainment – to make mistakes, learn
the better way, and then share this experience with others. When this is done on a planetary scale, this is progress.
“Be understanding
of your fellows who are skeptics and scoffers, for their time will come and they will be given the opportunity to awaken,
and they may, in fact, be knocking on your door looking for the answers to their perplexities. The time lag of eternity has
a way of bringing all things to light, for your time in the spotlight is now, others will have to wait in the wings until
they are ready to step onto the stage. Even now, we in the higher realms, applaud you to a curtain call.
to you, “The Circle of Seven.” Edited
by Linda Abell. © The 11:11 Progress Group. “The giving of self, the
illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering are the noblest paths
to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius.
15 May Posted: 13 May 2015 10:00 PM PDT Get Nearer to God Maya is the Lord's illusory power. God creates
through maya. It is maya that makes the one universal spirit appear as many, as embodied in multiple forms, and delights in
the same objects, the false ideas of 'I' and 'mine'. Total, unreserved self-surrender to the Lord alone will enable you to
cross this maya and attain His lotus feet. Bhakti yoga sadhana is to unfold yourself continually and to endeavour, continually, to get
nearer to God. The more you unfold yourself, the more guidance you will receive and the more power you will manifest. O man! Conquer thy craving.
Conquer thy attachment. You will soon attain God-realisation. In meditation the mind is turned back upon itself, the mind
stops all the thought waves. Truth is love. Love the Lord. Speak truth. Cultivate pure unselfish love. Rest in truth. Rest in the
Lord of love. Make your heart empty of all other things. Then alone will God enthrone Himself in your heart. Equal vision
is the test of God-realisation and the way to God is through the heart. God can be realised through faith, devotion, surrender
and meditation. Trust in the Lord. Surrender yourself to Him. He will bless you with peace and plenty. He will bestow upon
thee all health, prosperity and success. Worship the Lord with true devotion. Lead a life of purity, humility and selflessness. Remember
God. Take His Name always. Meditate upon Him. Know the Lord to be the one reality in the midst of unreal things. Think often of God, by
day and by night. He is always near you and with you - He dwells in the
chambers of your heart. Dedicate all the fruits of actions and the action itself to the Lord. This is the entrance to devotion and freedom
from bondage. Worship the Lord continually. Live with Him. Put your trust in Him. Think of Him continuously and you will dwell
with Him. Pray
to God sincerely for strength and patience to bear pain, but not for deliverance from pain. Pain is a blessing from God. He
employs it for your spiritual upliftment and emancipation. Be satisfied with any condition God places you in. God is nearer
and more effectively present in sickness than in health. He is your unequalled, supreme physician and surgeon. |