4-8-15 -- HeavenLetters

You are made up of a substance called love.

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Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
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* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
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Heavenletter #5248 Do You Think God Is a Genie in a Lamp? , April 8, 2015

God said:

In the midst of today, will you think of Me? What will you think about in regard to Me? Will you be asking Me to do something for you, to ease your way, to lighten your load, to send you your true love and make all your dreams come true?

Or, before you begin, are you convinced that I am not devoted to you and will not ever give you what you desire? If this is the case, there is a misunderstanding here as to what We are to each other, the way Our relationship is mostly considered in the world. Are you not considered the one in need and I, the One to fill your needs and do your will, and if I do not, then I am remiss and have let you down?

Dear Ones, I am not opposed to your will. I don’t toss a coin. I don’t look for you to be disappointed. There is a bigger picture I see that you do not see. This is how it is in the world.

You understand that I can do anything, yet there is more to consider than your desire alone. You look for explanations sometimes as though I’m supposed to be under your thumb and report to you for your approval or disapproval. We really can’t discuss what you may see as a verdict against you. We don’t get anywhere. It is as if We speak different languages. Often you do not understand Mine. Do you think I don’t understand you? Do you think I cast you aside?

You do know that I am not a genie in a lamp who will grant you every wish just as you would like. Dear Ones, there is no explaining to you why I do not give you everything as you want when you want and that the person you love most in all the world now doesn’t love you back any more, etc. There are some things you cannot or will not accept to your satisfaction.

Maybe it’s the best thing for you that the one you loved above all in the world refused you. Maybe it is for your good. Maybe it is for the good of the one you loved. Maybe I didn’t give the one you loved to you because of something else altogether. Anyway, tell Me truthfully, in the midst of your heart being set on someone, what possible reason could I give you that would satisfy you? Is there any reason I could give you that you would accept? You want what you want when you want it. I understand. I have to tell you that it is you who does not understand.

Never mind about Me for a moment. What will be on your mind today? What will you be looking forward to, and what will you be looking at dismally? What thoughts do you weigh in one hand, and what thoughts in the other?

While you are at it, is there any good reason not to think of lovely things? If I gave you a thousand dollars for every happiness-making thought you think of today, would happy thoughts come to your mind? How many? If I set no limit on how many happy thoughts you could have at a thousand dollars each, how many could you think of, do you imagine? Do you think you would run out of happy things to have on your mind?

What is the pay-off you get from thinking unhappy and fear thoughts and a multitude of thoughts about this or that? Worry breeds worry. Fear breeds fear. Unhappiness breeds unhappiness.

I wonder if you need the incentive of a thousand dollars each for happy thoughts. I would think that what the happy uplifting thoughts bring you of themselves would be payback enough.

Now, come think of Me. Share some of your happiness with Me. Tell Me what’s on your mind now. Is it not possible for you to carry fulfilling thoughts?


Sivananda Daily Reading

9 April

Posted: 08 Apr 2015 02:10 AM PDT

Mind to God
Give the mind to God and then you will be liberated. You will be free from birth and death. You will get the highest bliss. There is no doubt of this. Worship God in the poor and the sick. Service of the poor and sick is worship of God. Destroy ghrina (disgust and loathing) when you serve the sick. Then you will get chitta shuddhi (purity of the mind) quickly. Service of the poor and the sick is a powerful remedy to bring about the purification of the mind.
When you meet a real, sincere karma yogi, who is plodding in the line for six or seven years, you can at once feel his purity, his selflessness, his inner joy, his inner peace, his inner strength, his inner spiritual growth. You can feel his nearness to God. You can see occasional flashes or glimpses of divine light during satvic moments. He has a pleasant feeling of having justified the divine command in the grand plan or scheme of things.
People do not want to remove mala (impurity) by selfless service. They do not want to remove vikshepa (mental distraction) by upasana (worshipful contemplation). They think that service and bhakti are nothing. They at once jump to open the kundalini (the inner spiritual power) and raise the brahmakara vritti (the notion that only Brahman is real). They will only break their own legs. Rather serve and worship. Jnana and yoga will come by themselves. Kundalini will be awakened by itself.
In the neophytes, in the path of karma yoga, the idea of being a separate worker, the idea of agency, may be strong. You feel that you are doing all the works. However, in course of time, when the heart becomes purer and purer, you will actually feel that some higher power, God, is working through you. You will feel that your body and mind are only instruments in his hands.
"When thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth". (St. Matt. VI - 3). Begging without any selfish motive, is not begging at all. It is pure yoga. It is for spiritual upliftment only. Remember - you cannot deny pain, you cannot wipe away all the pain in the world - but you can rise above pain by recognising your self.
