An interview with Mercedes Kirkel channeling Mary Magdalene on April 5, 2015. The interviewer is Alan
Hutner of Transitions Radio Magazine, who is asking about Mary Magdalene’s insights on the resurrection and ascension.
bringing Earth closer to Heaven. HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God * * Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God * * Peace on Earth * God is always
bringing us closer to Him.
Heavenletter #5259 What Is the Deepest Seeking of
Your Heart?, April 19, 2015
God said:
When you come into life in the world, you have the
five senses to help you learn your way around.
Your eyes may be closed. You may not see very well. You do not always
listen well to what is being said to you, if you listen at all, for your mind is often thinking ahead. You may well not know
what you touch or taste or smell. The thing is that much of your life is spent not seeing, not looking, not hearing, not listening
to what is said and so on. You prefer to have your mind set irrelevant of anything that could change your mind. There is a
tendency for you to hold fast and not rock the boat of yourself.
This is part of your holding on so tight. This is
part of your attachment to attachment. You may well think something will be at stake if you opened up to new seeing and hearing.
way or another, life will open you up, and you will, indeed, change your mind.
How do you grow and learn unless you
change your mind? You may have given your mind responsibility to hold tight. You could let your mind grow loose. You could
let the refinement of your heart and soul lead the pack. Your heart, the beloved growing bulb of your throbbing heart, is
meant to steer your boat.
Your mind makes claptrap decisions while your heart flows along the river. Your heart doesn’t
make decisions. Your heart is un-opinionated. Your heart doesn’t have a map the way your mind does. Your heart is first-hand.
Your heart isn’t so well-trained as your mind is. Your heart isn’t restrained as your mind is, yet often the mind
takes precedence over your heart. Your mind clasps your heart and squeezes it into conformity and leaves your true heart by
the wayside.
Include your mind, but not its stick-to-i-tive-ness. The mind is not the conductor of a full-life. The
mind is not to wave its baton or to batten down your heart as if your heart were extraneous to life. Your heart is the aria
of your life. Your heart is your sweet song. You can’t down-play your heart forever. You can also be a good citizen
in the world and let your heart be heard. Hearts have to be heard. Of course, don’t mix up heart with whim.
I ask you, what do you want, let your heart answer. If I give you three wishes as three wishes are given in fairy tales, what
your mind asks for is little next to what the heart asks for. In Truth, your heart is meant to be King, your mind secondary.
Your heart doesn’t answer: A well-paying job. Security. Respect. Fame. Resounding worldly success.
heart will answer on a higher ground. Your heart might say: Love. Harmony. Peace. Friends. Courage. Do you see the difference?
your heart may not divulge itself, so held back by the mind that likes to line up life in the world like bowling pins and
knock them down.
Listen to the beat of your heart. Encourage your heart. The mind speaks in words, of course. You have
to translate your heart from unnamed feelings into words. What is the deepest seeking of your heart? You will not find it
in an encyclopedia. Your deepest seeking can only be found in your heart. The world cannot speak for your heart. Your mind
would like to lead your heart by the nose, for its satisfaction, not really yours.
Your heart is subjective, and your
mind objective. Your mind is meant to follow your heart, not the other way around. Your mind and heart are not always in tandem,
in fact, may often be in conflict. To the mind, your heart is unruly, perhaps an outlaw. Your mind is cautious and well-thought-out.
Your heart goes deeper than your mind. Your heart has wings. Your heart and mind can work together, yet your mind has to let
your heart lead.
That Blue Jay At Your Window ... A Channeled Message:
Question to Channel: I have a blue jay that sits outside my bedroom window every morning at the same time. He
is quite loud and vocal. Can you tell me why and the message he delivers? * Answer from Channel: Yes, this blue
jay is quite a happy fellow and he is receiving some influence from your father's spirit to greet you with his raucous
calls. There is a sense that you believe your father has not communicated with you since his passing, but the blue
jay is his method of choice to give you a loud and clear message which you cannot ignore, but which you can choose
to attribute to simply a noisy bird or something which means more to you. See what happens when you acknowledge the
blue jay's antics as coming through the energy of your father and pay attention to any shifts that occur when you
address your father through the jay. *
A Numinously Neptunian New Moon
The New Moon taking place on the late morning, afternoon or evening of April 18th, depending on location, is an active
one, with plenty of outer planet emphasis, particularly the mystical presence of Neptune. The Sun and Moon, conjoined in late Aries, are in wide aspect to Neptune while Saturn remains in square. Mercury, located in the following sign of Taurus, is in close sextile with Neptune. Venus in Gemini adds to this emphasis, being in close square with Neptune and in mutual reception and semi-sextile with Mercury. This combination implies that at this important juncture that begins the next lunation cycle, the strictly
logical process of cause-and-effect thinking that forms the greatest part of our awareness will be only one part of the story;
unconscious process is being brought forward to an unusual degree of prominence as we contemplate life and love.
Besides the intense Neptunian influence upon this lunation, Saturn is also implicated, being closely aspected by Uranus and as well by the Sun and Moon. Uranus and Saturn make a sesquiquadrate to each other that gets closer over the remainder of the month and into the early days
of May. The antithetical combination of Saturn and Neptune, and also of Saturn and Uranus, brings up the theme of the nuts-and-bolts reality of day-to-day life versus in some manner coming into touch
with the ineffable. We are normally only peripherally aware of what goes on inside us, in the vast area of unconscious activity
that noted psychologist G. G. Jung was able to document in the early years of the preceding century. In his work he related
this internal process with other-dimensional spiritual realities that surround us, in the form of numinous presence, angelic
guidance that is available to us when we can find the time and the inclination to tune in.
Mars, ruler of the Sun and Moon, and located in Taurus, is square Jupiter and in close and forming trine to Pluto. The transformational activity represented by Pluto is thus still very much with us as we go about our business and yet reflect on deeper matters. The analogy
is the pruning of a rosebush. There may well be some part of our habitual activity that we have outgrown and that we need
to let go of, in order that we might more fully flourish. The death of even a small part of what we have grown used to is
of course difficult to accept, and yet that acceptance leads to the greater health of our entire life structure. This is the
paradox and the evolutionary conundrum that we face.
We therefore more fully inhabit our existence when we can recognize
the presence of Spirit in the midst of daily reality, guiding our steps. We need to keep our lives in order and maintain our
checkbooks, and yet with another simultaneous piece of our awareness remain willing to honor also this unseen realm of mystical
reality that transcends and underlies the ordinary details of life. When you achieve some taste of this very different sense
of balance, you could echo the realization of singer-songwriter Bruce Cockburn who in his hit "Wondering Where the Lions Are"
was able to acknowledge that "some kind of ecstasy got a hold on me."
The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon also presents us with this same point of view, for it is "A celestial choir, singing." Marc Edmund Jones
references "a gift for the effective articulation... of eternal realities through which all people find themselves at one."
We win when we can open to the idea that the magical and the mystical indeed surround us, pervading and guiding our experience,
granting power to our everyday life.
When the sadhaka (spiritual aspirant) has combined
bhakti yoga and karma yoga, he feels that God does everything, that he is an instrument in the hands of God. Thus he slowly
frees himself from the bonds of karma and attains freedom through action.
When the sadhaka combines jnana yoga with karma yoga he feels that prakriti (nature)
does everything. He feels that he is the silent witness of the activities of the mind, the senses and the three states (waking,
dream and deep sleep).
karma yogi feels the indwelling presence everywhere. He develops adaptability, He shares all he has (physical, mental and
spiritual) with others. He observes strict brahmacharya. He offers all his works unto the Lord. Before going to sleep he says:
"O Lord, whatever I have done today is done as worship of thee. May thou be pleased to accept it." Thus he burns the fruits
of action, and he is no longer bound.
The karma yogi attains freedom through action. Thus he gets purity of heart and, through purity of heart, he attains
knowledge of the self.
aspirants are humble at the beginning of their career. But, when they get name, fame, some followers, some disciples - they
become victims of pride. Now they cannot do any service, they cannot carry anything on their heads or even in their hands.
The yogi that carries the baggage
with joy and feeling, amidst a multitude of admirers, without making any show of humility, must be admired.
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"Restraining and subduing the senses, regarding
everything equally, rejoicing in the welfare of all, these alone come to Me." (Bhagavad Gita, Chapter XII, Verse 4). Such
a man becomes a good karma yogi. He reaches the goal quickly.