5-11-15 -- Faith {Channeled}

Beloved ones, with the shift to the heart comes a deep and powerful shift in the experience of service and what it is. The mind sees separate beings who can bring to another something that the other needs. But the heart is alive to the truth that the only Reality is Love and feels the unity as an experience of endless warmth and wholeness, where Love is ever becoming more conscious of itself – awakening to the glory that it is, that I Am, that we are as Love together.
The single vision of unity is what the heart sees and brings home to you now. The world of the ego mind is subsiding like the tide moving out in a bay, leaving the waters of life humming with the truth that Love is everything and that all life is an immersion in this glory. From this view that the heart sees, feels, experiences, this ever-present heart realization of a Reality of wholeness – there are no separate beings.

Chicago , U.S. of A.
Teacher Prolotheos.
Subject: “Stagnant Faith and Living Faith.”

Received by Valdir Soares.

“Let us take this opportunity to turn our attention to the desirability of a dynamic faith, and the emptiness of a stagnant faith. Unfortunately, most evolutionary religious systems produce only stagnant faith; and so, their adepts are far away from living a satisfying spiritual life.

“A stagnant faith is characterized by its immobility – it does not progress. The beliefs held by the religionist are rather crystallized in time. When faith crystallizes, it becomes dogmatic, a belief ultimately locked in with suspension or suppression of reasoning, for a dogma does not allow questioning. All forms of religious systems are prone to this stagnation of faith for it reflects a need for security (no change) by the believer.

“Dynamic faith is a combined response from the soul and mind to spiritual manifestations both from the God Within and spiritual energies on the outside. Its dynamic aspect resides precisely in the nature of the evolutionary realms, which is ‘change’. Dynamic faith is always seeking higher levels of spiritual unification, and so it is always in development, never static.

“Stagnant faith leads to accommodation, immobility, and indifference. What would be the point of doing anything good or bad if all is already predestined? Life, under this kind of faith, is only a staged performance, a play that follows previously scripted steps. In life, such a faith is maintained by resistance to the new and suppression of those soul-requests for more meaningful, unifying and satisfying explanations of life.

“On the other hand, dynamic faith shelters an open attitude to Truth, wherever it may be found, for Truth – irrespective of where it is found – comes from God. This living faith unfailingly translates itself into loyalty to the known truth, expression of love through service, and increasing appreciation of beauty. That is, it seeks real harmony in life.

“Many who are now unhappy with their spirituality, due to living a stagnant faith, will feel the longings of their hungry souls, the leadings of their Spirit Within, and they will come into contact with you. You cannot give them faith, but you can inspire them with your personal testimony of living faith in the Living God, so they may consider entering the portal of real spirituality. No conversion or indoctrination is necessary, for there, in each normal human mind, lives a Perfect Guide, admirably qualified of bringing them to the maximum of their spiritual capabilities. Just let them smell this sublime scent of living faith and they will seek more.

“So it is with you, my pupil; your thirsty soul and your wise Adjuster have brought you to know higher realities than you ever imagined possible. Living spiritual realities leave behind a spiritual scent that is followed by those with spiritual perception, this being the reason why you also come to me for more insights. Be loyal to your spiritual values and courageously go about life – a better way lies just ahead.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“Don’t throw ‘bread’ to the multitudes, but give it to them one by one, for a grown man will need more than does a child, and some won’t need any at all.”
– Teacher Prolotheos.

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5281 Change Your Life by Changing Your Thoughts, May 11, 2015

God said:

When you meet pitfalls in life, no matter how awful they are, you have to – absolutely have to - forget about blame.

Blame is not the issue. The issue is to move forward. If you don’t want to stay in a situation, then you have to change your direction. You can blame all you want. You can blame Me, yet where does this get you?

Nor are you to blame yourself. Blame of any kind doesn’t get you where you want to be.

Let’s say you have been sentenced to life in prison, and you are totally innocent. This is so unjust. You are innocent, yet somehow you were found guilty, sometimes, of exactly what, you are not sure. Being found guilty while innocent has happened more than once.

What are you going to spend your energy on? An injustice has been done. You are blamed for something you did not do. You are left holding the bag. Dear One, you absolutely have to get out of the blame game from any direction and on every level.

There are innocent people who have literally been in prison for a crime they did not commit. Some have been vindicated later and freed from prison. Some have come out of prison after forty years.

And, yet, some have not gotten out of prison and have risen above and made something of themselves and their lives in prison. They gained and helped others gain. Hey, what good does bitterness do anyone? What benefit is there for anyone in bitterness? Why would you want to spend your life bitter and be toxic to yourself?

A tsunami that sweeps up many people and sentences them to death is not fair. A tsunami that sweeps up your loved ones and leaves you to mourn is also not fair.

What is better for all the sufferers to do but to get on with their lives as best they can? Surely, no one wants to be eaten alive with bitterness. Certainly bitterness is not a reward. Bitterness rusts your whole life.

For your sake and for the sake of others, start anew. Somehow you are in a place where you do not want to be. If you were on a deserted island, you would look to yourself to make the best life possible. This is always your job – to make the best life you can with what you have. You don’t want the situation you are in – this is no secret. We come again and again to the simple question - what will you do now?

I say to you all the time that you have to let go of the past. You can’t commandeer it. You can’t undo it. Whatever restrictions you must live within, don’t resign yourself to those limits. I ask you to treat yourself in the best way possible. Certainly, you take the steps toward your release, and, meanwhile, you become an asset to yourself and others. We are not talking about your taking the line of least resistance. We’re talking about your taking the high road. This is what you must always do. This is your path. It is open to you.

Do all the caterwauling you want, still, the highest path is always open to you. Everyone can rise despite all the bad luck in the world.

There are plenty of reasons to feel sorry for yourself. Reasons are not the point. For every reason to rebuke life, there are a thousand reasons to bless it. Your thoughts are relevant to your life. What you think dominates your life. What you think of your life now determines your life. Regardless of circumstances, how you think affects the topography of your life. Complain and blame now, and life will be sure to serve you more of the same. Life knows where to find you. Thoughts have energy, and this energy they attract.

Consider your life a garden. You water what you want to grow. You don’t demand results. You water your garden of life, and let it grow without your insistence. You give your life every opportunity to be what you desire it to be, yet you don’t hammer at your life. It is with your thoughts that you rise above. Take the direction you want to grow in.

Think nutritiously, and watch your garden grow.

Think negatively about your garden, and watch the crows in your garden eat the seeds and take your crop.


You’ve Grasped the Brass Ring of You

by LifeTapestryCreations

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Dear Ones,

This is a time of rejoicing. Not in the 3D sense that you, your friends and family know you have achieved a long-held goal. But an internal joy of knowing you have achieved something you did not think possible before entering earth this lifetime.

You have claimed yourself in all your glory.

Perhaps you do not feel it quite yet. Perhaps there is even an ongoing sense of, "is that all there is?" But know in every segment and cell of your being that you have grasped the brass ring of you.

Maybe you feel little or nothing. Maybe you even feel hollow. Just as was true sometimes when you achieved something in your 3D life. You worked diligently to complete that 3D task - only to discover in the first moments of completion a hollow feeling.

You have done it. You have claimed yourself.

What does that statement mean in your daily life? Even though you continue to roll down your hill to your promised land, your hill has many fewer obstacles. Your roll has returned to more joy.

Perhaps you wonder why your roll of joy was interrupted with rock and other debris the past few weeks. Such was so because you requested it.

That last statement might appear to be just another carrot encouraging you to continue your journey to new you. Such is not the case. Because so many are exhausted by the journey, you pleaded with yourself and the Universes to see results more quickly. And so you are and so you will.

Of course, now you demand instant gratification for your claiming of you. Such is not necessarily possible for your theme of the next few days is rest and process. After which, most of you will realize that your life is very different. Just as was true in 3D following college graduation, accepting a new job, birthing a child or committing to another person.

There were times in those aforementioned 3D major events, you were not sure you liked changes you created that reconfigured your life as you knew it.

And so it is that you may not initially enjoy your CEO/president role responsibilities. A role that may feel awkward at first. You are not used to being the "go to" person at this level on earth. But then, the same feelings of awe/fear would be true if you were promoted in a 3D job from worker bee to CEO or president.

Your new role is not the easiest transition for you must shift your patterns, perceptions and beliefs. And so you will. Once you wrap your thoughts around new you.

Think of the lifestyle changes required to welcome a newborn into your world. At first, everything feels awkward. You worry that your loving actions are wrong. Yet, somehow your baby survives, even thrives. So it is for new you.

You have the skills, knowledge and joy to be CEO/president of you. Allow yourself to know and accept that. Many of you are clamoring for specific directions - a how-to manual for this transition piece. There is no such manual, nor will there ever be.

You, as a group, are now creating the transition manual for those who wish to follow. A group task you are completing lovingly and joyfully.

But the instructions for new you are so fluid, so dynamic no manual is adequate - other than trusting yourself to know you will complete this role easily and effortlessly because you have done so in the past - in a different form. You have not always been a segment of your totality. Most of you have been the small voice within segments that you now call your inner-being. At other times, you have played the dominant/CEO role in places other than earth. This is merely the first time you are the CEO/president of your earth being.

So it is you have more knowledge and skills than you now believe.

You have no need to be frightened, concerned or to complete any lesson or task before fulfilling the CEO role you have stepped into. Allow yourself to rest. Do not fret about your limitations or seeming lack of skills. Float into new you with all the changes such requires.

You have completed the task of learning to love yourself even though many of you believe such could not be completed as easily as it was. Most likely, you believe you have to 'whip yourself into shape' somehow by studying more; pleading with your angels or higher self; or isolating yourself. All of which are nice to help you believe you have jumped through enough hoops to deserve your new role. But are no different from believing you must work in a child-related field for years before conceiving a child. You can do so, but prior work experience in a child-related field is not a conception requirement.

You will adapt to your new being whether you study, meditate, pray or not.

You dared expedite your new role with energies you claimed for yourself the past few weeks. Your inner-being trusted, even encouraged you to expedite your new role because your inner-being knows the entirety of you. As will be true for you once you process all that has happened.

Allow yourself to be. Allow yourself to play. Knowing you completed a very large task you did not necessarily anticipate completing six months ago.

Know that your roll down your hill has just become smoother, more rapid and more fun.

Think in terms of a professor allowing you to graduate from college earlier than anticipated if you complete a very complex paper. Throughout the writing of that paper, you question your skills - even the wisdom of writing it. But once the paper is complete and accepted, you allow yourself to bask in the wisdom of shortening your schooling.

So it is for you now - even though you have not yet realized that such is so. You will - once you allow yourself to rest and process what you have accomplished in a very short time. So be it. Amen


Sivananda Daily Reading

12 May

Posted: 11 May 2015 02:13 AM PDT

Intense Devotion
Bhakti is the slender silken thread of pure love that binds the heart of the devotee to the lotus feet of the Lord. Bhakti is the intense devotion and supreme attachment we feel for God. It is a spontaneous outpouring of love towards God. It is pure and unselfish.
Bhakti is sacred love. It is a higher emotion, with sublime sentiment, that unites the devotee with the Lord. It has to be experienced. Human love is hollow; it is mere animal attraction; it is passion; it is carnal love; it is selfish love. It is ever changing. It is all show and hypocrisy.
When the husband is unemployed, the wife no longer cares for him; she frowns at him. The husband dislikes his wife when she loses her beauty on account of some chronic disease. You can find real, lasting love in God alone. His love knows no change.
Bhakti is the basis of all religious life. Bhakti destroys vasanas (psychological tendencies) and egoism. A life without bhakti, faith, love and devotion is a dreary waste. Bhakti softens the heart and removes jealousy, hatred, lust, anger, egoism, pride and arrogance. Bhakti infuses joy, divine ecstasy, bliss, peace and knowledge.
All cares, worries, anxieties, fears, mental torment and tribulations vanish entirely. Then the devotee is freed from the wheel of birth and death. He attains the immortal abode of everlasting peace, bliss and knowledge.
In sakamya (desire motivated) bhakti, the bhakta worships God for the sake of getting riches, for getting a son, or for the removal of suffering from a disease. In vyabhicharini (insincere) bhakti the devotee worships God for some time - then he worships his wife, children and property for some time.
To love God and God alone is avyabhicharini (sincere bhakti). Lord Krishna says: "I am not in my control. I am in the complete control of my bhaktas (devotees). They have taken entire possession of my heart. How can I leave them when they have taken entire possession of my heart? How can I leave them when they have renounced everything for my sake? He who seeks me in all things, and all things in me - to him I am never lost, nor he to me." 


A Daunting and Yet Optimistic Last Quarter Moon

The late Sunday night / early Monday morning Last Quarter Moon continues the themes that we have been exploring during this entrancing and conflicted lunar cycle, stemming from mid-April, contrasting the reality of the humdrum physical plane wherein we must by force of necessity reside, versus the even greater reality and otherworldly numinousity of that which transcends the physical, a realm that we also inhabit with a highly significant and yet partly hidden portion of our being. This phase also traditionally indicates a shift in perception, what seminal 20th Century astrologer Dane Rudhyar described as a "crisis in consciousness." The question becomes how to integrate the events of the first three weeks of a difficult lunation cycle with our expanding worldview, which must somehow accommodate these new experiences without figuratively exploding — as a cartoon steam geyser erupts from the very tops of our heads.

We have actually had a lot to think about and to assimilate since the beginning of this inspiring late-
Aries lunar cycle that has been redolent also of so much of practical Taurus. This cycle, from the timing of the New Moon onward, featured many links from personal planets to Neptune, symbolizing the subtle vibrations of what we cannot feel and see with our physical senses, and yet fully know at an intuitive level is there. Most tellingly, lately, we now find Mercury as it prepares to retrograde during the second half of May, in square alignment, and scheduled to return to the square with Neptune twice more during the five weeks of its upcoming extended retrograde period. The last collision occurs on June 23rd, just as Mercury is days away from completing its escape from its retrograde shadow.

Last Quarter Moon also features a close quintile between the Sun and Neptune, so that the energy of the beyond remains very much with us as we turn the corner toward the ending week of this powerful cycle. It is equally important to note that Saturn is simultaneously not at all absent from symbolic resonance with our psyches, being at this timing closely inconjunct Venus and opposite Mars, as well as sesquiquadrate to Uranus and closely contraparallel to the declination of the quarter-Moon Sun. We are therefore still suffering, as we have for weeks, from having to acknowledge the power of circumstances to thwart and to frustrate our most optimistic efforts to get things to happen as we desire. We may have had to repeat the attack on a problem several times, at least, to try to get it to come out right. And yet this surge of Saturn encloses its own dire beauty, when we have the faith to look for it.

And indeed,
Jupiter, the planet of faith and optimism, is also still very prominent in this quarter Moon configuration, being in opposition to the Moon and in close aspect to Pluto in mid-Capricorn. Jupiter reminds you to look on the bright side, when you have sufficient faith in the cosmos, and in your process, to be able to do so. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel when, bolstered symbolically by Neptune and Jupiter, you lift your gaze in order to be able to see it.

The Sabian Symbols for this
Last Quarter Moon as usual have something to contribute. They are, for the Sun, in the 21st degree of Taurus (or 21 plus): "A finger pointing in an open book," which reminds us that the higher meaning of what we are about is right there in front of us, once we have the courage to look inside. Marc Edmund Jones comments on "a sensitiveness to the enduring significance of each special complex in human affairs," and on the "fine discrimination" in achieving this insight. For the Moon, in the same degree of Aquarius, we find a different side of this same idea: "A woman disappointed and disillusioned." For this Jones reflects on "the self's inherent gift for pressing on, with every setback," and as well "the inevitable distress of the human soul whenever it seeks enduring sustainment ... without anchorage in its own nature." This is indeed the trap of Saturn, and of disappointing circumstance, whenever you allow yourself to be blocked from your own higher purpose. We bounce back from disappointment by having the faith to go to inner strength and to keep our eye on the real prize, for then nothing can stop us.
