4-16-15 -- Life

The shift to the heart lays to rest the ego mind, assuring it of our tender inclusiveness that we wrap it, you and I together, in a perfect cocoon of Love and acceptance and invite it to join you in your surrender to an exciting expansion of Love’s possibility, that as you did recently, you may invite it to be for you the bridge to relate to others, but in a pure way that becomes the mediator, where God meets God in myriad expressions of creativity.
For what is the human life but a phenomenal “creation” that says of all of precious humanity – what an amazing creative experience you shared that is now ready to surrender to a higher vibration, and to do it effortlessly. There is no need to transform everything, to look back on old patterns and name them differently. If you accept the Light and become the Love, then anything of a lower vibration is simply lifted into the circle of our communion and brought into the heart’s reality.
You of yourself cannot do it, not of the human self that so desperately wants its freedom. The freedom you claim must be greater than this. It must be freedom of God that cuts through everything and changes the way that you live. Of yourself you cannot do it. Not you from where you live as a personality. But oh, your heart is totally Mine. Let it now become your experience of life and truly anything then is possible. Each moment is ours to name something new and perfect.

Service without attitude, love without reason, knowledge without intellect, life beyond time and events is what you are.

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Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
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* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5256 Life Is a Flowing River, April 16, 2015

God said:

Sometimes life is like riding a wave. You are a surfer in life. You choose, yet it is not all your choice. You choose to plunge into the Ocean Deep, yet how big is a particular wave and how you ride is something you find out. Sometimes you ride a perfect wave, and sometimes you swallow water.

You might say that there is a foregone conclusion, and yet the conclusion is not a sure thing to you nor is it necessarily the conclusion you desire. From your perception, life is definitely not a sure thing. Where you will end up, nobody knows.

Yet in life, you don’t end up. There is no end to life, and there is no end to your life. Get in the habit of thinking that life is ever anew. You are ever anew. You are ever a pioneer. You are ever going down a path without knowing where you are or where the path leads. Perhaps this spells danger to you. What? Is safety the only desired aspect of life?

Life is a flowing river. When you set out, you don’t know the course or where it will take you. Inevitably, the river will take you to Me. This We know. How long paddling down the river will take, whether there are rapids or byways, you can only find out as you go along. There is no inevitable course or what you might call a safe course. Moving isn’t 100% safe. Staying still isn’t 100% safe either. You can take a-hold of your life, yet you can’t steer all of it in the direction you want. Life in the world is about not knowing. Life is not altogether in your command.

Life in the world is open-ended. There is no knowing what is behind each door. There is no certainty, yet you seem to keep hanging on to the idea of certainty as if what you wish for must be what you get. This way, you object to life as if it is under your control. Life is something that has to be taken as it comes. Once something has not happened, it hasn’t happened. Once something has happened, it has happened. What is there to discuss?

Beloveds, you can’t hit life over the head. It’s not your place to scold life. If it rains, it rains. No one is the Emperor of the World. No one. Even if someone carries the title and wears a crown, he has to accept life as it is. No matter what privileges an emperor may have, life will hold surprises for him as well as for you. Everyone will have nice surprises, big or little, and disappointments as well.

Everybody’s body will die. Nothing will stay the same, not for long. There is no court in the land where you can argue your case and have life changed retroactively.

What can change and what must change, are your opinions and ideas. There is a vast field, and you are to expand. You can change yourself, yes, you can. I will venture to say that you must. Go along with change. You will see your growth. You will catch up with yourself. You will get new bearings. You will progress. You will sing a new tune. You will beat a different drum. You will reach higher. You will have new dreams and desires. You will come closer to My dreams and desires for you. You will open wide the floodgates, and love will come rushing in and astound you. You will astound yourself. You will fly high. You will enter Vastness in your awareness. You will see beyond the limits of the world.

You were always unlimited. You are just finding out Who you are. You were always the Sun rising. Now you are at High Noon. You are a Sun that keeps rising and never sets. You are at the Peak of Life right now, as it is.

Here is the vista spread out before you. Look.


Michigan, US of A, April 5, 2015.
Teacher: Christ Michael.
Subject: “Through the Eyes of Love.”

Message received by Chris Maurus.

Christ Michael:
“Good morning my children, this is Christ Michael.

“Through the eyes of love can all things be seen as anew and all hearts healed. It is my desire for you, my child, to see the world through these eyes — my eyes, and know that peace can be a reality for you, for the Father and I are One, and we feel your pain, your disappointments, and broken hearts. Come to me and into my open arms — I will heal your heart and show you the love that I see through a Father’s eyes. I love you with a Father’s love — a higher love — a love that is deeper than any ocean, and a love that forgives all and holds no record of your weaknesses.

“Climb up into my lap and speak to me of the greatest moments of your life — remember now, and let us celebrate your victories together. As you fill yourself with the joy of this remembrance, think also about those loved ones who shared in your joy and feel again the love of that moment. It is in remembrance of love that we can see again through the eyes of love. Think now about all the people of the earth — those you have never met — those on opposite sides of this world who also share in these same remembrances of love moments, for they are not unlike you. All have hearts that feel and all desire to experience love again, for love is the condition for which the soul expands and lives for the morrow.

“There are two emotions that bring tears to the eyes — joy and pain. In my embrace, child — in this state of love — the Father’s love—the love and peace that surpasses all understanding, show me now the pain of your suffering. Let it all out — all your disappointments, your failures, your fears, your injuries, and give to me your broken heart. Weep away, my child, and empty yourself of all your pain — watch it roll down your cheeks and splash onto the floor. Now, look into my face — into my eyes, what do you see? In my eyes you see eternity — you see divine love, forgiveness, mercy, healing, joy, hope, and victory over death. Live, my child! See through the eyes of love and live with all your heart!

“All will be healed — all will be made right in time and eternity, and you will all see the truth, beauty, and goodness of the Father’s Great Plan as you move from this world to the next, but I ask you, my children: Can you see through the eyes of love in this world and bring that truth, beauty, and goodness of the Father’s love through you? Why suffer through this world in hope of greater things in the next when it can be so now in this world — if only you would see through the eyes of love?

“I ask you, my child, if only for today, to see through the eyes of love and experience a moment of love with someone where you look beyond their imperfections and let your love flow from the heart without expectations or a return — just open up the valve of your heart and let pour out. Feel what it is like in this glorious moment and then secure the memory of this moment in your soul. This is the well from which you will draw in those moments when you see no light in this world. Know that when you look back and see again through the eyes of love, that you are the light of the world that fills in the dark places. You are the children of Light and through the eyes of love can you truly become god-like and ascend the heavens. Call on me and I will help you see through my eyes — the eyes of love.

“My peace I leave upon you…”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius.


Sivananda Daily Reading

17 April

Posted: 16 Apr 2015 01:47 AM PDT

Freedom in Action
Actions which are of a binding nature lose that nature when you do them with equanimity or evenness of mind through the help of pure reason, which has lost all attachment to sensual objects and which is resting in the self. You will have to cultivate and develop this pure reason and equanimity of mind.
God has given this marvellous machine to man for service of humanity and thereby attaining an immortal life. If he uses this body for satisfaction of petty desires and selfish ends, he becomes an object of pity and condemnation. He is caught up in the wheel of birth and death. Rest the mind in the Self or God when you perform any action. He who has developed pure poised reason and who is resting in the Self, is quite aware that all actions are done by the Divine Actor within (antaryamin). He is perfectly conscious that God really operates in this body-machine and moves this machine.
This yogi of equanimity or evenness of mind now understands fully the fundamental principles that govern all bodily actions. He performs all actions for God's sake in fulfilment of his purpose without desire for fruit and eventually attains the everlasting peace.
Merit and demerit (punya and papa) do not affect the karma yogi who has evenness or equanimity of mind, for he exults not over the good fruit of the one nor worries over the bad fruit of the other. He has equanimity of mind in success and failure. His mind is always resting in God all the while. Works which are of a binding nature lose that character when performed with a balanced mind. The karma yogi has no attachment to sensual objects. He has purified his mind by constant selfless service. He has given up all idea of agency. He treats the body as an instrument of God, given to him for the fulfilment of his purpose. He attributes all activities to the Divine Actor within. He who is established in the yoga of equanimity becomes an expert in the science of karma yoga.
