4 steps 2 Ascension


Four steps for Self-Ascension through the Sacred Union.
1. Be in Union
2. Suspend judgment
3. Surrender
4. Unconditional Love
     These four steps are simple and powerful. They will dissolve the
 grip of the ego on your experience. To be in Union requires that one
 doesn't run away or keep secrets. If you are withholding something
 then your pain is doubled for not only are you holding on to the pain
 of your inner experience but you are also experiencing the pain of
 separation from your Beloved. To suspend judgment is simply a
 decision to be present to the process of the moment, to set aside your
 evaluations. To surrender is to release the need to control. This allows
 the flow of Love to work its way into the situation. The experience of
 unconditional love is the result of trust. It begins with acceptance and
 the knowing that all is of God and all is therefore perfect. Any time
 you feel pain, that is, something other than Peace or Joy, it is a reminder
 to step into the model. Follow the four steps. Your Liberation awaits!
"If it does not bring you joy?
then why are you doing it?"
The Path of Self Ascension is paved with
Peace, Love and Joy.
Peace + Love = Joy
Peace KNOWS God
Love CONNECTS with God
May you be Joyful Forever!

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