5-10-15 -- Where Is Your Soul located? {Channeled}


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
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* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
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Heavenletter #5280 Where Is Your Soul Located?, May 10, 2015

God said:

Your life is never half over.

Every day you are just beginning life. You experience life in made-up increments of time.

All the while, you are simply an Earthling having a dream. You are new every day. There is another day and another day. Each day is new, and so are you new every day. Today you are not who you seemed to be yesterday. You are, indeed, every day a new rose unfolding and unfolding before My very eyes. And, you are, indeed, a rose whose very leaves and blossoms pass away, for life on Earth is finite. Life on Earth was set up this way. Life on Earth is a temporary fling.

This presentation of life as a storm whirling you around also presents you and your personality with a daily opportunity to rise and reach higher to where there is more than what eyes on Earth see clearly. The Unseen Unknown is also present. Omnipresent. This moment on Earth gives an opportunity for you and your spirit to soar. Even as you are glommed to Earth, stuck in a place that is not yet big enough for you, you, nevertheless, have some awareness of Who you really are.

Looking at your life in the spiritual world, you are always. There is no definition of you to blow away as there is on Earth in this imagined day to day existence. You may think, while you are on Earth, that you are out in space somewhere. You converge on Earth.

Well, of course, you are a divergent on Earth. You may have a house, a hovel or a mansion, and still Earth is not your Home. You visit here for a while and take the sights in. All the while you are staying with Me. You are at the top of a Heavenly Mountain no matter where your mind says you are.

Of course, you still believe in bodies. You fight for that body of yours in a multitude of ways, as if your body were Truth. Of course, your body is a little figure made out of mud or dust while the soul of you that I created embraces Me in Heaven. You believe in the figure I made and tend to neglect the spirit I hold close to Me. So this is life in the world, as if you were no more than a body that experiences and mostly holds onto life on Earth, as if life were without a framework. You may see life like without substance, in which case, you are mistaken. Look deeper, beloveds.

Look deeper, and you will soar along with your light-hearted spirit, this wise spark of Holiness within you. When I say a wise spark of Holiness, I mean the wisdom of your heart and soul as they speak to you and raise you higher. Your heart and soul pull you to Me.

Where is your soul located? Within you and everywhere. Soul is not finite. You are not finite. Your body is finite. Life on Earth is finite. Through the finite, you will find the Infinite. It is lovely to be Infinite in the Infinite. Being is Infinite. Body is not. Your personality, as marvelous as it is, is not Infinite. The Truth of you is Infinite, for that body, no matter how nice it may be, is not you, not you at all.

Life on Earth often does not have a great reputation, for the inhabitants of the world often are looking at only half an equation.

Naturally, you don’t want to miss out on anything even as you are only temporarily on Earth. While you are interning on Earth, you want all the joy that you can wring from Earth. The best things are free certainly applies to the Infinity you are and do approach as you are on Earth. This is the meaning of Heaven on Earth.


MARY MAGDALENE: The Secret to Feminine Power

aphrodite by William adolphe bouguereau

Part 7 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On November 19, 2014

Questioner: I want to understand about incorporating our sexuality into our spirituality, because I love it. Isn’t that just totally the third dimension, because it’s our body and it’s so enjoyable?


Mary Magdalene: Oh no. (She laughs.) Your sexuality is your body, but it is also your energy. If there were no energy, if it was simply your bodies, you wouldn’t enjoy it. It’s the energy that lights you up, that gives you pleasure. Energy is what you’re experiencing.


As you ascend—as more and more your higher-dimensional experience becomes where you are centered and what you are experiencing—you will be more and more having an energetic experience, and less and less a physical experience. This is what many are afraid of, because they don’t have the experience of how exponentially more wonderful that is.


It comes in the perfect timing, when the being is ready to open to that.


Is that helpful?


Questioner: Yes, it affirms that I don’t have to be afraid that I’m stuck in the third dimension by enjoying sexuality. I think part of the stigma of the world, of this Earth, is that somehow sexuality is…


Mary Magdalene: Lower?


Questioner: Lower, exactly.


Mary Magdalene: Right there with women. (She laughs.)


Questioner: Yes, right. It’s demeaned, when it should be honored.


Mary Magdalene: Because it is so powerful.


Questioner: Because it’s so powerful! It’s the power that runs the world. Yet they want to just squish it.


Mary Magdalene: Yes. That is our Feminine power.


Questioner: I see. And everyone is terrified of it… especially men!


Mary Magdalene: And many women, too, because the women have received the same indoctrination.


Questioner: Right. “Don’t go there.”


So that’s why it’s now becoming sacred.


Mary Magdalene: It’s always been sacred. (She laughs.) But more and more people are now ready to engage it in that form.


Questioner: It’s always been—it’s just a recognition.


Mary Magdalene: And an embrace, a choosing.


Questioner: Due to things like Playboy magazine and prostitution, I think a lot of men have been exposed to the very negative side of sexuality.


Mary Magdalene: It’s the very Masculine side, when it’s cut off from the Feminine.


Questioner: Emotion?


Mary Magdalene: Emotion… and also the heart, softness, opening… and the Feminine needs of love, safety, stability, being lovingly held and protected, home… all of the Feminine parts of ourselves. So it’s the Masculine version of being engaged in sexuality, without the Feminine.


Questioner: Without the caring, compassion, home, love—just the enjoyment part. And then they just throw everything else away, and they separate things into, “This is OK and that is not OK.”


Mary Magdalene: What is OK and what’s not OK?


Questioner: The woman in Playboy magazine is never to be respected. However, she could be married and have children.


Mary Magdalene: But that would probably take away from the Masculine-only version of sexuality. (Laughing.)


Questioner: Right. So she’s a toy, and this one is OK because she’s my wife.


Mary Magdalene: I’m not exactly clear.


Questioner: Some men perceive females in a negative way, like their mom is OK, but someone who is in Playboy magazine is not.


Mary Magdalene: It is basically their relationship to their own sexuality, because they don’t see their mother as a sexual being, just as was done to Mother Mary. She was completely removed from her sexuality.


If men are not embracing their own sexuality fully, then they project that part of their sexuality onto another woman, and they both desire her and disdain her at the same time.


Questioner: Why the disdain?


Mary Magdalene: Because they’ve rejected their own Feminine side, so it is projected onto the woman.


Questioner: That is shifting now, isn’t it?


Mary Magdalene: It needs to shift, absolutely. And women need to help. Women need to guide. Women need to be the leaders. Women need to show what strong, soft, beautiful, loving Femininity and sexuality is, and to guide the men into opening to that.


They’ll follow. (Everyone laughs.)


Questioner: Cool!


Mary Magdalene: Yes. But for that to happen, women need to stop being “the man.” They need to become “the woman.”


Questioner: Right. To survive in the man’s world, a lot of the women have just become men, which is kind of sad. I’ve seen it a number of times.


Mary Magdalene: Most women have done this.


Questioner: Most women, including me?


Mary Magdalene: There are probably parts of yourself in which you’ve done that. Most women have vestiges, where they don’t even realize it, of having adapted to survive in a man’s world.


But more and more women are awakening to their Femininity and bringing that forth. You are the leaders who will help other women to do this.


Questioner: Right.


I love to be a girly girl. I love that!


Mary Magdalene: Yes, that’s one of your strengths.


©2015 Mercedes Kirkel, http://www.mercedeskirkel.com, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and Mercedes Kirkel’s credit of authorship, this copyright notice, and Mercedes Kirkel’s website (http://www.mercedeskirkel.com) are included. To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and others, go to http://www.mercedeskirkel.com and sign up for the Into The Heart weekly newsletter.


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Sivananda Daily Reading

11 May

Posted: 09 May 2015 10:00 PM PDT

God is Love
God is love. Love is God. God is nectar. God is prem. Bhakti is supreme love towards God. Bhakti is the greatest power on earth. It gushes from one's pure heart. It redeems and saves. It purifies the heart. Devotion is the seed. Faith is the root. Service of the saints is the shower. Communion with the Lord is the fruit.
Bhakti is of two kinds - apara bhakti (a lower type of devotion) and para bhakti (supreme love). Ringing bells and waving lights is apara bhakti. A devotee who practises this has no expanded heart, is a sectarian and dislikes other kinds of bhaktas who worship other deities. In para bhakti, there is no ritualistic worship, the devotee is absorbed in God. In supreme love the devotee forgets himself entirely; he only thinks thoughts of God. Para bhakti and jnana are one. In the end the two become one.
Bhakti grows gradually just as you grow a flower or a tree in a garden. Cultivate bhakti in the garden of your heart gradually. Faith is necessary for attaining God-realisation. Faith can work wonders. Faith can move mountains. Faith can take you to the inner chambers of the Lord where reason dare not enter.
Japa (repetition of God's name), kirtan (chanting), prayer, service of saints, study of books on bhakti all are aids to devotion. So too is satvic (pure) food such as fruit and milk, etc.
Evil company is the enemy of devotion. Give up evil company and take recourse to satsanga (or the company of saints). Pray to the Lord thus: "O adorable Lord of compassion and love! Give me faith and devotion. Let my mind be ever fixed on thy lotus feet. Let me have constant remembrance of thee. Let me sing thy glory always."
- - -
A bhakta always does everything to please the Lord. He will abandon everything that displeases the Lord. Thus he corrects himself and removes all defects. He does not practise deliberate self-discipline like a yogi.


Rudy: To Your Health




MAY 10, 2015

Greetings dear ones. We observe that all is proceeding according to schedule, and most of you are beginning to recognize and experience the new and powerful energies of transformation. Everyone's experience may well be different so try not to compare yours with what you may read or hear regarding the spiritual experiences of another. Every person is unique by virtue of having lived different experiences through many lifetimes, finally arriving at their present state of consciousness. You are clearing the residue of hundreds of lifetimes lived in ignorance and no one person is exactly the same as another.

Most of you are now beginning to see and experience the world from a higher dimensional viewpoint which is manifesting as new ways, forms, and ideas of those things you are already familiar with. The reality (Divine Idea) of everything in the outer world always remains present and infinite in Divine Consciousness. Spiritual evolution allows you to interpret and manifest these Divine ideas on a new and higher levels.

An example could be how the three dimensional world views death. Death means complete obliteration to those believing there is nothing beyond one lifetime, except the slight chance of a heaven or hell based on how "good" a person was. Thus, death to them is something to be feared and avoided at all costs. Those of a more illumined consciousness, who realize there could never be real death, are somewhat free of this intense fear and anxiety. There is always some sadness with parting, but none of the terror and resistance born of ignorance. Death is recognized to be a transition, not an ending--a part of everyone's evolutionary journey on earth, often welcomed by those tired and ready to go home. The Divine Idea here is Omnipresence. You, as expressions of the Divine, always will be...place is of no importance.

Soon you begin to see changes within governments and law for the consciousness of mankind is rapidly awakening and ready to reclaim personal powers ignorantly surrendered over lifetimes. More and more people are beginning to realize that they are not powerless and this change of the inner will in turn manifest as changes in the outer.

The continuous clearing of old energy is not meant to go on forever, and many of you are now moving into a time of creating. Because you are beginning to accept that you are indeed powerful spiritual beings, your thoughts and words are manifesting more quickly. As you now move into a more evolved state of consciousness, most of the old programming from lifetimes of ignorance that served to block your ability to consciously manifest, has dissolved or is in the process of dissolving.

For thousands of years the mankind has for the most part been unaware of his true nature and thus a world consciousness of individual powerlessness became the consensus belief. Those in positions of dominance have always worked to convince the majority they had no power of their own and so must look to others (them) for their good. The result has been a world of people ignorant of who they really were, believing, obeying, and following the demands of the rich and powerful without question. This will end when a majority awakens, serving to lift and open world consciousness to new and higher levels of awareness.

Arise dear ones, and remember who you are. It is time to claim your Divine sonship, being ever mindful of how you speak and think, for you are creators.

Note how some individuals who are experts in certain areas of medicine or science through intense study, research, and belief, often discover these very issues manifesting in their own families or themselves. Every billboard, ad, or announcement regarding some campaign to fight a disease or condition serves to materialize it more firmly in the belief system of all who read it and thus manifest more of it.

When an individual is enmeshed in the human belief system of duality and separation, their lives reflect some good and some bad. Painful life lessons are often a part of a soul's pre-birth contract in order to resolve some karmic issue or learn some needed lesson, but three dimensional experiences can also be impersonal, simply reflecting a state of consciousness that accepts two powers.

Man was not meant to slip so deeply into three dimensional density, but you are completing the hard work necessary in order to move beyond it and are doing a fine job. A job that required lifetimes of often painful experiences necessary for building courage and strength. Remember this fact whenever you are tempted to believe yourself to be a failure in any way, for in reality there can be no failure, only learning experiences

It is difficult to move beyond popular thought until truth becomes an attained state of consciousness at which point much of the three dimensional belief system begins to simply lose its relevance and power over you. You see and hear the same things as everyone else, but you no longer react in the same way.

Those of you reading these messages are quickly moving into a consciousness able to discern truth where the world sees discord and are beginning to instinctively recognize what is hype and promotion for the financial benefit of a few. You are learning see the world with new eyes and live out from a higher awareness of what is going on around you. Because of this, you are helping to shift world consciousness to new levels.

Look back a few years to your lives at an earlier time dear ones, and you will quickly realize how far you have come in very a short time. Just a few years ago, you might of jumped on the band wagon of many popular three dimensional beliefs, those same beliefs you clearly see differently today.

You are awakening, and remembering who you are--coming to realize that you no longer need to seek, beg, or plead from some "pie in the sky" god for the good you have sought in vain for lifetime after lifetime.

Rejoice, for you have finally found IT where IT has always been-- within-- patiently and lovingly awaiting your recognition.

We are the Arcturian Group 5/10/15

