4-6-15 -- Your The Star

What I want of each of you is for you to amplify, amplify this experience of Divine Love. Become the conscious open heart of God I Am in tender communion that honors everyone and All That Is sings within you, the hologram completely accessible and the power of the heart unavoidable – calling each one of you to full responsibility of what is created through you, the heart of God.
When you feel this heart resonance, this ecstatic joy and feel this communion with the living whole of God I Am, you do become the entraining heart that brings alignment to all life effortlessly, brings the hologram and makes it personal, that true divinity is experienced in every electron of energy field and body. Every moment is the acknowledgement of the interwoven and endless harmony of the heart of God I Am, you are, beyond the ability of mind to describe it. The heart experiences it easily.


When you are filled with joy, when you have blossomed in love, only then can you appreciate beauty.

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You’re the Star of You

by lifetapestrycreations

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Dear Ones,

Many of you are afraid that you did not "properly" address recent energies. Perhaps you were busy with 3D holiday preparations or you had other issues that seemed more important than yet another energy burst. It does not matter.

Energy does not return to the Universes if not experienced at the designated time. Just as missing a Christmas service or other religious observance does not necessitate you leaving that religious group. Your religion will continue to unfold whether you participate in each observance or not. So it is for energies that are now and will continue pummeling earth.

For adventuresome souls/beings who wish to be at the forefront of experience, the day or hour of the energy event is an important piece. A bit like being the first in a community to buy an electronic gadget.

You tap into energies when it is right for you - and no one else.

Those who proclaim that one day or hour is THE time to experience energy are no different from those who state emphatically that if you do not observe a specific religious holiday you are not in good standing in that religion.

You are a unique individual with unique needs and time frames.

If you wish to participate at the designated time or place, that time or place is correct for you. But to follow the dictates of someone - no matter how wise they seem - is to revert to acting from outside yourself.

That is not to say that "heralds" of energy events are to be thrown aside or not listened to. But instead, to accept the information and then determine your actions on the basis of you - not anyone else.

This information is for those of you who feel you are somehow less than because you did not properly note the energies of the past few weeks. Or if you noted them, you did not complete the hundreds of exercises available throughout the Internet.

Again, exercises are wonderful - but only if they feel right for you. For the exercises provided were designed, and most likely very helpful, for the being who posted the exercise. But that is them - not you.

Perhaps it is your role to create a new energy pattern for yourself and others more similar to you. Perhaps it is not time for you to be concerned about energy patterns. Only you know. Trust your inner voice. When you sense you are too tired to read one more blog/channel or watch one more U tube presentation, honor that sensation.

Your directives are within and have little to do with most beings now of earth.

Of course, you wish to share your joy, fears - your very being with like-minded people. So you shall and so you might be doing so. But your inner information is not designed for the masses as was true in 3D. Your inner information is an unique collection correct for you - and perhaps no one else.

Wishing that others believed or acted as you is to place yourself within the comfort of 3D compatibility - which is more about control than freedom. Of course, you will meet others via the Internet or within your human or dimensional spheres who "speak to you;" who are part of your very fiber; who provide warmth when you connect with them. But such sensations are much different from a need to please others by performing, acting, speaking or thinking as they do. You cannot. For you are not them and will never be them.

Allow yourself to sparkle within yourself in a joyful exploration of your new being. You are not like anyone else. You cannot be - anymore than two people can perform the same role in a play at the same time. You are the star of you. It does not matter what others think or how they act. It is your play. And you can remove them from your play if they are not supportive or treat you with disdain or shame.

In 3D, you often learned to accept those who removed your power, who insisted you play the role they created. If you did not, more than likely, the shame created by not following the dictates of others ensured you remained outside the mainstream in the manner fashionable for the times,

This is New Earth and you are new you. Rules, policies, dictates no longer apply. Including those informing you - gently or otherwise - how and when you should acknowledge, receive or accept energies entering earth's atmosphere. Allow yourself to know deep within you that it is time to acknowledge only that which is important to YOU.

Such is a very new sensation for each of you. It will take practice to trust yourself enough to follow you instead of those outside yourself in whatever form that takes - from a New Earth channeler to religious leaders, family, friends or employers.

You are not partially empowered. You are a god/goddess - meaning you CREATE your life of sparkles in the way that feels right for you and only you. Those who wish to follow your lead or use your information will - but only if it is right for them.

There is no longer shame in not doing something or anything. This is the unveiling of new you in all your glory. Perhaps not today or tomorrow - but when you feel the overwhelming urge to do so deep within your being. No one can generate that urge - and no one can take it away. It is yours and only yours.

You are ready to be you when you wish - whether today or in future lifetimes. Your power pack is complete. Your being has adapted. Now it is your choice when you wish to test new you - today, tomorrow or eons from now. You are you in all your sparkling glory - without shame, fear or guilt that somehow you have not moved fast enough or in the correct manner. You are perfect - as is your neighbor and your friend. So be it. Amen.


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5246 Eureka!, April 6, 2015

God said:

There is an expression: The Moment of Truth. This expression is another way to say: “Eureka!” Both Archimedes and you have had insights.

Something becomes clear to you that was not clear before. Insights can take many forms. Insight is an apt word. An insight is not an out-sight. You can read an encyclopedia or look up something on the web any day of the week. It is no big deal. You can ask all your friends what they think, and they will tell you with great assurance what they think. But an insight, even an insight in a small pond, can be revolutionary. We can say that you grow by steps of insights.

And from where do insights come? From where does bright light come? Insights and light come from Me – what is referred to as Me as though you and I were two instead of One. We can more logistically say that the insights you intercept are from your Higher Self. And what is your Higher Self but Our Oneness designated as your Higher Self? Therefore, the Higher Self earmarked as your Spiritual Self is a picture of Mine that you pick up. Within every so-called personage on Earth am I.

I think it’s a good idea to remind you, the seeming you, that you are in Truth the God your intellect refers to as Above, and so your intellect separates yourself from its Very Self.

Now to get back to insights you have. Insights are often regarding yourself. Insights also spark creativity. There are levels of insight, yet We won’t analyze the levels. There are a multitude of insights that have nothing to do with the mind. The mind of a great artist is not where the great artist’s creativity lies. A composer does not intellectually decide a certain refrain. It comes to him, and it resounds within him.

I am affirming that there are levels deeper than the intellect. In the world, the intellect may be noted more than Higher Resonance and Revelations. The intellect is more easily noted. The intellect asserts itself right in front of you. It may even lead you by the nose.

We are talking now of a land beyond where the intellect can go. There is no figuring out this land I point to. This land is what it is. We can say that it is Being. From your very Being come insights. Insights overtake. Of course. Creativity has to bypass the intellect, or Creativity would not be creative. Creativity isn’t thought out. A creative idea pops into the mind, yet it is from a far deeper level wherein the spurt of Creativity bursts.

Creativity is like a great splash of color. Creativity is exciting. Creativity is mind-boggling. The mind cannot get its arms around Creativity. For the mind, Creativity is like crossing the sea. The intellect has to make arrangements in order to travel from sea to sea whereas Creativity is like Superman and can cross the Seven Seas in one bound.

The human mind has been trained to limit itself. That’s why you shake your head from side to side and say No so often. It is really ego within you that has trained you to close down rather than open up. Ego will do everything to keep you from being embarrassed in the event you make a fool of yourself. Of course, ego protects itself at any cost that you might incur. Ego pits itself against any incentives that could break boundaries. Ego is like a battering ram against your moving out of his jurisdiction. Ego is not a big-visioned thinker. Not at all. Ego wants to keep you right where you are. Ego will take every means at its disposal to keep you back from moving forward. He likes to keep you in a play-pen. Ego would like to keep you out of sight of insights that could give you freedom from ego’s possession.

You have a Higher Self. Let Your Higher Self speak.


Alabama, US of A.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Finding God in Others – Part 2”

Message received by Oscar.

Thought Adjuster:
“There is no greater delight in human life than to discover your siblings and finding God in their hearts, as you find Him in your heart. In order to truly get to know God, you first need to know your siblings because each one represents an individual face of the Father — an aspect of His divinity and an original idea from His divine mind. The more you know your siblings and the more you learn to love them with an authentic and unconditional love, the closer you will come to the true essence of divinity.

“The better you know your brothers and sisters in this world and the more you love them, the more things you will come to understand about your own personality, because personality is only manifested in relationship to other personalities. Even in eternity when you will have bodies that are entirely different to those you posses today and when your mind will have advanced so much that your present beliefs and ideas will be just a drop of water in an infinite ocean, the way in which you will relate to other beings will always be unique and the unmistakable mark of your individuality. In loving your siblings you will know yourself better, and you will also know the One who is the source of your life so much better.

“This is a reality that cannot be denied. You need each other so much that a life in solitude is terribly damaging to the personality. Consider the experiences of some among you who have grown up without human contact due to accidents or the cruelty of others. The lack of human contact during the early years causes great damage to the personality and very often a long time is required — a time longer than a single human lifespan — to help that personality recover and continue his or her path towards perfection. The lack of human contact late in life is also very damaging, but not to the same degree as the lack of human contact during the beginning of life. However, you have many examples of people who have almost lost their sanity due to isolation. This is why your tendency of punishing criminals with isolation is just an exercise in cruelty, because neither the victims nor the victimizers derive any benefit from it. Instead you are adding one more victim to the list of fatalities.

“The fact is that God is always inside each one of you and the more you bring your individual Sparks of divinity together, your understanding of God will be greater and this eternal Source of energy will become more accessible to you. If everyone on this planet would come together in this way, your capacity to perform miracles would be exponentially increased. It is not an exaggeration to say that all the problems in this world would be over in one instant. Can you see that if all of you work in harmony, making an effort to be the best you can aspire to be, great things would happen in your world? If everyone would dedicate their life to truly loving their siblings, what would happen to war, hunger, mistrust, fear?

“How many centuries will you spend on the threshold of the Kingdom before deciding to enter?”

Edited by Linda Abell.

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.


Sivananda Daily Reading

7 April

Posted: 06 Apr 2015 02:01 AM PDT

Serve Silently 
Work for the commonweal; do not work for selfish gains. Give up all profit motives. Work with detachment and you will attain eternal peace and immortality. The wise man does actions but believes himself to be free from actions since he expects no returns therefrom and has no selfish motive thereto.
Serve without being conspicuous. Serve silently without any advertisement. Without belief in God, without belief in an ordered world you cannot live amicably; you cannot work for the community.
Do what is right and leave the results to look after themselves. Do your duty with more and more confidence in the Lord. Become a lover of humanity. Foster kinship with all humanity.
Feel that the one Lord dwells in all. Feel that it is he who gives you an opportunity to serve him through all suffering mankind. The world is more and more in need of karma yogis.
Humanity is your God and service to humanity is your worship. Self-control is a natural corollary to the spirit of love and service. He who works with his mind detached and free from selfish longings is a real sanyasin.
The spirit of selflessness is the key to success in the yoga of action. Service becomes karma yoga to the extent one practises self-control and self-denial. With all actions done without expectation of reward, you will gradually become satvic (pure). For one who has faith in God, karma yoga becomes easy and purification of the heart is quickly achieved.
Knowledge of Atman (Self) dawns in that pure mind which is purified by selfless service and devotion to the Lord. When the yogi feels he gets all his power from the Lord - then the 'doership' ego will go.
Selfless service must be based on sadhana (spiritual practice). You must be regular in your prayers, your meditation, in the repetition of the Lord's Name, in enquiry and self-analysis. All these are the inner springs of the right spiritual bhava (attitude), which is essential to karma yoga.
