4-17-15 -- SaLuSa

When love matures, it becomes bliss.

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SaLuSa, April 17, 2015

Dear Ones, the Light is growing much more quickly, and all credit to those of you who are steadfast and true to your life plan. You may not necessarily know for certain how well you are following it, but there is a “feeling” of deep satisfaction in all that you do. Along with your Guides, we help keep you on your true path and assist where we can. The net result of all of your dedication is that you are able to keep on going forward without being distracted from your path. The rewards for doing so are many, and one day in the not too distant future you will truly become aware of how much your contribution has achieved. It is not to do with quantity but quality, and every one of you in your own way helps to maintain the Light upon Earth. You are in fact privileged to be chosen for such tasks, as many souls have volunteered to do such work at this time. However, not everyone is necessarily chosen for this particular period of action. This is the time that you have been working towards over many lives, and already some can “feel” the changes that have taken place as the negative energies have less affect.

Such times as you are in now are strange to contemplate, as the extremes are being experienced that can be rather confusing. This period is one where the negative energies seem to be growing and causing more problems than usual. Yet they are having more impact and attention because of it. It is rather like “scraping the barrel” when dealing with the last remains of the old cycle. Clearly lessons are still being learnt and there will soon come a time when the vibrations will rise up. When this happens they will lift you up to a level that cannot accept the lower vibrations. So keep looking firmly ahead and do not allow your focus and determination to falter. The dark Ones are aware that their time is running out, and like a cornered animal are liable to lash out without considering of the consequences. They still hope to flee from the Earth when things turn against them, but that is no longer as easy as they thought.

As you already know “time waits for no man” and although the future is set in principle your freewill will determine exactly how it plays out. Humanity comprises of a very mixed group of souls from different planets and even star systems. But the main group are those who have come to Earth to evolve. There is no other place exactly like Earth that offers such a rapid path of evolution. It is tough and demanding, but is the quickest one to experience all that is needed to evolve beyond the lower vibrations. Bear in mind that no matter how hard a life may be it is never forced upon a soul, and you will have agreed for your need of whatever experience it may give you. Indeed, a soul may change its mind about an incarnation even at the last moment. However, that rarely happens, because you will have gone through the purpose of it prior to incarnating, and know precisely what you can achieve by it.

You do not need to concern yourselves about the outcome of another soul’s path. Each one of you is experiencing according to your needs, and many souls will cross your path and have fleeting contact with you. This is often for a special purpose, but nevertheless may be an important step for both of you. The main players in your life will most likely have been with you in other lives, and some families stay together for many incarnations. They will often play their part in different roles, and you should know by now that it includes experiencing the different energies lives as either Man or Woman. If you spend too many continuous lives as one sex, it does tend to become harder to change when the need arises. Looking at the whole picture you will understand that quite a lot preparation goes into ensuring your lives upon Earth are productive, and that they do help you to evolve.

The most wondrous events are planned for your future, when the point is reached where you are able to live the truth that will be revealed. Life will be quite different from what you experience now, and has little bearing on what it should or could have been. Over the years your development has been pushed in the direction that has suited the aims of the Illuminati, who have held you back. It has been to keep you under their control and in a state of confusion, so that you are kept in a time lock. You will of course break out of it very soon and your lives will go forward in leaps and bounds. However, that does not mean that your lives have been wasted, and on the contrary much has been learnt very quickly. In more normal circumstances your progress would have been a lot slower. As we have mentioned before, every situation offers you some opportunity take your evolution forward.

You may have learnt that there are extra-terrestrial bases both on land and under the sea. We are aware of them and they are allowed to remain, providing they do not attempt to interfere with other forms of life. All of them involved with Mother Earth are here to experience your dimension and all it has to offer. Some Beings such as the Argathan’s have lived in the Inner Earth for eons of time and await the right time to be part of the Earth’s future. Others such as the Anunnaki have interfered with your evolution and set one race against another with the resultant wars. However, their influence and power over you has ended after some 5000 years. These were by no means the first visitors to your Earth to have interfered with your evolution. Yet all through such periods karma has come into play, and as with any other challenge to your beliefs is an opportunity to grow. On Earth you have been largely kept away from any outside influence that would have altered the plan for your evolution, as it has already been agreed by Higher Beings.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and love the determination that you have shown to keep the freedom that is your right and inheritance. Freedom of speech is so essential to true democracy, and to enable you to further your evolution without interference. Your current cycle has come to an end, and there are signs that the new one has started to influence your actions. Look for the Light in everyone at all times, and when the opportunity arises share you joy and happiness with them. It is amazing how quickly a kind word or gesture will lift up another soul, and raise their vibrations.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey
Tree of the Golden Light

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Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5257 Out of the Past, April 17, 2015

God said:

Many times I have said that everyone is you, and you are everyone. You are the Great and you are the small. You are the Princes, and you are the rascals. You are the Mighty and you are the weak. Whatever there is in the world, it is you – an aspect of you yourself. Physicality exists outside you, yet every Being is you. You are the lion, and you are the lamb.

You are also the One who does not see Who loves you the most, and this is I. You are also the person you love most of all on Earth. You are also the person who loves you the most on Earth. You are also the person who disrupts your peace and drives you to distraction. Yes, you are the person you can’t tolerate for one moment. You are all of these.

You are the person who is loving and kind to you. You are also the person who puts you down the most. You are everyone you come in contact with. You are an aspect of all you see seemingly outside you. There is no outside you. All is within you.

The consciousness that is identified as a country also contains within itself its most beloved ally, and also contains within itself its worst enemy. If you want to know what your country is like, look at the mirror image of its so-called enemy.

Beloveds, a country is not a piece of land. It is not its rocks and sand and waters and trees and flowers and hills and dales. Borders are arbitrary. Borders are arbitrarily put up like a fence and a map made with particular attention to the finality of borders. There is no finality in life, and no finality of borders. Once a country is not always a country. Now it is annexed here, and now it is annexed there, or, on occasion, outright sold or adopts itself out to another country willingly. There is no separatism.

There is a form of yourself that you love. There is also inevitably a form of yourself that you cannot comprehend or tolerate.

This is hard to swallow.

You are what you are. You are also all the faults and blessings of all that you see. There is no staying in a corner safe and sound. No matter what, you are out there on the front lines.

Do you not believe Me?

Whatever injustice you see is a part of you. You carry that injustice. It is yourself you rail at. It is yourself that you stamp your foot at. You are the beggar. You are the benefactor. You may well have not gone out and killed someone, yet you are also the murderer. You have had murder in your heart. You are the peace-bringer, and you are the warmonger. You are the master, and you are the slave.

It is always something within yourself that you fight. It is always something within yourself that you object to.

You are the villain, and you are the angel. You are the merciless villain who twirls his moustache, and you are the angel of mercy as light as air who rescues you from the villain.

Whatever you respond to with equal emotion, you are. If you fight crime, you are fighting criminality within you. You don’t have to have expressed it. Others express it for you, and you can be angry at your own propensities that you have not personally expressed or acknowledged. You are the pursuer and the pursued. You pursue yourself. You want to eradicate an aspect of yourself, or you want to amplify an aspect of yourself.

You are human and Divine.

There is no one you are not, expressed or unexpressed, meant to be, or not. When you criticize another, you are criticizing yourself. Let go of criticism, and you take a giant step forward.

Get on with the present without your foibles. To be done with the past is to leave it behind. Be Who you truly are with Oneness of purpose. You have a Get Out of Jail Free Card. Get out of the past and all its paraphernalia.


Illawarra District, Australia, April 4, 2015.
Secondary Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22).
Subject: “Criterion for Healing the Sick.”

Message received by George Barnard.

“An almost universally defining characteristic of a succesful distance healer is her ability to see her patient in her mind. Is that correct what I just said? No, it isn’t. It is within the soul-mind that she needs to perceive her patient. To be successful she needs to bring along her empathy, she needs to bring along soul-growth — value that has accumulated over time, not generally acquired in a hurry — and she needs to bring along patience and determination.

“Admittedly, my friends, there are distance healers that perform exceedingly well, yet can’t see diddly-squat when they are about their business. They are the exception, not the rule. A far greater number of top distance healers see their patients well, which brings them more of an ability to feel empathy, which in turn brings them more success, a closer association with their Spirit within and precious soul-growth as a result. Soul-growth is why you live on this rock in space.

“OK! All right! I’m so glad you can almost take this session down without getting up for another coffee. We are up to the lesson about the soul mind doing its work, showing your common mind what there is to see in your far-away patient’s quarters. First, however, let me explain: your budding soul is a copy of what you are, but in another dimension — the morontia dimension. Your soul can hear, see and touch. It can even smell and taste at a distance.

“There is no reason for you or anyone to forego the alerts from your senses when you use a scalpel in a remote location. No reason to refrain from seeing, smelling or, yes, tasting a sample of a medicine or drug lying around to know what specific advice you may put into the patient’s mind. Every physician wants to be as successful as possible and you, too, have the right to no longer be handicapped. Let us consider how you can learn all this.

“The very criterion for healing the sick is imagination, not capability because you all have it. Your imagination — even if it is extreme — will eventually run out. At that point you will be faced with reality. You will be seeing, hearing, touching, smelling and tasting things far away. Under guidance you will be able to draw a scalpel across and cutting just to the right depth to remove a growth that is killing an acquaintance. If for now that doesn’t work, imagine that you can imagine that you imagine that it works.

“Simply start by closing your eyes and imagining a circle. Keep describing it to yourself until it becomes somewhat clearer. Then take a pot of a bright color and a brush and paint your circle green, red or blue or any color you like. Change its shape and keep painting. The reality of what plays out at a distance will someday surface in your mind. It may well take time, but this painless effort pays you dividends. Healing your world rewards you with unbelievable spiritual windfalls.

“I am Secondary Midwayer ABC-22. I say Adieu.”

Edited by Linda Abell.

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
My Gift to you is for you to be of service to Me — Christ Michael.


Why is Heaven Pushing?

Some of you have commented on the strong messages coming from heaven. I realize there is a lot of warm fuzzy ones out there as well. They may be sharing the love and light that is available to you all, which is wonderful. The future is bright. 
However, there are a lot of concerns being heard and those prayers are trying to be answered. Heaven is providing solutions in ways you may not realize. Many of them go on behind the scenes. Those in heaven are sometimes challenged with trying to assist because of resistance people have to receiving the help provided. 
Operating on both sides of fence at times, I see the challenges experienced on both sides of veil. God and his assistants are not happy to see so many people suffer. They want to change those dynamics. They want to see this world be one of peace, joy, love, freedom and abundance. Although many would intellectually agree that would also be their preference, their lack of faith and commitment to that end is not always evident. 
There's a push to wake everyone up to a better way - an easier way. A life of ease is possible but the challenge lies in not everyone accepting the possibility of that as well as their power in making that difference. 
For centuries people have been taught to look outside themselves for answers. They have given their power away to others not realizing they are doing so. They are following rules set down from others that didn't necessarily have their best interest in mind but preferred creating rules to control. 
Heaven wants to give the power back to you. Often people are waiting for a miracle to happen to them rather than through them. 
When you go within to access all there is, you can access the solutions necessary for your personal gain. The solutions, however, are for the good of all and not just selfish gain. Therefore, if you received guidance for your own gain it will not likely be at the expense of another.
There is much in the works to bring about peace. Our heavenly colleagues are working tirelessly to assist in bringing about peace. Although many of us wish for a magic wand of sorts to come down and make this a peaceful environment, there are variables often unfamiliar to us. The dynamics of living on a “free-will” planet create a unique breeding ground for mayhem. The universe at large responds to our choices as well as our requests.
We may request peace in the Middle East but choose anger within our own hearts. You can’t have both. If you want peace in the Middle East, you must choose it within your own heart and express it outwardly.
Once enough people choose peace within and without, there will be enough light coming from within us to bring more light down into the environs that need it most.
We contribute to the outcome by the very thoughts and actions we make on a daily basis.
PS We are ramping up for some forthcoming good news I am looking forward to sharing. 


Rudy: Prophecy Alert




Sivananda Daily Reading

18 April

Posted: 16 Apr 2015 10:00 PM PDT

Anashakti Yoga
Ashakti is attachment. Man gets attached to the objects of the world and is bound thereby. He takes birth after birth and is caught in the wheel of birth and death. Attachment is death. Non-attachment is eternal life.
Anashakti is non-attachment. Ashakti is destroyed by vairagya (dispassion) and viveka (discrimination between the real and the unreal). Look at these - birth, death, old age, disease, impermanence, pain, sorrow, misery, worries, anxieties, fears, etc. Thus you will develop non-attachment.
If you abandon attachment to the fruits of your actions, if you are ever content, if you consecrate the fruits of your actions and the actions themselves to the Lord, you will attain emancipation. Actions will not bind you because you are not doing anything, although you go through the motions of doing something. This is anashakti yoga.
Do not hope for anything. Control the mind and the senses. Give up greed and desire. Free yourself from the pairs of opposites. Be balanced in success and failure. Destroy envy. Though you perform actions you are not bound. Destroy attachment. Be harmonious.
Fix the mind on the innermost Atman - now you will not be bound. You will attain salvation. Practise this yoga. You will purify your heart and attain the goal of life.
- - -
Selfless work is yoga. Work is atma-puja (worship of the self). There is no loss in service. Work is transmuted into jnana (wisdom). See the Bhagavad Gita, Chapter IV, Verse 33. "Sarva karmakhalam partha jnane pari samapyate - All actions, in their entirety, O Partha, culminate in wisdom."
Service of the sick is service of the Lord. There is no yoga greater than relieving human suffering. If you serve a sick man for half an hour, it is tantamount to meditating for three hours, or doing japa of Om 21,600 times. Do not think that in service there is loss.
Karma yoga is only a means to an end. It removes the impurities of the mind. As soon as purification is effected, you will have to take refuge in vedanta, the path of jnana (self-knowledge).
