4-9-15 -- Sheldan

The ego is the engine of the sub-creation of duality, the consensual
dream of two powers that has taken on a life of its own when it is just
an illusion. The only power is Love and consciousness or life, and that
is the endless dance, the eternal mating of the Divine I Am as
masculine and feminine, as the Twin Flame heart of joyous co-creation
that is ever alive and fully expressed in you. Through you it is reflected
in the symbols of your life in the world.
I take your hand. I touch your heart. I sing the song of life within you.
I come every moment to quell your fears, to lift you up beyond duality
into the endless view of Love that comes through the heart. You may
come to Me again and again every moment -- and again and again,
beloved ones. I will show you that only Love is Real and that I Am that
Love, fully alive in you and I Am the gift of the deep and endless
communion of the Creator I Am with you, My glorious heart.

This entire universe is the play and display of the same divine consciousness.

Follow Sri Sri @ Twitter

Sheldan Nidle - April 7, 2015

6 Caban, 15 Mac, 11 Ik

Dratzo! We come this time with more good news! Our liaisons report that our allies are preparing to release the prosperity shortly. At present, the various tests of this new system are proceeding. The holidays have somewhat slowed this procedure. Yet the basic intent continues — namely, to successfully distribute your various blessings! The dark cabal is now unable to stop this movement. This process is presently aimed at completion by the early spring. Until then, expect to see events, which seem to hint at no immediate change. The dark knows what is truly happening and sees that there is no way out of their current predicament. Our ambassadors are presently setting up when and how new governance is to manifest. All of this wonderful news means that we are moving at a good pace toward disclosure. Our Agarthan allies and your Ascended Masters are therefore preparing a number of lessons, which are essential to this cause. Our fleet continues to limit how the exotic weaponry of the dark is used. We have limited it to a very small set of minor cases.

Gaia is as well increasing the speed by which she prepares for the massive changes to her surface. Our liaisons are monitoring this and daily conferring with her Spiritual Hierarchy and your Agarthan cousins. When the time comes, you are to be moved quickly to your Agarthan homes. Before this, of course, you are to be instructed by your mentors on the qualities of full consciousness and how to alter yourselves to be ready for your final transformation. All of this requires that we carry out the program put forth to us by the divine plan. Hence, we are now proceeding with a number of vital prerequisites. The landings have been somewhat altered by the Agarthans and us. These things we are to discuss with you at length in some succeeding messages. The most important items are your move to Agartha and your role in aiding Gaia to slough off everything that pollutes her land, water and air. In these matters, we fully intend to help you. Yet, you have all the technology needed to accomplish this great task. This technology is to be given you by your new governance!

As you rise in consciousness, you become more aware of the fragile relationship between nature and yourself. This process permits you to see that your global chain of settlements needs to be changed. Previously you ignored nature and now you can see how vital this fragile relationship truly is. Every aspect of this relationship was deleterious to nature. Currently, you can see how this belief is causing nature to break down. The surface of any inhabited planet is sacred to it. Once you have learned this, you can see how only a low population can remain at any one time on the surface. Your great cities need to be abandoned (returned) to nature while you retreat to the beauty that is the hollow world of Earth’s interior. Here, you can create a new form of beauty and live a truly marvelous life. For untold millennia, we have put the major part of our society in a series of inner crystal cities. We constantly send special groups to gravitational nodes on the planet’s surface to insure that her ecosystems are properly cared for and provided with a healthy world to reside upon.

Thus, we care daily for our world and the overall health of the star nation. We hold meetings where special representatives of each world meet and prepare a report read and commented on by every member of our star nation. We are in divine service to maintain our home worlds. We take this task quite seriously. In fact, we interact daily with our various home worlds. These actions are part of what we do to ready ourselves for contact. We feel connected to our home and to each of you. This fleet dearly wishes for the rise in your ability to become fully involved in manifesting a new reality. The key phrase here is “taking responsibility” for your home world. At present, this surface realm is on the verge of serious events that threaten your survivability. We have watched your dark cabal work hard to gain “maximum profits” from this environment. These terms and actions are truly irresponsible. We have kept these madmen from courses of actions that are morally reprehensible. Nevertheless, ultimately these vile scalawags are your concern.

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! Bless you on this good day! A new conscious realm is forming! To those who have aided our cause we say thanks to you and ask that the Lord’s graciousness surround you! Over the past few decades, the Light has given us a blessing of its growth. Now, this Light grows even stronger! The Heavens have given us the joy of a wonderful eclipse and a way to secure the way of Light in this formerly dark reality. Let us raise our hands in happiness and joy! This new burst of blessings from on high paves the way for our coming transition. Long ago, we began a journey to bring this sacred Light to all. To lift up humanity and praise the good deeds of Heaven! Today we are that much closer to transformation and divine redemption. Tell each one that you are ready to rise and to obey the sacred. We sing as well and praise all who give us a growing strength. A momentous time as Easter and Passover together descend upon us and add their blessing to the whole.

We stand at the very edge of our blessings. Let each of you feel this inside your precious Soul! Gaia waits for us to get our freedom and use this to bring her great comfort. As your consciousness raises it becomes more aware of what we speak about. Rest and clear your distresses. Use this time to look inward and pray. This wondrous land is not to die, but instead to live in the glories of your divine deeds and actions. We are here, Dear Hearts, to guide and assist. Be ready to call on us and ready yourselves for what this new realm is to look like. This time is to be a watershed and a moment when you can see that Heaven is behind you and you are not alone! Thus, be grateful and gracious for many things are now happening on your behalf. Let it play out as wondrously as possible. It is to take its time and use its power to bring you a new life.

Be graceful and spread your Love to the Heavens and to each other. There is a grace descending from on high. It dearly intends to alter this realm and prepare the way in joy for your final transformation. Be aware of this and be ready to be thoroughly accepting of a number of grand gifts. We are preparing lessons to explain all and to ready you for the arrival of our space family. The Creator’s divine plan is to manifest! It is to transform darkness into Light! Much of this you do not know. As you reach toward the Light of your Soul, be ever cognizant of how you are to interact with those who once detested you. They now seek Love and understanding. Know this in your heart. We are to guide now in the reality you are to lead. This star nation is to blossom and, in ease, teach much to those who were once so dark. This galaxy is to shine and give this growing radiance to the universe! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Today, these messages of ours continued! We require your participation. What is set upon this land is a new responsibility. Use it wisely to make each of you great Beings of Light! Transform physicality and use wisdom to know just how to best complete this task. We leave for now in full knowledge of whom you truly are! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Website: Planetary Activation Organization  

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5249 Knowing the Boundlessness That Is You , April 9, 2015

God said:

You are drawn to beauty, aren’t you? What can be more beautiful than My Creation? You are My Creation, and I Who Created you from My Very Self am also beautiful. You are soul. Remember, your body is only a covering, yet, My children, how much you tend to equate yourself with your physical dimensions, as if the physical body is the sum and total of you. The physical body is an outline of you, yet you are not confined within that outline. The physical body is like a sketch made on paper with a pencil. You sketch an outline of yourself and sign your name to it. The Truth is that you are dimensionless. There are no borders to you. There are no limits to you and no limitations. I am God Who tells you this, yet, for all intents and purposes, you say, “Yeah, yeah,” as if I speak only to hear Myself talk. I am giving you the straight goods. Sit up and listen.

What keeps you from knowing the boundlessness of you is a disbelief in yourself and Me and what I say. For the most part, you don’t take seriously what I say. You feel so far from it, and you may think of Me as an old grandmother who goes on and on with old memories and imaginings. I do not imagine you. I know you. I know you truthfully as Myself. I know what I created, while you see yourself as flotsam and jetsam. You look here and there, and your eyes do not settle on Truth. Your eyes keep looking at shining tinsel that waves in the breeze in the fields of illusion far and near. You miss the boat.

The boat you miss is within you. Look within. I am speaking of your looking at the real goods instead of made-up charades. Your awareness seems to be that of the dancer on the top of a music box as she twirls around on the cover as she is cranked out, as if the music does not come from deeper than from the cover where the dancer twirls on her toes.

You know enough to get the kernels of a nut out from within the shell, yet, when it comes to you and your soul, you may count the shell as King. In terms of a walnut, you know the shell is for you to discard. Yet when it comes to you, you may never mind what is within and focus on the shell which is without and disposable anyway and, with or without your say-so, will fall down and return to the soil.

You love glitter. You love the glitter of a moment. You love what is obvious, and you miss out on the subtle. You look for élan; you look for the display and array, and you forget the wherewithal that lies within the heart of you and the heart of Me.

If you were a car, you would see yourself as the leather seats and the style and the shiny painted color of the car. You are so stuck on appearances of all kinds that you forget that it is the power of the engine that drives the car, not its sleekness. You forget there is a gas tank to fill. You forget about the heart of the matter and the soul of the matter, all the lovely unseen within. Just the same, your body sleeps, and your soul may travel untrammeled by the weight of your encasing body.

Your soul is not a passing fancy. Your soul is IT. You ARE your soul. Your feet on Earth, your soul travels where it will rise to higher domains than your legs can take you.

Today I give tribute to your beautiful soul. Long may it wave and bring your awareness to Me. No longer need your awareness forget the Reality where your soul, the essence of you, comes from and abides, for you are your soul. Your soul is your True Identity.


Michigan, US of A, March 29, 2015.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “The Neuro-Network – A New Campaign of Light.”

Message received by Chris Maurus.

Teacher Ophelius:
“Today, my dear friends, we would like to speak about what is currently occurring on your world and what is happening on our side of the veil. The Correcting Time initiative and those Spirit agencies involved in the rehabilitation of your planet have entered into a new campaign of what we call ‘Neuro-Networking.’ What does this mean? It means that any ‘Light’ resource on your planet — any individual, group, or organization willing to make a positive change for a better world, shall be presented with opportunities to grow their work by connecting them with others who share common interest or goals where the combined effort of the network can benefit or serve the greater good for the souls of this world.

“The spiritual economy is being ‘supercharged’ to maximize potentials and those of you who are sensitive to these energies are noticing these changes in subtle ways. Like a new season of growth, old and dead branches that produce no fruit will be cleared away allowing the light to warm the soil and foster new sprouts of living branches that can be nurtured to produce good fruit. The older branches that are capable, yet struggling, will grow deeper roots by tapping into the ‘Neuro-Network.’ Spirit is like the weather — the sun and rain giving just the right amount of energies to stimulate the new growth. There are legions of spirit forces around your planet involved in this network seeing to it that connections are made bringing individuals, ideas, and opportunities together that may produce the greatest harvest.

My dear friends, if ever there was a time you thought about beginning some new work or rekindling a promising idea to improve yourself or your community — to teach, to lead and direct, or to bring others together for an intrinsic common good, now is the time to ‘branch out.’ Whatever you put your efforts toward; Spirit will get behind it and provide the opportunities for growth. Many of you will notice an increase in synchronicities — those signs and pointers that give you pause and bring you into the moment of your being where you feel Spirit is working with you to make a decision. Please ‘step into it,’ because despite our greatest efforts, we cannot violate free will — you are the ‘boots on the ground’ and you must make the decisions that will ultimately change your world and bring it into the age of Light and Life.

We are all one big family — Spirit and man, and we are connected by this Neuro-Network of the Creative Spirit and only now are we just beginning to work with you in ways most other ‘normal’ developing planets have enjoyed knowing the Great Plan as a reality instead of some esoteric belief. You are One with us and it is time for you to understand this at a deeper level. Many of you are receiving information and energies to ‘atune’ you for the work ahead and you perceive these subtle changes in different ways — count it all a blessing, my friends.

Please know that all the love, the true, beautiful, and good things that are happening are the combined efforts of the entire living organism that We are (Spirit and man) as One heart and One mind — the Spirit — the Will of the One Creator Father with the children of time.

“God speed to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius.


Sivananda Daily Reading

10 April

Posted: 08 Apr 2015 10:00 PM PDT

Serve with Your Whole Mind
Half-hearted service is no service at all. Give your whole heart, mind and soul when you serve. This is very important when you practise karma yoga.
Some people have their body in one place, mind in another place, and soul in another place. That is the reason why they do not make any substantial progress in the path.
Forget not the goal of life amidst selfish activities. The goal of life is Self-realisation. Are you attempting to reach the end and aim in life? Are you doing japa (repetition of a name of God)? Are you doing pranayama (yoga breathing)? Are you doing meditation? Have you kept the ideal before your mind's eye? That day in which you do not do any spiritual sadhana (practice) is wasted. Give the mind to God and the hands to work.
You will have to analyse and scrutinise your motives. It is the selfish motive and not the work itself that binds a man to samsmara (world-cycle). Prepare the mind for karma yoga. Selfish work cannot be taken as karma yoga.
Life is very precious. Live in the spirit of the Gita's teaching. Work without expectation of fruits, and egoism. Think you are nimitta (instrument) in the hands of the Lord. If you work with this mental attitude you will soon become a yogi.
Work never degrades a man. Unselfish work is worship. All work is sacred. There is the story of the famous butcher-sadhaka (seeker) of the Mahabharata. He realised God in his butcher's shop - through serving his parents.
Inside, you have got all the materials for wisdom. There is a vast magazine of power and knowledge within you. It wants kindling. Now wake up!
When you work disinterestedly, without any thought of agency, and when you surrender the works and their fruits as ishvararpanam (offering to God), all karmas are transformed into yogic kriya (practice). Walking, eating, sleeping, answering the calls of nature, talking, etc. - all become offerings unto the Lord.
